840 research outputs found

    Calculation of ground states of four-dimensional +or- J Ising spin glasses

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    Ground states of four-dimensional (d=4) EA Ising spin glasses are calculated for sizes up to 7x7x7x7 using a combination of a genetic algorithm and cluster-exact approximation. The ground-state energy of the infinite system is extrapolated as e_0=-2.095(1). The ground-state stiffness (or domain wall) energy D is calculated. A D~L^{\Theta} behavior with \Theta=0.65(4) is found which confirms that the d=4 model has an equilibrium spin-glass-paramagnet transition for non-zero T_c.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 31 references, revtex; update of reference

    Low Energy Excitations in Spin Glasses from Exact Ground States

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    We investigate the nature of the low-energy, large-scale excitations in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass with Gaussian couplings and free boundary conditions, by studying the response of the ground state to a coupling-dependent perturbation introduced previously. The ground states are determined exactly for system sizes up to 12^3 spins using a branch and cut algorithm. The data are consistent with a picture where the surface of the excitations is not space-filling, such as the droplet or the ``TNT'' picture, with only minimal corrections to scaling. When allowing for very large corrections to scaling, the data are also consistent with a picture with space-filling surfaces, such as replica symmetry breaking. The energy of the excitations scales with their size with a small exponent \theta', which is compatible with zero if we allow moderate corrections to scaling. We compare the results with data for periodic boundary conditions obtained with a genetic algorithm, and discuss the effects of different boundary conditions on corrections to scaling. Finally, we analyze the performance of our branch and cut algorithm, finding that it is correlated with the existence of large-scale,low-energy excitations.Comment: 18 Revtex pages, 16 eps figures. Text significantly expanded with more discussion of the numerical data. Fig.11 adde

    The three-dimensional random field Ising magnet: interfaces, scaling, and the nature of states

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    The nature of the zero temperature ordering transition in the 3D Gaussian random field Ising magnet is studied numerically, aided by scaling analyses. In the ferromagnetic phase the scaling of the roughness of the domain walls, wLζw\sim L^\zeta, is consistent with the theoretical prediction ζ=2/3\zeta = 2/3. As the randomness is increased through the transition, the probability distribution of the interfacial tension of domain walls scales as for a single second order transition. At the critical point, the fractal dimensions of domain walls and the fractal dimension of the outer surface of spin clusters are investigated: there are at least two distinct physically important fractal dimensions. These dimensions are argued to be related to combinations of the energy scaling exponent, θ\theta, which determines the violation of hyperscaling, the correlation length exponent ν\nu, and the magnetization exponent β\beta. The value β=0.017±0.005\beta = 0.017\pm 0.005 is derived from the magnetization: this estimate is supported by the study of the spin cluster size distribution at criticality. The variation of configurations in the interior of a sample with boundary conditions is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a single transition separating the disordered phase with one ground state from the ordered phase with two ground states. The array of results are shown to be consistent with a scaling picture and a geometric description of the influence of boundary conditions on the spins. The details of the algorithm used and its implementation are also described.Comment: 32 pp., 2 columns, 32 figure

    Spin glass transition in a magnetic field: a renormalization group study

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    We study the transition of short range Ising spin glasses in a magnetic field, within a general replica symmetric field theory, which contains three masses and eight cubic couplings, that is defined in terms of the fields representing the replicon, anomalous and longitudinal modes. We discuss the symmetry of the theory in the limit of replica number n to 0, and consider the regular case where the longitudinal and anomalous masses remain degenerate. The spin glass transitions in zero and non-zero field are analyzed in a common framework. The mean field treatment shows the usual results, that is a transition in zero field, where all the modes become critical, and a transition in non-zero field, at the de Almeida-Thouless (AT) line, with only the replicon mode critical. Renormalization group methods are used to study the critical behavior, to order epsilon = 6-d. In the general theory we find a stable fixed-point associated to the spin glass transition in zero field. This fixed-point becomes unstable in the presence of a small magnetic field, and we calculate crossover exponents, which we relate to zero-field critical exponents. In a finite magnetic field, we find no physical stable fixed-point to describe the AT transition, in agreement with previous results of other authors.Comment: 36 pages with 4 tables. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Ground-state clusters of two-, three- and four-dimensional +-J Ising spin glasses

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    A huge number of independent true ground-state configurations is calculated for two-, three- and four-dimensional +- J spin-glass models. Using the genetic cluster-exact approximation method, system sizes up to N=20^2,8^3,6^4 spins are treated. A ``ballistic-search'' algorithm is applied which allows even for large system sizes to identify clusters of ground states which are connected by chains of zero-energy flips of spins. The number of clusters n_C diverges with N going to infinity. For all dimensions considered here, an exponential increase of n_C appears to be more likely than a growth with a power of N. The number of different ground states is found to grow clearly exponentially with N. A zero-temperature entropy per spin of s_0=0.078(5)k_B (2d), s_0=0.051(3)k_B (3d) respectively s_0=0.027(5)k_B (4d) is obtained.Comment: large extensions, now 12 pages, 9 figures, 27 reference

    Generating droplets in two-dimensional Ising spin glasses by using matching algorithms

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    We study the behavior of droplets for two dimensional Ising spin glasses with Gaussian interactions. We use an exact matching algorithm which enables study of systems with linear dimension L up to 240, which is larger than is possible with other approaches. But the method only allows certain classes of droplets to be generated. We study single-bond, cross and a category of fixed volume droplets as well as first excitations. By comparison with similar or equivalent droplets generated in previous works, the advantages but also the limitations of this approach are revealed. In particular we have studied the scaling behavior of the droplet energies and droplet sizes. In most cases, a crossover of the data can be observed such that for large sizes the behavior is compatible with the one-exponent scenario of the droplet theory. Only for the case of first excitations, no clear conclusion can be reached, probably because even with the matching approach the accessible system sizes are still too small.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, revte

    Dynamic scaling and aging phenomena in short-range Ising spin glass: Cu0.5_{0.5}Co0.5_{0.5}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compound

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    Static and dynamic behavior of short-range Ising-spin glass Cu0.5_{0.5}Co0.5_{0.5}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compounds (GBIC) has been studied with SQUID DC and AC magnetic susceptibility. The TT dependence of the zero-field relaxation time τ\tau above a spin-freezing temperature TgT_{g} (= 3.92 ±\pm 0.11 K) is well described by critical slowing down. The absorption χ\chi^{\prime\prime} below TgT_{g} decreases with increasing angular frequency ω\omega, which is in contrast to the case of 3D Ising spin glass. The dynamic freezing temperature Tf(H,ω)T_{f}(H,\omega) at which dMFC(T,H)/M_{FC}(T,H)/dH=χ(T,H=0,ω)H=\chi^{\prime}(T,H=0,\omega), is determined as a function of frequency (0.01 Hz ω/2π\leq \omega/2\pi \leq 1 kHz) and magnetic field (0 H\leq H \leq 5 kOe). The dynamic scaling analysis of the relaxation time τ(T,H)\tau(T,H) defined as τ=1/ω\tau = 1/\omega at T=Tf(H,ω)T = T_{f}(H,\omega) suggests the absence of SG phase in the presence of HH (at least above 100 Oe). Dynamic scaling analysis of χ(T,ω)\chi^{\prime \prime}(T, \omega) and τ(T,H)\tau(T,H) near TgT_{g} leads to the critical exponents (β\beta = 0.36 ±\pm 0.03, γ\gamma = 3.5 ±\pm 0.4, ν\nu = 1.4 ±\pm 0.2, zz = 6.6 ±\pm 1.2, ψ\psi = 0.24 ±\pm 0.02, and θ\theta = 0.13 ±\pm 0.02). The aging phenomenon is studied through the absorption χ(ω,t)\chi^{\prime \prime}(\omega, t) below TgT_{g}. It obeys a (ωt)b(\omega t)^{-b^{\prime \prime}} power-law decay with an exponent b0.150.2b^{\prime \prime}\approx 0.15 - 0.2. The rejuvenation effect is also observed under sufficiently large (temperature and magnetic-field) perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. B (September 1, 2003

    Ultrametricity in 3D Edwards-Anderson spin glasses

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    We perform an accurate test of Ultrametricity in the aging dynamics of the three dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass. Our method consists in considering the evolution in parallel of two identical systems constrained to have fixed overlap. This turns out to be a particularly efficient way to study the geometrical relations between configurations at distant large times. Our findings strongly hint towards dynamical ultrametricity in spin glasses, while this is absent in simpler aging systems with domain growth dynamics. A recently developed theory of linear response in glassy systems allows to infer that dynamical ultrametricity implies the same property at the level of equilibrium states.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Lower Critical Dimension of Ising Spin Glasses

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    Exact ground states of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses with Gaussian and bimodal (+- J) distributions of the disorder are calculated using a ``matching'' algorithm, which allows large system sizes of up to N=480^2 spins to be investigated. We study domain walls induced by two rather different types of boundary-condition changes, and, in each case, analyze the system-size dependence of an appropriately defined ``defect energy'', which we denote by DE. For Gaussian disorder, we find a power-law behavior DE ~ L^\theta, with \theta=-0.266(2) and \theta=-0.282(2) for the two types of boundary condition changes. These results are in reasonable agreement with each other, allowing for small systematic effects. They also agree well with earlier work on smaller sizes. The negative value indicates that two dimensions is below the lower critical dimension d_c. For the +-J model, we obtain a different result, namely the domain-wall energy saturates at a nonzero value for L\to \infty, so \theta = 0, indicating that the lower critical dimension for the +-J model exactly d_c=2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, revte

    Absence of a metallic phase in random-bond Ising models in two dimensions: applications to disordered superconductors and paired quantum Hall states

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    When the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model is represented as a noninteracting fermion problem, it has the same symmetries as an ensemble of random matrices known as class D. A nonlinear sigma model analysis of the latter in two dimensions has previously led to the prediction of a metallic phase, in which the fermion eigenstates at zero energy are extended. In this paper we argue that such behavior cannot occur in the random-bond Ising model, by showing that the Ising spin correlations in the metallic phase violate the bound on such correlations that results from the reality of the Ising couplings. Some types of disorder in spinless or spin-polarized p-wave superconductors and paired fractional quantum Hall states allow a mapping onto an Ising model with real but correlated bonds, and hence a metallic phase is not possible there either. It is further argued that vortex disorder, which is generic in the fractional quantum Hall applications, destroys the ordered or weak-pairing phase, in which nonabelian statistics is obtained in the pure case.Comment: 13 pages; largely independent of cond-mat/0007254; V. 2: as publishe