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    Pendidik atau guru mempunyai tuntutan untuk selalu berkembang. Kewajiban seorang pendidik yaitu melakukan pendidikan, tetapi mendapat nilai tambah jika bisa melakukan penelitian. Penelitian merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk memeriksa sebuah kondisi. Kegiatan memeriksa nantinya akan didokumentasikan dalam bentuk jurnal yang bisa dipublikasikan dan bisa dijadikan acuhan bagi peneliti lain. Guru bisa melakukan penelitian sesuai dengan bidang keilmuannya. Kompetensi keahlian dibidang proses permesinan bisa melakukan yang penelitian yang memberikan solusi secara praktis. Dimana hasil penelitian bisa digunakan untuk praktikum bubut siswa SMKN 1 Pungging Proses permesinan dengan alat bubut memerlukan tingkat penghilangan material yang tinggi sehingga dari proses penghilangan material bisa dijagikan variable yang akan dilakukan dengan riset terapan. Hasil dari riset terapan adalah mengetahui pengaturan kecepatan spindle, gerak umpan dan kedalaman umpan dalam menghasilkan proses manufaktur yang efeksif dan efisien. Setelah mengetahui pengaturan yang efektif dan efisien, guru bisa menggunakan pengaturan tersebut dalam memproduksi produk yang dijual di Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) dan mengembangkan kinerja SMK


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    Aquaponic cultivation is a technique that is very easy to implement in Sidoraharjo Village because it has narrow land. Aquaponics is an aquaculture activity that is integrated with hydroponic activities. developing two different commodities, fish and vegetables in a   Maintenance system on narrow landAquaponic technology is a combination of aquaculture technology and hydroponic technology in  one system to optimize the function of water and space as a rearing medium. The plants will receive organic Aquaponic technology is a combination of aquaculture technology and hydroponic technology in  one system to optimize the function of water and space as a rearing medium. The plants will receive organic fertilizer automatically from the remaining feed and fish waste. The advantage of using aquaponic cultivation is that plant nutrients can be obtained from feces and leftover fish food that settles at the bottom of the pond, so that quality water is produced that meets standards for fish farming. The stability of dissolved oxygen in water will be obtained from a water recirculation system in the form of a shower that results in collisions with pool water. In addition, the production of plants cultivated with the aquaponic system will be better than conventional because of the availability of sufficient water and additional nutrients from fish feces and food scraps.Aquaponic cultivation is a technique that is very easy to implement in Sidoraharjo Village because it has narrow land. Aquaponics is an aquaculture activity that is integrated with hydroponic activities. developing two different commodities, fish and vegetables in a   Maintenance system on narrow landAquaponic technology is a combination of aquaculture technology and hydroponic technology in  one system to optimize the function of water and space as a rearing medium. The plants will receive organic Aquaponic technology is a combination of aquaculture technology and hydroponic technology in  one system to optimize the function of water and space as a rearing medium. The plants will receive organic fertilizer automatically from the remaining feed and fish waste. The advantage of using aquaponic cultivation is that plant nutrients can be obtained from feces and leftover fish food that settles at the bottom of the pond, so that quality water is produced that meets standards for fish farming. The stability of dissolved oxygen in water will be obtained from a water recirculation system in the form of a shower that results in collisions with pool water. In addition, the production of plants cultivated with the aquaponic system will be better than conventional because of the availability of sufficient water and additional nutrients from fish feces and food scraps

    Si Pador (Sistem Penyewaan Alat Outdor) sebagai Media Sewa Alat Outdor Berbasis Website Studi Kasus CV Pondok Pendaki

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    CV. Pondok Climber is a company engaged in the rental of outdoor equipment and tour guide services. Based on the results of analysis and observations made on the CV. Pontianak Climber Hut, booking goods rental only uses social media as a means of ordering goods rental, this will certainly take a long time in serving goods rental bookings made by consumers. Seeing these problems, in this study, we created a web-based outdoor goods rental information system using a prototype model to solve the problems that occur. the company to explain the details of goods to be rented. Consumers can order goods in accordance with the desires needed by consumers. The design of this system is expected to improve the performance of CV. Pontianak Climber Cottage in managing data rental of goods from consumers