51 research outputs found

    Rechtstreeks verwijzen door de jeugdarts bij verdenking op heupdysplasie: het perspectief van ouders

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    Doel: Rechtstreeks verwijzen door de jeugdarts naar de tweede lijn lijkt zinvol bij verdenking op heupdysplasie. Screening op heupdysplasie vindt plaats door lichamelijk onderzoek en de identificatie van risicofactoren. Echografische screening blijkt medisch en economisch gezien te leiden tot betere uitkomsten. Als onderdeel van een studie naar de haalbaarheid van implementatie van echografische screening in Nederland is onderzocht hoe ouders het verwijstraject beoordelen afhankelijk van de manier waarop zij naar de orthopaedisch chirurg zijn verwezen - rechtstreeks of via de huisarts - bij verdenking op heupdysplasie. Methode: Een vragenlijst is ontwikkeld om de ervaring van ouders die verwezen zijn te meten. In totaal is de vragenlijst gestuurd naar 355 ouders van kinderen die verwezen zijn tussen januari 2008 en november 2008. Resultaten: De respons op de vragenlijst was 46,5%. Ouders waren meer tevreden wanneer zij door de jeugdarts rechtstreeks waren verwezen dan wanneer dat via de huisarts plaatsvond. De tijd tussen de verwijzing en de eerste afspraak bij de orthopaedisch chirurg was korter als kinderen rechtstreeks werden verwezen. Tot slot waren ouders meer tevreden als zij het verwijstraject als niet stressvol ervoeren en als het traject soepel verliep. Conclusie: Gebaseerd op de perceptie van ouders, geeft dit onderzoek een eerste indicatie dat, met inachtneming van een aantal belangrijke randvoorwaarden, rechtstreeks verwijzen in het geval van heupdysplasie wenselijk is

    Successful implementation of new technologies in nursing care: a questionnaire survey of nurse-users

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A growing number of new technologies are becoming available within nursing care that can improve the quality of care, reduce costs, or enhance working conditions. However, such effects can only be achieved if technologies are used as intended. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of determinants influencing the success of the introduction of new technologies as perceived by nursing staff.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study population is a nationally representative research sample of nursing staff (further referred to as the Nursing Staff Panel), of whom 685 (67%) completed a survey questionnaire about their experiences with recently introduced technologies. Participants were working in Dutch hospitals, psychiatric organizations, care organizations for mentally disabled people, home care organizations, nursing homes or homes for the elderly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Half of the respondents were confronted with the introduction of a new technology in the last three years. Only half of these rated the introduction of the technology as positive.</p> <p>The factors most frequently mentioned as impeding actual use were related to the (kind of) technology itself, such as malfunctioning, ease of use, relevance for patients, and risks to patients. Furthermore nursing staff stress the importance of an adequate innovation strategy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A prerequisite for the successful introduction of new technologies is to analyse determinants that may impede or enhance the introduction among potential users. For technological innovations special attention has to be paid to the (perceived) characteristics of the technology itself.</p

    Number and type of guideline implementation tools varies by guideline, clinical condition, country of origin, and type of developer organization : Content analysis of guidelines

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    Guideline implementation tools (GI tools) can improve clinician behavior and patient outcomes. Analyses of guidelines published before 2010 found that many did not offer GI tools. Since 2010 standards, frameworks and instructions for GI tools have emerged. This study analyzed the number and types of GI tools offered by guidelines published in 2010 or later. Content analysis and a published GI tool framework were used to categorize GI tools by condition, country, and type of organization. English-language guidelines on arthritis, asthma, colorectal cancer, depression, diabetes, heart failure, and stroke management were identified in the National Guideline Clearinghouse. Screening and data extraction were in triplicate. Findings were reported with summary statistics. Eighty-five (67.5%) of 126 eligible guidelines published between 2010 and 2017 offered one or more of a total of 464 GI tools. The mean number of GI tools per guideline was 5.5 (median 4.0, range 1 to 28) and increased over time. The majority of GI tools were for clinicians (239, 51.5%), few were for patients (113, 24.4%), and fewer still were to support implementation (66, 14.3%) or evaluation (46, 9.9%). Most clinician GI tools were guideline summaries (116, 48.5%), and most patient GI tools were condition-specific information (92, 81.4%). Government agencies (patient 23.5%, clinician 28.9%, implementation 24.1%, evaluation 23.5%) and developers in the UK (patient 18.5%, clinician 25.2%, implementation 27.2%, evaluation 29.1%) were more likely to generate guidelines that offered all four types of GI tools. Professional societies were more likely to generate guidelines that included clinician GI tools. Many guidelines do not include any GI tools, or a variety of GI tools for different stakeholders that may be more likely to prompt guideline uptake (point-of-care forms or checklists for clinicians, decision-making or self-management tools for patients, implementation and evaluation tools for managers and policy-makers). While this may vary by country and type of organization, and suggests that developers could improve the range of GI tools they develop, further research is needed to identify determinants and potential solutions. Research is also needed to examine the cost-effectiveness of various types of GI tools so that developers know where to direct their efforts and scarce resources

    Implementation of the external cephalic version in breech delivery. Dutch national implementation study of external cephalic version

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breech presentation occurs in 3 to 4% of all term pregnancies. External cephalic version (ECV) is proven effective to prevent vaginal breech deliveries and therefore it is recommended by clinical guidelines of the Royal Dutch Organisation for Midwives (KNOV) and the Dutch Society for Obstetrics and Gynaecology (NVOG). Implementation of ECV does not exceed 50 to 60% and probably less.</p> <p>We aim to improve the implementation of ECV to decrease maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality due to breech presentations. This will be done by defining barriers and facilitators of implementation of ECV in the Netherlands. An innovative implementation strategy will be developed based on improved patient counselling and thorough instructions of health care providers for counselling.</p> <p>Method/design</p> <p>The ultimate purpose of this implementation study is to improve counselling of pregnant women and information of clinicians to realize a better implementation of ECV.</p> <p>The first phase of the project is to detect the barriers and facilitators of ECV. The next step is to develop an implementation strategy to inform and counsel pregnant women with a breech presentation, and to inform and educate care providers. In the third phase, the effectiveness of the developed implementation strategy will be evaluated in a randomised trial. The study population is a random selection of midwives and gynaecologists from 60 to 100 hospitals and practices. Primary endpoints are number of counselled women. Secondary endpoints are process indicators, the amount of fetes in cephalic presentation at birth, complications due to ECV, the number of caesarean sections and perinatal condition of mother and child. Cost effectiveness of the implementation strategy will be measured.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will provide evidence for the cost effectiveness of a structural implementation of external cephalic versions to reduce the number of breech presentations at term.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Dutch Trial Register (NTR): 1878</p

    Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) is found effective in treating common mental disorders. However, the use of these interventions in routine care is limited. The international ImpleMentAll study is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme. It is concerned with studying and improving methods for implementing evidence-based iCBT services for common mental disorders in routine mental health care. A digitally accessible implementation toolkit (ItFits-toolkit) will be introduced to mental health care organizations with the aim to facilitate the ongoing implementation of iCBT services within local contexts. This study investigates the effectiveness of the ItFits-toolkit by comparing it to implementation-as-usual activities. METHODS: A stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial (SWT) design will be applied. Over a trial period of 30 months, the ItFits-toolkit will be introduced sequentially in twelve routine mental health care organizations in primary and specialist care across nine countries in Europe and Australia. Repeated measures are applied to assess change over time in the outcome variables. The effectiveness of the ItFits-toolkit will be assessed in terms of the degree of normalization of the use of the iCBT services. Several exploratory outcomes including uptake of the iCBT services will be measured to feed the interpretation of the primary outcome. Data will be collected via a centralized data collection system and analysed using generalized linear mixed modelling. A qualitative process evaluation of routine implementation activities and the use of the ItFits-toolkit will be conducted within this study. DISCUSSION: The ImpleMentAll study is a large-scale international research project designed to study the effectiveness of tailored implementation. Using a SWT design that allows to examine change over time, this study will investigate the effect of tailored implementation on the normalization of the use of iCBT services and their uptake. It will provide a better understanding of the process and methods of tailoring implementation strategies. If found effective, the ItFits-toolkit will be made accessible for mental health care service providers, to help them overcome their context-specific implementation challenges. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03652883 . Retrospectively registered on 29 August 2018

    Examining the Evidence Determinants of innovation within health care organizations Literature review and Delphi study

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    A series presenting Wndings from a systematic search of the literature on a speciWc topic and offering quantitative or qualitative analysis of these Wndings. Abstract Purpose. When introducing innovations to health care, it is important to gain insight into determinants that may facilitate or impede the introduction, in order to design an appropriate strategy for introducing the innovation. To obtain an overview of determinants of innovations in health care organizations, we carried out a literature review and a Delphi study. The Delphi study was intended to achieve consensus among a group of implementation experts on determinants identiWed from the literature review. Data sources. We searched 11 databases for articles published between 1990 and 2000. The keywords varied according to the speciWc database. We also searched for free text. Forty-four implementation experts (implementation researchers, programme managers, and implementation consultants/advisors) participated in the Delphi study

    The quality of the discharge planning process:The effect of a liaison nurse

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    A project employing a liaison nurse has been started in the Dutch Zaandam region. The liaison project will focus on the experience of problems in preparing for hospital discharge and on continuity between hospital and home care. This article discusses the effect of the liaison nurse on the quality of the discharge planning process. The investigation included a pre- test and a main test for which data were collected using questionnaires. These were sent to patients who had received after-care on being discharged from hospital. To measure the quality of the discharge process and after- care continuity, use was made of explicit quality criteria, targeting discharge planning. The results show that discharge planning in hospitals has improved. No significant improvement was detected with respect to continuity of care. It may be concluded that the discharge process requires more attention. The quality criteria used here could function as points of departure

    Praktijk Checklist determinanten van innovaties in gezondheidszorgorganisaties

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    In 2006 we published an article on 50 determinants of innovations in health care organizations. A brief description of all determinants and their influence was given. Implementation researchers and implementation consultants or advisors have asked us repeatedly to publish a full description of the determinants. The full description of the determinants and an indication of the influence of both extremes of a determinant (e.g. low vs high staff turnover) on the innovation process are given in this article