8 research outputs found

    Gray-level transformations for interactive image enhancement

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    A gray-level transformation method suitable for interactive image enhancement was presented. It is shown that the well-known histogram equalization approach is a special case of this method. A technique for improving the uniformity of a histogram is also developed. Experimental results which illustrate the capabilities of both algorithms are described. Two proposals for implementing gray-level transformations in a real-time interactive image enhancement system are also presented

    Redesigning, rethinking Fine Focus

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    The purpose of design for any product or publication is to effectively communicate a message to a targeted audience. It also needs to help accomplish said product or publication's end goal. While many people associate design with clothing or advertising, the items that require good design are much broader than that. Fine Focus is an interdisciplinary, immersive learning class. Its objective is to publish a microbiology journal for undergraduate research twice annually. Each issue will include at least six research papers which have been edited by professional in the appropriate field using a double-blind method. It also will have at least one student perspective. The goal of the journal is to communicate the findings of the research as well as to create an opportunity for undergraduate students within the niche specialization of microbiology. Part of the responsibility of the class is to publicize the journal using a website and advertisements. The website's goal is to create an interactive experience through which to engage viewers and make them knowledgeable about Fine Focus. The goal of advertising is to grab people's attention and tell them how to get involved. I created a style guide, using my previous knowledge and new research of design methods, with the purpose of effectively communicating the journal's research, creating brand recognition, meeting these goals for the website and advertisements. I also compiled a broken down explanation of my design changes to ensure that future semesters of students will be able to keep the style of the publication consistent and professional.Thesis (B.?)Honors Colleg

    Caractéristiques médico-sociales et parcours de soins de migrants reçus en médecine générale courant 2016 après bilan d’orientation infirmier

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    Since 2015, the number of newly arrived migrants arriving on the French territory highly increased. A nurse evaluation for sanitary orientation was established by the Samu Social de Paris in the emergency lodging centres, in partnership with general medicine structures. The aim of this work was to study the medico-social characteristics and the health care pathway of a migrant’s sample concerned by these measures. We realised a descriptive, retrospective, mono-centric epidemiological study of migrant patients received at the free appointment general medicine consultation at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital in Paris, between the 1st of May 2016 until the 31 of October 2016. The patient files enable us to inventory pathologies diagnosed as well as health care consumption: general and specialised, paramedical exams. 130 patients were included, essentially young men. 84.6% were native from Soudan and Afghanistan. 91.5% did not have any social protection cover in the beginning of the health care. 5.4% talked French. 26.2% of patients benefited from specialised medical advice. The most frequent pathologies were digestive (27.5%), osteoarticular (16.3%), cutaneous (15.9%) and psychiatric (10.7%). 28.8% were infectious. 16.9% of patients declared have suffered from violence. 12.4% of patients had chronic pathologies. For all the already known chronic pathologies, the medical follow-up or treatment had been disrupted. The health needs of newly arrived patients showed that a medical consultation had to be proposed systematically.À partir de 2015, le nombre de migrants primo-arrivants accueillis sur le territoire français a fortement augmenté. Un bilan infirmier d’orientation sanitaire a été mis en place par le Samu Social de Paris dans les centres d’hébergement d’urgence, en partenariat avec des structures de médecine générale. L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier les caractéristiques médico-sociales et le parcours de soins d’une sous-population de migrants concernés par le dispositif. Nous avons réalisé une étude épidémiologique, descriptive, rétrospective, monocentrique des patients migrants reçus à la consultation de médecine générale sans rendez-vous de l’hôpital Hôtel-Dieu de Paris entre le 1er mai 2016 et le 31 octobre 2016. Les dossiers des patients nous ont permis de répertorier les pathologies diagnostiquées ainsi que la consommation de soins : consultations de médecine générale et spécialisée, examens paramédicaux. 130 patients ont été inclus, essentiellement des hommes jeunes. 84,6% étaient originaires du Soudan et de l’Afghanistan. 91,5% n’avaient pas de couverture sociale en début de prise en charge. 5,4% parlaient français. 26,2% des patients ont bénéficié d’un avis spécialisé. Les pathologies les plus fréquentes étaient digestives (26,3%), osto-articulaires (15,6%), cutanées (15,2%) et psychiatriques (14,4%). 27,6% étaient infectieuses. 16,9% des patients déclaraient avoir été victimes de violences. 12,4% des patients avaient une pathologie chronique. Les pathologies chroniques déjà connues étaient toutes en rupture de suivi ou de traitement. Les besoins de santé de ces patients primo-arrivants ont montré qu’une consultation médicale doit systématiquement être proposée