60 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Secondary Symbiont of Tsetse Flies, Sodalis glossinidius, in Sleeping Sickness Foci in Cameroon

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    Human African trypanosomiasis remains a threat to the poorest people in Africa. The trypanosomes causing the disease are transmitted by tsetse flies. The drugs currently used are unsatisfactory: some are toxic and all are difficult to administer. Furthermore, drug resistance is increasing. Therefore, investigations for novel disease control strategies are urgently needed. Previous analyses showed the association between the presence of Glossina symbiont, Sodalis glossinidius, and the fly infection by trypanosomes in a south-western region in Cameroon: flies harbouring symbionts had a threefold higher probability of being infected by trypanosomes than flies devoid of symbionts. But the study also showed substantial differences in S. glossinidius and trypanosome infection rates between Glossina populations from two Cameroonian foci of sleeping sickness. We hypothesized that the geographical isolation of the two foci may have induced the independent evolution of each one, leading to the diversification of symbiont genotypes. Microsatellite markers were used and showed that genetic diversity structuring of S. glossinidius varies at different geographical scales with a low but significant differentiation between the Campo and Bipindi HAT foci. This encourages further work on interactions between S. glossinidius subpopulations and Glossina species that could favor tsetse fly infections by a given trypanosome species

    Genetic Structure of the Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictus, in Cameroon (Central Africa)

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    Background: Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1884) (Diptera: Culicidae), a mosquito native to Asia, has recently invaded all five continents. In Central Africa it was first reported in the early 2000s, and has since been implicated in the emergence of arboviruses such as dengue and chikungunya in this region. Recent genetic studies of invasive species have shown that multiple introductions are a key factor for successful expansion in new areas. As a result, phenotypic characters such as vector competence and insecticide susceptibility may vary within invasive pest species, potentially affecting vector efficiency and pest management. Here we assessed the genetic variability and population genetics of Ae. albopictus isolates in Cameroon (Central Africa), thereby deducing their likely geographic origin. Methods and Results: Mosquitoes were sampled in 2007 in 12 localities in southern Cameroon and analyzed for polymorphism at six microsatellite loci and in two mitochondrial DNA regions (ND5 and COI). All the microsatellite markers were successfully amplified and were polymorphic, showing moderate genetic structureamong geographic populations (F-ST = 0.068, P<0.0001). Analysis of mtDNA sequences revealed four haplotypes each for the COI and ND5 genes, with a dominant haplotype shared by all Cameroonian samples. The weak genetic variation estimated from the mtDNA genes is consistent with the recent arrival of Ae. albopictus in Cameroon. Phylogeographic analysis based on COI polymorphism indicated that Ae. albopictus populations from Cameroon are related to tropical rather than temperate or subtropical outgroups. Conclusion: The moderate genetic diversity observed among Cameroonian Ae. albopictus isolates is in keeping with recent introduction and spread in this country. The genetic structure of natural populations points to multiple introductions from tropical regions

    Bacteriome Diversity of Blackflies&rsquo; Gut and Association with Onchocerca volvulus, the Causative Agent of Onchocerciasis in Mbam Valley (Center Region, Cameroon)

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    Vector control using larvicides is the main alternative strategy to address limits of preventive chemotherapy using ivermectin for the control of onchocerciasis. However, it remains substantially limited by implementation difficulties, ecological concerns and the resistance of vector populations. Therefore, efficient and environmentally safe alternative control strategies are still needed. This study explores the composition of the blackfly bacteriome and its variability in the presence of Onchocerca volvulus infection, in order to determine their potential as a novel vector control-based approach to fight onchocerciasis. An entomological survey of a collection of samples was performed in the Bafia health district, a historical endemic focus for onchocerciasis in Cameroon. A total of 1270 blackflies were dissected and the infection rate was 10.1%, indicative of ongoing transmission of onchocerciasis in the surveyed communities. Sequencing process of blackflies&rsquo; gut DNA for bacteria screening revealed 14 phyla and 123 genera, highlighting the diversity of gut blackflies bacterial communities. Eight bacteria formed the core of blackfly bacteriome and Wolbachia was the predominant genus with 73.4% of relative abundance of blackflies&rsquo; gut bacterial communities. Acidomonas and Roseanomas genera were significantly abundant among infected blackflies (p = 0.01), whereas other genera such as Brevibacterium and Fructobacillus were associated with the absence of infection (p = 0.0009). Differences in gut bacterial distribution of blackflies according to their infection status by the parasite suggest a causal relationship between the bacteriome composition and the onset of blackflies&rsquo; infection by O. volvulus or vice versa. Blackfly native bacteria are then potentially involved in infection by O. volvulus, either by facilitating or preventing the parasite infestation of the vector. These bacteria represent an interesting potential as a biological tool/target for a novel approach of vector control to fight onchocerciasis

    Trends in black fly density, parity and infection rates from riverside to villages of the Bafia Health District in Cameroon: implication for onchocerciasis vector control

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    Abstract Background Reducing contact between humans and black flies can lead to interruption of onchocerciasis transmission. The Esperanza Window Trap (EWT) has been shown to be an effective tool for reducing black fly densities. Several shape-based improvements to this trapping system have been made to optimise its effectiveness, but optimisation of this trapping system has been based most often on the shape of the trap, collection in areas of high black fly density and the addition of attractants, without considering transmission potentials and parity rates. This study aims to investigate the differences in biting rates and transmission potential between three catch points along a transect to guide the choice of EWT placement. Methods Monthly black fly collection was carried out over a 1-year study period using the human landing method at three catch points along a transect from the riverside toward the centre of two first-line villages (Biatsota and Bayomen), in the Mbam valley in Cameroon. All female black flies caught were counted and dissected, and entomological indicators were computed and compared between the catch points and villages. Results A total of 80,732 black flies were caught, of which 57,517 were dissected; of the latter, 2743 (4.8%) were parous and 44 (1.6%) were infective. Regarding the distance to the river, a vector density gradient was observed, with the highest annual biting rates being recorded at the riverside. The highest annual transmission potentials were also recorded at the riverside (165 vs 255 infective larvae/man/year in Bayomen and Biatsota, respectively). Overall, the highest parity rates were recorded at the riverside in Biatsota (5.1%) where various human activities are frequent and at the centre of Bayomen village (6.3%). Conclusion The results of this study reveal that entomological parameters were the highest at the riverside catch sites and indicate that riverside locations should be prioritised for EWTs or other trapping systems to achieve optimal performance in onchocerciasis control. Graphical abstrac

    Dynamics of <em>Onchocerca volvulus</em> Microfilarial Densities after Ivermectin Treatment in an Ivermectin-naïve and a Multiply Treated Population from Cameroon

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    <div><p>Background/Objective</p><p>Ivermectin has been the keystone of onchocerciasis control for the last 25 years. Sub-optimal responses to the drug have been reported in Ghanaian communities under long-term treatment. We assessed, in two Cameroonian foci, whether the microfilaricidal and/or embryostatic effects of ivermectin on <i>Onchocerca volvulus</i> have been altered after several years of drug pressure.</p> <p>Methods</p><p>We compared the dynamics of <i>O. volvulus</i> skin microfilarial densities after ivermectin treatment in two cohorts with contrasting exposure to this drug: one received repeated treatment for 13 years whereas the other had no history of large-scale treatments (referred to as controls). Microfilarial densities were assessed 15, 80 and 180 days after ivermectin in 122 multiply treated and 127 ivermectin-naïve individuals. Comparisons were adjusted for individual factors related to microfilarial density: age and number of nodules.</p> <p>Findings</p><p>Two weeks post ivermectin, microfilarial density dropped equally (98% reduction) in the ivermectin-naïve and multiply treated groups. Between 15 and 180 days post ivermectin, the proportion of individuals with skin microfilariae doubled (from 30.8% to 67.8%) in controls and quadrupled (from 19.8% to 76.9%) in multiply treated individuals but the mean densities remained low in both sites. In fact, between 15 and 80 days, the repopulation rate was significantly higher in the multiply treated individuals than in the controls but no such difference was demonstrated when extending the follow-up to 180 days. The repopulation rate by microfilariae was associated with host factors: negatively with age and positively with the number of nodules.</p> <p>Conclusion</p><p>These observations may indicate that the worms from the multi-treated area recover mf productivity earlier but would be less productive than the worms from the ivermectin-naïve area between 80 and 180 days after ivermectin. Moreover, they do not support the operation of a strong cumulative effect of repeated treatments on the fecundity of female worms as previously described.</p> </div