73 research outputs found


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    Рассматривается понятие «образование» в его исходном этимологичнском смысле, подчеркивается ведущее значение воспитания, его главной составляющей – роли педагога в формировании нравственных жизненных ориeнтиров личности.It is considered a concept education in its original meaning and emphasized the main sense of upbringing, a teacher`s role in the formation of life and moral orientation of the persons

    Composition and Formation of Gabbro-Peridotite Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits from the Ashadze-1 Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    This paper presents mineralogical and geochemical data on seafloor massive sulfides (SMS) from the Ashadze-1 hydrothermal field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The Ashadze-1 deposit is associated with the uplifted lower crust and upper mantle (oceanic core complex, OCC) of the MAR segment characterized by asymmetric mode of accretion. The OCC is represented by deep-seated gabbro-peridotite rocks exhumed on the rift valley slope along the detachment fault, during seafloor spreading. Hydrothermal processes in OCC environments result in different deposit composition and morphology compared to basalt-hosted systems. Abundant chimneys and enrichment in particular metals, including copper, zinc, gold, cobalt and tin are typical for this type of SMS deposit. The Ashadze-1 deposit is considered an example of a hydrothermal system in the initial stage of evolution marked by the young age of the sulfides (<7.2 kyr). The mineralogy of Ashadze-1 reflects primary ore-forming processes unaffected by post formation alteration. We propose a model for the primary ore-forming hydrothermal process in an ultramafic-hosted environment on the modern seafloor

    Investigation of Ethidium Bromide Interaction with <i>Yersinia</i> Bacterial Cells in Lyophilized/Rehydrated Preparations

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    Investigated was ethidium bromide interaction with the cells of avirulent Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis strains in lyophilized/rehydrated preparations. The population heterogeneity regarding particle size and concentration of nucleic acid was identified by flow cytofluorimetry and registration of total fluorescence intensity. Shown was the correlation between concentration of colony-forming units (CFU) and fluorescence increase after supplementing suspension with cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide. This approach was suggested as the express method to estimate viable cell count in lyophilized/rehydrated preparations and to control the process of preparing and storage of collection strains, dry live vaccine and probiotic preparations of gramnegative bacteria

    IR Bismuth active centers in optical fibers: Combined excitation-emission spectroscopy

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    3D excitation-emission luminescence spectra of Bi-doped optical fibers of various compositions were measured in a wide wavelength range 450-1700 nm. Such luminescence spectra were obtained for Bi-doped pure silica and germania fibers, and for Bi-doped Al- or P-codoped silica fibers (at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures). The energy level schemes of IR bismuth active centers in pure silica and germania core fibers were derived from spectra obtained. The energy level schemes similarity of bismuth active centers in these two types of fibers was revealed.Comment: 12pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Postoperative prolonged infiltration anesthesia for multimodal perioperative pain management in patients with hip replacement arthroplasty

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    ТАЗОБЕДРЕННЫЙ СУСТАВ /ХИРТОТАЛЬНОЕ ЭНДОПРОТЕЗИРОВАНИЕАНЕСТЕЗИЯ ЭПИДУРАЛЬНАЯАНЕСТЕЗИЯ МЕСТНАЯАНЕСТЕЗИЯ ИНФИЛЬТРАЦИОННАЯРОПИВАКАИНА ГИДРОХЛОРИДМИКРОИНФУЗИОННАЯ ПОМПАЦель. Улучшить эффективность мультимодального периоперационного обезболивания у пациентов при тотальном эндопротезировании тазобедренного сустава за счет применения послеоперационной пролонгированной инфильтрационной анестезии области оперативного вмешательства. Материал и методы. Проведен проспективный сравнительный анализ результатов лечения 78 пациентов, которым было выполнено первичное тотальное эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава. Пациенты были разделены на две группы: в первой группе в послеоперационном периоде использовали продленную эпидуральную анальгезию, во второй группе применяли пролонгированную 24-часовую инфильтрационную анестезию области операции введением 0,2% раствора ропивакаина гидрохлорида с помощью микроинфузионной помпы с постоянной скоростью 8 мл/час. У всех пациентов анализировали выраженность болевого синдрома, уровень плазменной концентрации кортизола, уровень гликемии. Также оценивали расход тримеперидина и время начала активизации пациентов. Оценку проводили за 24 часа до операции, а также через 6 и 24 часа после нее. Результаты. Через 24 часа после операции в первой и второй группах выраженность боли по шкале ВАШ составила 2,2±0,35 и 1,5±0,42 балла соответственно; уровень плазменного кортизола составил 768,5±45,8 нмоль/л и 584,6±54,2 нмоль/л соответственно; уровень концентрации глюкозы в крови составил 7,03±0,34 ммоль/л и 5,91±0,27 ммоль/л соответственно. Количество использованного тримеперидина за первые 24 часа после операции в первой и второй группах составило 38,6±2,95 мг и 21,3±3,17 мг соответственно. Первое присаживание и вертикализацию пациентов в первой группе осуществляли через 24,8±2,4 и 28±1,4 часа, во второй клинической группе – через 4,5±0,5 и 6,3±0,7 часа соответственно. Заключение. Применение пролонгированной инфильтрационной анестезии позволило на 46,7% эффективнее купировать болевой синдром, на 55,2% снизить количество требуемого тримеперидина в течение первых суток после операции и на 20,3±1,4 часа раньше начать активизацию пациентов по сравнению с продленной эпидуральной анестезией.Objective. To improve the efficiency of multimodal perioperative pain management in patients in case of the hip replacement arthroplasty using postoperative prolonged infiltration anesthesia in the area of surgical intervention. Methods. A prospective comparative analysis of the treatment results of 78 patients underwent the primary hip replacement arthroplasty was performed. The patients were divided into two groups: (1) the first group of patients was treated with prolonged epidural analgesia in the postoperative period, while (2) in the second group, the patients were treated with prolonged 24-hour infiltration anesthesia at the area of the surgical intervention by 0.2% of the ropivacaine hydrochloride solution, administered using microinfusion pump with a constant rate of 8 ml per hour. All patients were assessed for intensity of the pain syndrome, plasma concentrations of the cortisol and blood glucose levels. Also, trimeperidine consumption rate and the start of patient’s activity were assessed. The evaluation was conducted 24 hours prior to the surgical intervention, as well as 6 and 24 hours after. Results. 24 hours after the surgery, the pain intensity scores assessed by the VAS were 2.2±0.35 and 1.5±0.42 points in the first and second clinical groups, respectively; the cortisol plasma levels 24 hours after the surgical intervention were 768.5±45.8 nmol/l and 584.6±54.2 nmol/l in the first and second clinical groups, respectively; the blood glucose levels after the surgical intervention were 7.03±0.34 mmol/l and 5.91±0.27 mmol/l in the first and second clinical groups, respectively. Trimeperidine consumption rates for the first 24 hours after the surgical intervention were 38.6±2.95 mg and 21.3±3.17 mg in the first and second clinical groups, respectively. The first sitting and complete verticalization of patients in the first group were performed in 24.8±2.4 and 28±1.4 hours, while in the second clinical group, these activities were performed in 4.5±0.5 and 6.3±0.7 hours respectively. Conclusions. The use of the prolonged infiltration anesthesia allowed by 46.7% more effectively arresting pain syndrome, by 55.2% reducing trimeperidine consumption rate for the first 24 hours after the surgical intervention and by 20.3±1.4 hours earlier starting activation of patients if compared to the prolonged epidural analgesia

    Alteration of Effector Activity of T-Lymphocytes in Mice Immunized against Tularemia, Using <I>in vitro</I> Stimulation by Tularin

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    lymphocytes) isolated from mice, immunized against tularemia. Put forward is the proposition to use tularin in serological surveys and reactions in vitro for identification of postinfectious or postvaccinal immunity to tularemia