891 research outputs found

    Bilan de la non-prolifération

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    Super natural : hybrid strategies for urban flood protection in Coney Island NY

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    How will inundation change the design of city coastlines? This thesis is an investigation into strategies to mitigate urban flooding from storm surge in Coney Island NY. In Phase 1, dynamic phenomena are identified and deconstructed, the result are properties that can be assembled to make a machine that applies forces to wet plaster, which solidified to yield insights into the sectional forms of waves. This process was used to inform a conceptual model documenting the site’s physical form, and the relative differences between land and water in terms of its density and porosity. In Phase 2, a catalog of different coastal edges are pulled together from locally observable types of coastal edges, as well as more contemporary solutions. The outcome is an understanding of coastal engineering as ranging from hard seawalls to softer solutions involving lots of vegetation. The most contemporary solutions all begin to intentionally influence the deposition and erosion of coastal sediment in order to renourish the shoreline. These approaches are used to inform the direction of future research. In Phase 3, this range of analyses are synthesized to form new hybridized coastal edges. This method has yielded new insights into coastal urban landscapes, specifically in order to address the crisis in New York City’s waterfront. Coney Island was selected because it is one of the most vulnerable parts of Brooklyn - following the wake of Hurricane Sandy this neighborhood has barely been rebuilt. As it has turned out, retrofitting hundreds of thousands of old bungalows with modern HVAC units, insulation and sprinklers - and then lifting them 10-12 feet off their foundations onto stilts, while certainly technically feasible, is not possible by Mayor De Blasio’s 2016 deadline for the rebuilding assistance program. “In this sense, the very words “Build It Back” miss the point — unless by “back” you mean back, way back, from the water’s edge.” - While it is technically possible to rebuild thousands of residences here, it is not a sound idea for pragmatic reasons

    Report on Activities : Institute for Public Services and Tourism of the University of St. Gallen

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    Thermodynamic origin of order parameters in mean-field models of spin glasses

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    We analyze thermodynamic behavior of general nn-component mean-field spin glass models in order to identify origin of the hierarchical structure of the order parameters from the replica-symmetry breaking solution. We derive a configurationally dependent free energy with local magnetizations and averaged local susceptibilities as order parameters. On an example of the replicated Ising spin glass we demonstrate that the hierarchy of order parameters in mean-field models results from the structure of inter-replica susceptibilities. These susceptibilities serve for lifting the degeneracy due to the existence of many metastable states and for recovering thermodynamic homogeneity of the free energy.Comment: REVTeX4, 13 pages, 8 EPS figure

    MOSGA: Modular Open-Source Genome Annotator

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    The generation of high-quality assemblies, even for large eukaryotic genomes, has become a routine task for many biologists thanks to recent advances in sequencing technologies. However, the annotation of these assemblies - a crucial step towards unlocking the biology of the organism of interest - has remained a complex challenge that often requires advanced bioinformatics expertise. Here we present MOSGA, a genome annotation framework for eukaryotic genomes with a user-friendly web-interface that generates and integrates annotations from various tools. The aggregated results can be analyzed with a fully integrated genome browser and are provided in a format ready for submission to NCBI. MOSGA is built on a portable, customizable, and easily extendible Snakemake backend, and thus, can be tailored to a wide range of users and projects. We provide MOSGA as a publicly free available web service at https://mosga.mathematik.uni-marburg.de and as a docker container at registry.gitlab.com/mosga/mosga:latest. Source code can be found at https://gitlab.com/mosga/mosg

    Non-trivial fixed point structure of the two-dimensional +-J 3-state Potts ferromagnet/spin glass

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    The fixed point structure of the 2D 3-state random-bond Potts model with a bimodal (±\pmJ) distribution of couplings is for the first time fully determined using numerical renormalization group techniques. Apart from the pure and T=0 critical fixed points, two other non-trivial fixed points are found. One is the critical fixed point for the random-bond, but unfrustrated, ferromagnet. The other is a bicritical fixed point analogous to the bicritical Nishimori fixed point found in the random-bond frustrated Ising model. Estimates of the associated critical exponents are given for the various fixed points of the random-bond Potts model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, RevTex 3.0 format requires float and epsfig macro

    Selforganized 3-band structure of the doped fermionic Ising spin glass

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    The fermionic Ising spin glass is analyzed for arbitrary filling and for all temperatures. A selforganized 3-band structure of the model is obtained in the magnetically ordered phase. Deviation from half filling generates a central nonmagnetic band, which becomes sharply separated at T=0 by (pseudo)gaps from upper and lower magnetic bands. Replica symmetry breaking effects are derived for several observables and correlations. They determine the shape of the 3-band DoS, and, for given chemical potential, influence the fermion filling strongly in the low temperature regime.Comment: 13 page

    System size scaling of topological defect creation in a second-order dynamical quantum phase transition

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    We investigate the system size scaling of the net defect number created by a rapid quench in a second-order quantum phase transition from an O(N) symmetric state to a phase of broken symmetry. Using a controlled mean-field expansion for large N, we find that the net defect number variance in convex volumina scales like the surface area of the sample for short-range correlations. This behaviour follows generally from spatial and internal symmetries. Conversely, if spatial isotropy is broken, e.g., by a lattice, and in addition long-range periodic correlations develop in the broken-symmetry phase, we get the rather counterintuitive result that the scaling strongly depends on the dimension being even or odd: For even dimensions, the net defect number variance scales like the surface area squared, with a prefactor oscillating with the system size, while for odd dimensions, it essentially vanishes.Comment: 20 pages of IOP style, 6 figures; as published in New Journal of Physic
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