326 research outputs found

    Learning to Attend, Copy, and Generate for Session-Based Query Suggestion

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    Users try to articulate their complex information needs during search sessions by reformulating their queries. To make this process more effective, search engines provide related queries to help users in specifying the information need in their search process. In this paper, we propose a customized sequence-to-sequence model for session-based query suggestion. In our model, we employ a query-aware attention mechanism to capture the structure of the session context. is enables us to control the scope of the session from which we infer the suggested next query, which helps not only handle the noisy data but also automatically detect session boundaries. Furthermore, we observe that, based on the user query reformulation behavior, within a single session a large portion of query terms is retained from the previously submitted queries and consists of mostly infrequent or unseen terms that are usually not included in the vocabulary. We therefore empower the decoder of our model to access the source words from the session context during decoding by incorporating a copy mechanism. Moreover, we propose evaluation metrics to assess the quality of the generative models for query suggestion. We conduct an extensive set of experiments and analysis. e results suggest that our model outperforms the baselines both in terms of the generating queries and scoring candidate queries for the task of query suggestion.Comment: Accepted to be published at The 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2017

    Rôle du récepteur aux cannabinoïdes CB2 sur la synaptogenèse

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    Lors de cette étude, nous avons d’abord localisé les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 sur les structures neuronales. Nous avons montré que les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 sont présents sur les dendrites et les axones et les filopodes. Dans le même ordre d’idée, nous avons localisé le récepteur DCC sur les structures neuronales. Celui-ci est aussi présent sur les dendrites, les axones et les filopodes. Ces résultats suggèrent que le récepteur DCC serait impliqué non seulement dans le processus de synaptogenèse médié par le récepteur CB1, comme cela a été montré dans le laboratoire du professeur Bouchard, mais aussi dans celui, éventuellement, médié par le récepteur CB2. Nous avons ensuite évalué l’effet des ligands du récepteur CB2. Nous n’avons détecté aucun effet clair des agonistes inverses (AM630 et JTE907) et des agonistes (JWH015 et JWH133) quant à la médiation du processus de synaptogenèse en terme de variation de la densité des filopodes et des points de contacts synaptiques. Nous avons obtenu des résultats variables. Ceux-ci furent non reproductibles. Nous avons obtenu des résultats différents des résultats originaux lorsque nous avons requantifié visuellement les mêmes photos à deux reprises Nous avons développé une méthode informatisée de quantification qui nous a permis d’obtenir des résultats reproductibles. Cependant, nous n’avons toujours pas détecté d’effets sur la synaptogenèse médiés par le récepteur CB2. Ces résultats préliminaires ne nous permettent ni d’infirmer, ni de confirmer d’éventuels effets sur la synaptogenèse médiés par le récepteur CB2. Une étude exhaustive serait nécessaire pour le déterminer.During this study we first localised the receptors CB1 and CB2 on neuronal structures. We have shown that those receptors expressed on dendrites and filopodia. Likewise and based on Bouchard’s previous laboratory results showing an implication of the netrin-1 receptor, Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), on the synaptogenesis process mediated by the receptor CB1 we localized the receptor DCC on neuronal structures. We have shown that the receptor DCC is expressed on dendrites, axons and filopodia. These results suggest an implication of the receptor DDC in a synaptogenesis process that would be mediated by the receptor CB2. We then evaluated the effects triggered by the receptor CB2’s ligands on the synaptogenesis process. We found no evidences of any effects on synaptogenesis mediated by the receptor CB2 inverse agonists (AM630 and JTE907) and agonists (JWH015 and JWH133) in term of filopodia density and synaptic contacts density variations. We witnessed highly variable results that were irreproducible. Visual quantifications of filopodia and synaptic contacts density were variable as we quantified two times the same set of photos. We have therefore developed a computer based quantification method by which we were able to obtained reproducible results. Nevertheless we found no evidence of any implication of the receptor CB2 on the synaptogenesis process. These preliminary results do not allow us neither to rule out nor to confirm eventual CB2 receptor effects on synaptogenesis. An exhaustive study is required to access possible CB2 receptors effect on synaptogenesis

    Conception d'une alimentation à haut rendement et à facteur de puissance unitaire basée sur la topologie flyback

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    Ce document présente la conception et les résultats pratiques de la topologie choisie pour la réalisation d'un convertisseur CA-CC monophasé, à haut rendement et à facteur de puissance unitaire. Une des particularités de ce convertisseur est que la tension d'entrée varie sur une large plage (208V--480V CA). La tension régulée de sortie est de 320 V CC, pour une puissance de 1000W. Dès le début de la conception, le mot d'ordre était de produire un convertisseur le plus simple et économique possible, tout en recherchant une efficacité de plus de 90%. La topologie retenue est celle d'un flyback à deux interrupteurs, suivi d'un post - régulateur "Buck" à deux entrées. La démarche présentée ici comprend une recherche bibliographique, une analyse de la topologie choisie permettant d'évaluer la faisabilité et le dimensionnement des composants, la simulation de certaines portions du circuit avec Spice, les détails de conception ainsi que les résultats pratiques obtenus sur le prototype. Les résultats expérimentaux sont présentés et discutés. L'efficacité totale atteint près de 90% pour la tension de réseau minimale (208V rms). Le taux de distorsion harmonique du courant est de 4%, pour un taux de distorsion harmonique de la tension de réseau de 2%. Le facteur de puissance est quasi-unitaire pour toute puissance de plus de 25% de la puissance nominale, pour la tension d'entrée minimale. La topologie utilisée est simple, et le circuit de commande et les circuits auxiliaires utilisent des composants courants et peu dispendieux

    Alethe: Towards a Generic SMT Proof Format (extended abstract)

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    The first iteration of the proof format used by the SMT solver veriT was presented ten years ago at the first PxTP workshop. Since then the format has matured. veriT proofs are used within multiple applications, and other solvers generate proofs in the same format. We would now like to gather feedback from the community to guide future developments. Towards this, we review the history of the format, present our pragmatic approach to develop the format, and also discuss problems that might arise when other solvers use the format.Comment: In Proceedings PxTP 2021, arXiv:2107.0154

    Efficacy of Two Cleaning Solutions for the Decontamination of 10 Antineoplastic Agents in the Biosafety Cabinets of a Hospital Pharmacy

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate two cleaning solutions for the chemical decontamination of antineoplastic agents on the surfaces of two biosafety cabinets routinely used for chemotherapy preparation in a hospital pharmacy. Methods: For almost 1 year (49 weeks), two different solutions were used for the weekly cleaning of two biosafety cabinets in a hospital pharmacy's centralized cytotoxic preparation unit. The solutions evaluated were a commercial solution of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and water (70:30, vol:vol), and a detergent solution constituted by 10-2M of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with 20% IPA. Seven areas in each biosafety cabinet were wiped 14 times throughout the year, before and after the weekly cleaning process, according to a validated procedure. Samples were analyzed using a validated method of high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The decontamination efficacy of these two solutions was tested for 10 antineoplastic agents: cytarabine, gemcitabine, methotrexate, etoposide phosphate, irinotecan, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, doxorubicin, epirubicin, and vincristine. Results: Overall decontamination efficacies observed were 82±6% and 49±11% for SDS solution and IPA, respectively. Higher contamination levels were distributed on areas frequently touched by the pharmacy technicians—such as sleeves and airlock handles—than on scale plates, gravimetric control hardware, and work benches. Detected contaminations of cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, gemcitabine, and cytarabine were higher than those of the others agents. SDS solution was almost 20% more efficient than IPA on eight of the antineoplastic agents. Conclusion: Both cleaning solutions were able to reduce contamination levels in the biosafety cabinets. The efficacy of the solution containing an anionic detergent agent (SDS) was shown to be generally higher than that of IPA and, after the SDS cleaning procedure, biosafety cabinets demonstrated acceptable contamination level

    Passive microrheology as a useful tool for milk gel analyses

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    Passive microrheology based on Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS) [1,2] is presented as a straightforward tool for the analysis of milk gel preparation. Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy consists of analysing the interferential images of light, which is backscattered by the sample. This so called speckles images, which are detected by a CCD camera, change in time due to the Brownian motion of the particles that scatter the light. The variation of the images as a function of time can be directly correlated to the viscoelastic properties of the sample. As it is an optical method, it is perfectly adapted to study the weak gels of milk products. Nowadays, milk gels such as yogurts or chees have attracted lots of interest due to its growing market. The milk properties, such as pH, calcium content and protein content are very important and change significantly the cheese properties. This work shows how passive microrheology can be used to follow up the milk gel formation with exact gel time determination. Gel time was determined by a new rescaling method, namely Time-Cure Superposition (TCS) [3,4]. This data processing determines the gel point according to the Winter-Chambon criterion [5]. Moreover, the viscoelastic properties of the preparation can be compared according to parameters, such as the protein enrichment, calcium ion addition or others. Results were compared to other instruments (texturometers, rheometer, Optigraph®, etc.). References: [1] D. A. Weitz et al., in Dynamic Light Scattering, W. Brown (Ed.) (Oxford Univ. Press, New York (1993), Chap. 16. [2] D. J. Pine et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 1988, 60, 1434. [3] T. H. Larsen, E. M. Furst, Phys. Rev. Letters, 2008, 100, 14600 [4] K. M. Schultz, E. M. Furst, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 6198 [5] H. H. Winter, F. Chambon, J. Rheology 1986, 30, 364-38

    Better SMT Proofs for Easier Reconstruction

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    International audienceProof assistants are used in verification, formal mathematics, and other areas to provide trustworthy , machine-checkable formal proofs of theorems. Proof automation reduces the burden of proof on users, thereby allowing them to focus on the core of their arguments. A successful approach to automation is to invoke an external automatic theorem prover, such as a satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solver, reconstructing any generated proofs using the proof assistant's inference kernel. The success rate of reconstruction, and hence the usefulness of this approach, depends on the quality of the generated proofs. We report on the experience gained by working on reconstruction of proofs generated by an SMT solver while also improving the solver's output

    Evaluation of Decontamination Efficacy of Cleaning Solutions on Stainless Steel and Glass Surfaces Contaminated by 10 Antineoplastic Agents

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    Objectives: The handling of antineoplastic agents results in chronic surface contamination that must be minimized and eliminated. This study was designed to assess the potential of several chemical solutions to decontaminate two types of work surfaces that were intentionally contaminated with antineoplastic drugs. Methods: A range of solutions with variable physicochemical properties such as their hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance, oxidizing power, desorption, and solubilization were tested: ultrapure water, isopropyl alcohol, acetone, sodium hypochlorite, and surfactants such as dishwashing liquid (DWL), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Tween 40, and Span 80. These solutions were tested on 10 antineoplastic drugs: cytarabine, gemcitabine, methotrexate, etoposide phosphate, irinotecan, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, doxorubicin, epirubicin, and vincristine. To simulate contaminated surfaces, these molecules (200ng) were deliberately spread onto two types of work surfaces: stainless steel and glass. Recovered by wiping with a specific aqueous solvent (acetonitrile/HCOOH; 20/0.1%) and an absorbent wipe (Whatman 903®), the residual contamination was quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to mass spectrometry. To compare all tested cleaning solutions, a performance value of effectiveness was determined from contamination residues of the 10 drugs. Results: Sodium hypochlorite showed the highest overall effectiveness with 98% contamination removed. Ultrapure water, isopropyl alcohol/water, and acetone were less effective with effectiveness values of 76.8, 80.7, and 40.4%, respectively. Ultrapure water was effective on most hydrophilic molecules (97.1% for cytarabine), while on the other hand, isopropyl alcohol/water (70/30, vol/vol) was effective on the least hydrophilic ones (85.2% for doxorubicin and 87.8% for epirubicin). Acetone had little effect, whatever the type of molecule. Among products containing surfactants, DWL was found effective (91.5%), but its formulation was unknown. Formulations with single surfactant non-ionics (tween 40 and span 80) or anionic (SDS) were also tested. Finally, solutions containing 10-2 M anionic surfactants and 20% isopropyl alcohol had the highest global effectiveness at around 90%. More precisely, their efficacy was the highest (94.8%) for the most hydrophilic compounds such as cytarabine and around 80.0% for anthracyclines. Finally, the addition of isopropyl alcohol to surfactant solutions enhanced their decontamination efficiency on the least hydrophilic molecules. Measured values from the stainless steel surface were similar to those from the glass one. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that all decontamination agents reduce antineoplastic contamination on work surfaces, but none removes it totally. Although very effective, sodium hypochlorite cannot be used routinely on stainless steel surfaces. Solutions containing anionic surfactant such as SDS, with a high efficiency/safety ratio, proved most promising in terms of surface decontaminatio
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