1,473 research outputs found

    Resistir e agir estrategicamente : a pretexto de um prefácio às actas do 2.º Encontro do GT-PA

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    Centro de Investigação em Educação do Instituto de Educação e Psicologia da Universidade do Minho

    Pre-service teacher education in Angola: how student teachers perceive the practicum

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    Pre-service teacher education is a major political priority in Angola so as to promote educational and social development in the country. Pedagogical supervision is understood as a strategy that should support innovation towards better teacher qualification and more learning-centred curricula. However, there is a lack of studies about how teacher education programmes are perceived by both students and teacher educators. The study here reported is part of a PhD project conducted by the first author in a teacher training institution (Namibe Teacher Training School – Angola), focusing on perceptions of the practicum through survey questionnaires administered to student teachers, school supervisors, institutional supervisors and programme/ practicum coordinators across nine teacher education programmes. We will focus on the student teachers’ views of the practicum as regards the goals and practices of supervision, the supervisor profile, the quality of educational practices at school, and the development of professional competences. Results point out mismatches between student teachers’ ideal conceptions of the practicum (what they believe to be more important) and the way they experience it (what they perceive to be more present in practice). Those mismatches may generate dissatisfaction as regards the fulfilment of student teachers’ expectations and indicate the need to improve teacher development practices in this context. The gap between ideals and reality can be partially understood with reference to constraints and improvement measures pointed out by the student teachers as regards school conditions (e.g. large classes, student misbehaviour and learning problems, shortage of resources), insufficient previous training to face the practicum, supervisors’ lack of updated knowledge about supervisory strategies and educational innovation, and lack of appropriate communication and coordination between schools and the teacher training institution. These problems are also pointed out by the other participants in the study, which reinforces the need to undertake changes in this context. It is expected that this kind of studies may instigate institutions to discuss the role of practicum experiences as regards teacher qualification and educational change, not only in terms of what should be done but also in terms of how student teachers and teacher educators perceive reality as compared to their aspirations, thus taking into account their voices as a springboard for reflection and change.This work is funded by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, Institute of Education, UMinho, UID/CED/01661/2013 – through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT. The first author holds a PhD scholarship granted by FCT (SFRH/BD/103201/2014). The authors wish to thank the Namibe Teacher Training School in Angola and the research participants for their collaboration in the study

    GT-PA: imagens com história(s)... de esperança!

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    Language teacher education for learner autonomy: the empowering potential of case pedagogy

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    CIEd – Research Centre on Education (UID/CED/1661/2013; UID/CED/1661/2016

    Investigação educacional e transformação da pedagogia escolar

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    A questão que dá origem a esta comunicação é a seguinte: qual o potencial da investigação educacional na transformação da pedagogia escolar? Em particular, interessa-nos a investigação realizada por professores no contexto de cursos de mestrado, pressupondo que este contexto poderá ser propício a que os estudos realizados se articulem com os interesses e necessidades das escolas, fomentando a mudança. Apresentamos uma proposta de grelha de análise de dissertações de mestrado que pode ajudar-nos a encontrar respostas para a questão colocada. A grelha integra um estudo em curso que abrange dissertações realizadas na Universidade do Minho, nas áreas da educação em línguas estrangeiras e da educação em ciências, tendo sido inicialmente concebida no âmbito de um estudo mais vasto também em curso, centrado na literatura de circulação nacional na área da educação em línguas estrangeiras. Espera-se que a sua apresentação fomente a reflexão sobre os propósitos e a natureza da investigação educacional, nomeadamente sobre a sua relação com a experiência educativa

    Conversion of Electronic Navigational Charts from S-57 to S-101 Standard Format

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    With the advance of technology, the S-57 standard format has become rigid and inflexible, creating a need for a new standard of information exchange. The IHO published the S-100 standard which enables the exchange of information of various types, among them ENC S-101. Therefore, an update of the ENC from S-57 to S-101 will be necessary. In order to facilitate an efficient conversion, IHO, through ESRI, developed specialized conversion software. This article aims to test the converter provided by the IHO/ESRI/NOAA partnership and analyze the results, presenting possible causes of errors and solutions, through the use of a Brazilian sample of S-57 ENC.Con el avance de la tecnología, el formato normalizado S-57 ha pasado a ser rígido e inflexible, y se necesita un nuevo estándar de información. Por eso la OHI publicó el marco S-100, que permite el intercambio de información de varios tipos, entre ellos las ENCs de la S-101. Por tanto, se necesitará una actualización de las ENCs de la S-57. Para hacer más fácil este trabajo, la OHI a través de ESRI ha creado un software de conversión. Este artículo pretende probar el convertidor proporcionado por IHO/ESRI/NOAA y analizar los resultados, presentando posibles causas de errores y soluciones, usando una muestra de S-57 ENC de Brasil.Avec les avancées technologiques, le format standard S-57 est devenu rigide et non flexible, rendant nécessaire une nouvelle norme d'information. L'OHI a ainsi publié le cadre S-100 qui permet l'échange d'informations de différents types, dont les ENC de la S-101. Une mise à jour des ENC de la S-57 sera donc nécessaire. Afin de faciliter ce travail, l'OHI, par le biais d'ESRI, a créé un logiciel de conversion. L'article qui suit vise à tester le convertisseur fourni par le partenariat OHI/ESRI/ NOAA, et à analyser les résultats, en présentant les causes possibles d'erreurs et les solutions, en utilisant un échantillon brésilien des ENC de la S-57

    Towards Teacher and Learner Autonomy: Exploring a Pedagogy of Experience in Teacher Education

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    The same as teachers, teacher educators must go beyond the technician role and become the authors of their own thoughts and actions through developing a scholarship of teacher education: inquiring into, narrating and disseminating their own practice. This paper results from this kind of scholarship. It presents and illustrates an approach to in-service teacher development that takes professional experience as the basis for promoting teacher and learner autonomy, with a focus on how it enhances a critical view of (language) education and the ability to centre teaching on learning.Al igual que los profesores, los formadores deben ir más allá de un rol técnico y convertirse en autores de sus propias ideas e iniciativas profundizando en la pedagogía de la formación: investigando, escribiendo y divulgando su propia práctica. Este artículo es consecuencia de ese tipo de indagación. Presenta e ilustra un enfoque sobre la formación continua de profesores basándose en la experiencia profesional con el fin impulsar la autonomía de profesor y alumno. También se centra en cómo dicho enfoque desarrolla una visión crítica de la educación (dentro del campo de las lenguas) y la aptitud de concentrar la enseñanza en el aprendizaje

    Pedagogy and Autonomy: Can They Meet?

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    A lot of discussion on the feasibility of learner autonomy within the school context has focussed on psychological, social and institutional constraints which seem to be in conflict with the autonomy concept and its operationalization. Basically, one can argue that the idea of “pedagogy” is in contradiction with the notion of “autonomy”. The purpose of my paper is to challenge this argument by proposing a flexible, context-sensitive approach to learner autonomy against a more radical view, without trivializing the basic concept or the assumptions behind it. I will suggest some principles of a “pedagogy for autonomy” deriving from an interpretative view of school education, and I will discuss their implications on pedagogical roles, learning activities and classroom discourse. Some attention will inevitably be devoted to teacher development as a basic requirement to learner development, within a framework where pedagogy and autonomy can meet

    Formação pós-graduada de professores: construindo uma pedagogia da experiência, rumo a uma educação mais democrática

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    A formação pós-graduada pode favorecer a reconfiguração do pensamento e das práticas dos professores, rumo a uma educação mais democrática nas escolas. Com base neste pressuposto, defende-se uma pedagogia da experiência nos contextos formativos e descreve-se uma estratégia desenvolvida numa disciplina de um mestrado destinado a professores. Nesse contexto, os formandos desenvolvem experiências de investigação-ação focadas na autonomia dos seus alunos e produzem narrativas onde descrevem e teorizam essas experiências, refletindo sobre o seu valor pedagógico e formativo. A partir da análise de seis dessas narrativas, é discutido o potencial emancipatório da abordagem na construção de uma visão crítica da educação e de práticas pedagógicas de orientação democrática