195 research outputs found

    Experimental study on the stresses at the i-beam end-plate moment connection

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    The paper deals with experimental study of the stresses at the bolted end-plate moment connection. The design parameters are adopted to include prying effects in joint. A stress level is obtained in the elements where the highest values occur in the tension zone of the end-plate. The accompanied finite element analysis is performed for comparing purposes with experimental results. It is shown that end-plate thickness should be the unavoidable joint parameter in structural analysis of frame-like structures

    Experimental study on the stresses at the i-beam end-plate moment connection

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    The paper deals with experimental study of the stresses at the bolted end-plate moment connection. The design parameters are adopted to include prying effects in joint. A stress level is obtained in the elements where the highest values occur in the tension zone of the end-plate. The accompanied finite element analysis is performed for comparing purposes with experimental results. It is shown that end-plate thickness should be the unavoidable joint parameter in structural analysis of frame-like structures

    Monitoring of the tin release to the canned fruit from the used packaging

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou uvolňování cínu do konzervovaného ovoce z použitých obalů. V teoretické části diplomové práce je popsáno ovoce jako konzervárenská surovina, jeho složení, způsoby konzervace, základní technologické operace zpracování ovoce, výroba kompotů, výroba kovových obalů, korozívní pochody kovových obalů, chemické chování cínu v potravinách a jeho toxicita, metody stanovení cínu v potravinách se zaměřením na optickou emisní spektrometrii s indukčně vázaným plazmatem (ICP-OES). V experimentální části diplomové práce byla nejdříve metoda ICP-OES optimalizována, před samotnou analýzou 20 různých vzorků kompotů zakoupených v obchodních řetězcích. Koncentrace cínu byla stanovena z pevného podílu kompotů. Naměřené koncentrace cínu byly porovnány s maximální přípustnou hodnotou v konzervovaných potravinách, která je povolena evropskou legislativou. Obsah cínu ve všech analyzovaných kompotech nepřesáhl legislativní limit 200 mg/kg. Nejvyšší koncentrace cínu byla naměřena u vzorku konzervovaných meruněk a to 88,6 ± 2,8 mg/kg.This master’s thesis deals with the issue of the release of tin in canned fruit of used packaging. The theoretical part of the thesis is described canning fruit as raw material, its composition, methods of preservation, basic technological operations fruit processing, manufacture of compote, manufacture of metal packaging, marches corrosive metal packaging, chemical behavior of tin in foods and toxicity, methods for the determination of tin in foods with a focus on optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. I the experimental part of the thesis was first ICP-OES optimized before to analysis of the 20 different samples compote purchased in chain stores. Tin concentration was determined by a fixed proportion compote. Measured concentration of tin were compared with the maximum permissible value in canned foods, which is allowed by European legislation. The tin content in all analyzed compote did not exceed the legislative limit of 200 mg/kg. The highest concentration of tin has been measured in sample conserved apricots namely 88,6 ± 2,8 mg/kg.

    Experimental study on the stresses at the i-beam end-plate moment connection

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    The paper deals with experimental study of the stresses at the bolted end-plate moment connection. The design parameters are adopted to include prying effects in joint. A stress level is obtained in the elements where the highest values occur in the tension zone of the end-plate. The accompanied finite element analysis is performed for comparing purposes with experimental results. It is shown that end-plate thickness should be the unavoidable joint parameter in structural analysis of frame-like structures

    Industrial production of ethanol

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá průmyslovou výrobou lihu pro potravinářské a palivové účely. Cílem práce je popsat suroviny na výrobu lihu se zaměřením na lignocelulosové materiály a mikroorganismy, které se používají při jejich zpracování a fermentaci. Podrobněji je zde rozveden technologický postup výroby lihu z jednotlivých surovin a následně je popsáno využití lihu hlavně pro palivové účely jako náhrady za fosilní paliva.This bachelor thesis deals with ethanol production for food and car industry. The aim of this work is to give a summary of different kinds of raw material especially lignocelluloses and microorganisms used for its processing and fermentation. The thesis focuses especially on technological process of ethanol production and the utilization of different materials for fuel production.

    Merni mehatronički sistem za nadzor ugiba grednih struktura praćenjem dilatacija u osnovnom materijalu

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    Ponašanje struktura pod delovanjem različitih vrsta opterećenja određene su njenim deformacionim karakteristikama, globalnim deformacionim karakteristikama - pomeranjima i rotacijama i lokalnim deformacionim karakteristikama - dilatacijama u osnovnom materijalu strukture. Poznavanjem globalnih i lokalnih deformacionih karakteristika strukture u toku njene eksploatacije ostvarujemo mogućnost da pratimo ponašanje strukture u celini ili nekog njenog segmenta, kao i da u slučaju pojave oštećenja, koja mogu nastati na osnovu različitih uzroka, pravovremeno delujemo i sprečimo nastajanje havarijskih događaja koji kao posledicu mogu imati kako ekonomske, tako i posledice sa ljudskim žrtvama. Istraživanje u okviru ove disertacije obuhvata razvoj mernog mehatroničkog sistema za nadzor ugiba grednih struktura praćenjem dilatacija u osnovnom materijalu. Za utvrđivanje globalne deformacijske veličine vertikalnog pomeranja - ugiba, na osnovu izmerenih lokalnih deformacionih veličina, tj. posredno utvrđivanje ugiba strukture na njenoj ukupnoj dužini, na osnovu poznatih vrednosti dilatacija u osnovnom materijalu strukture, usled delujućeg opterećenja, razvijen je numerički postupak proračuna koji na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti dilatacija u specifičnim tačkama na strukturi izračunava vrednosti ugiba strukture, na celokupnom rasponu. Vrednosti dobijenih ugiba primenom ovog postupka upoređene su sa vrednostima dobijenih putem direktnog merenja ugiba na eksperimentalnim modelima i na realnoj strukturi. Istraživanje je obuhvatalo tri faze: 1. Eksperimentalno ispitivanje na modelu čeličnog I nosača statičkog sistema proste grede, direktno merenje ugiba usled nekoliko nivoa delujućeg opterećenja, posredno izračunavanje ugiba primenom razvijenog numeričkog postupka proračuna na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti dilatacija u osnovnom materijalu i upoređenje vrednosti dobijenih na osnovu navedena dva postupka. 2. Eksperimentalno ispitivanje na strukturi nosača kranske staze pod delujućim opterećenjem (realna struktura u eksploataciji), direktno merenje ugiba usled delujućeg opterećenja, posredno izračunavanje ugiba primenom razvijenog numeričkog postupka proračuna na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti dilatacija u osnovnom materijalu i upoređenje vrednosti dobijenih na osnovu navedena dva postupka. 3. Razvoj i provera rada mernog mehatroničkog sistema za nadzor ugiba grednih struktura praćenjem dilatacija u osnovnom materijalu, u koji je implementiran razvijeni numerički postupak proračuna, na eksperimentalnom modelu statičkog sistema proste grede, direktno merenje pomeranja usled nekoliko nivoa delujućeg opterećenja i upoređenje vrednosti dobijenih na osnovu navedena dva postupka. Kod prve dve faze istraživanja, kao i kod razvijenog mehatroničkog sistema u koji je implementiran predloženi numerički postupak proračuna, nisu zabeležene relativne razlike veće od 6 %, između direktno merenih i posredno određenih vrednosti ugiba

    Deflection Calculation for Beam-type Structures from Measured Strain Data

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    Behavior of structures under various load types is determined by their deformation characteristics, global deformation characteristics - deflections and rotations, and local deformation characteristics – strains / stresses in structure base material. If we know global and local deformation characteristics of a structure, then it is possible to determine the structure behavior under acting loads, on the whole structure or at some part of that structure. The main objective of this research is to verify calculation algorithm for obtaining vertical displacements - the deflection of the structure, based on the known strain values in the structure base material, under acting load. The verification of the calculation algorithm is performed by comparing the numerical and experimental results

    Deflection Calculation for Beam-type Structures from Measured Strain Data

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    Behavior of structures under various load types is determined by their deformation characteristics, global deformation characteristics - deflections and rotations, and local deformation characteristics - strains / stresses in structure base material. If we know global and local deformation characteristics of a structure, then it is possible to determine the structure behavior under acting loads, on the whole structure or at some part of that structure. The main objective of this research is to verify calculation algorithm for obtaining vertical displacements - the deflection of the structure, based on the known strain values in the structure base material, under acting load. The verification of the calculation algorithm is performed by comparing the numerical and experimental results