227 research outputs found

    Les significations accordées aux événements et aux aléas d’une carrière sportive : des sources du développement de l’expertise

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    La détection, la sélection, l’orientation des sportifs de haut niveau font l’objet de nombreuses publications dans les revues spécialisées. Le plus souvent, la question du rôle des déterminants de la performance motrice – déterminisme biologique ou déterminisme « environnementaliste » – reste au cœur des écrits. Nous souhaitons déplacer cette opposition classique et proposer une autre voie pour comprendre l’accès à la haute performance. Sans négliger les aspects biologiques de la performance et en faisant nôtre le caractère primordial du temps de pratique, nous avons focalisé notre attention, à partir des récits de carrière de six sportifs de haut niveau, sur les liens accordés par ces sportifs aux aléas associés à leur parcours et sur la construction des significations singulières accordées aux événements.Detection, selection and career counseling of high standard sportsmen and women are the subject of a number of publications in specialized journals. Questioning the function of decisive factors of motor performance–biological determinism or environmental determinism–is still part of the actual debate. This article aims at shifting the focus of classic opposition and suggesting another way of understanding the access to high performance. By including biological aspects and allowing a central role to practice time, we worked on the career accounts of six high standard sportsmen and women. We focused especially on subjective connections associated with their career trajectory and on the construction of single significations linked to the events of their career

    Dietary experience modifies horses' feeding behavior and selection patterns of three macronutrient rich diets

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    Choice feeding is often used to investigate an animal’s nutritional requirements and dietary preferences. A problem with this approach is that animals with long gut transit times, such as the horse, may find it difficult to associate a chosen food with its nutritional consequence when alternative foods are presented simultaneously. One solution is to present foods singly for a period of time before a simultaneous choice session to allow the development of learned associations. This method was used to determine if horse’s voluntary intake and feeding behavior was influenced by the macronutrient composition of the diet. Seven stabled horses, maintained on a low intensity exercise regimen, were allowed, on an ad libitum basis, haylage and 3 isocaloric forage based diets that were rich in 1 of 3 macronutrients (protein, lipid, and hydrolyzable carbohydrate). Initially, diets were presented as a 3-way choice for 5 d (self-selection a [SSa]), then singly (monadic phase) with exposure to each diet for 2 separate periods of 3 d each, and finally again as a choice for 5 d (self-selection b [SSb]). The total amount of trial diet offered differed with trial phase, with 2 to 2.5% of BW during SSa and the monadic phase, increasing to ad libitum access during SSb. To control differences in the total amount of trial diet offered, 2 measurements of voluntary intake were taken at 4 and 22 h postpresentation. Daily macronutrient and energy intakes were estimated from proximate analysis of the trial diets and batches of haylage fed. Feeding behavior was observed over a single 4-h period during both self-selection phases. Horses showed no initial preference after 4 h for any 1 diet during SSa. Following the monadic phase, horses demonstrated a preference for the protein and hydrolyzable carbohydrate rich diets over the lipid rich diet (P < 0.001). Dietary experience modified foraging behavior as the total number of visits to the diets decreased during SSb (P < 0.005). Analysis of 24 -h macronutrient consumption showed that protein and hydrolyzable carbohydrate intake increased during SSb, whereas lipid intake remained constant over both self-selection phases (P < 0.001). These data indicate for perhaps the first time that horses can respond to dietary macronutrient content and that single presentations during choice studies facilitates expression of dietary preferences

    Investigative safety strategies to improve success in drug development

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    Understanding and reducing attrition rate remains a key challenge in drug development. Preclinical and clinical safety issues still represent about 40% of drug discontinuation, of which cardiac and liver toxicities are the leading reasons. Reducing attrition rate can be achieved by various means, starting with a comprehensive evaluation of the potential safety issues associated to the primary target followed by an evaluation of undesirable secondary targets. To address these risks, a risk mitigation plan should be built at very early development stages, using a panel of in silico, in vitro, and in vivo models. While most pharmaceutical companies have developed robust safety strategies to de-risk genotoxicity and cardiotoxicity issues, partly driven by regulatory requirements; safety issues affecting other organs or systems, such as the central nervous system, liver, kidney, or gastro-intestinal system are less commonly addressed during early drug development. This paper proposes some de-risking strategies that can be applied to these target organ systems, including the use of novel biomarkers that can be easily integrated in both preclinical and clinical studies. Experiments to understand the mechanisms’ underlying toxicity are also important. Two examples are provided to demonstrate how such mechanistic studies can impact drug development. Novel trends in investigative safety are reviewed, such as computational modeling, mitochondrial toxicity assessment, and imaging technologies. Ultimately, understanding the predictive value of non-clinical safety testing and its translatability to humans will enable to optimize assays in order to address the key objectives of the drug discovery process, i.e., hazard identification, risk assessment, and mitigation

    Formal vs. informal coach education

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    The training of coaches is considered central to sustaining and improving the quality of sports coaching and the ongoing process of professionalisation. Sports coaches participate in a range of learning opportunities (informal to formal) that contribute to their development to varying degrees. In this article, we present our collective understanding on the varying types of learning opportunities and their contribution to coach accreditation and development. The authors presented these views (from a sports pedagogy perspective) as part of a workshop entitled "Formal vs. Informal Coach Education" at the 2007 International Council of Coach Education Master Class in Beijing. These reflections seek to stimulate the on-going, and often sterile, debate about formal versus informal coach education/learning in order to progress scholarship in coaching