1,730 research outputs found

    qˉq{\bar {q}}q condensate for light quarks beyond the chiral limit

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    We determine the qˉq{\bar{q}}q condensate for quark masses from zero up to that of the strange quark within a phenomenologically successful modelling of continuum QCD by solving the quark Schwinger-Dyson equation. The existence of multiple solutions to this equation is the key to an accurate and reliable extraction of this condensate using the operator product expansion. We explain why alternative definitions fail to give the physical condensate.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Turning to God in the Face of Ostracism: Effects of Social Exclusion on Religiousness

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    The present research proposes that individuals who are socially excluded can turn to religion to cope with the experience. Empirical studies conducted to test this hypothesis consistently found that socially excluded persons reported (a) significantly higher levels of religious affiliation (Studies 1, 2, and 4) and (b) stronger intentions to engage in religious behaviors (Study 2) than comparable, nonexcluded individuals. Direct support for the stress-buffering function of religiousness was also found, with a religious prime reducing the aggression-eliciting effects of consequent social rejection (Study 5). These effects were observed in both Christian and Muslim samples, revealing that turning to religion can be a powerful coping response when dealing with social rejection. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard Convection: Numerical Simulations of Experimentally Realistic Geometries

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    Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection is studied and quantitative comparisons are made, where possible, between theory and experiment by performing numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equations for a variety of experimentally realistic situations. Rectangular and cylindrical geometries of varying aspect ratios for experimental boundary conditions, including fins and spatial ramps in plate separation, are examined with particular attention paid to the role of the mean flow. A small cylindrical convection layer bounded laterally either by a rigid wall, fin, or a ramp is investigated and our results suggest that the mean flow plays an important role in the observed wavenumber. Analytical results are developed quantifying the mean flow sources, generated by amplitude gradients, and its effect on the pattern wavenumber for a large-aspect-ratio cylinder with a ramped boundary. Numerical results are found to agree well with these analytical predictions. We gain further insight into the role of mean flow in pattern dynamics by employing a novel method of quenching the mean flow numerically. Simulations of a spiral defect chaos state where the mean flow is suddenly quenched is found to remove the time dependence, increase the wavenumber and make the pattern more angular in nature.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy on Single Crystal MgB2

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    We report on the results of scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements on single crystals of Mg2. Tunneling was performed both parallel and perpendicular to the crystalline c-axis. In the first case, a single superconducting gap (Delta_pi = 2.2 meV) associated with the pi-band is observed. Tunneling parallel to the ab-plane reveals an additional, larger gap (Delta_sigma ~ 7 meV) originating in the highly two-dimensional sigma-band. Vortex imaging in the pi-band was performed with the field and tunnel current parallel to the c-axis. The vortices have a large core size compared to estimates based on Hc2, and show an absence of localized states in the core. Furthermore, superconductivity between the vortices is rapidly suppressed by an applied field. A comparison to specific heat measurements is performed.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figs. Submitted to Physica

    Non-destructive, dynamic detectors for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose and analyze a series of non-destructive, dynamic detectors for Bose-Einstein condensates based on photo-detectors operating at the shot noise limit. These detectors are compatible with real time feedback to the condensate. The signal to noise ratio of different detection schemes are compared subject to the constraint of minimal heating due to photon absorption and spontaneous emission. This constraint leads to different optimal operating points for interference-based schemes. We find the somewhat counter-intuitive result that without the presence of a cavity, interferometry causes as much destruction as absorption for optically thin clouds. For optically thick clouds, cavity-free interferometry is superior to absorption, but it still cannot be made arbitrarily non-destructive . We propose a cavity-based measurement of atomic density which can in principle be made arbitrarily non-destructive for a given signal to noise ratio

    QCD Down Under: Building Bridges

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    The strong coupling regime of QCD is responsible for 99% of hadronic phenomena. Though considerable progress has been made in solving QCD in this non-perturbative region, we nevertheless have to rely on a disparate range of models and approximations. If we are to gain an understanding of the underlying physics and not just have numerical answers from computing `` black'' boxes, we must build bridges between the parameter space where models and approximations are valid to the regime describing experiment, and between the different modellings of strong dynamics. We describe here how the Schwinger-Dyson/Bethe-Salpeter approach provides just such a bridge, linking physics, the lattice and experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Opening talk at Workshop on QCD Down Under, March 2004, Barossa Valley and Adelaide (to be published in the Proceedings

    Oscillations of a rapidly rotating annular Bose-Einstein condensate

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    A time-dependent variational Lagrangian analysis based on the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional serves to study the dynamics of a metastable giant vortex in a rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. The resulting oscillation frequencies of the core radius reproduce the trends seen in recent experiments [Engels et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 170405 (2003)], but the theoretical values are smaller by a factor approximately 0.6-0.8.Comment: 7 pages, revtex

    Nucleon axial and pseudoscalar form factors from the covariant Faddeev equation

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    We compute the axial and pseudoscalar form factors of the nucleon in the Dyson-Schwinger approach. To this end, we solve a covariant three-body Faddeev equation for the nucleon wave function and determine the matrix elements of the axialvector and pseudoscalar isotriplet currents. Our only input is a well-established and phenomenologically successful ansatz for the nonperturbative quark-gluon interaction. As a consequence of the axial Ward-Takahashi identity that is respected at the quark level, the Goldberger-Treiman relation is reproduced for all current-quark masses. We discuss the timelike pole structure of the quark-antiquark vertices that enters the nucleon matrix elements and determines the momentum dependence of the form factors. Our result for the axial charge underestimates the experimental value by 20-25% which might be a signal of missing pion-cloud contributions. The axial and pseudoscalar form factors agree with phenomenological and lattice data in the momentum range above Q^2 ~ 1...2 GeV^2.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Mean flow and spiral defect chaos in Rayleigh-Benard convection

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    We describe a numerical procedure to construct a modified velocity field that does not have any mean flow. Using this procedure, we present two results. Firstly, we show that, in the absence of mean flow, spiral defect chaos collapses to a stationary pattern comprising textures of stripes with angular bends. The quenched patterns are characterized by mean wavenumbers that approach those uniquely selected by focus-type singularities, which, in the absence of mean flow, lie at the zig-zag instability boundary. The quenched patterns also have larger correlation lengths and are comprised of rolls with less curvature. Secondly, we describe how mean flow can contribute to the commonly observed phenomenon of rolls terminating perpendicularly into lateral walls. We show that, in the absence of mean flow, rolls begin to terminate into lateral walls at an oblique angle. This obliqueness increases with Rayleigh number.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figure
