1,834 research outputs found

    Exploring local quantum many-body relaxation by atoms in optical superlattices

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    We establish a setting - atoms in optical superlattices with period 2 - in which one can experimentally probe signatures of the process of local relaxation and apparent thermalization in non-equilibrium dynamics without the need of addressing single sites. This opens up a way to explore the convergence of subsystems to maximum entropy states in quenched quantum many-body systems with present technology. Remarkably, the emergence of thermal states does not follow from a coupling to an environment, but is a result of the complex non-equilibrium dynamics in closed systems. We explore ways of measuring the relevant signatures of thermalization in this analogue quantum simulation of a relaxation process, exploiting the possibilities offered by optical superlattices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, version to published in Physical Review Letter

    Stochastic games with non-observable actions

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    We examine n-player stochastic games. These are dynamic games where a play evolves in stages along a finite set of states; at each stage players independently have to choose actions in the present state and these choices determine a stage payoff to each player as well as a transition to a new state where actions have to be chosen at the next stage. For each player the infinite sequence of his stage payoffs is evaluated by taking the limiting average. Normally stochastic games are examined under the condition of full monitoring, i.e. At any stage each player observes the present state and the actions chosen by all players. This paper is a first attempt towards understanding under what circumstances equilibria could exist in n-player stochastic games without full monitoring. We demonstrate the non-existence of ?-equilibria in n-player stochastic games, with respect to the average reward, when at each stage each player is able to observe the present state, his own action, his own payoff, and the payoffs of the other players, but is unable to observe the actions of them. For this purpose, we present and examine a counterexample with 3 players. If we further drop the assumption that the players can observe the payoffs of the others, then counterexamples already exist in games with only 2 players

    Optimality in different strategy classes in zero-sum stochastic games

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    We present a complete picture of the relationship between the existence of 0-optimal strategies and c-optimal strategies, epsilon > 0, in the classes of stationary, Markov and history dependent strategies

    Introducing a framework to assess newly created questions with Natural Language Processing

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    Statistical models such as those derived from Item Response Theory (IRT) enable the assessment of students on a specific subject, which can be useful for several purposes (e.g., learning path customization, drop-out prediction). However, the questions have to be assessed as well and, although it is possible to estimate with IRT the characteristics of questions that have already been answered by several students, this technique cannot be used on newly generated questions. In this paper, we propose a framework to train and evaluate models for estimating the difficulty and discrimination of newly created Multiple Choice Questions by extracting meaningful features from the text of the question and of the possible choices. We implement one model using this framework and test it on a real-world dataset provided by CloudAcademy, showing that it outperforms previously proposed models, reducing by 6.7% the RMSE for difficulty estimation and by 10.8% the RMSE for discrimination estimation. We also present the results of an ablation study performed to support our features choice and to show the effects of different characteristics of the questions' text on difficulty and discrimination.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Educatio

    Stochastic games with the average reward

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    A competitive search game with a moving target

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    We introduce a discrete-time search game, in which two players compete to find an invisible object first. The object moves according to a time-varying Markov chain on finitely many states. The players are active in turns. At each period, the active player chooses a state. If the object is there then he finds the object and wins. Otherwise the object moves and the game enters the next period. We show that this game admits a value, and for any error-term epsilon > 0 , each player has a pure (subgame-perfect) epsilon-optimal strategy. Interestingly, a 0-optimal strategy does not always exist. We derive results on the analytic and structural properties of the value and the epsilon-optimal strategies. We devote special attention to the important timehomogeneous case, where we show that (subgame-perfect) optimal strategies exist if the Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic

    Bighorn Sheep Movements and Mineral Lick Use in Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (Poster)

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    This study used bighorn sheep telemetry data collected in Glacier National Park, Waterton Lakes National Park, and the Blackfeet Reservation to examine bighorn sheep movements and use of known mineral licks.  Over 168,400 GPS locations were collected between 2002 and 2011 on 97 bighorn sheep individuals from 17 different social groups.  We examined the proximity of bighorn sheep telemetry data to 32 known mineral lick locations to describe timing and frequency of mineral lick use.  Fifty individuals had locations near known mineral licks, and most mineral lick visits took place between May and August.  We compared movements towards known mineral lick locations with general bighorn sheep movements.  After estimating bighorn sheep kernel home ranges, we evaluated how movement towards the lick, timing, and frequency of use varied depending on location of the lick relative to sheep home ranges.  We conducted a k-means cluster analysis of movement characteristics to identify potential locations of unknown mineral licks and movement pinch points.  We will discuss options for using these locations to monitor bighorn sheep health and population size

    Technology for large-scale translation of clinical practice guidelines : a pilot study of the performance of a hybrid human and computer-assisted approach

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    Background: The construction of EBMPracticeNet, a national electronic point-of-care information platform in Belgium, was initiated in 2011 to optimize quality of care by promoting evidence-based decision-making. The project involved, among other tasks, the translation of 940 EBM Guidelines of Duodecim Medical Publications from English into Dutch and French. Considering the scale of the translation process, it was decided to make use of computer-aided translation performed by certificated translators with limited expertise in medical translation. Our consortium used a hybrid approach, involving a human translator supported by a translation memory (using SDL Trados Studio), terminology recognition (using SDL Multiterm termbases) from medical termbases and support from online machine translation. This has resulted in a validated translation memory which is now in use for the translation of new and updated guidelines. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the hybrid human and computer-assisted approach in comparison with translation unsupported by translation memory and terminology recognition. A comparison was also made with the translation efficiency of an expert medical translator. Methods: We conducted a pilot trial in which two sets of 30 new and 30 updated guidelines were randomized to one of three groups. Comparable guidelines were translated (a) by certificated junior translators without medical specialization using the hybrid method (b) by an experienced medical translator without this support and (c) by the same junior translators without the support of the validated translation memory. A medical proofreader who was blinded for the translation procedure, evaluated the translated guidelines for acceptability and adequacy. Translation speed was measured by recording translation and post-editing time. The Human Translation Edit Rate was calculated as a metric to evaluate the quality of the translation. A further evaluation was made of translation acceptability and adequacy. Results: The average number of words per guideline was 1,195 and the mean total translation time was 100.2 min/1,000 words. No meaningful differences were found in the translation speed for new guidelines. The translation of updated guidelines was 59 min/1,000 words faster (95% CI 2-115; P=.044) in the computer-aided group. Revisions due to terminology accounted for one third of the overall revisions by the medical proofreader. Conclusions: Use of the hybrid human and computer-aided translation by a non-expert translator makes the translation of updates of clinical practice guidelines faster and cheaper because of the benefits of translation memory. For the translation of new guidelines there was no apparent benefit in comparison with the efficiency of translation unsupported by translation memory (whether by an expert or non-expert translator
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