3,373 research outputs found

    Modulator for tone and binary signals

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    Tones and binary information are transmitted as phase variations on a carrier wave of constant amplitude and frequency. The carrier and tones are applied to a balanced modulator for deriving an output signal including a pair of sidebands relative to the carrier. The carrier is phase modulated by a digital signal so that it is + or - 90 deg out of phase with the predetermined phase of the carrier. The carrier is combined in an algebraic summing device with the phase modulated signal and the balanced modulator output signal. The output of the algebraic summing device is hard limited to derive a constant amplitude and frequency signal having very narrow bandwidth requirements. At a receiver, the tones and binary data are detected with a phase locked loop having a voltage controlled oscillator driving a pair of orthogonal detection channels

    Memory based on abstraction for dynamic fitness functions

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    Copyright @ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008.This paper proposes a memory scheme based on abstraction for evolutionary algorithms to address dynamic optimization problems. In this memory scheme, the memory does not store good solutions as themselves but as their abstraction, i.e., their approximate location in the search space. When the environment changes, the stored abstraction information is extracted to generate new individuals into the population. Experiments are carried out to validate the abstraction based memory scheme. The results show the efficiency of the abstraction based memory scheme for evolutionary algorithms in dynamic environments.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant No. EP/E060722/1

    A comparison between conventional and LANDSAT based hydrologic modeling: The Four Mile Run case study

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    Models designed to support the hydrologic studies associated with urban water resources planning require input parameters that are defined in terms of land cover. Estimating the land cover is a difficult and expensive task when drainage areas larger than a few sq. km are involved. Conventional and LANDSAT based methods for estimating the land cover based input parameters required by hydrologic planning models were compared in a case study of the 50.5 sq. km (19.5 sq. mi) Four Mile Run Watershed in Virginia. Results of the study indicate that the LANDSAT based approach is highly cost effective for planning model studies. The conventional approach to define inputs was based on 1:3600 aerial photos, required 110 man-days and a total cost of 14,000.TheLANDSATbasedapproachrequired6.9mandaysandcost14,000. The LANDSAT based approach required 6.9 man-days and cost 2,350. The conventional and LANDSAT based models gave similar results relative to discharges and estimated annual damages expected from no flood control, channelization, and detention storage alternatives

    Compton scattering in strong magnetic fields: Spin-dependent influences at the cyclotron resonance

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    The quantum electrodynamical (QED) process of Compton scattering in strong magnetic fields is commonly invoked in atmospheric and inner magnetospheric models of x-ray and soft gamma-ray emission in high-field pulsars and magnetars. A major influence of the field is to introduce resonances at the cyclotron frequency and its harmonics, where the incoming photon accesses thresholds for the creation of virtual electrons or positrons in intermediate states with excited Landau levels. At these resonances, the effective cross section typically exceeds the classical Thomson value by over 2 orders of magnitude. Near and above the quantum critical magnetic field of 44.13 TeraGauss, relativistic corrections must be incorporated when computing this cross section. This paper presents formalism for the QED magnetic Compton differential cross section valid for both subcritical and supercritical fields, yet restricted to scattered photons that are below pair creation threshold. Calculations are developed for the particular case of photons initially propagating along the field, mathematically simple specializations that are germane to interactions involving relativistic electrons frequently found in neutron star magnetospheres. This exposition of relativistic, quantum, magnetic Compton cross sections treats electron spin dependence fully, since this is a critical feature for describing the finite decay lifetimes of the intermediate states. The formalism employs both the Johnson and Lippmann (JL) wave functions and the Sokolov and Ternov (ST) electron eigenfunctions of the magnetic Dirac equation. The ST states are formally correct for self-consistently treating spin-dependent effects that are so important in the resonances. Relatively compact analytic forms for the cross sections are presented that will prove useful for astrophysical modelers.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Heralded Two-Photon Entanglement from Probabilistic Quantum Logic Operations on Multiple Parametric Down-Conversion Sources

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    An ideal controlled-NOT gate followed by projective measurements can be used to identify specific Bell states of its two input qubits. When the input qubits are each members of independent Bell states, these projective measurements can be used to swap the post-selected entanglement onto the remaining two qubits. Here we apply this strategy to produce heralded two-photon polarization entanglement using Bell states that originate from independent parametric down-conversion sources, and a particular probabilistic controlled-NOT gate that is constructed from linear optical elements. The resulting implementation is closely related to an earlier proposal by Sliwa and Banaszek [quant-ph/0207117], and can be intuitively understood in terms of familiar quantum information protocols. The possibility of producing a ``pseudo-demand'' source of two-photon entanglement by storing and releasing these heralded pairs from independent cyclical quantum memory devices is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, special issue on "Quantum Internet Technologies

    Visualizing sound emission of elephant vocalizations: evidence for two rumble production types

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    Recent comparative data reveal that formant frequencies are cues to body size in animals, due to a close relationship between formant frequency spacing, vocal tract length and overall body size. Accordingly, intriguing morphological adaptations to elongate the vocal tract in order to lower formants occur in several species, with the size exaggeration hypothesis being proposed to justify most of these observations. While the elephant trunk is strongly implicated to account for the low formants of elephant rumbles, it is unknown whether elephants emit these vocalizations exclusively through the trunk, or whether the mouth is also involved in rumble production. In this study we used a sound visualization method (an acoustic camera) to record rumbles of five captive African elephants during spatial separation and subsequent bonding situations. Our results showed that the female elephants in our analysis produced two distinct types of rumble vocalizations based on vocal path differences: a nasally- and an orally-emitted rumble. Interestingly, nasal rumbles predominated during contact calling, whereas oral rumbles were mainly produced in bonding situations. In addition, nasal and oral rumbles varied considerably in their acoustic structure. In particular, the values of the first two formants reflected the estimated lengths of the vocal paths, corresponding to a vocal tract length of around 2 meters for nasal, and around 0.7 meters for oral rumbles. These results suggest that African elephants may be switching vocal paths to actively vary vocal tract length (with considerable variation in formants) according to context, and call for further research investigating the function of formant modulation in elephant vocalizations. Furthermore, by confirming the use of the elephant trunk in long distance rumble production, our findings provide an explanation for the extremely low formants in these calls, and may also indicate that formant lowering functions to increase call propagation distances in this species'

    A two-circle powder diffractometer for synchrotron radiation on Station 2.3 at the SRS

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    The two-circle powder diffractometer on Station 8.3 at the SRS has recently been relocated to station 2.3, some half the distance from a dipole radiation source with the same nominal 1.2T field. The purpose of this paper is to detail the changes and modifications to the diffractometer operation