29 research outputs found

    Uji Toksisitas Oral Akut Single Dose Filtrat Buah Luwingan (Ficus hispida L.f.) pada Tikus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Galur Wistar

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    Genus Ficus is important plant for health benefits. Hairy fig (F. hispida) trees grow abundantly in tropical regions and fruiting throughout the year. In West Asian countries, the fruit is commonly used as food and medicinal materials. However, in Indonesia, the fruit has not been utilized. First step in exploring the potential of natural resources for consumption is toxicity test to provide information about safety and adverse effects. This research was aimed to study acute oral toxicity of young and ripe hairy fig fruits using Wistar rats as model. Procedure followed OECD Guideline Test No.420 with modification. Pure filtrate (100 %) of young or ripe fruits were administered orally at volume 1 mL/individual on day-0 in fasting animals. Control received distilled water in the same way. Parameters observed including mortality, sublethal effects, behavior/activities, body weight, complete blood count, as well as evaluation of liver, heart, and renal functions. Results showed that values for all variables fluctuated during the experiment but eventually back into normal range. However, the number of lymphocytes elevated until the end of experiment (day-14) thus increased the total leukocytes count. Accordingly, we are preparing to conduct further toxicity tests to investigate this finding. Key words : acute oral toxicity, Ficus hispida, fruit filtrate, hairy fig, single dose toxicit

    Profil Hematologi Tikus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Galur Wistar Jantan dan Betina Umur 4, 6, dan 8 Minggu

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    Animal model is very important in biomedical research. Prior to apply in human or other primates, experiments using lower animals model such as rodents must be conducted (preclicical studies). Wistar rats (Rattus norve

    Pengaruh Pemberian Fraksi Protein Ekstrak Kuda Laut (Hippocampus kuda Bleeker, 1852) terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin Mencit (Mus musculus L)

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    Seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) is known to have a high concentration of iron, taurin and progesteron as testosteron precursor. Seahorse extract can increase the production of testosterone hormone of mice. On the erythrocytes development, kidney is stimulated to release erythropoietin hormone in case of hypoxia and also related with testosterone production. Erythropoietin control erythrocytes development and increase hemoglobin synthesis. The objective of experiment was to study the effect of seahorse extract as supplemented food in optimal concentration in range of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg body weight on mice’s hematopoiesis and erythropoiesis. Each of treatment groups consist of 5 mices. The observed parameters were hematocrit value, hemoglobin concentration and renal index which observed on day 0, 34 and 67. The result showed that treatment of seahorse protein fraction extract until 300 mg/kg body weight dosage have no effect to the hematocrit value. The 200 mg/kg body weight extract dosage was able to increase the hemoglobin rate measurement. Renal index of Mice on day 34 and 67 after treatment did not give significant difference among treatment and contro


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    Common reasons for monitoring hormone concentrations in domestic or wild animals, include breeding management, pregnancy diagnosis, stress assessment, and to diagnosed of endocrine illness. The research goal was to develop non invasive analytical techniques of hormone in Java deer (Cervus russa timorensis Mul. & Schl 1844). The non-invasive methods involve the collection of feces, urine, or even saliva in order to measure the metabolites hormones of interest. Samples obtained from either method are most often analyzed with radioimmunoassay (RIA) or enzyme immunoassay (EIA) technology. Both collection and assay methods have advantages and disadvantages. Choice of method depends on the tractability of the species or individual animal in question and the type of question that the data is expected to answer. We are researching basic questions regarding reproductive endocrinology of male Cervus russa timorensis Mul. & Schl 1844. Understanding C timorensis reproductive physiology will help us better address reproductive challenges in both captive and free-ranging populations. Fecal testosterone and cortisol concentrations were measured in captive male C timorensis. As much as five adult male deer were separated into separate cages. Fecal samples were collected in the morning and evening for 30 days. Sample processed through lyophilization stage, pulverization, solvent extraction with methanol and centrifugation to obtain the supernatant for EIA analysis. EIA test results indicated that content of both testosterone and cortisol could be detected, although the levels were still low. This data show that there is a metabolite in-activism in the fecal. With these results through fecal hormone measurement method (non-invasive) it is possible to be developed for observation and research on the reproductive status of the deer.Keywords: Non-invasive, Testosterone, Cortisol, Java deer

    Potensi Propolis Sebagai Imunomodulator Pada Tikus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Galur Wistar yang diinduksi Penisilin-G

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    Propolis is a honeybee product collected from plants sap. This resinous substance is used to build and maintain the nest. Propolis has long been declared as a safe material for health maintaining. The purpose of this research was to study the potential use of Propolis as an immunomodulator in Penicillin-G-induced Wistar rats. A total of 30 male rats aged 5 months with 200-240 grams body weight were divided into 6 groups: Control Placebo (im injection of aquabidest+oral administration of NaCl 0.9%); Control Penicillin (im injection of 21.6 mg Penicillin+oral administration of NaCl 0.9%); Control Propolis (im injection of aquabidest+oral administration of 27.0 mg Propolis); Treatment 1 (im injection of 21.6 mg Penicillin+oral administration of 13.5 mg Propolis); Treatment 2 (im injection of 21.6 mg Penicillin+oral administration of 27.0 mg Propolis); and Treatment 3 (im injection of 21.6 mg Penicillin+oral administration of 40.5 mg Propolis). Leukocytes profile (total and differential counts), body temperature, and urine acidity (pH) before and after treatment were determined as pretest and posttest data. Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA followed by DMRT (p <0.05). Results showed that administration of Propolis significantly increased neutrophils count above the normal range (more than 4.41x103/L), whereas significantly decreased lymphocytes count below the normal range (less than 6.75x103/L). This causes the value of N/L ratio increased significantly. Administration of Penicillin and the combination with Propolis significantly increased body temperature (above 38C), while treatment with Propolis alone did not induce fever or inflammation (normal temperature 37-38C). Administration of Propolis reduced urine acidity due to the impact of the administration of Penicillin (pH 5.5-7.0). It can be concluded that oral administration of Propolis in Penicillin G-induced male Wistar rats exhibited immunosuppressive effect on lymphocytes. It was suggested as the role of Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), the main bioactive compound in Propolis which also acts as an antiinflammatory agent. Further research is still needed to support this finding.Keywords: CAPE, immune system, immunomodulators, Penicillin, Propoli

    Hemotoxicity of Hairy Fig (Ficus hispida L.f.) Fruits on Male Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769)

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    Hairy fig (Ficus hispida) fruits (HFF) are widely consumed as food and traditional medicine in several West Asian countries, both the unripe fruit (UHFF) and ripe fruit (RHFF). However, they are not commonly utilized in Indonesia. Acute oral toxicity studies reported No Observed adverse effect level (NOAEL). Further, a reproductive toxicity study found that UHFF boosted spermatogenesis and increased the quality and quantity of spermatozoa. Meanwhile, RHFF exhibited the opposite effects. To provide comprehensive information from the previous study, this research was conducted to evaluate the hemotoxicity of UHFF and RHFF about their impact on the male reproductive system. Nine Wistar rats were assigned into three groups: the first group received UHFF juice, the second group received RHFF juice, and the third group received distilled water as control. The volume of each treatment was 2 mL/individual/day for 77 days. On days 0, 28, and 77, blood samples were collected for routine hematological profile examination using a hematology analyzer (Sysmex®XP-100). Data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test and Duncan's test (α=0.05) to discover significant differences between groups and times. Results showed that consuming hairy fig fruit, especially the UHFF, had an unfavorable effect on erythrocytes resulting in hypochromic microcytic anemia. Still, there was no adverse effect on leukocytes and platelets. Anemia may have occurred due to the presence of hemotoxic compounds that interfere with the synthesis and binding of hemoglobin or because the hairy fig fruit filtrates were oxidized, thereby increasing the level of oxidative stress within the body, of which is a drop in hemoglobin levels


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    Evaluation of liver and renal functions are routine tests performed in preclinical studies. Liver plays a role in detoxification and secretion of various substances to regulate a wide range of metabolic functions. Kidneys serves as the main excretory and osmoregulatory organs. Thus, assessment of liver and renal functions are important in identifying the presence of damages and diseases as well as monitoring body responses towards treatments or therapy. Therefore, normal values should be established for valid reference. Until now, many researchers still use references from various publications, including foreign countries with different environmental factors and method of animals care. This study was aimed to provide reference values for liver and renal functions in male and female Wistar rats. Animals were sourced from LPPT-UGM. Age 4-, 6-, and 8-week-old represent juvenile, preadult, and adult. Blood samples were collected from orbital sinus of anesthetized animals. Sera were tested for ALT, AST, BUN, and creatinine based on spectrophotometry. Results demonstrated that values of most parameters varied, depend on sex and age. According to this finding, it can be concluded that reference values cannot be generalized but must be determined by sex and age in local population

    Single-dose Acute Oral Toxicity Study of Chloroform Extract of Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain.) Leaf in Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769)

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    Sansevieria trifasciata is one of popular ornamental plants which also believed possessing therapeutic effects due to their phytochemical constituents. Secondary metabolites of plants can be toxic to other organisms; therefore, toxicity studies must be carried out to investigate adverse effects prior to further exploration as potent candidates of medicinal plants. This research aimed to evaluate toxicity and safety of consuming chloroform extract of S. trifasciata leaf (CESTL) in acute phase using female Wistar rats as model animal. Procedure referred to OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 420: Acute Oral Toxicity - Fixed Dose Procedure with single-dose administration of 2000 mg/kg bw. Results demonstrated that during 14 days of the experiment, neither mortality and sublethal effects as signs of toxicity were detected. There were no significant differences during the experiment between treatment groups and control in body weight, core temperature, individual and social behavior, food and water intake, as well as hematological profile, clinical biochemistry parameters, and relative organ weight (visceral organs indices). Almost all values were maintained within normal range (baseline) with fluctuation as normal physiological dynamics appeared relatively similar in all groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) for single-dose oral administration of CESTL with the dose 2000 mg/kg bw and can be classified in the hazard of Category 5 based on Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). Based on this finding, we will continue to conduct further study to assess the repeated-dose acute oral toxicity.