2,053 research outputs found

    Scattering into one-dimensional waveguides from a coherently-driven quantum-optical system

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    We develop a new computational tool and framework for characterizing the scattering of photons by energy-nonconserving Hamiltonians into unidirectional (chiral) waveguides, for example, with coherent pulsed excitation. The temporal waveguide modes are a natural basis for characterizing scattering in quantum optics, and afford a powerful technique based on a coarse discretization of time. This overcomes limitations imposed by singularities in the waveguide-system coupling. Moreover, the integrated discretized equations can be faithfully converted to a continuous-time result by taking the appropriate limit. This approach provides a complete solution to the scattered photon field in the waveguide, and can also be used to track system-waveguide entanglement during evolution. We further develop a direct connection between quantum measurement theory and evolution of the scattered field, demonstrating the correspondence between quantum trajectories and the scattered photon state. Our method is most applicable when the number of photons scattered is known to be small, i.e. for a single-photon or photon-pair source. We illustrate two examples: analytical solutions for short laser pulses scattering off a two-level system and numerically exact solutions for short laser pulses scattering off a spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) or spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) source. Finally, we note that our technique can easily be extended to systems with multiple ground states and generalized scattering problems with both finite photon number input and coherent state drive, potentially enhancing the understanding of, e.g., light-matter entanglement and photon phase gates.Comment: Numerical package in collaboration with Ben Bartlett (Stanford University), implemented in QuTiP: The Quantum Toolbox in Python, Quantum 201

    Research of the development of the constitutive elements of the profession of the engineering manager

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    U disertacija se istražuje proces profesionalizacije nove profesije inženjer menadžment u savremenom srpskom društvu. Cilj je da se ispita koji su konstitutivni elementi razvijeni, koji još nisu ili nisu u potpunosti, te ih treba razvijati kako bi se ubrzali procesi profesionalizacije. Teorijski model primenjen u istraživanju sastoji se od elemenata strukturano-funkcionalističke teorije (društvena zaštita profesije i etički kodeks) i realističko-istorijske teorije (formiranje škola za profesionalno obrazovanje, profesionalno udruženje i izgradnja etičkog kodeksa profesije). Model je za potrebe ovog istraživanja proširen sa još dva relevantna elementa: resocijalizacija inženjera menadžmentau organizacijama i društveno vrednovanje profesije. Rezultati istraživanja dokazuju relevantnost izabranih nezavisnih promenljivih i potvrđuju njihov determinirajući uticaj na procese profesionalizacije profesije inženjer menadžmenta. Kao najrazvijeniji elemenat ove mlade profesije identifikovano je univerzitetsko obrazovanje. To pokazuje da je uvođenje studijskih programa inženjerskog menadžmenta na univerzitete u Srbiji prethodnica ekonomskog razvoja.The thesis focuses on the research of the process of the professionalization of the engineering manager profession in the contemporary Serbina society. The main objective is to examine which of the constitutive elements of this profession are developed and which of those are yet to be developed. The theoretical model applied in the research consists of the elements of the structural-functional theory (social protection of profession and ethical code) and realistic-historical theory (founding of the schools for professional education, professional associations, and establishment of the ethical code for the profession). This model was, for the needs of this research, broadened with two more relevant elements: re-socialization of the engineering managers in and social evaluation of the profession of the engineering manager. The results of the research prove the relevance of the examined factors and confirm their determining influence on the process of the professionalization of the engineering manager profession. As the most developed element of this young profession, the university education was identified. This shows that introduction of the study programme of engineering management in Serbia by the universities was in fact preceding the economic development

    Research of the development of the constitutive elements of the profession of the engineering manager

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    U disertacija se istražuje proces profesionalizacije nove profesije inženjer menadžment u savremenom srpskom društvu. Cilj je da se ispita koji su konstitutivni elementi razvijeni, koji još nisu ili nisu u potpunosti, te ih treba razvijati kako bi se ubrzali procesi profesionalizacije. Teorijski model primenjen u istraživanju sastoji se od elemenata strukturano-funkcionalističke teorije (društvena zaštita profesije i etički kodeks) i realističko-istorijske teorije (formiranje škola za profesionalno obrazovanje, profesionalno udruženje i izgradnja etičkog kodeksa profesije). Model je za potrebe ovog istraživanja proširen sa još dva relevantna elementa: resocijalizacija inženjera menadžmentau organizacijama i društveno vrednovanje profesije. Rezultati istraživanja dokazuju relevantnost izabranih nezavisnih promenljivih i potvrđuju njihov determinirajući uticaj na procese profesionalizacije profesije inženjer menadžmenta. Kao najrazvijeniji elemenat ove mlade profesije identifikovano je univerzitetsko obrazovanje. To pokazuje da je uvođenje studijskih programa inženjerskog menadžmenta na univerzitete u Srbiji prethodnica ekonomskog razvoja.The thesis focuses on the research of the process of the professionalization of the engineering manager profession in the contemporary Serbina society. The main objective is to examine which of the constitutive elements of this profession are developed and which of those are yet to be developed. The theoretical model applied in the research consists of the elements of the structural-functional theory (social protection of profession and ethical code) and realistic-historical theory (founding of the schools for professional education, professional associations, and establishment of the ethical code for the profession). This model was, for the needs of this research, broadened with two more relevant elements: re-socialization of the engineering managers in and social evaluation of the profession of the engineering manager. The results of the research prove the relevance of the examined factors and confirm their determining influence on the process of the professionalization of the engineering manager profession. As the most developed element of this young profession, the university education was identified. This shows that introduction of the study programme of engineering management in Serbia by the universities was in fact preceding the economic development

    Few-particle scattering from localized quantum systems in spatially structured bosonic baths

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    Understanding dynamics of localized quantum systems embedded in engineered bosonic environments is a central problem in quantum optics and open quantum system theory. We present a formalism for studying few-particle scattering from a localized quantum system interacting with an bosonic bath described by an inhomogeneous wave-equation. In particular, we provide exact relationships between the quantum scattering matrix of this interacting system and frequency domain solutions of the inhomogeneous wave-equation thus providing access to the spatial distribution of the scattered few-particle wave-packet. The formalism developed in this paper paves the way to computationally understanding the impact of structured media on the scattering properties of localized quantum systems embedded in them without simplifying assumptions on the physics of the structured media