32 research outputs found

    Spectral comparison of diffuse PAR irradiance under different tree and shrub shading conditions and in cloudy days

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    [EN] Spectral Solar Photosynthetically Photon Flux Density (PPFD) (380 to 780¿nm) reaching the surface of a plant in different lighting conditions has been analyzed in order to better understand the different photosynthetic performance of plants depending on their spatial situation and the vegetation surrounding. A comparison between the shadow of several trees in a sunny day and the case of a cloudy day in an open space has been studied. Three isolated trees (a palm tree, an olive tree and a shrub oleander) and a tipuana grove have been studied. The study has been developed in Valencia (Spain) during January and February 2017. A portable Asensetek Standard ALP-01 spectrometer with a measurement wavelength range of 380 to 780¿nm, has been used. Conditions with higher PPFD received are found to be, apart from those of a sunny day, those for cloudy day (with a spectral maximum in the Green region of the spectrum), and those for individual trees and shrub shadows in a sunny day (with a spectral maximum in the Blue region). The case in which less amount of PPFD is received is that under the shadow of tipuana grove (with a spectral maximum in the Infrared region of the spectrum). In fact the order of magnitude in which the PPFD in a cloudy day exceeds the PPFD under the tipuana grove shade is up to 20.Gurrea-Ysasi, G.; Blanca Giménez, V.; Fita Fernández, IC.; Fita, A.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Rodríguez Burruezo, A. (2018). Spectral comparison of diffuse PAR irradiance under different tree and shrub shading conditions and in cloudy days. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B Biology. 189:274-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2018.10.023S27428218

    Experiencias Tecnológicas de Soporte al Blended Learning en un Contexto Multidisciplinar

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    [ES] El Blended Learning (o aprendizaje semipresencial) está siendo impulsado en los últimos años por el auge de las TIC y el aumento de las actividades no presenciales en los nuevos títulos de Grado. En este artículo se describen experiencias de introducción del Blended Learning en asignaturas de diferentes ámbitos (Informática, Telecomunicaciones y Biotecnología). El tronco común es el uso de herramientas y tecnologías informáticas de uso cotidiano que posibilitan y facilitan la realización de actividades que abarcan desde la realización remota de prácticas de laboratorios en entornos Cloud, pasando por el uso de herramientas que fomentan la interacción en clase hasta la grabación directa de las clases y su posterior difusión. En este artículo se resumen las experiencias realizadas introduciendo las herramientas tecnológicas necesarias, tanto los dispositivos electrónicos como los programas necesarios para su aplicación concreta a los diferentes escenarios. También se describe su impacto tanto para el alumno como para los profesores involucrados. La finalidad de este trabajo es presentar estas experiencias de modo que sirvan de catalizador para que otros profesores de áreas afines decidan utilizar este tipo de técnicas y actividades en su práctica docente.[EN] Blended Learning has been leveraged in the last years due to the widespread usage of ICTs and the increase of distant activities in the new degrees. This paper describes several experiences of introducing Blended Learning in subjects from different fields (Computer Science, Telecommunications, and Biotechnology). The common aspect is the usage of computer tools that enable to perform activities that range from performing practical activities in remote labs provisioned from Cloud environments to the live recording of lessons and its broadcast. This paper summarises the experiences carried out, introducing the required technologies, tools and devices. It is also described the impact for both the students and the involved professors. The goal of this paper is to describe the experiences in a way that encourages other professors from related fields to integrate these techniques and activities in their teaching methodologies.Moltó, G.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Fita Fernández, IC.; Fita, A. (2014). Experiencias Tecnológicas de Soporte al Blended Learning en un Contexto Multidisciplinar. En Jornadas de Innovación Educativa y docencia en Red de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 54-68. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/66235S546

    Aula Inversa: una oportunidad para el desarrollo de competencias transversales

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    [EN] A preliminary work about the impact of the Flipped Classroom (FC) in the development of different Soft Skills (SS) defined by the UPV is shown in this article. Throughout the 2015-16 academic year, some particular subjects in the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) are checkpoints to monitor the implementation and assessment of the specific SS. All SS must be developed every year and their control is distributed for assessment in the different courses to ensure a complete evaluation of the SS is offered at the several training stages students. The professors belonging to the MATI EICE group have previous experience in making digital materials and using them in the FC methodology. Also, due to the fact that we are a multidisciplinary group, each member has assessed the SS for which their subjects were control points, which enriches this study, offering a broad overview regarding the possibilities to use FC in the classroom to work the skills the students must have at the end of their education.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un estudio preliminar del impacto de la técnica de Aula Inversa (AI) en el desarrollo de diferentes Competencias Transversales (CT). En el curso 15-16 todas las asignaturas son puntos de control en el desarrollo de alguna de las CT que define la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Todas las CT han de ser desarrolladas en todos los cursos del grado y han de ser evaluadas en las distintas asignaturas con el fin de ofrecer una evaluación completa de competencias en distintas etapas de la formación de cada estudiante. Nuestro grupo EICE de profesores (MATI) tiene experiencia previa en la preparación de materiales digitales y su aplicación con la técnica de Aula Inversa. Al ser un grupo multidisciplinar a cada miembro del grupo le corresponde evaluar una competencia distinta, lo cual enriquece el estudio, ofreciendo una visión bastante amplia acerca de las posibilidades de aplicación.Fita Fernández, IC.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Moltó Martínez, G. (2016). Aula Inversa: una oportunidad para el desarrollo de competencias transversales. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4364OC

    Characterization of the Spectrum of Solar Irradiance under Different Crop Protection Coverings in Mediterranean Conditions and Effect on the Interception of Photosynthetically Active Radiation

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    [EN] Plants use visible light and part of adjacent ultraviolet and near infrared regions for photosynthesis. Crop protection coverings enable plant cultivation in areas or seasons not suitable open field. However, the use of covering materials is a detriment to solar irradiance, which may decrease the photosynthetic rate. Here, the effect of two different covering materials, tempered glass and white polyethylene mesh, on solar irradiance was compared to open field (control) under real farming conditions. Relative irradiance (RI) and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) were recorded along 380-780 nm wavelength spectrums in the two conditions at 10:00 h and 13:00 h. Also the efficiency of Capsicum peppers in capturing solar irradiance was evaluated in leaves as the reflectance of both RI and PPFD under the mentioned growing conditions. Low differences in RI among the three conditions were found, and the lowest values corresponded to glasshouse conditions. Differences were more obvious in PPFD and, compared to open field, both mesh greenhouse and glasshouse conditions provoked remarkable decreases in all the spectral bands, 50-55% and 75-80% respectively. Covering materials also differed on the ratio of reflected PPFD and incident PPFD. Glasshouse plants displayed the highest reflectance at both 10:00 h and 13:00 h (0.05-0.20), followed by mesh greenhouse (0.05-0.10), suggesting that glasshouse conditions might decrease the photosynthesis rate due to both PPFD decrease and reflectance, although the effect of polyethylene mesh should not be disregarded as it also decreases considerably PPFD. Our results have important implications for the physiology and the productivity of crops under different covering materials.Gurrea-Ysasi, G.; Blanca Giménez, V.; Fita Fernández, IC.; Fita, A.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Rodríguez Burruezo, A. (2019). Characterization of the Spectrum of Solar Irradiance under Different Crop Protection Coverings in Mediterranean Conditions and Effect on the Interception of Photosynthetically Active Radiation. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 47(2):441-449. https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha47211439S44144947

    Comparative Study of Different Crassulaceae Species for Their Potential Use as Plant Covers to Improve Thermal Performance of Green Roofs

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    [EN] The presence of green roofs in urban areas improves the energy efficiency of buildings; contributes to the capture of CO2, decreasing pollution; and improves the appearance of cities, increasing their sustainability. Additionally, green roofs must include plant species with low requirements and maintenance, and thus, succulent species could be useful in Mediterranean semi-arid regions. In this work, the thermal inertia and the effect of different succulent species as thermal barriers on mitigating the increase in temperature inside experimental compartments were studied in comparison to conventional covers used in the Spanish Mediterranean for a whole year. In general, green covers were more efficient than conventional ones for controlling temperature. Thus, temperatures under green covers were up to 8 °C lower than conventional covers and 3¿5 °C lower than the ambient temperature at noon on summer days. Furthermore, significant differences were found between green covers. Thus, despite having high thermal inertia, Aptenia cordifolia showed the worst temperature records, while Aeonium arboreum was the most efficient at mitigating temperature changes both on cold winter nights and hot summer days¿even better than Sedum spp., a usual succulent used commercially. Our results demonstrate that succulent species are efficient materials to use as green covers to improve thermal conditions in buildings in Mediterranean cities. This also suggests that the mixture of succulent species (i.e., not only made of Sedum spp.) with different colors and textures could beautify green roofs without compromising their energy efficiency.This research was developed in the facilities of the Universitat Politècnica de València and with the resources provided by Fondo de Sostenibilidad I+D+I UPV 88702681Gurrea-Ysasi, G.; Blanca Giménez, V.; Fernández De Córdova Martínez, PJ.; Cortés Olmos, C.; Rodríguez Burruezo, A.; Fita Fernández, IC. (2022). Comparative Study of Different Crassulaceae Species for Their Potential Use as Plant Covers to Improve Thermal Performance of Green Roofs. Horticulturae. 8(9):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae80908461198

    Experiencias de Analíticas de Aprendizaje para el Seguimiento de Competencias Transversales

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    [EN] This article compiles a series of learning analytics experiences carried out in a multi-disciplinary university context in order to facilitate the monitoring students achieve-ment of certain soft skills. The experiences involve the use of computer tools for the collection, analysis and / or processing of data generated mainly from the students in-teractions with the Learning Management Systems used at the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia (PoliformaT, based on Sakai, Microsoft Teams, Videoapuntes). The results indicate that the integration of learning analytics techniques makes it possible to collect evidence and shed visibility in a partially automated way in order to support the process of monitoring the degree of achievement of certain soft skills.[ES] Este artículo recopila una serie de experiencias de analíticas de aprendizaje realizadas en un contexto universitario multi-disciplinar para poder facilitar el seguimiento del alcance de ciertas competencias transversales por parte del alumnado. Las experiencias involucran el uso de herramientas informáticas para la recopilación, análisis y/o procesado de datos generados principalmente a partir de las interacciones del estudiante con los Sistemas de Gestión del Aprendizaje utilizados en la Universitat Politècnica de València (PoliformaT, basado en Sakai, Microsoft Teams y Videoapuntes). Los resultados indican que la integración de técnicas de analíticas de aprendizaje permite recopilar evidencias y arrojar visibilidad de forma parcialmente automatizada con el objetivo de dar soporte al proceso de seguimiento del grado de alcance de ciertas competencias transversales.Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (PIME) con identificador PIME/19-20/166 y financiado por la Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaMoltó Martínez, G.; Fita Fernández, IC.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Mestre I Mestre, EM.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Fita Fernández, AM. (2021). Experiencias de Analíticas de Aprendizaje para el Seguimiento de Competencias Transversales. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1337-1351. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13704OCS1337135

    Drying-rewetting cycles in ordinary Portland cement mortars investigated by electrical impedance spectroscopy

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    [EN] Changes caused in the porous microstructure of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) mortars were studied using electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and equivalent circuit (EqC). Two successive processes, at 20 ºC and 50 °C, consisting of several drying-rewetting cycles, were applied to the mortars. After each cycle, the electrical impedance and the amount of water absorbed were measured. The EIS-EqC methodology allowed to find two distributed impedance relaxations, associated to capillary and gel-C-S-H porosities, respectively. At room temperature any microstructural change was not detected. Nevertheless, at 50 °C two microstructural changes were inferred: 1) the volume of accessible porosity increased (pore coarsening) and 2) the surface of the conductive path through C-S-H gel became more conductive (surface smoothing).The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for supporting this research through the project BIA 2011-26947.Fita Fernández, IC.; Cruz González, JM.; Calvo Muñoz, C.; Soriano Martínez, L.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ.; Sánchez Martín, I. (2018). Drying-rewetting cycles in ordinary Portland cement mortars investigated by electrical impedance spectroscopy. Construction and Building Materials. 187:954-963. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.07.227S95496318

    Movimiento de un electrón en un Osciloscópio

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    Resolver la ecuación de movimiento de una partícula atendiendo a las fuerzas que actúan sobre ella.https://media.upv.es/player/?id=945fadeb-0896-4928-96b8-9f5b43abda8eFita Fernández, IC. (2012). Movimiento de un electrón en un Osciloscópio. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1704

    Campo Eléctrico y Potencial generado por una distribución superficial de carga en una esfera

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    Descripción de las líneas de campo eléctrico generadas por una esfera cargada en superficie. Cálculo del campo eléctrico mediante el Teorema de Gauss y de la función potencial.https://media.upv.es/player/?id=03c07dc0-021e-11e6-851a-656f7e06a374Fita Fernández, IC. (2013). Campo Eléctrico y Potencial generado por una distribución superficial de carga en una esfera. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/2942

    Cantidad de movimiento que se convierte en impulso de una fuerza

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    Cálculo de la fuerza que una molécula ejerce sobre una superficie con la que choca a una determinada velocidad. Extrapolación a un conjunto de partículas con velocidad aleatoria en todas direcciones del espacio. Concepto de presión que un gas ejerce sobre las paredes del recipiente que lo contiene.https://media.upv.es/player/?id=03c0cbe0-021e-11e6-851a-656f7e06a374Fita Fernández, IC. (2013). Cantidad de movimiento que se convierte en impulso de una fuerza. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/2947