7 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Faktor Organisasi dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Perawat dalam Pelaksanaan Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI)

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of organizational factors and motivation on the performance of nurses in implementing PPI. The method used is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional approach. This study used a questionnaire conducted in 15 inpatient rooms at Haji Surabaya Hospital with 126 nurses. The sample collection technique uses purposive sampling. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the results of the F test hypothesis on organizational factor variables (X1) and motivation (X2) had a value of F < (alpha) 0.05, namely 0.004 and 0.000 so that corporate and motivational factor variables had a significant influence on nurse performance variables in implementing PPI. In conclusion, organizational and motivational factors have a substantial effect on the performance of nurses in the implementation of PPI.   Keywords: Organizational Factors, Nurse Performance in Implementation of Infection Prevention and Control (PPI), Motivatio


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    Introduction: Caring of Patients in isolation wards require different treatments with the other wards. Satisfaction related to nurses caring behavior towards Patients. This research aimed to verify the relationship between nurse caring behaviors with isolation patient's satisfaction at G4 ward of Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Hospital in Gorontalo City. Method: This research used descriptive correlative design with cross sectional approach. Sampling technique used non-probability sampling: Consecutive sampling. The population in this research were all patient isolation in isolation wards. Total sample was 29 respondents. The independent variable was the nurse caring behaviors. The dependent variable was the patient isolation. Data were collected by Parasuraman instruments and caring behavior inventory (CBI). Data were Analyzed by Spearman rho test with a significance level of α <0.05. Result: The results Showed that the nurse caring behaviors in isolation ward has relation with patient satisfaction (p = 0.000) and (r = 0.364). Discussion: The level of the relationship was low in interpretation. Improving patient's satisfaction isolation can be done by improving and maintaining nurse caring behaviors such as maintaining human values and human altruistic, trusting relationships, problem solving in decision making, always provide supportive, corrective and protective, and help meet basic human needs. Further studies should consider the characteristics used by patients in assessing the quality of hospital care. Keywords: nurse caring behavior, patient satisfaction, isolation war

    Kesejahteraan Psikologis pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Mulyorejo Utara Surabaya

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    Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients experience change or imbalance include biological, psychological, social and spiritual. One of psychology aspects in patients with Diabetesmellitus type 2 is psychological well being (PWB). The purpose of this research was to explore the description of PWB inpatients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in six aspects of PWB and PWB facilitate and inhibitor factors in type 2 DM patients. Methods: This research used qualitative design research with case studies approach. The subject of research was seven participants who met the inclusion criteria. Data collection was done by structured interview and observation. Data analysis was done by thematic analysis. Results: This study generated 14 themes. The result showed that the process of type 2 DM patients subjected to the process of transition from a healthy condition into ill condition. The transition process started with cyclic lose response which influence type 2 DM patient to self control and make a right decision-making to self care. Selfcontrol would make type 2 DM patients able to adapt and engage with new experiences that become a new habit for type 2 DM patients and will facilitate type 2 DM patients in adapting to the internal and external environment and make type 2 DM patients have a positive hope in their life. Discussion: finding in this study would hopefully be beneficial for professional health staff to make assessment about PWB in type 2 DM patients, nurse hopefully can assist patients in transition with the condition of type 2 DM

    Kesejahteraan Psikologis pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Mulyorejo Utara Surabaya

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    Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients experience change or imbalance include biological, psychological, social and spiritual. One of psychology aspects in patients with Diabetesmellitus type 2 is psychological well being (PWB). The purpose of this research was to explore the description of PWB inpatients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in six aspects of PWB and PWB facilitate and inhibitor factors in type 2 DM patients. Methods: This research used qualitative design research with case studies approach. The subject of research was seven participants who met the inclusion criteria. Data collection was done by structured interview and observation. Data analysis was done by thematic analysis. Results: This study generated 14 themes. The result showed that the process of type 2 DM patients subjected to the process of transition from a healthy condition into ill condition. The transition process started with cyclic lose response which influence type 2 DM patient to self control and make a right decision-making to self care. Selfcontrol would make type 2 DM patients able to adapt and engage with new experiences that become a new habit for type 2 DM patients and will facilitate type 2 DM patients in adapting to the internal and external environment and make type 2 DM patients have a positive hope in their life. Discussion: finding in this study would hopefully be beneficial for professional health staff to make assessment about PWB in type 2 DM patients, nurse hopefully can assist patients in transition with the condition of type 2 DM

    Retaining and Motivating Health Worker in Very Remote Area of Indonesia, Do They Respond To The Incentives?

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    Adequate Human Resources for Health (HRH) arecrucial to the delivery of health care services in very remote areasof Indonesia. However, very remote areas suffer shortages interms the number, type and quality of staff. This situation mustbe addressed through innovative policy, planning andimplementation, such as incentives for retaining and motivatinghealth workers. This paper aims to assess the application of anincentive scheme based on working location. The role ofdecentralized local government on incentives given to healthworkers also will be discussed. A desk study was performed froma relevant published materials, MoH database and onlineliterature. The document highlights the importance of financialand non financial incentives. However, financial incentives aloneare insufficient to retain and motivate the health workforce.Incentive systems must be integrated within the health system, inline with the goal and objective of Indonesia’s healthdevelopment. The role of local leadership under decentralizationis also crucial to motivate and maintain staff in the workplace.Different incentives between contracted and permanent staff invery remote areas must be established to ensure sustainability ofthe program

    Retaining and motivating health workers in very remote areas of Indonesia, do they respond to incentives?

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    Adequate Human Resources for Health (HRH) are crucial to the delivery of health care services in very remote areas of Indonesia. However, very remote areas suffer shortages in terms the number, type and quality of staff. This situation must be addressed through innovative policy, planning and implementation, such as incentives for retaining and motivating health workers. This paper aims to assess the application of an incentive scheme based on working location. The role of decentralized local government on incentives given to health workers also will be discussed. A desk study was performed from a relevant published materials, MoH database and online literature. The document highlights the importance of financial and non financial incentives. However, financial incentives alone are insufficient to retain and motivate the health workforce. Incentive systems must be integrated within the health system, in line with the goal and objective of Indonesia’s health development. The role of local leadership under decentralization is also crucial to motivate and maintain staff in the workplace. Different incentives between contracted and permanent staff in very remote areas must be established to ensure sustainability of the program