30 research outputs found

    Is hypertension a risk factor of hemifacial spasm?

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    Objectives The published data on the relation between arterial hypertension (AH) and hemifacial spasm (HFS) are controversial. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of AH in HFS patients and the relation of AH and compression of the brainstem at the region of vasomotor center. Materials and methods The study included 60 of primary HFS patients and 60 healthy controls matched by age. AH was defined according to WHO criteria. The vessel compression of the brainstem was measure on MRI scans in selected region of vasomotor center located in the ventro-lateral medulla (VLM), between the pontomedullary junction, retro-olivary sulcus and the root entry zone (REZ) of the IX and X nerves. Modeling and compression severity of the VLM was graded in the 0–3 scale. Results The prevalence of AH in HFS patients did not differ significantly from the control group (61.6% vs 45.0%, p=ns). VML compression by vessel was frequently found in HFS patients with AH than without AH (97.2% vs 60.9%, χ2=11.0, p=0.0009). A similar relation was also found in the control group. The higher rate of VML vascular compression was related to the presence of AH in both, HFS patients and control group. Conclusion The prevalence of AH in HFS patients does not differ from controls. The VLM compression in HFS patients and controls is related to AH diagnosis. The association between AH and VLM compression is stronger in patients with higher degree of VLM compression

    Dose-dependent relationship between prenatal exposure to fine particulates and exhaled carbon monoxide in non-asthmatic children : a population-based birth cohort study

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    Objectives: The main goal of the study was to assess possible association between fetal exposure to fi ne particulate matter (PM2.5) and exhaled carbon monoxide (eCO) measured in non-asthmatic children. Material and Methods: The subjects include 118 children taking part in an ongoing population-based birth cohort study in Kraków. Personal samplers of PM2.5 were used to measure fi ne particle mass in the fetal period and carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaled breath from a single exhalation effort at the age of 7. In the statistical analysis of the effect of prenatal PM2.5 exposure on eCO, a set of potential confounders, such as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), city residence area, sensitization to house dust allergens and the occurrence of respiratory symptoms monitored over the seven-year follow-up was considered. Results: The level of eCO did not correlate with the self-reported ETS exposure recorded over the follow-up, however, there was a positive signifi cant relationship with the prenatal PM2.5 exposure (non-parametric trend p = 0.042). The eCO mean level was higher in atopic children (geometric mean = 2.06 ppm, 95% CI: 1.58–2.66 ppm) than in non-atopic ones (geometric mean = 1.57 ppm, 95% CI: 1.47–1.73 ppm) and the difference was statistically signifi cant (p = 0.036). As for the respiratory symptoms, eCO values were associated positively only with the cough severity score recorded in the follow-up (nonparametric trend p = 0.057). In the nested multivariable linear regression model, only the effects of prenatal PM2.5 and cough severity recorded in the follow-up were related to eCO level. The prenatal PM2.5 exposure represented 5.1%, while children’s cough represented only 2.6% of the eCO variability. Conclusion: Our study suggests that elevated eCO in non-asthmatic children may result from oxidative stress experienced in the fetal period and that heme oxygenase (HO) activity in body tissues may be programmed in the fetal period by the exposure to fi ne particulate matter

    Is hypertension a risk factor of hemifacial spasm?

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    Objectives: The published data on the relation between arterial hypertension (AH) and hemifacial spasm (HFS) are controversial. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of AH in HFS patients and the relation of AH and compression of the brainstem at the region of vasomotor center. Materials and methods: The study included 60 of primary HFS patients and 60 healthy controls matched by age. AH was defined according to WHO criteria. The vessel compression of the brainstem was measure on MRI scans in selected region of vasomotor center located in the ventro-lateral medulla (VLM), between the pontomedullary junction, retro-olivary sulcus and the root entry zone (REZ) of the IX and X nerves. Modeling and compression severity of the VLM was graded in the 0–3 scale. Results: The prevalence of AH in HFS patients did not differ significantly from the control group (61.6% vs 45.0%, p = ns). VML compression by vessel was frequently found in HFS patients with AH than without AH (97.2% vs 60.9%, x2 = 11.0, p = 0.0009). A similar relation was also found in the control group. The higher rate of VML vascular compression was related to the presence of AH in both, HFS patients and control group. Conclusion: The prevalence of AH in HFS patients does not differ from controls. The VLM compression in HFS patients and controls is related to AH diagnosis. The association between AH and VLM compression is stronger in patients with higher degree of VLM compression

    Implementation of Social Responsibility into Human Capital Management

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    When preparing for writing a doctoral thesis entitled “Implementation of Social Responsibility into Quality Management Systems in Small Organizations”, I have been trying to find various attractive solutions leading to the economic success of an organization. In order to achieve the intended goal, I make use of the available literature and observations, I conduct preliminary research and, first of all, I participate in meetings and conferences which help to extend my knowledge. That is also the purpose of my considerations included in the publications. The aim of my paper is to indicate the role of social responsibility in human capital management. Social responsibility should accompany each and every organizational function, starting from managerial position to every job position. Proper quality of social life in an organization has an effect on its economic results and creation of human capital is the key task for the managers. Therefore, it is worth implementing to the procedures of human capital management the elements including the sense of social responsibility and to perform careful monitoring. Maximization of the owners’ profit should not constitute the sole goal of an organization. One should look for solutions to generate profit, however paying also attention to the interest of the environment, the key element of which is a man who influences the shaping of human capital.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Rehabilitation of a patient with psoriatic arthritis - case study

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    Łuszczycowe zapalenie stawów (ŁZS, ang. psoriatic arthritis) jest przewlekłą chorobązapalną o nieznanej etiologii, charakteryzującą się zmianami w stawach obwodowych, wkręgosłupie i przyczepach ścięgnistych. Łuszczyca skóry lub paznokci rozwijać się możerównocześnie ze zmianami stawowymi, wyprzedzać je lub pojawiać się później. Przebiegchoroby jest zróżnicowany- od łagodnych postaci do bardzo ciężkich, prowadzących doniepełnosprawności oraz obniżenia jakości życia.Rehabilitacja pacjenta chorego na ŁZS powinna być kompleksowa i dobranaindywidualnie w zależności od okresu choroby, jej przebiegu i zajętych stawów. Regularnakinezyterapia, fizykoterapia i masaż w połączeniu z odpowiednio dobranym leczeniemfarmakologicznym mają na celu złagodzenie objawów choroby oraz poprawę sprawnościfunkcjonalnej chorego.Celem pracy było opisanie postępowania diagnostyczno-leczniczego u chorego naŁZS z uwzględnieniem roli fizjoterapii w tym procesie.Praca ma charakter kazuistyczny. W części teoretycznej przedstawiono budowęanatomiczną i fizjologię układu kostno-stawowego, objawy i obraz kliniczny ŁZS orazmetody fizjoterapeutyczne stosowane u pacjentów. Druga część przedstawia opis przypadku66-letniego pacjenta chorego na osiową postać ŁZS. Na podstawie analizy dokumentacjimedycznej, wyników badań oraz oceny stanu fizykalnego pacjenta zaproponowanokompleksowe postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne w celu uzyskania zmniejszenia objawów idolegliwości bólowych wraz z poprawą funkcji psychomotorycznych.Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology,characterized by changes in peripheral joints, in the spine and tendonous attachements. Skinor nails psoriasis can develop simultaneously with joint inflammation, overtake them ordevelop later. The disease may have a different course- from mild to very severe, leading todisability and lowering the quality of life.Rehabilitation of PsA patient should be complex and individually selected dependingon the stage of the disease, its course and inflamed joints. Regular kinesiotherapy, physicaltherapy and massage in combination with appropriate pharmacological treatment can help tomaintain or improve psychomotor functions.The target of the study was to present diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patientswith PsA considering the role of physiotherapy.The dissertation has a casuistic form. The theoretical part describes anatomy andphysiology of osteoarticular system, the symptoms and the clinical picture of PsA and thephysiotherapeutic technics used in patients with PsA disease. The second part presents thecase of a 66-year old patient with axial form of PsA. Based on the analysis of medicalducumentation and assessment of the physical state of the patient a complex physiotherapyprocedure was proposed in order to obtain a reduction in symptoms and pain, along with animprovement in psychomotor functions