56 research outputs found

    Damage initialization techniques for non-sequential FE propagation analysis of delaminations in composite aerospace structures

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    The experimental effort required to develop, damage tolerant, aerospace composite structures could be significantly reduced if reliable numerical simulations were used to perform engineering studies of complex damaged structures. Finite element (FE) simulations of impact damaged structures typically follow a sequential approach that require large computational resources to reproduce complex damage scenarios. A numerical tool capable to reconstruct such scenarios using data from previous impact simulations or NDI could noticeably improve the simulation workflow for damaged composite structures. The paper proposes a method to inizialize the damage variables in numerical analyses aimed at assessing damage propagation, and that are potentially able to evaluate the residual strength of damaged structures. The approach is developed within FE software ABAQUS, and uses SDVINI subroutine to initialize damage variables defined by a user-material-subroutine (UMAT), that provides the constitutive models of the lamina and of the interlaminar layers. Albeit the proposed technique might deal with both inter-laminar and intra-laminar damage, the paper is focused on delaminations. A user defined traction-separation law is coded in an UMAT that endows ABAQUS cohesive elements with damage initialization capabilities. Then, results of test cases, of increasing complexity, are presented in order to assess the damage initialization procedure and verify the performances of its different operating modes. Two test-cases are based on plate-like specimens for which literature data exist: the first is relevant to a circular artificial delamination while the second presents multiple delaminations caused by an impact and measured via NDI techniques. The last test-case is a stiffened panel which incorporates the typical complexities of aerospace structures, but is still tractable with the sequential simulation approach whose results are used as a term of comparison

    Unravelling the role of the group 6 soluble di-iron monooxygenase (SDIMO) SmoABCD in alkane metabolism and chlorinated alkane degradation

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    Soluble di-iron monooxygenases (SDIMOs) are multi-component enzymes catalysing the oxidation of various substrates. These enzymes are characterized by high sequence and functional diversity that is still not well understood despite their key role in biotechnological processes including contaminant biodegradation. In this study, we analysed a mutant of Rhodoccocus aetherivorans BCP1 (BCP1-2.10) characterized by a transposon insertion in the gene smoA encoding the alpha subunit of the plasmid-located SDIMO SmoABCD. The mutant BCP1-2.10 showed a reduced capacity to grow on propane, lost the ability to grow on butane, pentane and n-hexane and was heavily impaired in the capacity to degrade chloroform and trichloroethane. The expression of the additional SDIMO prmABCD in BCP1-2.10 probably allowed the mutant to partially grow on propane and to degrade it, to some extent, together with the other short-chain n-alkanes. The complementation of the mutant, conducted by introducing smoABCD in the genome as a single copy under a constitutive promoter or within a plasmid under a thiostreptone-inducible promoter, allowed the recovery of the alkanotrophic phenotype as well as the capacity to degrade chlorinated n-alkanes. The heterologous expression of smoABCD allowed a non-alkanotrophic Rhodococcus strain to grow on pentane and n-hexane when the gene cluster was introduced together with the downstream genes encoding alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases and a GroEL chaperon. BCP1 smoA gene was shown to belong to the group 6 SDIMOs, which is a rare group of monooxygenases mostly present in Mycobacterium genus and in a few Rhodococcus strains. SmoABCD originally evolved in Mycobacterium and was then acquired by Rhodococcus through horizontal gene transfer events. This work extends the knowledge of the biotechnologically relevant SDIMOs by providing functional and evolutionary insights into a group 6 SDIMO in Rhodococcus and demonstrating its key role in the metabolism of short-chain alkanes and degradation of chlorinated n-alkanes

    Insight into phenotypic and genotypic differences between vaginal lactobacillus crispatus bc5 and lactobacillus gasseri bc12 to unravel nutritional and stress factors influencing their metabolic activity

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    The vaginal microbiota, normally characterized by lactobacilli presence, is crucial for vaginal health. Members belonging to L. crispatus and L. gasseri species exert crucial protective functions against pathogens, although a total comprehension of factors that influence their dominance in healthy women is still lacking. Here we investigated the complete genome sequence and comprehensive phenotypic profile of L. crispatus strain BC5 and L. gasseri strain BC12, two vaginal strains featured by anti-bacterial and anti-viral activities. Phenotype microarray (PM) results revealed an improved capacity of BC5 to utilize different carbon sources as compared to BC12, although some specific carbon sources that can be associated to the human diet were only metabolized by BC12, i.e. uridine, amygdalin, tagatose. Additionally, the two strains were mostly distinct in the capacity to utilize the nitrogen sources under analysis. On the other hand, BC12 showed tolerance/resistance towards twice the number of stressors (i.e. antibiotics, toxic metals etc.) with respect to BC5. The divergent phenotypes observed in PM were supported by the identification in either BC5 or BC12 of specific genetic determinants that were found to be part of the core genome of each species. The PM results in combination with comparative genome data provide insights into the possible environmental factors and genetic traits supporting the predominance of either L. crispatus BC5 or L. gasseri BC12 in the vaginal niche, giving also indications for metabolic predictions at the species level

    The actinomycete Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27, subjected to adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) in the presence of selenite, varies its cellular morphology, redox stability, and tolerance to the toxic oxyanion

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    The effects of oxyanions selenite (SeO32−) in soils are of high concern in ecotoxicology and microbiology as they can react with mineral particles and microorganisms. This study investigated the evolution of the actinomycete Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27 in response to selenite. To this aim, we used the Adaptive Laboratory Evolution (ALE) technique, an experimental approach that mimics natural evolution and enhances microbial fitness for specific growth conditions. The original strain (wild type; WT) isolated from uncontaminated soil gave us a unique model system as it has never encountered the oxidative damage generated by the prooxidant nature of selenite. The WT strain exhibited a good basal level of selenite tolerance, although its growth and oxyanion removal capacity were limited compared to other environmental isolates. Based on these premises, the WT and the ALE strains, the latter isolated at the end of the laboratory evolution procedure, were compared. While both bacterial strains had similar fatty acid profiles, only WT cells exhibited hyphae aggregation and extensively produced membrane-like vesicles when grown in the presence of selenite (challenged conditions). Conversely, ALE selenite-grown cells showed morphological adaptation responses similar to the WT strain under unchallenged conditions, demonstrating the ALE strain improved resilience against selenite toxicity. Whole-genome sequencing revealed specific missense mutations in genes associated with anion transport and primary and secondary metabolisms in the ALE variant. These results were interpreted to show that some energy-demanding processes are attenuated in the ALE strain, prioritizing selenite bioprocessing to guarantee cell survival in the presence of selenite. The present study indicates some crucial points for adapting Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27 to selenite oxidative stress to best deal with selenium pollution. Moreover, the importance of exploring non-conventional bacterial genera, like Kitasatospora, for biotechnological applications is emphasized

    Geomicrobiology of a seawater-influenced active sulfuric acid cave.

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    Fetida Cave is an active sulfuric acid cave influenced by seawater, showing abundant microbial communities that organize themselves under three main different morphologies: water filaments, vermiculations and moonmilk deposits. These biofilms/deposits have different cave distribution, pH, macro- and microelement and mineralogical composition, carbon and nitrogen content. In particular, water filaments and vermiculations had circumneutral and slightly acidic pH, respectively, both had abundant organic carbon and high microbial diversity. They were rich in macro- and microelements, deriving from mineral dissolution, and, in the case of water filaments, from seawater composition. Vermiculations had different color, partly associated with their mineralogy, and unusual minerals probably due to trapping capacities. Moonmilk was composed of gypsum, poor in organic matter, had an extremely low pH (0\u20131) and low microbial diversity. Based on 16S rRNA gene analysis, the microbial composition of the biofilms/deposits included autotrophic taxa associated with sulfur and nitrogen cycles and biomineralization processes. In particular, water filaments communities were characterized by bacterial taxa involved in sulfur oxidation and reduction in aquatic, aphotic, microaerophilic/anoxic environments (Campylobacterales, Thiotrichales, Arenicellales, Desulfobacterales, Desulforomonadales) and in chemolithotrophy in marine habitats (Oceanospirillales, Chromatiales). Their biodiversity was linked to the morphology of the water filaments and their collection site. Microbial communities within vermiculations were partly related to their color and showed high abundance of unclassified Betaproteobacteria and sulfur-oxidizing Hydrogenophilales (including Sulfuriferula), and Acidiferrobacterales (including Sulfurifustis), sulfur-reducing Desulfurellales, and ammonia-oxidizing Planctomycetes and Nitrospirae. The microbial community associated with gypsum moonmilk showed the strong dominance (>60%) of the archaeal genus Thermoplasma and lower abundance of chemolithotrophic Acidithiobacillus, metal-oxidizing Metallibacterium, Sulfobacillus, and Acidibacillus. This study describes the geomicrobiology of water filaments, vermiculations and gypsum moonmilk from Fetida Cave, providing insights into the microbial taxa that characterize each morphology and contribute to biogeochemical cycles and speleogenesis of this peculiar seawater-influenced sulfuric acid cave

    The Complete Genome Sequence and Structure of the Oleaginous Rhodococcus opacus Strain PD630 Through Nanopore Technology

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    Rhodococcus opacus PD630 is a model bacterial strain for the production of neutral lipids (mostly triacylglycerols,TAGs) from low-cost substrates and lignin biomass feedstocks. Presently, only a contig-level assembly of PD630 genome is available, after the exclusion from NCBI RefSeq of a ’complete’ version that was marked as ’anomalous assembly’. In this work, we achieved the R. opacus PD630 high-quality genome assembly by combining Oxford Nanopore sequencing with Illumina accurate short reads. Our work demonstrates that R. opacus PD630 has a 9.17 Mbp-long genome composed by one chromosome of 8.4 Mbp and three plasmids, i.e. one linear plasmid of 538 Kbp (pRoPD630 1) and two circular plasmids of 167.9 and 85 Kbp (pRoPD630 2 and pRoPD630 3). The comparison between this genome and the previous ”complete” version was performed to identify genetic and structural differences and to detect syntenic regions. The functional analysis of several R. opacus species plasmids showed that genes involved in lipid metabolism and xenobiotics’ degradation are generally clustered within specific plasmids. In the case of PD630, these genes are carried by the linear plasmid pRoPD630 1 whose structure has been assessed in this study. Our work defines the whole genome architecture and sequence of PD630, providing the groundwork to correctly interpret ’omics’ data and to design genetic engineering approaches for this model strain
