135 research outputs found

    The nexus of soil radon and hydrogen dynamics and seismicity of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone

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    The comparison of kinematics and dynamic parameters of radon and molecular hydrogen concentration in subsoil air on the stations network at the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky geodynamic proving ground with seismicity of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone was fulfilled in the period from July till August 2004. On the basis of correlation analysis of the regional seismicity and variations of radon flux density calculated using the data of gas-discharge counters of STS-6 type and SSNTDs it was shown that the radon mass transfer abnormal variations are conditioned by both regional seismicity in total and the subduction zone of proving ground. The azimuths of «geodeformation waves» coming to the registration points are calculated during clearly expressed anomaly beginnings, which coincide with directions to earthquake epicenters taking place at the same time. The geochemical anomalies recorded are presumptively deformative by nature and can be conditioned by processes of «quasi-viscous» flow of the lithosphere during rearrangement of tectonic stress fields of the subduction zone. The short-term (predicted time Τ <14 days) precursor of the earthquakes swarm was revealed in hydrogen dynamics on August, 4-5 (four earthquakes had M≥5.3 and epicentral distance about 130 km from the Paratunka base station)

    Improving the method for assessment of bending stresses in the wall of an underground pipeline

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    Brief information about modern methods for determining the bending stresses of the extended sections of underground main pipelines without access to the pipeline generatrix is given. The necessity of modernizing methods based on determining the configuration of the pipeline axis from the soil surface with subsequent calculation of bending stresses based on the obtained data is substantiated. A mathematical model that allows to calculate the optimal parameters for surveying the axis of the pipeline from the soil surface for a pipeline of arbitrary configuration and depth, when planning a study, is proposed. Bench tests of the BITA-1 pipeline finder were carried out to determine the error in measuring the depth of the pipeline axis. It is proved that the deviations of the pipeline finder data relative to the true values in narrow depth intervals follow a normal distribution and do not change their sign. The confidence intervals of the error in determining the depth of the pipeline axis for the BITA-1 device are presented


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    Bell‘s numbers B(s) defines the amount partitions of s-element set and with growth s they have an exponentiale growth. That‘s why the asymptotic‘s investigation s &gt;&gt; 1 of sequence {B(s)} of Bell‘s numbers B(s) becomes actual, for example, if do the following combinatorial sum. Let‘s take a discrete space of elementary event containing s points with given law of probability distribution p1; . . . ; ps, p1 + . . . + ps = 1. On configurations of partitions one should define such a partition at which minimum of informational Shanon‘s entropy is gained. One can face with this problem when the optimization of block-control of difficult cybernetic systems is present. In this work some asymptotic properties of sequence of Bell‘s numbers are considered. The main result of work represents the correlation: lims→∞ B(s)B(s + 2) B2(s + 1) = 1, where B(s); B(s + 1); B(s + 2) — Bell‘s numbers with numerals s; s + 1; s + 2. This result shows that asymptotical sequence of Bell‘s numbers behaved themselves geometrical progression with denominator x∗ = B(s + 1)/B(s). In the frames of additive presentation of Bell‘s numbers with the help of Stirling‘s numders the asymptotics is set up B(s) St(s; n∗) (n ∗ ) s/(n ∗ )!, where n∗ = [x∗]. Thus, a new class of sequences is up, the topology of which is characterized by the asymptotics in the form of the geometrical progression. Thus, a new class of sequences is established, the topology of wich is characterized by asymptotics in the form of geometrical progression. Числа Белла B(s), как известно, определяют количество разбиений s-элементного множества на классы и с увеличением s имеют экспоненциальный рост. Поэтому становится актуальным исследование асимптотики s &gt;&gt; 1 последовательности {B(s)} чисел Белла B(s), например, в связи с решением следующей комбинаторной задачи. Пусть имеется дискрет- ное пространство элементарных событий, содержащее s точек с заданным законом распределения вероятностей p1; . . . ; ps, p1 + . . . + ps = 1. На кон- фигурациях разбиений следует определить такое разбиение, при котором достигается минимум информационной энтропии по К. Шеннону. С этой задачей сталкиваются при оптимизации блочного управления сложными кибернетическими системами самого разного назначения. В представленной работе установлены некоторые асимптотические свойства последовательности чисел Белла {B(s)}. Основной результат ра- боты представляет соотношение: lims→∞ B(s)B(s + 2) B2 (s + 1) = 1, где B(s); B(s+1); B(s + 2) — числа Белла с номерами s; s + 1; s + 2. Этот результат пока- зывает, что асимптотически последовательность чисел Белла ведет себя как геометрическая прогрессия со знаменателем x∗ = B(s + 1)/B(s). В рамках аддитивного представления чисел Белла с помощью чисел Стир- линга установлена асимптотика B(s) St(s; n∗) (n ∗ ) s/(n ∗ )!, где n∗ = [x∗]. Таким образом, установлен новый класс последовательностей, топология которых характеризуется асимптотикой в виде геометрической прогрес- сии. Этот фактор используется для оптимизации управления системными объектами.

    Spectroscopic investigations of dispersion-shifted fiber with thin active Bi-doped ring and high nonlinear refractive index

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    A germanium-doped silica-core fiber with an active region in the form of a thin ring of silica doped with bismuth ions was fabricated. Bismuth doping in the ring surrounding the core allows to stabilize bismuth in silica glass, and it does not impose any restrictions on the composition of the core. The bismuth concentration in the ring is less than 0.2 wt.%. The GeO2 concentration in the core is more than 15 mol.%. A high germanium concentration in the core allows to shift the zero dispersion wavelength to 1860 nm and to obtain a high nonlinear refractive index (n2 more than 3,2*10-20 m2/W). Spectroscopic investigations were carried out in the visible and near infrared (800-1700 nm) spectral range. Despite the small concentration of bismuth, we observed the absorption and luminescence characteristic bands, confirming the presence of bismuth active centers in silica glass. Upon pumping at 1350 nm the on/off gain spectrum was measured on a 20-m fiber. The gain was observed throughout investigated range of 1430-1530 nm. The maximal gain of ~9.5 dB was obtained near 1430 nm. The results of the spectroscopic investigations of the fiber with a thin active Bi-doped ring showed prospects of the creation and application of such fiber type for laser and nonlinear optics

    Microstructure formation in cast TiZrHfCoNiCu and CoNiCuAlGaIn high entropy shape memory alloys: A comparison

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    The present study is dedicated to the microstructure characterization of the as-cast high entropy intermetallics that undergo a martensitic transformation, which is associated with the shape memory effect. It is shown that the TiZrHfCoNiCu system exhibits strong dendritic liquation, which leads to the formation of martensite crystals inside the dendrites. In contrast, in the CoNiCuAlGaIn system the dendritic liquation allows the martensite crystals to form only in interdendritic regions. This phenomenon together with the peculiarities of chemical inhomogeneities formed upon crystallization of this novel multicomponent shape memory alloys systems will be analyzed and discussed

    IR Bismuth active centers in optical fibers: Combined excitation-emission spectroscopy

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    3D excitation-emission luminescence spectra of Bi-doped optical fibers of various compositions were measured in a wide wavelength range 450-1700 nm. Such luminescence spectra were obtained for Bi-doped pure silica and germania fibers, and for Bi-doped Al- or P-codoped silica fibers (at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures). The energy level schemes of IR bismuth active centers in pure silica and germania core fibers were derived from spectra obtained. The energy level schemes similarity of bismuth active centers in these two types of fibers was revealed.Comment: 12pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Non-Equilibrium Evolution Thermodynamics Theory

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    Alternative approach for description of the non-equilibrium phenomena arising in solids at a severe external loading is analyzed. The approach is based on the new form of kinetic equations in terms of the internal and modified free energy. It is illustrated by a model example of a solid with vacancies, for which there is a complete statistical ground. The approach is applied to the description of important practical problem - the formation of fine-grained structure of metals during their treatment by methods of severe plastic deformation. In the framework of two-level two-mode effective internal energy potential model the strengthening curves unified for the whole of deformation range and containing the Hall-Petch and linear strengthening sections are calculated.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Результаты комбинированного и химиолучевого лечения больных раком грудного отдела пищевода по данным регионального онкологического центра

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    Background. esophageal cancer (ec) is one of the most aggressive malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract. chemoradiation therapy is the standard of care for locally advanced ec.The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of chemoradiation therapy given alone and in combination with surgery in patients with thoracic esophageal cancer.Material and Methods. From January 1, 2012 to december 31, 2021, a total of 940 patients with thoracic esophageal cancer were registered in the regional cancer registry, of which 178 patients were selected for concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) at clinical stages I–III. thirty seven thoracic esophageal cancer patients who received CRT and required treatment interruption due to complications were not included in our analysis. The final analysis included 141 patients.Results. 37 (20.7 %) patients were unable to complete treatment due to intolerance and the development of severe complications of CRT. Hematological toxicity of grade 3-4 was noted in 21 patients (14.8 %). Non-hematological complications of grade 2-4 were noted in 109 patients (77.3 %). The 5-year relapse-free survival rates in patients undergoing and non-undergoing to surgery were 23.0 and 25.0 %, respectively (p=0.018). Overall 5-year survival rates were 24 and 27 %, respectively (p=0.020). The rate of pathological complete response (pcR) was 43.5 % (in 20 of 46 patients who underwent surgery after CRT). The median survival time in patients with clinical complete response (ccR) was 24.0 months and the median survival time in patients with pcR was 29.0 months. The 3-year survival rates were 21 and 45 %, respectively (p=0.050).Conclusion. The combination of chemoradiotherapy and surgery in patients with thoracic esophageal cancer demonstrated an increase in overall survival in our study. if there is a complete clinical response to CRT and contraindications for surgery or the patient’s refusal to undergo surgery, it is advisable to use the “wait &amp; watch” tactic.Актуальность. Рак пищевода (РП) – одно из самых агрессивных онкологических заболеваний желудочнокишечного тракта. Химиолучевая терапия является стандартом лечения местнораспространенного РП.Цель исследования – изучить эффективность химиолучевой терапии как в самостоятельном варианте, так и в качестве предоперационного воздействия в лечении больных раком грудного отдела пищевода.Материал и методы. В период с 01.01.12 по 31.12.21 в регионарном канцер-регистре взято на учет 940 больных раком грудного отдела пищевода, из них отобрано 178 пациентов, которым проведена одновременная ХЛТ по поводу РП I–III клинической стадии. Данные пациентов (n=37), у которых на фоне ХЛТ возникли осложнения, требующие прерывания лечения, не учитывались при оценке непосредственных и отдаленных результатов. В окончательный анализ включены данные о 141 больном.Результаты. Не смогли завершить лечение по причине непереносимости и тяжелых осложнений химиолучевого лечения 37 (20,7 %) пациентов. Гематологическая токсичность III–iV степени отмечена у 21 (14,8 %), негематологические осложнения II–iV степени – у 109 (77,3 %) пациентов. Общая 5-летняя выживаемость в группе неоперированных и оперированных больных составила 24 и 27 % (p=0,020), 5-летняя безрецидивная выживаемость – 23,0 и 25,0 % соответственно (p=0,018). Частота полного патоморфологического ответа составила 43,5 % (у 20 из 46 оперированных пациентов после ХЛТ). Медиана срока дожития в группе с CCR составила 24,0 мес от начала наблюдения, медиана срока дожития в группе с pcR – 29,0 мес от начала наблюдения. Трехлетняя выживаемость составила 21 и 45 % соответственно (p=0,050).Заключение. Сочетание химиолучевой терапии и хирургического вмешательства у больных раком грудного отдела пищевода продемонстрировало в нашем исследовании увеличение общей выживаемости. При наличии полного клинического ответа на химиолучевое лечение и наличии противопоказаний или отказа от операции целесообразно использование тактики «wait&amp;watch»