25 research outputs found
Black Hole Microstate Counting in Four-Dimensional N = 4 String Compactifications
This thesis presents research on the spectrum of supersymmetric Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) states in a specific superstring compactification with N=4-extended supersymmetry in four dimensions, known as the Z2 Chaudhuri-Hockney-Lykken (CHL) model. Specifically, partition functions for quarter-BPS states in various charge sectors are derived and tested by combining worldsheet aspects, string dualities and modularity properties and the results are discussed in the light of black hole microstate counting.
After a brief and non-technical introduction to superstring theory and the problem of explaining the entropy of black holes, we introduce the specific string compactification with which we will work. Representations of the N=4 superalgebra are reviewed in view of BPS conditions before the central objects of our investigation, partition functions for quarter-BPS dyons in suitable electric-magnetic charge sectors of the theory, are introduced. These functions are identified in the chiral heterotic genus two orbifold partition function appropriate for the Z2 CHL model.
We discuss parallels with electric half-BPS partition functions and show that the derived quarter-BPS partition functions satisfy all physical requirements from charge quantization, wall-crossing and S-duality by investigating the transformation properties and pole structure of the corresponding Siegel modular forms.
An alternative determination of the partition functions by reverse engineering the constraints is also briefly discussed, as well as the compatibility of our results with those derived by other means in the physics literature.
As the quarter-BPS states correspond to extremal dyonic black holes in the low-energy effective supergravity theory, their microscopic degeneracy and hence statistical entropy can be compared to a macroscopic black hole entropy computed using the entropy function formalism in the two-derivative supergravity approximation plus model-specific higher-derivative corrections to the latter. This connection is explored in particular by comparing large-charge expansions of the entropy.
Lastly, our findings are compared to closely related conjectures in enumerative geometry, in particular Donaldson-Thomas partition functions for CHL Calabi-Yau threefold geometries that correspond to the N=4 compactification space of the dual type IIA theory
Metamaterial metal-based bolometers
We demonstrate metamaterial metal-based bolometers, which take advantage of
resonant absorption in that a spectral and/or polarization filter can be built
into the bolometer. Our proof-of-principle gold-nanostructure-based devices
operate around 1.5 \mum wavelength and exhibit room-temperature time constants
of about 134 \mus. The ultimate detectivity is limited by Johnson noise,
enabling room-temperature detection of 1 nW light levels within 1 Hz bandwidth.
Graded bolometer arrays might allow for integrated spectrometers with several
octaves bandwidth without the need for gratings or prisms and for integrated
polarization analysis without external polarization optics
A comparison of explicit and implicit proactive dialogue strategies for conversational recommendation
Recommendation systems aim at facilitating information retrieval for users by taking into account their preferences. Based on previous user behaviour, such a system suggests items or provides information that a user might like or find useful. Nonetheless, how to provide suggestions is still an open question. Depending on the way a recommendation is communicated influences the user’s perception of the system. This paper presents an empirical study on the effects of proactive dialogue strategies on user acceptance. Therefore, an explicit strategy based on user preferences provided directly by the user, and an implicit proactive strategy, using autonomously gathered information, are compared. The results show that proactive dialogue systems significantly affect the perception of human-computer interaction. Although no significant differences are found between implicit and explicit strategies, proactivity significantly influences the user experience compared to reactive system behaviour. The study contributes new insights to the human-agent interaction and the voice user interface design. Furthermore, interesting tendencies are discovered that motivate future work
Efficient single-photon source based on a deterministically fabricated single quantum dot - microstructure with backside gold mirror
This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 011106 (2017) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4991389.We present an efficient broadband single-photon source which is fabricated by a flip-chip gold-bonding technique and in-situ electron beam lithography. The device comprises a single InGaAs quantum dot that is centered at the bottom of a monolithic mesa structure and located above a gold mirror for enhanced photon-extraction efficiency. We show a photon-extraction efficiency of ηext=(18±2) % into a numerical aperture of 0.4 and a high suppression of multi-photon events from this source with g(2)(0)=0.015±0.009. Our deterministic device with a backside gold mirror can be combined with electrical contacts and piezo-tuning capabilities in future refinements, which represents an important step towards a spectrally tunable plug-and-play quantum-light source with broadband enhancement for photonic quantum networks.DFG, SFB 787, Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, BauelementeBMBF, 03V0630TIB, Entwicklung einer Halbleiterbasierten Einzelphotonenquelle für die Quanteninformationstechnologi
Neuromorphic Quantum Computing for Prediction and Optimization (NeMoQC)
The application of AI-based forecasting methods has led to great progress in the prediction of complex systems. Among the AI-methods being used reservoir computing (RC) turns out to be so far the most promising approach as it combines superior prediction results with little CPU-needs for training. In Quantum Reservoir Computing (QRC) the reservoir that is commonly a random network, is replaced by a system of entangled qubits. Using a spin-network as ad hoc quantum reservoir it was demonstrated that a NARMA process can be well predicted using as few as 10 qubits [1]. Our recent first results suggest that even a 4-6 qubit system may be sufficient to predict the Lorenz-system as well as with “conventional” RC [2].
In the forthcoming research project “Neuromorphic Quantum Computing (NeMoQC)” within the framework of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (QCI) we will now investigate systematically which quantum reservoirs are best suited for prediction and optimization tasks. In a software/hardware codesign we will seek for hardware realizations of QRC. Further, these newly developed QC-based forecasting and optimization methods are to be utilized in real world applications. Industrial partners for both the hardware design and the applications in real world use cases are welcome to join our project.
[1] R. Martinez-Pena et al., PRL, 127, 100502 (2021)
[2] J. Steinegger, Masterthesis LMU (ongoing
SOCNET 2018 - Proceedings of the “Second International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications”
Modeling, analysis, control, and management of complex social networks represent an important area of interdisciplinary research in an advanced digitalized world. In the last decade social networks have produced significant online applications which are running on top of a modern Internet infrastructure and have been identified as major driver of the fast growing Internet traffic. The "Second International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications" (SOCNET 2018) held at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, on February 28, 2018, has covered related research issues of social networks in modern information society. The Proceedings of SOCNET 2018 highlight the topics of a tutorial on "Network Analysis in Python" complementing the workshop program, present an invited talk "From the Age of Emperors to the Age of Empathy", and summarize the contributions of eight reviewed papers. The covered topics ranged from theoretical oriented studies focusing on the structural inference of topic networks, the modeling of group dynamics, and the analysis of emergency response networks to the application areas of social networks such as social media used in organizations or social network applications and their impact on modern information society. The Proceedings of SOCNET 2018 may stimulate the readers' future research on monitoring, modeling, and analysis of social networks and encourage their development efforts regarding social network applications of the next generation.Die Modellierung, Analyse, Steuerung und das Management komplexer sozialer Netzwerke repräsentiert einen bedeutsamen Bereich interdisziplinärer Forschung in einer modernen digitalisierten Welt. Im letzten Jahrzehnt haben soziale Netzwerke wichtige Online Anwendungen hervorgebracht, die auf einer modernen Internet-Infrastruktur ablaufen und als eine Hauptquelle des rasant anwachsenden Internetverkehrs identifiziert wurden. Der zweite internationale Workshop "Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications" (SOCNET 2018) wurde am 28. Februar 2018 an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg abgehalten und stellte Forschungsergebnisse zu sozialen Netzwerken in einer modernen Informationsgesellschaft vor. Die SOCNET 2018 Proceedings stellen die Themen eines Tutoriums "Network Analysis in Python" heraus, präsentieren einen eingeladenen Beitrag "From the Age of Emperors to the Age of Empathy" und fassen die Ergebnisse von acht begutachteten wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen zusammen. Die abgedeckten Themen reichen von theoretisch ausgerichteten Studien zur Strukturanalyse thematischer Netzwerke, der Modellierung von Gruppendynamik sowie der Netzwerkanalyse von Rettungseinsätzen bis zu den Anwendungsbereichen sozialer Netzwerke, z.B. der Nutzung sozialer Medien in Organisationen sowie der Wirkungsanalyse sozialer Netzwerkanwendungen in modernen Informationsgesellschaften. Die SOCNET 2018 Proceedings sollen die Leser zu neuen Forschungen im Bereich der Messung, Modellierung und Analyse sozialer Netzwerke anregen und sie zur Entwicklung neuer sozialer Netzwerkapplikationen der nächsten Generation auffordern
Gravitational Lensing by Black Holes
We review the theoretical aspects of gravitational lensing by black holes,
and discuss the perspectives for realistic observations. We will first treat
lensing by spherically symmetric black holes, in which the formation of
infinite sequences of higher order images emerges in the clearest way. We will
then consider the effects of the spin of the black hole, with the formation of
giant higher order caustics and multiple images. Finally, we will consider the
perspectives for observations of black hole lensing, from the detection of
secondary images of stellar sources and spots on the accretion disk to the
interpretation of iron K-lines and direct imaging of the shadow of the black
hole.Comment: Invited article for the GRG special issue on lensing (P. Jetzer, Y.
Mellier and V. Perlick Eds.). 31 pages, 12 figure
Feynman integrals in dimensional regularization and extensions of Calabi-Yau motives
We provide a comprehensive summary of concepts from Calabi-Yau motives relevant to the computation of multi-loop Feynman integrals. From this we derive several consequences for multi-loop integrals in general, and we illustrate them on the example of multi-loop banana integrals. For example, we show how Griffiths transversality, known from the theory of variation of mixed Hodge structures, leads quite generically to a set of quadratic relations among maximal cut integrals associated to Calabi-Yau motives. These quadratic relations then naturally lead to a compact expression for l-loop banana integrals in D = 2 dimensions in terms of an integral over a period of a Calabi-Yau (l - 1)-fold. This new integral representation generalizes in a natural way the known representations for l <= 3 involving logarithms with square root arguments and iterated integrals of Eisenstein series. In a second part, we show how the results obtained by some of the authors in earlier work can be extended to dimensional regularization. We present a method to obtain the differential equations for banana integrals with an arbitrary number of loops in dimensional regularization without the need to solve integration-by-parts relations. We also present a compact formula for the leading asymptotics of banana integrals with an arbitrary number of loops in the large momentum limit. This generalizes the novel (Gamma) over cap -class introduced by some of the authors to dimensional regularization and provides a convenient boundary condition to solve the differential equations for the banana integrals. As an application, we present for the first time numerical results for equal-mass banana integrals with up to four loops and up to second order in the dimensional regulator.ISSN:1126-6708ISSN:1029-847