1,297 research outputs found

    An investigation of the negative effects of semantic priming on the recall of semantic information.

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    Two experiments were performed to discriminate between a pathway inhibition and a response competition explanation of the negative effects of semantic priming on recall. Both experiments involved recalling a word in response to a definition which was preceded by various types of priming stimuli. Experiment 1 was designed to differentiate between these explanations by using category name and instance priming stimuli. In agreement with the response competition hypothesis, priming with an instance of the same category of the target increased the latency to recall that target and increased the number of erroneous responses. In contrast, priming with the category name of the target was found to either facilitate or have no effect on recall latency and decrease the number of errors. Thus, the results of experiment 1 clearly favored the response competition hypothesis of the negative effects of semantic priming on recall. Experiment 2 performed the same theoretical function by manipulating the number of semantic priming stimuli and the typicality of the priming instances in relation to the category of the correct target. However, experiment 2 did not present convincing evidence for or against either the response competition or pathway inhibition hypotheses. The results showed little or no effect of the number of priming stimuli or their semantic relatedness to the target. These results were tentatively explained by methodological considerations. Implications concerning response competition in semantic retrieval and problem solving are also discussed

    Mapping functions and critical behavior of percolation on rectangular domains

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    The existence probability EpE_p and the percolation probability PP of the bond percolation on rectangular domains with different aspect ratios RR are studied via the mapping functions between systems with different aspect ratios. The superscaling behavior of EpE_p and PP for such systems with exponents aa and bb, respectively, found by Watanabe, Yukawa, Ito, and Hu in [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{93}, 190601 (2004)] can be understood from the lower order approximation of the mapping functions fRf_R and gRg_R for EpE_p and PP, respectively; the exponents aa and bb can be obtained from numerically determined mapping functions fRf_R and gRg_R, respectively.Comment: 17 pages with 6 figure

    On the finite-size behavior of systems with asymptotically large critical shift

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    Exact results of the finite-size behavior of the susceptibility in three-dimensional mean spherical model films under Dirichlet-Dirichlet, Dirichlet-Neumann and Neumann-Neumann boundary conditions are presented. The corresponding scaling functions are explicitly derived and their asymptotics close to, above and below the bulk critical temperature TcT_c are obtained. The results can be incorporated in the framework of the finite-size scaling theory where the exponent λ\lambda characterizing the shift of the finite-size critical temperature with respect to TcT_c is smaller than 1/ν1/\nu, with ν\nu being the critical exponent of the bulk correlation length.Comment: 24 pages, late

    Geometric Frustration and Dimensional Reduction at a Quantum Critical Point

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    We show that the spatial dimensionality of the quantum critical point associated with Bose--Einstein condensation at T=0 is reduced when the underlying lattice comprises a set of layers coupled by a frustrating interaction. Our theoretical predictions for the critical temperature as a function of the chemical potential correspond very well with recent measurements in BaCuSi2_{2}O6_{6} [S. E. Sebastian \textit{et al}, Nature \textbf{411}, 617 (2006)].Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Canonical Solution of Classical Magnetic Models with Long-Range Couplings

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    We study the canonical solution of a family of classical nvectorn-vector spin models on a generic dd-dimensional lattice; the couplings between two spins decay as the inverse of their distance raised to the power α\alpha, with α<d\alpha<d. The control of the thermodynamic limit requires the introduction of a rescaling factor in the potential energy, which makes the model extensive but not additive. A detailed analysis of the asymptotic spectral properties of the matrix of couplings was necessary to justify the saddle point method applied to the integration of functions depending on a diverging number of variables. The properties of a class of functions related to the modified Bessel functions had to be investigated. For given nn, and for any α\alpha, dd and lattice geometry, the solution is equivalent to that of the α=0\alpha=0 model, where the dimensionality dd and the geometry of the lattice are irrelevant.Comment: Submitted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Depinning transition and thermal fluctuations in the random-field Ising model

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    We analyze the depinning transition of a driven interface in the 3d random-field Ising model (RFIM) with quenched disorder by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The interface initially built into the system is perpendicular to the [111]-direction of a simple cubic lattice. We introduce an algorithm which is capable of simulating such an interface independent of the considered dimension and time scale. This algorithm is applied to the 3d-RFIM to study both the depinning transition and the influence of thermal fluctuations on this transition. It turns out that in the RFIM characteristics of the depinning transition depend crucially on the existence of overhangs. Our analysis yields critical exponents of the interface velocity, the correlation length, and the thermal rounding of the transition. We find numerical evidence for a scaling relation for these exponents and the dimension d of the system.Comment: 6 pages, including 9 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Dynamics at a smeared phase transition

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    We investigate the effects of rare regions on the dynamics of Ising magnets with planar defects, i.e., disorder perfectly correlated in two dimensions. In these systems, the magnetic phase transition is smeared because static long-range order can develop on isolated rare regions. We first study an infinite-range model by numerically solving local dynamic mean-field equations. Then we use extremal statistics and scaling arguments to discuss the dynamics beyond mean-field theory. In the tail region of the smeared transition the dynamics is even slower than in a conventional Griffiths phase: the spin autocorrelation function decays like a stretched exponential at intermediate times before approaching the exponentially small equilibrium value following a power law at late times.Comment: 10 pages, 8eps figures included, final version as publishe

    Self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation for three-dimensional spins

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    An Ornstein-Zernike approximation for the two-body correlation function embodying thermodynamic consistency is applied to a system of classical Heisenberg spins on a three-dimensional lattice. The consistency condition determined in a previous work is supplemented by introducing a simplified expression for the mean-square fluctuations of the spin on each lattice site. The thermodynamics and the correlations obtained by this closure are then compared with approximants based on extrapolation of series expansions and with Monte Carlo simulations. The comparison reveals that many properties of the model, including the critical temperature, are very well reproduced by this simple version of the theory, but that it shows substantial quantitative error in the critical region, both above the critical temperature and with respect to its rendering of the spontaneous magnetization curve. A less simple but conceptually more satisfactory version of the SCOZA is then developed, but not solved, in which the effects of transverse correlations on the longitudinal susceptibility is included, yielding a more complete and accurate description of the spin-wave properties of the model.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    Are critical finite-size scaling functions calculable from knowledge of an appropriate critical exponent?

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    Critical finite-size scaling functions for the order parameter distribution of the two and three dimensional Ising model are investigated. Within a recently introduced classification theory of phase transitions, the universal part of the critical finite-size scaling functions has been derived by employing a scaling limit that differs from the traditional finite-size scaling limit. In this paper the analytical predictions are compared with Monte Carlo simulations. We find good agreement between the analytical expression and the simulation results. The agreement is consistent with the possibility that the functional form of the critical finite-size scaling function for the order parameter distribution is determined uniquely by only a few universal parameters, most notably the equation of state exponent.Comment: 11 pages postscript, plus 2 separate postscript figures, all as uuencoded gzipped tar file. To appear in J. Phys. A