191 research outputs found
Efectos del entrenamiento de fuerza con diferentes materiales sobre el metabolismo y la aptitud funcional en mujeres adultas y sedentarias con síndrome metabólico.
La falta de actividad física es un problema de salud pública. El riesgo relativo de inactividad física es similar al de la hipertensión arterial, la hipercolesterolemia y el tabaquismo, por lo que el sedentarismo se asocia a un aumento simultáneo de las enfermedades no transmisibles. El aumento de la prevalencia de enfermedades no transmisibles, estimulado por los factores del estilo de vida como la inactividad física se da en diferentes grupos etarios, aunque de manera especial en mujeres pre y menopaúsicas, puesto que es un periodo crítico en el cual se genera un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular y una reducción de la aptitud funcional y por consiguiente, de manera general, un deterioro significativo de la salud y la calidad de vida.
El ejercicio físico es uno de los componentes, si no el más importante, en los programas de reducción de riesgo cardiovascular y mejora de la dinapenia. Aunque históricamente las organizaciones especializadas han enfatizado y centrado sus recomendaciones en la práctica de ejercicio físico de tipo aeróbico, las directrices recientes tienen su mirada dirigida al entrenamiento de fuerza, indicando que éste debe ser complementario al de resistencia aeróbica. Por este motivo han sido realizados estudios donde se entrenaba la fuerza en diferentes grupos etarios, entre ellos mujeres de edad adulta, empleando, en la mayoría de los casos, dispositivos externos tradicionales de peso libre (como por ejemplo barras y discos). Sin embargo, estos dispositivos son costosos y no todos los ejercitantes e instituciones tienen acceso a ellos.
Es por esto que han surgido estudios que han tratado de identificar otros dispositivos de bajo coste, fácil uso y almacenaje, empleándose como válido las bandas elásticas o la denominada plataforma Exercise Station de Thera-Band® de tubos elásticos. Los efectos de este tipo de dispositivos han sido medidos en mujeres deportistas, sin embargo, nada se sabe respecto de los efectos que tendría en la población etaria aquí indicada.
El objetivo general del presente estudio se centró en evaluar los efectos sobre el riesgo cardiovascular y el rendimiento físico provocado por un entrenamiento de fuerza con diferentes tipos de dispositivos en mujeres de 40 a 50 años de edad, con bajo riesgo metabólico. De acuerdo a la revisión bibliográfica efectuada y a la experiencia profesional acumulada, se plantea la posibilidad de que un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza con la plataforma Exercise Station de Thera-Band® de tubos elásticos contribuiría a reducir el riesgo cardiovascular y a mejorar la aptitud funcional en mujeres entre 40 y 50 años, con bajo riesgo metabólico, al igual que lo harían los dispositivos tradicionales de peso libre.
Para ello, se llevó a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado con una muestra compuesta por 62 mujeres, de entre 40 y 50 años, amas de casa, sedentarias y con prevalencia de síndrome metabólico, reclutadas todas ellas en el Centro de Salud Familiar Municipal (CESFAM), Dr. Jorge Sabat, de la comuna de Valdivia, Chile. Se dividieron de manera aleatoria y equilibrada en tres grupos. El primero de ellos, realizó ejercicios con tubos elásticos en la plataforma Exercise Station de Thera-Band® (n=22); el segundo grupo realizó ejercicios con dispositivos tradicionales de peso libre (n=20); y el tercer grupo correspondió al grupo de seguimiento o control (n=20).
La duración del período de intervención fue de 12 semanas. El programa de entrenamiento estuvo compuesto por 10 ejercicios organizados en circuito. Durante el primer y segundo mes se realizaron 3 vueltas al circuito efectuando 15 repeticiones por ejercicio, mientras que en el tercer mes se realizaron 4 vueltas con 10 repeticiones por ejercicio. En todos los meses la micropausa activa intra-ejercicio se mantuvo en 30 segundos y la macropausa pasiva intra-circuito, en 1 minuto. La intensidad fue controlada a través de la escala OMNI-RES de esfuerzo percibido para bandas elásticas.
Los efectos del entrenamiento sobre el riesgo cardiovascular se evaluaron a través del análisis de los siguientes biomarcadores sanguíneos: Proteína C Reactiva, Hemoglobina Glicosilada, Lipoproteína de baja densidad y Colesterol Total. En cuanto a los efectos del entrenamiento sobre el rendimiento físico, estos fueron evaluados mediante test de medición de variables asociadas a la aptitud funcional: Flexibilidad (Sit and Reach Test), Equilibrio (Test de equilibrio monopodal), Coordinación General (Timed Up and Go Test de 3 m) , Fuerza Isométrica Máxima Voluntaria de miembros superiores e inferiores (sentadilla a un cuarto y remo vertical), Fuerza Abdominal Frontal y Lateral (Prono Bridge Test y Lateral Bridge Test) y Capacidad Aeróbica (6 Minutes Walk Test). Todos los parámetros fueron analizados pre y post intervención.
Los resultados obtenidos respecto a los biomarcadores sanguíneos han mostrado que el entrenamiento con tubos elásticos, mediante la plataforma Exercise Station de Thera-Band®, han provocado una mejora estadísticamente significativa intra-grupo (p<0,05) en los parámetros Proteína C Reactiva (-33,96%), Hemoglobina Glicosilada (-6,74%) y Lipoproteina de bada densidad (-9,9%), así como una mejora estadísticamente significativa respecto al grupo control en la Proteína C Reactiva, además de una tendencia en la reducción del colesterol a nivel intra-grupo. Además, en todos los parámetros metabólicos, las mejoras del grupo que se entrenó con la Exercise Station de Thera-Band® parecen que fueron mayores que las obtenidas por el grupo de peso libre, aunque no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El grupo de peso libre tuvo una reducción estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05) en la Hemoglobina Glicosilada (-3,03%), manifestando una reducción no significativa en el resto de biomarcadores sanguíneos medidos.
Respecto a los resultados obtenidos en los parámetros de aptitud funcional/dinapenia, casi todos ellos han mostrado una mejoría estadísticamente significativa intra-grupo (p< 0,05) en los grupos de ejercicio físico, apareciendo en general diferencias estadísticamente significativas con respecto el grupo control. El grupo entrenado mediante la plataforma de tubos elásticos Exercise Station de Thera-Band®, obtuvo las siguientes mejoras de manera estadísticamente significativa: Seat and Reach activo (+26,27%), Equilibrio Monopodal pierna derecha (-69,51%), Timed Up and Go de 3m (-9,26%), Prono Bridge Test (+74,47%), Lateral Bridge Test (+60,49%), 6 Minutes Walk Test (+7,77%), Remo vertical (+38,96%) y Sentadilla 1/4 (+51,15%). Los resultados también han sido muy positivos de manera estadísticamente significativa para el grupo de peso libre, sin diferencias respecto al grupo de tubos elásticos, siendo estos los resultados: Seat and Reach activo (+24,01%), Equilibrio Monopodal pierna derecha (-65,39%), Timed Up and Go de 3m (-15,13%), Prono Bridge Test (+120,64%), Lateral Bridge Test (+105,20%), 6 Minutes Walk Test (+6,59%), Remo vertical (+31,42%).
En función de los resultados y evidencias obtenidas se puede concluir que la realización de un programa de ejercicio físico de fuerza resistencia de 12 semanas, utilizando un dispositivo alternativo e innovador como es la plataforma de tubos elásticos Exercise Station de Thera-Band®, aplicado en una población de mujeres adultas, sedentarias y con prevalencia de síndrome metabólico, genera los mismos beneficios sobre la salud metabólica y aptitud funcional que los dispositivos tradicionales de peso libre.
En consecuencia, según las consideraciones expresadas en el desarrollo de esta investigación, se propone la introducción de tubos elásticos durante el acondicionamiento de la fuerza, ya que además de dar más diversidad de opciones, puede contribuir positivamente a la mejora de la salud metabólica y de la aptitud funcional.Lack of physical activity is a public health problem. The relative risk of physical inactivity is similar to hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and smoking, so sedentary is associated with a simultaneous increase in non-communicable diseases. The increasing prevalence of no communicable diseases, stimulated by factors of lifestyle and physical inactivity is given in different age groups, but especially in pre-and postmenopausal women, since it is a critical period in which it generates increased cardiovascular risk and reduced functional ability, and therefore in general, a significant decline in health and quality of life.
Exercise is one of the components, if not the most important programs in reducing cardiovascular risk and improving dinapenia. Although historically specialized organizations have emphasized and focused its recommendations on the practice of aerobic exercise, recent guidelines have their eyes turned to strength training, indicating that it owes be complementary to the resistance. For this reason studies have been performed where the force is trained in different age groups, including adult women, using, in most cases, traditional free weight external devices (such as bars and discos). However, these devices are expensive and not all exercisers and institutions have access to them.
That is why studies have attempted to identify other low cost devices, easy use and storage, using rubber bands as valid or Exercise Station platform called Thera-Band ® elastic tubes have emerged. The effects of these devices were measured in female athletes, however, nothing is known about the effects it would have on the population age hereof.
The main objective of this study focused on evaluating the effects on cardiovascular risk and physical performance caused by strength training with different types of devices in women 40 to 50 years old with low metabolic risk
According to the literature review and the accumulated professional experience the possibility that a program of strength training with Thera-Band Exercise Station ® elastic tubing platform help to reduce cardiovascular risk and improve functional fitness in women arises between 40 and 50 years with low metabolic risk as they would traditional free weight devices.
For this purpose, a clinical trial was conducted with a randomized sample of 62 women between 40 and 50 years old, housewives, sedentary and with prevalence of metabolic syndrome, recruited all in the Family Health Municipal Center (CESFAM ), Dr. Jorge Sabat, commune of Valdivia, Chile. They were divided randomly and in a balanced manner into three groups. The first, conducted exercises with elastic tubing in Exercise Station platform Thera-Band ® (n = 22), the second group performed exercises with free weight traditional devices (n = 20), and the third group corresponded to the group monitoring or control (n = 20).
The duration of the intervention period was 12 weeks. The training program consisted of 10 exercises organized circuit. During the first and second month 3 turns were made to the circuit performing 15 repetitions per exercise, while in the third month 4 laps were performed with 10 repetitions per exercise.
In all months , active micropause intraexercise remained in 30 seconds and passive macropause intracircuit 1 minute. The intensity was controlled through the OMNI-RES scale of perceived exertion for rubber bands. Training effects on cardiovascular risk were evaluated through analysis of the following blood biomarkers: C-Reactive Protein, Glycosylated Haemoglobin, low density lipoprotein and total cholesterol.
As for training effects on physical performance were evaluated by test measurement associated with functional fitness variables: flexibility (Sit and Reach Test), balance (Test of monopedal balance), general coordination (Timed Up and Go 3meters test ), maximum voluntary isometric strength of upper and lower members (a quarter squat and rowing vertical), frontal and lateral abdominal strength (Prone Bridge Test and lateral Bridge Test) and aerobic capacity (Test run 6 minutes). All parameters were analyzed pre and post intervention.
The results regarding blood biomarkers have shown that training with elastic tubing by Exercise Station platform Thera-Band ® has caused a statistically significant within-group improvement (p < 0,05) in the parameters C-reactive protein (- 33.96%), Glycosylated Haemoglobin (-6.74%) and low density lipoprotein (-9.9%) and a statistically significant improvement over the control group C-reactive protein, along with a trend in cholesterol reduction to intra-group level. Furthermore, in all metabolic parameters, improvements from the group trained with the Exercise Station of Thera-Band ® appear that were higher than those obtained by the free weight group but there were no statistically significant differences. The free weight group had a statistically significant reduction (p < 0, 05) Glycosylated Haemoglobin (-3.03%), showing no significant reduction in other blood biomarkers measured
Regarding the results of functional parameters / dinapenia fitness, almost all of them have shown a statistically significant intragroup improvement (p < 0, 05) in the exercise groups, showing in general statistically significant differences from the control group
. The group trained by Platform Exercise Station elastic tubes of Thera-Band ® obtained the following statistically significant improvements: Active Seat and Reach (+26,27%), right single-leg balance (-69.51%), Timed up and Go 3 meters (-9.26%), Prone Bridge Test (+74,47%), Lateral Bridge Test (+60,49%), 6 minutes walk test (+7,77%), vertical Row (+38.96%
The results have been very positive, statistically significant for the group without free weight differences from the group of elastic tubes, being these the results: Active Seat and Reach (+24,01%), single-leg balance right leg (- 65.39%), Timed Up and Go 3 meters (-15.13%), Prone Bridge Test (+120,64%), Lateral Bridge Test (+105,20%), Test run 6 minutes (+6, 59%), vertical Row (+31,42%).).
Depending on the results and evidence obtained it can be concluded that the implementation of a program of strength physical exercise during 12 weeks using an alternative and innovative device as platform tubes elastic Exercise Station of Thera-Band ® applied in an adult, sedentary women population with prevalence of metabolic syndrome, generates the same benefits on metabolic health and functional fitness as the traditional free weights devices
Consequently, and according to the comments made in the development of this research, the introduction of elastic tubes during practice and conditioning of strength is proposed. Apart from giving more variety of options it can positively contribute to the improvement of health metabolic and functional fitness
Critical incidents which limit performance of Chilean University rowers who won a medal in the Pan American Games of Lima 2019
Main objective of this study was to provide a basis for the comprehension of the main critical incidents (i.e. obstacles) that Chilean rowers who were medallists in the Pan American Games of Lima 2019 have to face within the academic, socioeconomic and sports processes. 19 athletes were selected through a non-probabilistic sampling. A content validated questionnaire and an in-deep interview were used. Higher levels of consistency were observed. Through the inferential analysis (ANOVA) it was possible to conclude that athletes are concerned with some academic and social crisis within their sporting career. This fact does not allow them to concentration and integral tranquillity to be focused and achieve proper results in academic and sports areas. Results presented in this study may contribute to the improvement of public policies and, specifically, contingency and innovation plans for improvement within higher education institutions. This study is framed within the context of social transformation that Chile is currently living.Agencies: Chilean Rowing Federation; Chilean Olympic Committee
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Concurrent and construct validation of a new scale for rating perceived exertion during elastic resistance training in the elderly
To examine the concurrent and construct validity of a new perceptual scale to control the exercise intensity using elastic bands (Resistance Intensity Scale for Exercise; RISE) in the elderly.
Twenty-six participants underwent two sessions consisting of 4 exercises. The participants performed three sets of 15 repetitions per exercise of either low, medium, or high intensity. The criterion variables were heart rate and applied force (mean and peak). Following the final repetition of each set, active muscle (AM) and overall body (OB) ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were collected from RISE and the OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale of perceived exertion with elastic bands (OMNI-RES EB). Construct validity was established by correlating the perceptual score obtained from both scales, RISE and OMNI-RES EB.
Significant (p ≤ 0.05) and positive linear relationships between both scales were found (RPE-AM R2 = 0.90; RPE-OB R2 = 0.77). Significant differences in heart rate applied force, and RISE scores were observed between the sets of the three intensities. For all 4 analyzed exercises, high-intensity sets elicited higher heart rate, applied force, and perceptual scores compared with the medium- and low-intensity sets. Furthermore, the medium-intensity sets produced higher perceptual, physiologic, and performance responses than the low-intensity sets. Intersession reliability was 0.88 for heart rate, 0.94 and 0.95 for applied force, 0.88 for the RPE-AM, and 0.80 for the RPEOB.
The RISE scale can be considered a valid method for assessing the perceived exertion during resistance exercises performed with bands in the elderly
Incidence and prevalence of injuries in futsal: A systematic review of the literature
Futsal athletes are exposed to a high number of injures. Purpose: This study aimed to gather data on the injures produced in futsal, attending to the prevalence, part of the body injured, type of injury and mechanism, and severity. Also, to evaluate the influence that sociodemographic factors and the position on the pitch may have on the injuries. Finally, we pursued to summarize the prevention strategies proposed by the expert literature. Design: Different search strategies were entered in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Sport Discuss databases. Results: 36 articles were selected to be reviewed. Futsal is situated among the sports with the highest injury incidence, being the main body part injured the lower limb, specifically the knees and ankles. Regarding the type of injury and the mechanism causing the injury, bone injuries are usually related to contact with rivals and muscle, tendon, and ligament injuries related to non-contact mechanisms. In this concern, non-contact injuries are frequently more severe than impact injuries. There is not a clear consensus on if more injuries occur in training or games, and on the severity of the major part of the injuries that occur in futsal. Concerning sex, male players seem to present a higher prevalence of ankle injuries while woman players present more incidence of knee sprains. The age was reported to be correlated with the incidence of injuries during futsal practice. No influence of the position on the field of play on the prevalence of injuries was observed in the literature. Some recommendations are gathered concerning the prevention of injuries. These recommendations are focused on player equipment, playing facilities, rules, physical assessment, and appropriate strength and conditioning preparation. Conclusion: The results presented in this study may help coaches and practitioners to understand crucial factors on the common injuries that occur in futsal. This may allow them to prevent potential injuries and maintain the athlete’s performance
Exportación del jamnón serrano en EE.UU.
El objetivo de estudio de este trabajo fin de grado, es analizar la viabilidad de la exportación de jamón serrano a Estados Unidos de una forma global. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se ha realizado un análisis del mercado, un plan de internacionalización y un plan de financiación. Todo ello ayudado por un pequeño caso práctico
A systematic review on the muscular activation on the lower limbs with five different variations of the deadlift exercise
The deadlift is one of the most widely used resistance exercises by different types of trainees and with different aims including aesthetics, performance and health. There are numerous variations of the deadlift exercise which have different effects on the exercise biomechanics and muscular activation. The main objective of this research was to systematically review the literature looking forward to gathering data on the muscular activation on the lower limbs with different variations of the deadlift exercise (conventional, sumo, Romanian, straight legs and hex-bar). 19 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. Quality of the articles was assessed through the PEDro scale. Main findings were that deadlift is a posterior-chain dominant exercise. Changes in activation between the variations majorly depend on the hip flexion in relation to the knee flexion. For instance, the straight-legs deadlift does not involve knee flexion and mainly activates hip extensors. Other factors such as the distance between the load and the centre of mass, the knee flexion planes, or the total intensity also condition the muscular activation. For example, the hex-bar deadlift allows the subject being in alignment with the load and performing the exercise with relatively vertical back, which provokes an increase on the activation of the knee extensors. In conclusion, this study may help the strength and conditioning professionals and practitioners with the exercise selection depending on the muscular targets and the individual characteristics of the athlete
Resistance training for chronic low back pain in the elderly: A systematic review
Chronic low back pain is a musculoskeletal pathology with a considerably high prevalence in the elderly. This condition increases disability and negatively affects the quality of life. Muscular resistance training is being used as a cornerstone in interventions for elder people due to the numerous benefits associated with physical and functional health. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature on the main characteristics of resistance training programs in the elder population with chronic low back pain. A literature search in five databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Sports Discuss, and Cochrane Library) was carried out. Inclusion-exclusion criteria were used to select experimental studies applying resistance training programs to aging adults older than 60 ages with chronic lumbar pain. PEDro scale was used to evaluate the quality of the included studies. From the first 223 articles retrieved, 8 were selected to be further analysed. All the studies presented good methodological quality (PEDro scale from 6 to 10) and low bias risk. In summary, resistance training programs have been proven useful to significantly reduce pain and inability. Furthermore, significant improvements in quality of life and muscular strength parameters are guaranteed
Effects of oral capsaicinoids and capsinoids supplementation on resistance and high intensity interval training: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Oral capsaicinoids and capsinoids supplementation has been studied recently for a plausible ergogenic impact on sports performance. However, non-aggregated literature has focused on the impact of this substances in healthy humans’ performance. The aim of the present systematic review was to explore the effects of capsaicinoids and capsinoids on resistance training (RT) and HIIT exercise. Studies searches were performed in the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus and Web of Science electronic databases. Studies where healthy subjects consumed capsaicinoids or capsinoids acutely or chronically compared to placebo before a RT or HIIT intervention were included. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed with PEDro checklist. A total of 7 excellent-good quality placebo-controlled trials (i.e., 5 RT and 2 HIIT experiments) were included. The most prevalent protocol used capsaicin (i.e., 6 capsacin and 1 capsiate studies) and acute (i.e., 5 of 7 interventions) supplementation designs. Positive effects were only noted for capsaicin in repetitions until failure (+14.4 to +21.7%), total weight lifted (+13.0 to +23.3%), perceived effort (-6.4%), fatigue index (+15.0%) and peak torque (+6.1%) compared to placebo. Neuromuscular HIIT variables (e.g., total and medium sprint time) were not highly affected by capsaicin except the time to reach 90% VO2 peak (+61.2%) and the number of efforts performed (+14.7%). Collectively, our findings suggest a positive effect of 12 mg of capsaicin on strength endurance, total weight lifted and perceived effort variables in healthy males after acute (i.e., 45 minutes pre-exercise) supplementation
Effects of black Berberis vulgaris L combined with aerobic and resistance exercise on blood metabolic parameters and liver enzymes in obese rats
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a six-week intake of Berberis vulgaris L in combination with resistance and aerobic exercise on the lipid profile, metabolic parameters, and liver enzymes of obese male rats. Methods: 56 male Wistar rats were divided into seven groups: 1) healthy control (n = 8); 2) hypercaloric fatty-food-based diet (n = 8); 3) aerobic exercise (AE, n = 8); 4) resistance exercise (RE, n = 8); 5) black Berberis vulgaris L extract intake (n = 8); 6) Berberis intake combined with aerobic exercise (BAE, n = 8); and 7) Berberis intake combined with resistance exercise (BRE, n = 8). All the rats (except the controls) were induced fatty liver by six weeks of a hypercaloric diet before the intervention. After six weeks of intervention, blood samples were taken to obtain cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), glucose of c-reactive protein (CRP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and urea. Differences between groups were evaluated using the Kruskal Wallis test with post-hoc pairwise comparisons. Results: All the intervention groups significantly (p < .05) improved the parameters compared to the hypercaloric group in almost all the assessed parameters, reaching in many cases significantly better values than the healthy group (control). Similar results were obtained between the experimental groups; however, the outcomes were slightly better (non-significant differences) for the combination of the Berberis extract and both exercise methodologies. Conclusion: The use of herbal medicines such as Berberis vulgaris L in combination with aerobic or resistance exercises may be useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease by improving risk factors such as blood lipid levels.The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the Shahrekord Medicinal Plants Research Center, which supported and funded this project
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