42 research outputs found

    The Halo Density Profiles with Non-Standard N-body Simulations

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    We propose a new numerical procedure to simulate a single dark halo of any size and mass in a hierarchical framework coupling the extended Press-Schechter formalism (EPSF) to N-body simulations. The procedure consists of assigning cosmological initial conditions to the particles of a single halo with a EPSF technique and following only the dynamical evolution using a serial N-body code. The computational box is fixed with a side of 0.5h−10.5 h^{-1} Mpc. This allows to simulate galaxy cluster halos using appropriate scaling relations, to ensure savings in computing time and code speed. The code can describe the properties of halos composed of collisionless or collisional dark matter. For collisionless Cold Dark Matter (CDM) particles the NFW profile is reproduced for galactic halos as well as galaxy cluster halos. Using this numerical technique we study some characteristics of halos assumed to be isolated or placed in a cosmological context in presence of weak self-interacting dark matter: the soft core formation and the core collapse. The self-interacting dark matter cross section per unit mass is assumed to be inversely proportional to the particle collision velocity: σ/mx∝1/v\sigma/m_{x} \propto 1/v.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (2 figures added

    The dependence on environment of Cold Dark Matter Halo properties

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    High-resolution LCDM cosmological N-body simulations are used to study the properties of galaxy-size dark halos in different environments (cluster, void, and "field"). Halos in clusters and their surroundings have a median spin parameter ~1.3 times lower, and tend to be more spherical and to have less aligned internal angular momentum than halos in voids and the field. For halos in clusters the concentration parameters decrease on average with mass with a slope of ~0.1; for halos in voids these concentrations do not change with mass. For masses <5 10^11 M_sh^-1, halos in clusters are on average ~30-40% more concentrated and have ~2 times higher central densities than halos in voids. When comparing only parent halos, the differences are less pronounced but they are still significant. The Vmax-and Vrms-mass relations are shallower and more scattered for halos in clusters than in voids, and for a given Vmax or Vrms, the mass is smaller at z=1 than at z=0 in all the environments. At z=1, the differences in the halo properties with environment almost dissapear, suggesting this that the differences were stablished mainly after z~1. The halos in clusters undergo more dramatic changes than those in the field or the voids. The differences with environment are owing to (i) the dependence of halo formation time on environment, and (ii) local effects as tidal stripping and the tumultuos histories that halos suffer in high-density regions. We calculate seminumerical models of disk galaxy evolution in halos with the properties found for the different environments. For a given disk mass, the galaxy disks have higher surface density, larger Vd,max and secular bulge-to-disk ratio, lower gas fraction, and are redder as one goes from cluster to void environments, in rough agreement with observations. (abridged)Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures included. To appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    The effects of Non-Gaussian initial conditions on the structure and substructure of Cold Dark Matter halos

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    We study the structure and substructure of halos obtained in N-body simulations for a Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) cosmology with non-Gaussian initial conditions (NGICs). The initial statistics are lognormal in the gravitational potential field with positive (LNp) and negative (LNn) skewness; the sign of the skewness is conserved by the density field, and the power spectrum is the same for all the simulations. Our aim is not to test a given non-Gaussian statistics, but to explore the generic effect of positive- and negative-skew statistics on halo properties. From our low-resolution simulations, we find that LNp (LNn) halos are systematically more (less) concentrated than their Gaussian counterparts. This result is confirmed by our Milky Way- and cluster-sized halos resimulated with high-resolution. In addition, they show inner density profiles that depend on the statistics: the innermost slopes of LNp (LNn) halos are steeper (shallower) than those obtained from the corresponding Gaussian halos. A subhalo population embedded in LNp halos is more susceptible to destruction than its counterpart inside Gaussian halos. On the other hand, subhalos in LNn halos tend to survive longer than subhalos in Gaussian halos. The spin parameter probability distribution of LNp (LNn) halos is skewed to smaller (larger) values with respect to the Gaussian case. Our results show how the statistics of the primordial density field can influence some halo properties, opening this the possibility to constrain, although indirectly, the primordial statistics at small scale.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Slight corrections after referee report. To appear in ApJ, v598, November 20, 200

    Structure and Subhalo Population of Halos in a Self-Interacting Dark Matter Cosmology

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    We study the structure of Milky Way (MW)- and cluster-sized halos in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmology with self-interacting (SI) dark particles. The cross section per unit of particle mass has the form sigma = sig_0(1/v_100)^alpha, where sig_0 is a constant in units of cm^2/gr and v_100 is the relative velocity in units of 100 km/s. Different values for sigma with alpha= 0 or 1 were used. For small values of sigma = const. (sig_0<0.5), the core density of the halos at z=0 is typically higher at a given mass for lower values of sig_0 or, at a given sig_0, for lower masses. For values of sig_0 as high as 3.0, the halos may undergo the gravothermal catastrophe before z=0. When alpha = 1, the core density of cluster- and MW-sized halos is similar. Using sigma = 0.5-1.0x(1/v_100), our predictions agree with the central densities and the core scaling laws of halos both inferred from the observations of dwarf and LSB galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The cumulative Vmax-functions of subhalos in MW-sized halos with (sig_0,alpha) = (0.1,0.0), (0.5,0.0) and (0.5,1.0) agree roughly with observations (luminous satellites) for Vmax > 30 km/s, while at Vmax = 20 km/s the functions are a factor 5-8 higher, similar to the CDM predictions. The halos with SI have slightly more specific angular momentum at a given mass shell and are rounder than their CDM counterparts. We conclude that the introduction of SI particles with sigma \propto 1/v_100 may remedy the cuspy core problem of the CDM cosmogony, while the subhalo population number remains similar to that of the CDM halos.Comment: To appear in ApJ, December 20, 2002. We added plots showing the evolution of the heat capacity profile for halos in the core expansion and gravothermal catastrophe phases. Minor changes in the text were introduce

    Halpha rotation curves: the soft core question

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    We present high resolution Halpha rotation curves of 4 late-type dwarf galaxies and 2 low surface brightness galaxies (LSB) for which accurate HI rotation curves are available from the literature. Observations are carried out at Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG). For LSB F583-1 an innovative dispersing element was used, the Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) with a dispersion of about 0.35 A/pxl. We find good agreement between the Halpha data and the HI observations and conclude that the HI data for these galaxies suffer very little from beam smearing. We show that the optical rotation curves of these dark matter dominated galaxies are best fitted by the Burkert profile. In the centers of galaxies, where the N-body simulations predict cuspy cores and fast rising rotation curves, our data seem to be in better agreement with the presence of soft cores.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ with minor changes require

    The GRBs Hubble diagram in quintessential cosmological models

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    It has been recently empirically established that some of the directly observed pa- rameters of GRBs are correlated with their important intrinsic parameters, like the luminosity or the total radiated energy. These correlations were derived, tested and used to standardize GRBs, i.e., to derive their luminosity or radiated energy from one or more observables, in order to construct an estimated fiducial Hubble diagram, assuming that radiation propagates in the standard LambdaCDM cosmological model. We extend these analyses by considering more general models of dark energy, and an updated data set of high redshift GRBs. We show that the correlation parameters only weakly depend on the cosmological model. Moreover we apply a local regression technique to estimate, in a model independent way, the distance modulus from the recently updated SNIa sample containing 307 SNIa (Astier et al. 2006), in order to calibrate the GRBs 2D correlations, considering only GRBs with z <1.4. The derived calibration parameters are used to construct a new GRBs Hubble diagram, which we call the calibrated GRBs HD. We also compare the estimated and calibrated GRBs HDs. It turns out that for the common GRBs they are fully statistically consistent, thus indicating that both of them are not affected by any systematic bias induced by the different standardizing procedures. We finally apply our methods to calibrate 95 long GRBs with the well-known Amati relation and construct the estimated and calibrated GRBs Hubble diagram that extends to redshifts z ~ 8. Even in this case there is consistency between these datasets. This means that the high redshift GRBs can be used to test different models of dark energy. We used the calibrated GRBs HD to constrain our quintessential cosmological model and derived the likelihood values of Omega_m and w(0).Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Density profiles of dark matter haloes: diversity and dependence on environment

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    (Abridged) We study the outer density profiles of dark matter haloes predicted by a generalized secondary infall model and observed in a N-body cosmological simulation of a \Lambda CDM model. We find substantial systematic variations in shapes and concentrations of the halo profiles as well as a strong correlation of the profiles with the environment. In the N-body simulation, the average outer slope of the density profiles, \beta (\rho\propto r^{-\beta}), of isolated haloes is \approx 2.9; 68% of these haloes have values of \beta between 2.5 and 3.8. Haloes in dense environments of clusters are more concentrated and exhibit a broad distribution of \beta with values larger than for isolated haloes . Contrary to what one may expect, the haloes contained within groups and galaxy systems are less concentrated and have flatter outer density profiles than the isolated haloes. The concentration decreases with M_h, but its scatter for a given mass is substantial. The mass and circular velocity of the haloes are strongly correlated: M_h \propto V_m^{\alpha} with \alpha ~ 3.3 (isolated) and ~3.5 (haloes in clusters). For M_h=10^12M_sun the rms deviations from these relations are \Delta logM_h=0.12 and 0.18, respectively. Approximately 30% of the haloes are contained within larger haloes or have massive companions (larger than ~0.3 the mass of the current halo) within 3 virial radii. The remaining 70% of the haloes are isolated objects. The distribution of \beta as well as the concentration-mass and M_h-V_m relations for the isolated haloes agree very well with the predictions of our seminumerical approach which is based on a generalization of the secondary infall model and on the extended Press-Schechter formalism.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures included, uses mn.sty, accepted by MNRAS. Minor modifications, new and updated reference