3,818 research outputs found

    Potential of a Bayesian integrated determination of the ion effective charge via bremsstrahlung and charge exchange spectroscopy in tokamak plasmas

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    Reliable and accurate estimates of the ion effective charge Zeff in tokamak plasmas are of key importance with re- spect to impurity transport studies and the establishment of thermonuclear burn criteria. These issues are of fundamental interest to ITER and reactor operational scenarios in general. However, Zeff estimates derived from bremsstrahlung spectroscopy on the one hand and from the weighted summation of individual impu- rity concentrations obtained via Charge Exchange Spectroscopy (CXS) on the other hand, often are not compatible. This is a long-standing problem in fusion plasma diagnosis. A rigorous analysis of uncertainty sources and their propagation in the experimental determination of Zeff can contribute significantly to the derivation of a Zeff value with reduced uncertainty that is consistent with both the bremsstrahlung and CXS data sets. In the present work, Bayesian Probability Theory is used in an integrated approach as a powerful tool for an advanced error analysis in the derivation of Zeff, even in the presence of systematic errors on the data. A simple probabilistic model is proposed for the estimation of Zeff , first assuming only statistical uncertainty, next taking into account also systematic deviations. The obtained Zeff estimates have smaller error bars than the Zeff values derived from the individual bremsstrahlung and CXS measurements, approaching ITER requirements. The estimates are shown to be consistent with all available information. In addition, systematic errors on the data are quantized through the requirement of data consistency between different time slices in the acquired measurements

    A novel point-to-point length measurement concept based on range-resolved interferometry

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    In many fields of research and high-value industry, the estimation of distances and displacements is crucial. Due to their extremely high spatial resolution and flexible application possibilities interferometers are cross-sectorally used in measurement practice. However, classical length measuring interferometers are subject to two residual restrictions. On the one hand, only displacements that are exactly aligned to the interferometer optical axis can be measured. On the other hand, deviating refractive indices in the measuring and reference arm due to different atmospheric conditions represent an accuracy-limiting disturbance. In this paper, a new interferometric concept for length measurement is presented. The concept is based on the range-resolved interferometry technology which enables the simultaneous readout and evaluation of two symmetrical interferometric signals which result from the superposition of two non-collimated spherical wavefronts. This allows a point-to-point measurement between two optical fiber ends and the separation of undesired changes of the optical path length outside the measurement cavity and within the measurement cavity

    Передаточные функции двигателя постоянного тока при двухканальном управлении

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    Приводятся передаточные функции двигателя постоянного тока параллельно возбуждения с учетом влияния вихревых токов и потоков рассеяния при управлении по цепи возбуждения, по цепи якоря и управления при совместном питании цепей возбуждения и якоря от общего источника, а также передаточные функции по возмущающему моменту нагрузки. Потоки рассеянной каждой обмотки учитываются индуктивностью Ls, а эквивалентный контур вихревых токов, приведенный к этой обмотке, учитывается сопротивлением rк

    Проект ЭСПЦ производительностью 1,5 млн. тонн стали в год в условиях ОАО "Волжский трубный завод"

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    Потребность труб нефтегазового сортамента каждым годом растет. Связи с этим создание электросталеплавильного цеха для производства трубной продукции является актуальным. Объектом исследования является электросталеплавильный цех металлургическое завода ОАО "Волжский Трубный Завод". Целью работы является создание электросталеплавильного цеха с установкой дуговых сталеплавильных печей. В разделе объект и методы исследования описана организация и структура цеха, элементы здания, грузопотоки цеха, выполнение работ в цехе. В разделе расчеты и аналитика рассчитаны основное и необходимое оборудование в цехе, баланс металла. В разделе результаты проведенного исследования рассмотрена технология выплавки и разливки стали марки 10ХСНД.The demand for oil and gas pipes is growing every year. The connection with this creation of an electric steel smelting shop for the production of pipe products is topical. The object of the study is an electric steel smelting workshop of the company "VPP". The aim of the work is to create an electric steel smelting shop with the installation of arc steel smelting furnaces.In the section of the object and methods of research, the organization and structure of the workshop, the elements of the building, the freight flows of the workshop, the work in the shop are described.In the calculations and analytics section, the main and necessary equipment is calculated in the shop, the balance of the metal.In the section of the results of the study, the technology of smelting and pouring steel 10ХСН

    Intentionally hastening death by withholding or withdrawing treatment

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    Zusammenfassung: ZWECK: Diese Arbeit soll empirische Daten zur Absicht des Arztes beim Behandlungsverzicht und -abbruch liefern und deren mögliche Bedeutung für die ethische Debatte diskutieren. METHODIK: Die präsentierten Daten basieren auf EURELD, einem breit angelegten Forschungsprojekt zur Erfassung medizinischer Entscheidungen am Lebensende in sechs europäischen Ländern. Ausgehend von einer fortlaufenden Zufallsstichprobe von Todesfallformularen war der zuständige Arzt anonym schriftlich zu den am Lebensende des Verstorbenen getroffenen Entscheidungen befragt worden. ERGEBNISSE: In allen sechs Ländern zusammengenommen gaben die befragten Ärzte in 45% aller Fälle von Behandlungsverzicht oder -abbruch am Lebensende eine ausdrückliche Absicht zur Beschleunigung des Todeseintrittes an. Höher als der Durchschnitt war dieser Prozentsatz in der Schweiz und in Schweden (52% resp. 51%), tiefer in Dänemark und Belgien (36% resp. 38%), im Mittelfeld lagen Italien und Holland (42% resp. 45%). Insgesamt war der Entscheid zum Verzicht oder Abbruch einer Dialyse oder einer Beatmung besonders häufig mit einer ausdrücklichen Absicht zur Beschleunigung des Todeseintrittes verbunden (57% resp. 54%), der Verzicht oder Abbruch von Krebstherapien besonders selten (34%). SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN: Ärztliche Entscheidungen zum Behandlungsverzicht oder -abbruch am Lebensende erfolgen in fast der Hälfte der Fälle mit der ausdrücklichen Absicht einer Beschleunigung des Todeseintrittes. Es findet sich keine klare Assoziation zwischen der ausdrücklichen Absicht zur Beschleunigung des Todeseintrittes und objektiven Merkmalen des jeweiligen Behandlungsabbruches oder -verzichtes wie der Wahrscheinlichkeit resp. dem Ausmaß eines lebensverkürzenden Effekts, der Unmittelbarkeit des Todeseintritts oder der zu erwartenden Belastung durch die mögliche lebenserhaltende Maßnahme. Diese Resultate wecken Zweifel an der Brauchbarkeit des Kriteriums der ärztlichen Absicht bei der moralischen Beurteilung von Entscheidungen zum Behandlungsverzicht und -abbruc

    A heterodyne interferometer with separated beam paths for high-precision displacement and angular measurements

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    As standard concepts for precision positioning within a machine reach their limits with increasing measurement volumes, inverse concepts are a promising approach for addressing this problem. The inverse principle entails other limitations, as for high-precision positioning of a sensor head within a large measurement volume, three four-beam interferometers are required in order to measure all necessary translations and rotations of the sensor head and reconstruct the topography of the reference system consisting of fixed mirrors in the x-, y-, and z-directions. We present the principle of a passive heterodyne laser interferometer with consequently separated beam paths for the individual heterodyne frequencies. The beam path design is illustrated and described, as well as the design of the signal-processing and evaluation algorithm, which is implemented using a System-On-a-Chip with an integrated FPGA, CPU, and A/D converters. A streamlined bench-top optical assembly was set up and measurements were carried out to investigate the remaining non-linearities. Additionally, reference measurements with a commercial homodyne interferometer were executed