7,174 research outputs found

    Digital demodulator-correlator

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    An apparatus for demodulation and correlation of a code modulated 10 MHz signal is presented. The apparatus is comprised of a sample and hold analog-to-digital converter synchronized by a frequency coherent 40 MHz pulse to obtain four evenly spaced samples of each of the signal. Each sample is added or subtracted to or from one of four accumulators to or from the separate sums. The correlation functions are then computed. As a further feature of the invention, multipliers are each multiplied by a squarewave chopper signal having a period that is long relative to the period of the received signal to foreclose contamination of the received signal by leakage from either of the other two terms of the multipliers

    Helicopter tail rotor thrust and main rotor wake coupling in crosswind flight

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    The tail rotor of a helicopter with a single main rotor configuration can experience a significant reduction in thrust when the aircraft operates in crosswind flight. Brown’s vorticity transport model has been used to simulate a main rotor and tail rotor system translating at a sideslip angle that causes the tail rotor to interact with the main rotor tip vortices as they propagate downstream at the lateral extremities of the wake. The tail rotor is shown to exhibit a distinct directionally dependent mode during which tail rotors that are configured so that the blades travel forward at the top of the disk develop less thrust than tail rotors with the reverse sense of rotation. The range of flight speeds over which this mode exists is shown to vary considerably with the vertical location of the tail rotor. At low flight speeds, the directionally dependent mode occurs because the tail rotor is immersed within not only the downwash from the main rotor but also the rotational flow associated with clusters of largely disorganized vorticity within the main rotor wake. At higher flight speeds, however, the tail rotor is immersed within a coherent supervortex that strongly influences the velocity field surrounding the tail rotor


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    The generation of secondary missiles by blast waves was investigated in Operation Plumbbob for three nuclear detonations with estimated yields of 11, 38, and 44.5 kt. A trapping technique was used to determine the impact velocities for 17,524 missiles (stones, glass fragments, spheres, and military debris or steel fragments) which occurred in open areas, houses, and an underground shelter with an open entryway. The equivalent ideal-wave peak overpressures computed from measured blast data for the open-area stations varied from 3.8 to 21 psi. Two houses and an underground shelter were located where the overpressures were 3.8 and 65 psi, respectively. The effect of hill-and-dale terrain on the production of missiles was investigated on one of the shots. Precursor effects were noted on two of the shots at stations near Ground Zero. Missile velocities measured at all stations except the underground shelter were compared with those computed by use of a model based on an ideal blast wave. An analytical procedure was presented by which translational velocities of nmn can be estimated using the measured velocities of spheres and stones. Total distances of displacement were measured for 145 stones that weighed up to 20 kg and for 1528 fragments from a concrete-block wall. (auth

    Taxonomic investigation of Ralfsia-like (Ralfsiales, Phaeophyceae) taxa in the North Atlantic Ocean based on molecular and morphological data, with descriptions of Pseudoralfsiaceae fam. nov., Pseudoralfsia azorica gen. et sp. nov. and Nuchella vesicularis gen. et sp. nov.

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    In this study we investigatedRalfsia-like crusts (i.e. excludingRalfsiasensu stricto,Stragulariaspp. and/or Scytosiphonaceae crustose phases) with an emphasis on the North Atlantic Ocean using molecular data (COI-5P, ITS andrbcL-3P) combined with morpho-anatomical comparisons of type material and contemporary specimens. Of the four species ofRalfsiapreviously reported in Europe, onlyR. fungiformisis presently recognized as belonging toRalfsiasensu stricto, Ralfsiaceae, with the remaining species,R. lucida, R. ovataandR. verrucosa, of uncertain taxonomic status. Our study revealed 11 independent genetic lineages ofRalfsia-like taxa, which were not assignable to any of the recognized families of the Ralfsiales. To accommodate this diversity, we propose Pseudoralfsiaceae Parente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders fam. nov., including two new generaPseudoralfsiaParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders gen. nov. andNuchellaParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders gen. nov. The first genus includesPseudoralfsia verrucosa(Areschoug) Parente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders comb. nov. as the generitype (the only species of the three remaining European species of uncertain taxonomic status assigned toRalfsiathat was reassessed here),P. azoricaParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders sp. nov. and seven undescribed genetic groups, which require additional vouchers for description. The second genus has as generitypeNuchella vesicularisParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders sp. nov., and also includesN. sp._1MP, which was represented by a single sterile specimen from Swanage, UK and consequently not characterized. Three characteristics differentiateNuchellafromPseudoralfsia- the former typically with numerous vesicles, non-synchronous development of the plurangia and hair pits arising from both middle and lower cells of the erect filaments. Species of Pseudoralfsiaceae can be distinguished fromRalfsiasensu stricto (Ralfsiaceae) mainly by DNA sequences and by consistently having frequent hair pits, and typically unsymmetrical thalli.This research was funded by FEDER funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology in the scope of the MACROBIOMOL project (ref. PTDC/MAR/114613/2009) and under the UID/BIA/50027/2013 and POCI-010145-FEDER-006821 programmes. Work completed in the Saunders Laboratory was supported by the Canadian Barcode of Life Network from Genome Canada in association with the Ontario Genomics Institute, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, as well as other sponsors listed at www.boldsystems.org, with infrastructure support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and New Brunswick Innovation Foundation

    Function reconstruction as a classical moment problem: A maximum entropy approach

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    We present a systematic study of the reconstruction of a non-negative function via maximum entropy approach utilizing the information contained in a finite number of moments of the function. For testing the efficacy of the approach, we reconstruct a set of functions using an iterative entropy optimization scheme, and study the convergence profile as the number of moments is increased. We consider a wide variety of functions that include a distribution with a sharp discontinuity, a rapidly oscillatory function, a distribution with singularities, and finally a distribution with several spikes and fine structure. The last example is important in the context of the determination of the natural density of the logistic map. The convergence of the method is studied by comparing the moments of the approximated functions with the exact ones. Furthermore, by varying the number of moments and iterations, we examine to what extent the features of the functions, such as the divergence behavior at singular points within the interval, is reproduced. The proximity of the reconstructed maximum entropy solution to the exact solution is examined via Kullback-Leibler divergence and variation measures for different number of moments.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Ionization of Rydberg atoms by blackbody radiation

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    We have studied an ionization of alkali-metal Rydberg atoms by blackbody radiation (BBR). The results of the theoretical calculations of ionization rates of Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs Rydberg atoms are presented. Calculations have been performed for nS, nP and nD states which are commonly used in a variety of experiments, at principal quantum numbers n=8-65 and at the three ambient temperatures of 77, 300 and 600 K. A peculiarity of our calculations is that we take into account the contributions of BBR-induced redistribution of population between Rydberg states prior to photoionization and field ionization by extraction electric field pulses. The obtained results show that these phenomena affect both the magnitude of measured ionization rates and shapes of their dependences on n. A Cooper minimum for BBR-induced transitions between bound Rydberg states of Li has been found. The calculated ionization rates are compared with our earlier measurements of BBR-induced ionization rates of Na nS and nD Rydberg states with n=8-20 at 300 K. A good agreement for all states except nS with n>15 is observed. Useful analytical formulas for quick estimation of BBR ionization rates of Rydberg atoms are presented. Application of BBR-induced ionization signal to measurements of collisional ionization rates is demonstrated.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures. Paper is revised following NJP referees' comments and suggestion

    The Physicist's Guide to the Orchestra

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    An experimental study of strings, woodwinds (organ pipe, flute, clarinet, saxophone and recorder), and the voice was undertaken to illustrate the basic principles of sound production in music instruments. The setup used is simple and consists of common laboratory equipment. Although the canonical examples (standing wave on a string, in an open and closed pipe) are easily reproduced, they fail to explain the majority of the measurements. The reasons for these deviations are outlined and discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures (jpg files). Submitted to European Journal of Physic

    Microwave Spectroscopy of Cold Rubidium Atoms

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    The effect of microwave radiation on the resonance fluorescence of a cloud of cold 85Rb^{85}Rb atoms in a magnetooptical trap is studied. The radiation frequency was tuned near the hyperfine splitting frequency of rubidium atoms in the 5S ground state. The microwave field induced magnetic dipole transitions between the magnetic sublevels of the 5S(F=2) and 5S(F=3) states, resulting in a change in the fluorescence signal. The resonance fluorescence spectra were recorded by tuning the microwave radiation frequency. The observed spectra were found to be substantially dependent on the transition under study and the frequency of a repump laser used in the cooling scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Bound states of edge dislocations: The quantum dipole problem in two dimensions

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    We investigate bound state solutions of the 2D Schr\"odinger equation with a dipole potential originating from the elastic effects of a single edge dislocation. The knowledge of these states could be useful for understanding a wide variety of physical systems, including superfluid behavior along dislocations in solid 4^4He. We present a review of the results obtained by previous workers together with an improved variational estimate of the ground state energy. We then numerically solve the eigenvalue problem and calculate the energy spectrum. In our dimensionless units, we find a ground state energy of -0.139, which is lower than any previous estimate. We also make successful contact with the behavior of the energy spectrum as derived from semiclassical considerations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Calculation of the two-photon decay rates of hydrogen-like ions by using B-polynomials

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    A new approach is laid out to investigate the two photon atomic transitions. It is based on application of the finite basis solutions constructed from the Bernstein Polynomial (B-Polynomial) sets. We show that such an approach provides a very promising route for the relativistic second- (and even higher-order) calculations since it allows for analytical evaluation of the involved matrices elements. In order to illustrate possible applications of the method and to verify its accuracy, detailed calculations are performed for the 2s_{1/2}-1s_{1/2} transition in neutral hydrogen and hydrogen-like ions, and are compared with the theoretical predictions based on the well-established B-spline-basis-set approach
