47 research outputs found

    IPTEK Bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Melalui Peningkatan Panen Pedet dan Produksi Kompos Berkualitas Pada Kelompok Ternak Sapi Potong

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    Beef Cattle have a role as saving for farmers to continue their business, although not profitable based on business analysis. Therefore, the right strategy is needed according to the problems of both the culture and the resources of farmers. The community service activity was conducted in a beef cattle farmer groups as cattle breeding for calf production, namely, are Mergo Andini Makmur and Sumber Ayu in Sleman Regency. The beef cattle productivity in the two groups is not good, S/C is more than twice, even up to four times, postpartum estrus is more than one year, and calving interval is more than 2 years. The beef cattle farmer groups have already diversified their business, which is the processing of manure and waste product of cattle, but not yet optimal. Community service is carried out to improve reproductive performance of cattle through the providing of a superior bull for bull stimulation, counseling, assistance in the prevention of worm infections, and demonstrations of compost and feed quality production. The first stage is preparation, including consolidation with the member farmer groups, followed by the socialization of the activity program. The next stage of implementation, by conducting reproductive and breeding management counseling, cattle health management, feed processing and management, and compost production. The result of the implementation of a bull stimulation for one month is based on the emergence of estrus (more than 50%) following by a conception rate (33.33%) of the cows population, and the level of participatory farmers. The demonstration of the fermented straw feed and compost is also implemented as a supporting activity

    Peran KKN-PPM UGM Dalam Pengembangan Kesadaran Masyarakat Untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih Dan Sanitasi Layak Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Indonesia sangat berkepentingan dengan agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) untuk memastikan bahwa program-program pembangunan berjalan sesuai koridor yang telah ditetapkan. Hal tersebut mengingat SDGs turut memberikan jalan bagi upaya terwujudnya target-target pembangunan, terlebih agenda didalamnya memiliki tujuan penting untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat dunia, keadilan, dan kemakmuran. Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada (DPkM UGM) turut dilibatkan oleh UGM untuk mempercepat upaya-upaya pencapaian SDGs ini. Agenda SDGs DPkM UGM antara lain menyertakan program-program SDGs pada Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN PPM UGM) yang hasilnya nanti disinergikan dengan konsern DPkM UGM pada kegiatan-kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat, hilirisasi penelitian berbasis pengabdian kepada masyarakat, peningkatan kesejahteraan sosial, dan aspek-aspek keserasian lingkungan lainnya. Salah satu agenda SDGs DPkM UGM adalah mengembangkan kesadaran air bersih dan sanitasi layak bagi masyarakat dengan sebaran di beberapa lokasi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Agenda ini diawali dengan pembuatan nota kerjasama antara DPkM UGM dan pemerintah kabupaten yang ditetapkan sebagai lokasi kegiatan KKN PPM UGM. Selama  2 bulan berada di lapangan, mahasiswa KKN PPM UGM didampingi oleh tenaga ahli dari berbagai fakultas di lingkungan UGM agar dapat menstransfer teknologi tepat guna secara efektif dan efisien. Antusiasme, kerjasama, dan partisipasi masyarakat sangat penting untuk memperbaiki lingkungan dan mewujudkan kehidupan yang bermartabat dan berkelanjutan

    Penyuluhan dan Pendampingan Pengolahan Limbah Peternakan Sapi Potong di Kelompok Tani Ternak Sido Mulyo Dusun Pulosari, Desa Jumoyo, Kecamatan Salam, Kabupaten Magelang

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    Society services activity on cattle waste management system have been implemented in Sido Mulyo Livestock Farmers Group at Pulosari, Jumoyo, Salam, Magelang. Animal byproducts that consist of feces and urine of cattle wastewas processed into organic fertilizer compost and liquid fertilizer. Sido Mulyo Livestock Farmer Group has one unit of 20 m3 biodigester to accommodate the feces from approximately 30 cattle owned by the group member. Biogas has been used as a fuel source for family group members located around the cage. Slurry resulted from anaerobic digestion of biodigester disposed to pastures located on the right side of the cage. Ownership system in the groupis every group member hasa responsibility for taking care of their own cattle. The number of livestock owned by each member of the SidoMulyoLivestock Farmers Group ranged between 1 to 4 cattle. Society services methods that have been implemented was in the form of mentoring for a member of the Sido Mulyogroup.The other activities that have been implemented was the training and development of cattle industry, especially the handling of livestock waste in the form of feces, urine, and the feed residue. The activities was continued by the manufacture of compost packaging design, followed by the last series of activities such as monitoring and program development. The enthusiasm of the group members in joining to the extension activities is very good. The timing of the extension are determined in the afternoon after members of the group have finished searching feed for their cattle. The sustainability forwaste processing into organic fertilizer compost and liquid organic fertilizer becomes a major concern, because it is highly dependent on consumer demand


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    At the dry seasons 2015, there was a peat fire disaster that affected to great smoke at Tumbang Nusa, Jabiren Raya, Pulang Pisau, and Central Kalimantan. Many students from Elementary School to Senior High school of that district have vacuum activities of education at school due to impacted by the smoke. The schools temporary stop for the education activities during the smoke disaster, and allow the students for staying home. Unfortunately, by having an unexpected holiday at home, the student does not want to perform the homeschooling for about three months. To avoid the backwardness of education for the six grade of an elementary school student and third grade of junior high school students which will perform the national examination, Universitas Gadjah Mada has sent 20 undergraduate students by Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) program. The KKN has designed to give extra learning period to support students in faces the National Examination. The Student Community Services activities of Gadah Mada University has a good and positive response from the community as well as the schools where they performed the special education for the elementary and Junior High Schools students. This opportunity has given them some experience for living in the rural area with limited of clean water, and hopefully can improve the soft skills of the Gadjah Mada University student. To understand the society condition in a peat area, they have to live together for more than a month. The elementary student has inspired by Gadjah Mada University Student during performing KKN to gain their dream in the future to be an excellent person to develop their country


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    Odor are usually generated by animal from the dairy farm industry possibly cause environmental problems such as ammonia emission in high level which can reduce productivity of dairy cows and endanger the health of person who living inside the cage or community who living nearby the dairy cows industries. Transformation of volatile ammonia to non-volatile species is a major biological treatment process comprising of coupled nitrification and denitrification processes. The aim of this research was to isolate bacteria which have ability in reducing ammonia as well as oxidizing of nitrite. Bacteria strains were obtained from the soil around dairy farm industry and observation of the potential of these isolates in reducing ammonia and oxidizing nitrite were performed. This research was first conducted by isolation of bacteria which has ability in reducing ammonia and oxidizing nitrite. Bacterial growth at solid agar medium with or without the addition of 500 mgL-1 NH4Cl was observed by measuring the colony diameter of isolates. Growth behavior in liquid medium was investigated by measuring optical density, and reduction of ammonia by isolated strains was measured by Nestler method. Results shown that 9 bacteria which able to reduce ammonia were successfully isolated from soil sample, and 5 bacteria were isolated and observe able in oxidizing nitrite. Strain TD5 which isolated from soil around the UPTD dairy farm Kaliurang and Strain PS2 isolated from UPP Pingiksari were selected as potential strains based on better growth in ammonia liquid and solid medium, and have ability to reduce ammonia concentration. The bacterial colony diameter of TD5 were 0,2 mm (with NH4Cl) and 0.19 mm (without NH4Cl) and the PS2 isolate were 0,19 mm (with NH4Cl) and 0,17 mm (without NH4Cl). The average of ammonia reduction of TD5 was 3.2 mgL-1 and PS2 was 2.9 mgL-1. Strain N3 observed having ability to increase concentration of nitrate isolated from soil around the farm calf of UPTD Kaliurang with average nitrate levels of 0.86 mgL-1

    Penanganan Limbah Industri Peternakan

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    Limbah merupakan hasil buangan atau sisa dari kegiatan manusia maupun ternak yang sudah tidak terpakai. Limbah yang dihasilkan dari usaha peternakan akhir-akhir ini menjadi permasalahan di masyarakat karena jumlahnya yang melamui batas dan tidak terkendali. Limbah tersebut berasal dari sisa pembuangan pakan, kotoran ternak, air bekas pencucian ternak, dan lain sebagainya. Limbah yang dihasilkan terdiri dari limbah padat, cair, dan gas. Limbah padat diantaranya seperti feces, sisa pakan, kulit, tulang, lemak dan lain-lain. Limbah cair di antaranya urine, air yang digunakan baik untuk minum maupun untuk pembersihan kandang. Limbah berupa gas terdiri dari amonia, sulfur, metan, dan H2S. Limbah-limbah ini jika dibiarkan begitu saja akan menimbulkan potensi pencemaran lingkungan yang dapat menganggu masyarakat. Buku ini menyajikan materi dan gambaran bagi pelajar, mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum yang tertarik untuk mempelajari cara-cara dan metode penanganan limbah ternak maupun industri peternakan yang tepat dan benar, baik skala laboratorium maupun lapangan. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan gambar yang dapat membantu pembaca untuk lebih memahami isi dari materi yang dibahas. Buku ini terdiri dari 14 bab. Bab 1 berisi pendahuluan, Bab 2 membahasa produksi dan karakterisasi limbah terak, Bab 3 membahas perlakuan fisik, kimia dan biologi limbah peternakan, Bab 4 membahas prisip dasar penanganan limbah peternakan, Bab 5 membahas managemen bau dan gas, Bab 6 membahas penanganan limbah cair secara aerobik, anaerobik dan fakultatif, Bab 7 membahas penanganan limbah padat, Bab 8 membahas digesti anaerob dan metanogenesis limbah ternak, Bab 9 membahasa produksi biogas, Bab 10. membahas teknologi pengomposan limbah padat, Bab 11 membahas studi penelitian terkini terkait manajemen pengolahan limbah industri peternakan, Bab 12 membahas pupuk organik granul, Bab 13 membahas pupuk organik cair dan Bab 14 membahas strategi menghilangkan amonia dari kotoran ternak