11 research outputs found

    (Post-)queer citizenship in contemporary republican France

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    1996 saw the publication of FrĂ©dĂ©ric Martel’s Le Rose et le noir, a comprehensive study of three decades of gay life in metropolitan France. The predominantly anti-communitarian stance adopted by Martel in the epilogue to the first edition of his work had evolved, by the time of the book’s publication en poche in 2000, into a more nuanced view of the interactions and intersections between queer and republican identities in contemporary France. This development was influenced, in large part, by concrete changes which took place over the second half of the 1990s, centring around the introduction of the PACS in 1999, and leading to an ever-broadening debate. This paper will begin by setting forth the ways in which Martel’s position changed and analysing the attitudinal, social, and legislative backdrop which paved the way for such a change to occur. It will then bring Martel’s work into a dialogue with the writings of Eric Fassin and Maxime Foerster, both of whom have, like Martel, offered crucial analyses of the place of queer citizens within the contemporary French republic. Particular attention will first be paid to the ways in which Fassin, in his writings, has underlined the salience of the ‘droit du sol/droit du sang’ debate, traditionally associated with questions of ethnic belonging, in light of public and political discussions revolving around questions of queer kinship raised by the introduction of the PACS. This will lead into an examination of Foerster’s assertion that gay citizens of the Republic, in the era of the PACS, find themselves in a role previously held by women, in other words, as elements that require integration within a republican model. Foerster argues that this requirement to integrate is indicative of the fact that the traditional republican claim that the citizen is a blank canvas is at best misguided, and, at worst, has been deliberately subverted. This paper will examine the manner in which Martel and Fassin’s observations can be used to further strengthen the points raised by Foerster, concluding with the latter that a true engagement with the issues raised by debates around queer citizenship over the past decade can, in fact, allow the contemporary republican citizen to ‘devenir ceux [qu’il] est’. In other words, the article will conclude that the potential impact of the PACS legislation and the broader discussions it has provoked could be a renegotiation of the relationship between queer citizens and the republic

    Les entrants en prison : un produit de la réaction sociale

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    GefĂ€ngnisinsassen gehören regelmĂ€ssig den unteren Sozialschichten an, die wegen ihrer Verletzlichkeit zur Aufnahme durch das Straf system geradezu vorbestimmt sind. Die zweifellos bevorzugte Zielscheibe der Sozialkontrolle setzt sich mehrheitlich aus Jegendlichen zusammen ; der Anteil an AuslĂ€ndern mit mangelhafter Schulbindung, an Arbeitern, Angestellten, Angehörigen sozialer Randgruppen und Arbeitslosen ist besonders stark. Die Strafverfolgung bleibt meistens im Rahmen der traditionnellen Straftaten (Diebstahl, GewalttĂ€tigkeit). Die höheren sozialen Schichten, deren Straftaten weniger sichtbar sind und sich oft im beruflichen Rahmen abspielen (Wirtschafts-, Steuerdelikte), werden selten erfasst. Damit ist klar, dass die Strafjustiz — deren besonders verfeinertes Produkt die Strafbevölkerung ist — uns keineswegs ein Bild der Delinquenz liefern kann, sondern höchstens das ihrer eigenen Produktion.The author gives clear indication that the population which comes in prison belongs frequently to the most underprivilegied social classes which are, on account of their social vulnerability, destined for providing the repressive system. As a matter of fact, without doubt this population which is a butt for social control is composed by a majority of young people and strangers (these ones are proportionaly more numerous than in the whole French population), by people with poor school attendance and it is constituted for the major part by workmen, employees, marginals and inactive people. At last it is prosecuted, most often, for traditional delinquency (robberies, violences against people . . .). The factors prove that the repressive system — of which the incarcerated population is the final result — for it does not apply much to the upper social classes, these ones being involved in a type of delinquency less perceptible and often more connected to the profession (financial and fiscal offences . . .), can't never give us a good representation of delinquency and of its characteristics, but only a representation of its own production.L'auteur montre la frĂ©quente appartenance de la population des entrants en prison aux classes sociales les plus dĂ©favorisĂ©es qui, du fait de leur vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©, sont tout dĂ©signĂ©es pour alimenter le systĂšme rĂ©pressif. Cette population cumule en effet, un certain nombre de handicaps qui en font une cible privilĂ©giĂ©e du contrĂŽle social. Elle est majoritairement jeune, composĂ©e plus que proportionnellement d'Ă©trangers, faiblement scolarisĂ©e et largement constituĂ©e d'ouvriers, d'employĂ©s, de marginaux, d'inactifs. Enfin, elle est poursuivie, le plus souvent, pour des infractions relevant de la dĂ©linquance traditionnelle (vols, violences contre les personnes . . .). C'est dire que le systĂšme pĂ©nal — dont la population carcĂ©rale n'est que le produit le plus fin — parce qu'il ne s'adresse guĂšre aux classes sociales supĂ©rieures, elles-mĂȘmes engagĂ©es dans un type de dĂ©linquance moins visible et souvent plus professionnelle (infractions financiĂšres, fiscales . . .) ne peut nous donner — en aucun cas — une image de la dĂ©linquance et de ses caractĂ©ristiques, mais seulement une image de sa propre production.De autor toont aan hoeveel van hen die de gevangenis binnen- komen, behoren tot de meest benadeelde klassen. Dorr hun kwetsbaarheid zijn zij helemaal aangewezen om het repressief systeem te voeden. Deze bevolking, zonder enige twijfel de bevoorrechte doelgroep van de sociale contröle, is overwegend jong, meer dan evenredig samengesteld uit vreemdelingen, zwak geschoold en in ruime mate bestaande uit arbeiders, bedienden, marginalen en niet-actieven. Tenslotte werd deze bevolking meestal vervolgd voor inbreuken, die tot de traditionele misdadigheid behoren (diefstal, geweld tegen personen . . .). Dit wil zeggen dat de strafrechtsbedeling, wier gevangenisbevolking slechts het meest verfijnde produkt is, omdat zij zich niet richt op de hoge sociale klassen die zelf betrokken zijn in een type van misdadigheid dat minder zichtbaar is en dikwijls meer professioneel (financiĂ«le en fiscale inbreuken. . .), ons onder geen enkel beding een beeld kan bieden van de misdadigheid en van haar kenmerken, maar enkel van haar eigen productie.Fize Michel. Les entrants en prison : un produit de la rĂ©action sociale. In: DĂ©viance et sociĂ©tĂ©. 1983 - Vol. 7 - N°2. pp. 97-114

    Les adolescents et l'usage du téléphone

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    Teenagers are regular users of the telephone which for them is a powerful medium for social interaction. They talk about school or other activities, depending on their age or their mood. Most of them enjoy this mode of communication and girls seem to use it more extensively than boys. The result is often tension in the home when the phone bills are excessively high or the line occupied for long periods.Les adolescents sont des consommateurs rĂ©guliers de tĂ©lĂ©phone. Ils se servent de l'outil comme d'un puissant moyen de sociabilitĂ©. Ils parlent de l'Ă©cole ou des loisirs, selon leur Ăąge ou leur humour. Dans leur majoritĂ©, ils aiment ce mode de communication, dont les filles semblent faire un plus large usage que les garçons. D'oĂč certaines tensions au sein des familles quand les notes se font excessives et les occupations de ligne interminables.Fize Michel. Les adolescents et l'usage du tĂ©lĂ©phone. In: RĂ©seaux, volume 15, n°82-83, 1997. Usages de la tĂ©lĂ©phonie. pp. 219-230

    La formation professionnelle en milieu carcéral

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    Der Verfasser erörtert zuerst die Entwic klungsphasen, die die Berufsausbildung im Gefangnis seit 1945 durchlaufen hat, indem sie schrittweise von einer Einrichtung, die nur fur eine "Elite" bestimmt war, bis zur Erfassung sĂ mtlicher Schichten der GefĂ ngnisbevĂŽlkerung erweitert wurde, ohne jedoch einen wichtigen Platz in der Institution einzunehmen. Er versucht dann, die Funktion der Berufsausbildung im Gefangnis zu umschreiben. Diese Funktion scheint hauptsĂ€chlich ideologisch zu sein, indem sie den Menschen im Gefangnis normalisiert, dem Gefangnis also erlaubt, weit iiber das — offenbar nich erreichte — deklarierte Ziel der sozialen Wiedereingliederung hinaus das viel unmittelbarere Ziel der "socialisation pĂ©nitentiaire", der Anpassung ans GefĂ€ngnis, zu erreichen.To begin with, the author shows how, since 1945, professional training in jail went through successive steps : first reserved to an "elite", then progressively open to all, it does not however succeed in filling an important position in the institution. Next, the author applies himself to define the role of professional training in jail This role appears to be basically ideological, one of normalisation of the individual, which allows the institution to realize its immediate objective of "socialisation pĂ©nitentiaire" and adaptation to jail. This actually takes precedence over the apparent objective of social reinsertion, objective which does not seem to be reached.AprĂšs avoir montrĂ© que la formation professionnelle en milieu carcĂ©ral est passĂ©e, depuis 1945, par des phases successives : d'abord rĂ©servĂ©e Ă  une "Ă©lite", Ă©tendue progressivement Ă  toute la clientĂšle pĂ©nitentiaire — sans parvenir cependant Ă  occuper une place importante dans l'institution — l'auteur s'attache Ă  dĂ©finir le rĂŽle de la formation professionnelle en prison. RĂŽle essentiellement idĂ©ologique, de normalisation du sujet pĂ©nitentiaire, qui permet Ă  l'institution carcĂ©rale, au-delĂ  de l'objectif apparent de rĂ©insertion sociale — qui n'est pas atteint, semble-t-il — de rĂ©aliser l'objectif plus immĂ©diat de socialisation pĂ©nitentiaire, d'adaptation Ă  la prison.De auteur toont aan dat de professionele vorming in het gevan- genismilieu sinds 1945 verschillende fazen doorliep. Vooreerst was zij voorbehouden aan een "elite" ; nadien werd zij geleidelijk uitgebreid tot de ganse gevangenisbevolking, zonder evenwel een belangrijke plaats in te nemen in de instelling. De auteur neemt zich voor de roi van de beroepsopleiding in de gevangenis te bepalen. Die rol is in wezen van ideologische aard en wil de gedetineerde normaliseren. Dit laat de gevangenisinstelling toe het meest onmid- dellijke doel te verwezenlijken van pĂ©nitentiaire socialisering, van aan- passing aan de gevangenis. Het manifeste doel van sociale reintegrate is er oo k wel, maar wordt blijkbaar niet bereikt.Fize Michel. La formation professionnelle en milieu carcĂ©ral. In: DĂ©viance et sociĂ©tĂ©. 1981 - Vol. 5 - N°3. pp. 247-259

    Ligand-based electronic effects on the electrocatalytic hydrogen production by thiosemicarbazone nickel complexes

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    International audienceThis work reports on the synthesis and characterization of a series of mononuclear thiosemicarbazone nickel complexes that display significant catalytic activity for hydrogen production in DMF using trifluoroacetic acid as the proton source. The ligand framework was chemically modified by varying the electron-donating abilities of the para substituents on the phenyl rings, which was expected to impact the capability of the resulting complexes to reduce protons into hydrogen. Over the four nickel complexes that were obtained, the one with the thiomethyl substituent, NiSCH3, was found to overtake the catalytic performances of the parent complex NiOCH3 featuring lower overpotential values and similar maximum turnover frequencies. These results confirm the electronic effects of the ligand on HER when using thiosemicarbazone nickel complexes and support that chemical modifications can tune the catalytic performances of such syste

    Hydrogen evolution reaction mediated by an all-sulfur trinuclear nickel complex

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    International audienceWe report the synthesis and the characterization of a trinuclear nickel complex. Solid state and solution studies using X-ray diffraction, NMR and UV-vis spectroscopy highlight the square planar geometries around the metal centers and an all-sulfur coordination sphere. It exhibits significant electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution in DMF using Et3NHCl as the proton source. DFT studies suggest that sulfur atoms act as proton relay, as proposed in [NiFe] hydrogenases