12 research outputs found

    The organisation of work at the group table. Subject positions in the tension field between task and peers

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    In diesem Beitrag wird die Platzierung von SchĂŒler_innen im Unterricht an Gruppentischen aus einer anerkennungstheoretischen Perspektive betrachtet und danach gefragt, welche Subjektpositionen der Akteure am Gruppentisch sichtbar werden. Anhand der Rekonstruktion der Subjektpositionen ĂŒber das Adressierungsgeschehen am Gruppentisch in einer videographierten Sequenz wird beispielhaft das VerhĂ€ltnis von peerkulturellen und unterrichtlichen Anforderungen ausgelotet. (DIPF/Orig.)This paper takes a recognition-theoretical look at the positioning of students at group tables in class and discusses, which subject positions of the actors at the group table become visible. Using the reconstruction of subject positions with regard to the addressing at the group table in a videotaped sequence, the ratio of peer-cultural to instructional requirements is assessed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Between participant orientation and subject. Out-of-school learning for children at Nazi memorial sites

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    Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet aus einer praxistheoretischen Perspektive das Geschehen in gedenkstĂ€ttenpĂ€dagogischen Angeboten fĂŒr Kinder. Entlang der Kontrastierung zweier Sequenzen wird rekonstruiert, wie im interaktiven Geschehen die Sach- und Akteursadressierung als spannungsreich beschrieben werden können: Die im Adressierungsgeschehen prĂ€sentierte Orientierung an den Kindern wird jeweils in den Dienst der Hervorbringung einer spezifischen Sache gestellt. Der Beitrag endet mit einer Diskussion der daraus resultierenden Begrenzung von Aneignungs- und VerhandlungsspielrĂ€umen. (DIPF/Orig.)From a practice theory perspective, this article deals with pedagogical practice in educational programs of Nazi Memorial Sites offered to children. By contrasting two sequences, the authors reconstruct how the interaction between orientation towards the children on the one hand and the subject on the other hand is to be described as tense: Orientation towards the children presented in the addressing processes each time is put in charge to the service of generating specific subjects. The article ends discussing the resulting limitation of appropriation and bargaining opportunities. (DIPF/Orig.

    Digital unterwegs – außerschulische Lernorte im Kontext digitaler Praktiken

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    Auf der Basis der ErlĂ€uterung der Distinguiertheiten außerschulischer Lernorte – speziell Museen und NS-Gedenkstatten –, nehmen sie die Autorinnen die Leser*innen mit ins digitale Angebot des Anne-Frank-Hauses und ordnen die ‚dortigen‘ digitalen Lernformate kritisch-konstruktiv vor dem Hintergrund der Realisierung von Transformationsprozessen ein. (DIPF/Orig.)The article focuses on current discussions about digital pedagogical offers for children using the example of two places of out-of-school learning: NS memorial and museum. Both promise to provide vivid and original encounters in contexts of teaching and learning (cf. Baar & Schönknecht 2018). When implementing digital learning formats and offerings, questions concerning the associated transformation processes need to be considered. The article therefore aims to provide initial reflections on what digitality means for the didactic promises of out-of-school learning. (DIPF/Orig.

    Reflexion und ReflexivitÀt. AlltÀgliche pÀdagogische Praxis und Forschungsstrategie

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    Der Beitrag entfaltet am Beispiel empirischer Studien in pÀdagogischen Handlungsfeldern (Hochschullernwerkstatt, Demokratische Schule, GedenkstÀtte) eine ethnomethodologische Perspektive auf die Erforschung von Reflexion und ReflexivitÀt. Die Untersuchung pÀdagogischer Reflexion wird mit der erkenntnistheoretischen PrÀmisse, alles Handeln als reflexiv zu kennzeichnen, verbunden. In den untersuchten pÀdagogischen Handlungsfeldern reflektieren die Akteur:innen in etablierter Weise sichtbar und beobachtbar ihr Tun und bringen dies als alltÀgliche pÀdagogische Praxis zur Darstellung. Es geht darum, diese pÀdagogischen Praktiken der Reflexion zu identifizieren und dabei gleichzeitig die Eingebundenheit der Forscher:innen in diese reflexiven Forschungsfelder aufzuzeigen. Dieser Zugang zu Reflexion und ReflexivitÀt wird damit gleichzeitig forschungsstrategische Ressource und Thema. (DIPF/Orig.

    Cultural appropriation of spaces and things

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    This proceedings volume gathers papers presented at the symposium “Cultural Appropriation of Spaces and Things” held in Siegen, Germany in October 2019. All over the world, children are confronted with an increasingly complicated and fast-moving world. Children need elementary cultural techniques and skills to shape their own lives and enable them to find individual interpretations of meaning. In addition to the acquisition of classical cultural techniques such as arithmetic, writing and reading, the competent handling of spaces and things – through manifold processes of appropriation and reflection – is crucial. It forms the basis and prerequisite for the development of competences or abilities that are suitable for understanding the dimensions, the complexity and changeability of their world and enable them to critically deal with associated problems and find appropriate solutions. The aim of the conference was to find suitable ways for children all over the world for a methodically and didactically guided examination of their natural, social and technical environment. At the same time, the aim was to achieve a mutual enrichment of monodisciplinary research accesses. It also included a self-critical reflection of one’s own culturally shaped approaches of research.Contents: Martin Gröger, Christian Prust, Alexandra FlĂŒgel: Preface LECTURES Alexandre Avelino Giffoni Junior, SebastiĂŁo LĂĄzaro Pereira, Alberto Barella Netto: Haus FrĂŒher Hilfen UniRV: A historic building in process in the heart of Brazil Hyeongjoo Kim: Designing and Applying the Moral Turing Test for Korean Children Karen Barfod and Peer Daugbjerg: Teaching Science and Mathematics Outside the Classroom, a pilot study on assessing inquiry-based practices Jan Höper: Towards integrated science education by using mobile technologies outdoors WORKSHOPS Mareike Janssen: Exploring the things of life: First insights into chemical processes with sparkling water as an example Julia Gaffron, Martin Gröger: Children like to experiment, many teachers apparently do not Volker Heck: Alexander von Humboldt - The Voyage to the Americas as an approach to science in Primary School Thomas Sukopp: Interculturality in Philosophy Education: Challenges and Prospects of Education for Sustainable Development in Primary Schools POSTERS AndrĂ© Dorn, Martin Gröger: ESD in general studies -prospective general studies teachers deal with the educational concept of ESD in a student-oriented and cooperative manner Andree Georg: From Carlowitz to Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development Irina Landrock: Children at NS Memorial Sites Dr. Markus Schaal: Martha Muchow in the Context of the New Sociology of Childhood What Can a Classic Still Teach Us Today? Martin Gröger: Open air laboratory FLEX – Starting to learn chemistry in a near-natural learning environment Martin Gröger: FoodLAB - a molecular gastronomic experimental laboratory in teacher training Martin Gröger: How Alexander von Humboldt saw the world from a chemist’s point of view Matthias Weipert: Extracurricular learning locations in the historical perspective of general studies - the example of the Wendener HĂŒtte Mirko Schommer: Spatial Orientation - Competence expectations and common misconceptions based on map projections Sarah Gaubitz: Options for handling complex problems of global change from the perspective of primary school children Swaantje Brill: Museum Field Trips in Primary School: An Approach to Children’s Perspectives Urs Gießelmann and Uta Birkhölzer: The “Hauberg” as an extracurricular learning locatio

    Außerschulische Lernorte von Kindern : Reflexionen - Konzeptionen - Perspektiven

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    Weitere Hrsg.: Martin Gröger, Daria Johanna Schneider, Jutta Wiesemann. Publikation anlĂ€sslich der Tagung „Orte und RĂ€ume der Generationenvermittlung – Außerschulisches Lernen von Kindern“, UniversitĂ€t Siegen, 5.-6. Oktober 2017Die WertschĂ€tzung des außerschulischen Lernens hat in der SchulpĂ€dagogik eine lange Tradition und ist besonders in der Grundschule und im Sachunterricht etabliert. Mit einem Blick auf Möglichkeiten der Vernetzung schulischer und außerschulischer Lernwelten rĂŒckt das Bildungspotenzial und die Bildungswirksamkeit außerschulischer Lernorte zunehmend in den Aufmerksamkeitsfokus bildungspolitischer, schulpĂ€dagogischer sowie didaktischer Reflexion. Eine Gelegenheit zu einer vertieften Auseinandersetzung mit diversen außerschulischen Lernarrangements bot die Tagung zum Thema „Orte und RĂ€ume der Generationenvermittlung – außerschulisches Lernen von Kindern“, die im Oktober 2017 an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen stattfand. Die vielfĂ€ltigen Impulse und wertvollen Überlegungen der Tagungsteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmer werden in der vorliegenden Publikation „Außerschulische Lernorte von Kindern – Reflexionen – Konzeptionen – Perspektiven“ aufgegriffen. Die BeitrĂ€ge des Bandes gliedern sich in drei Themenblöcke: zum einen werden konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum außerschulischen Lernort vorgestellt, zum anderen eröffnet der Band Einblicke in die Entwicklung und Ausgestaltung sowie in den Einsatz von Materialien am außerschulischen Lernort. Der dritte Themenblock gibt abschließend einige Beispiele fĂŒr die mannigfaltigen Möglichkeiten, schulische und außerschulische Lernorte effektiv zu vernetzen

    Selective Attenuation of Norepinephrine Release and Stress-Induced Heart Rate Increase by Partial Adenosine A1 Agonism

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    The release of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (NE) is modulated by presynaptic adenosine receptors. In the present study we investigated the effect of a partial activation of this feedback mechanism. We hypothesized that partial agonism would have differential effects on NE release in isolated hearts as well as on heart rate in vivo depending on the genetic background and baseline sympathetic activity. In isolated perfused hearts of Wistar and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR), NE release was induced by electrical stimulation under control conditions (S1), and with capadenoson 6 · 10−8 M (30 ”g/l), 6 · 10−7 M (300 ”g/l) or 2-chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA) 10−6 M (S2). Under control conditions (S1), NE release was significantly higher in SHR hearts compared to Wistar (766+/−87 pmol/g vs. 173+/−18 pmol/g, p<0.01). Capadenoson led to a concentration-dependent decrease of the stimulation–induced NE release in SHR (S2/S1 = 0.90±0.08 with capadenoson 6 · 10−8 M, 0.54±0.02 with 6 · 10−7 M), but not in Wistar hearts (S2/S1 = 1.05±0.12 with 6 · 10−8 M, 1.03±0.09 with 6 · 10−7 M). CCPA reduced NE release to a similar degree in hearts from both strains. In vivo capadenoson did not alter resting heart rate in Wistar rats or SHR. Restraint stress induced a significantly greater increase of heart rate in SHR than in Wistar rats. Capadenoson blunted this stress-induced tachycardia by 45% in SHR, but not in Wistar rats. Using a [35S]GTPÎłS assay we demonstrated that capadenoson is a partial agonist compared to the full agonist CCPA (74+/−2% A1-receptor stimulation). These results suggest that partial adenosine A1-agonism dampens stress-induced tachycardia selectively in rats susceptible to strong increases in sympathetic activity, most likely due to a presynaptic attenuation of NE release

    The bet Gene of Feline Foamy Virus Is Required for Virus Replication

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    AbstractFoamy viruses (FV) are complex retroviruses with additional bel genes located between env and the 3â€Č long-terminal repeat. The functions of the bel 2 and bet genes are unknown and both are dispensable for replication of the prototypic human foamy virus in cell cultures. We examined the function(s) of bel 2 and bet of the distantly related feline foamy virus (FFV) in the proviral context. Mutagenesis was used to alter the Bel 2 and Bet or to abrogate their expression. The Bel 2/Bet mutants showed a 1000-fold reduced viral titer in feline kidney cells; in human 293T cells, viral titer was only about 10-fold reduced compared to wild-type FFV. In both cell types, the Bel 2/Bet mutations resulted in a reduced release of FFV particles. The results indicate that FFV Bet is required for efficient virus replication. The functions of the Bel 2 and Bet proteins are discussed

    New Debates and Implementations of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A Critical Social Anthropology Perspective

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    This Working Paper critically discusses the extent to which local knowledge, participation and historical power relations concerning globalized resource use and management are included in the SDGs. The students discussed specific examples and investigated the question of how development and environmental protection projects are legitimised by means of SDGs and which elements of James Ferguson’s anti-politics machine are applicable. There was also a focus on local reactions and their analysis