323 research outputs found

    Physical Optics Simulations with PHASE for SwissFEL Beamlines

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    PHASE is a software tool for physical optics simulation based on the stationary phase approximation method. The code is under continuous development since about 20 years and has been used for instance for fundamental studies and ray tracing of various beamlines at the Swiss Light Source. Along with the planning for SwissFEL a new hard X ray free electron laser under construction, new features have been added to permit practical performance predictions including diffraction effects which emerge with the fully coherent source. We present the application of the package on the example of the ARAMIS 1 beamline at SwissFEL. The X ray pulse calculated with GENESIS and given as an electrical field distribution has been propagated through the beamline to the sample position.We demonstrate the new features of PHASE like the treatment of measured figure errors, apertures and coatings of the mirrors and the application of Fourier optics propagators for free space propagatio

    Impaired Axonal Transport in Motor Neurons Correlates with Clinical Prion Disease

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    Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative disorders causing motor dysfunctions, dementia and neuropathological changes such as spongiosis, astroglyosis and neuronal loss. The chain of events leading to the clinical disease and the role of distinct brain areas are still poorly understood. The role of nervous system integrity and axonal properties in prion pathology are still elusive. There is no evidence of both the functional axonal impairments in vivo and their connection with prion disease. We studied the functional axonal impairments in motor neurons at the onset of clinical prion disease using the combination of tracing as a functional assay for axonal transport with immunohistochemistry experiments. Well-established and novel confocal and ultramicroscopy techniques were used to image and quantify labeled neurons. Despite profound differences in the incubation times, 30% to 45% of neurons in the red nucleus of different mouse lines showed axonal transport impairments at the disease onset bilaterally after intracerebral prion inoculation and unilaterally—after inoculation into the right sciatic nerve. Up to 94% of motor cortex neurons also demonstrated transport defects upon analysis by alternative imaging methods. Our data connect axonal transport impairments with disease symptoms for different prion strains and inoculation routes and establish further insight on the development of prion pathology in vivo. The alterations in localization of the proteins involved in the retrograde axonal transport allow us to propose a mechanism of transport disruption, which involves Rab7-mediated cargo attachment to the dynein-dynactin pathway. These findings suggest novel targets for therapeutic and diagnostic approaches in the early stages of prion disease

    Effective theories for real-time correlations in hot plasmas

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    We discuss the sequence of effective theories needed to understand the qualitative, and quantitative, behavior of real-time correlators in ultra-relativistic plasmas. We analyze in detail the case where A is a gauge-invariant conserved current. This case is of interest because it includes a correlation recently measured in lattice simulations of classical, hot, SU(2)-Higgs gauge theory. We find that simple perturbation theory, free kinetic theory, linearized kinetic theory, and hydrodynamics are all needed to understand the correlation for different ranges of time. We emphasize how correlations generically have power-law decays at very large times due to non-linear couplings to long-lived hydrodynamic modes.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, uses revtex, epsf macro packages [Revised version: t -> sqrt{t} in a few typos on p. 10.

    Lifetime of quasiparticles in hot QED plasmas

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    The calculation of the lifetime of quasiparticles in a QED plasma at high temperature remains plagued with infrared divergences, even after one has taken into account the screening corrections. The physical processes responsible for these divergences are the collisions involving the exchange of very soft, unscreened, magnetic photons, whose contribution is enhanced by the thermal Bose-Einstein occupation factor. The self energy diagrams which diverge in perturbation theory contain no internal fermion loops, but an arbitrary number of internal magnetostatic photon lines. By generalizing the Bloch-Nordsieck model at finite temperature, we can resum all the singular contributions of such diagrams, and obtain the correct long time behaviour of the retarded fermion propagator in the hot QED plasma: SR(t)exp{αTtlnωpt}S_R(t)\sim \exp\{-\alpha T \, t\, \ln\omega_pt\}, where ωp=eT/3\omega_p=eT/3 is the plasma frequency and α=e2/4π\alpha=e^2/4\pi.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Transport Theory of Massless Fields

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    Using the Schwinger-Keldysh technique we discuss how to derive the transport equations for the system of massless quantum fields. We analyse the scalar field models with quartic and cubic interaction terms. In the ϕ4\phi^4 model the massive quasiparticles appear due to the self-interaction of massless bare fields. Therefore, the derivation of the transport equations strongly resembles that one of the massive fields, but the subset of diagrams which provide the quasiparticle mass has to be resummed. The kinetic equation for the finite width quasiparticles is found, where, except the mean-field and collision terms, there are terms which are absent in the standard Boltzmann equation. The structure of these terms is discussed. In the massless ϕ3\phi^3 model the massive quasiparticles do not emerge and presumably there is no transport theory corresponding to this model. It is not surprising since the ϕ3\phi^3 model is anyhow ill defined.Comment: 32 pages, no macro

    Quantitative sampling and analysis of trace elements in atmospheric aerosols: impactor characterization and Synchrotron-XRF mass calibration.

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    he presented work is partly funded by theSwiss Federal Roads Office (ASTRA), the Swiss Federal Office forthe Environment (BAFU) and a post-doc contract sponsored by theSpanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). Parts ofthe work were performed at the Swiss Light Source, Paul ScherrerInstitut, Villigen, Switzerland.We thank Andreas Jaggi fortechnical support at the beamline X05DA. Portions of this researchwere carried out at the light source facility DORIS III at HASY-LAB/DESY. DESY is a member of the Helmholtz Association(HGF)

    On the screening of static electromagnetic fields in hot QED plasmas

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    We study the screening of static magnetic and electric fields in massless quantum electrodynamics (QED) and massless scalar electrodynamics (SQED) at temperature TT. Various exact relations for the static polarisation tensor are first reviewed and then verified perturbatively to fifth order (in the coupling) in QED and fourth order in SQED, using different resummation techniques. The magnetic and electric screening masses squared, as defined through the pole of the static propagators, are also calculated to fifth order in QED and fourth order in SQED, and their gauge-independence and renormalisation-group invariance is checked. Finally, we provide arguments for the vanishing of the magnetic mass to all orders in perturbation theory.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figure

    Source apportionment of size and time resolved trace elements and organic aerosols from an urban courtyard site in Switzerland

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    Time and size resolved data of trace elements were obtained from measurements with a rotating drum impactor (RDI) and subsequent X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Trace elements can act as indicators for the identification of sources of particulate matter <10 μm (PM10) in ambient air. Receptor modeling was performed with positive matrix factorization (PMF) for trace element data from an urban background site in Zürich, Switzerland. Eight different sources were identified for the three examined size ranges (PM1-0.1, PM2.5-1 and PM 10-2.5): secondary sulfate, wood combustion, fire works, road traffic, mineral dust, de-icing salt, industrial and local anthropogenic activities. The major component was secondary sulfate for the smallest size range; the road traffic factor was found in all three size ranges. This trace element analysis is complemented with data from an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), assessing the PM1 fraction of organic aerosols. A separate PMF analysis revealed three factors related to three of the sources found with the RDI: oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA, related to inorganic secondary sulfate), hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA, related to road traffic) and biomass burning organic aerosol (BBOA), explaining 60 %, 22 % and 17 % of total measured organics, respectively. Since different compounds are used for the source classification, a higher percentage of the ambient PM10 mass concentration can be apportioned to sources by the combination of both methods. © 2011 Author(s)