3,122 research outputs found

    Solution of two-center time-dependent Dirac equation in spherical coordinates: Application of the multipole expansion of the electron-nuclei interaction

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    A non-perturbative approach to the solution of the time-dependent, two-center Dirac equation is presented with a special emphasis on the proper treatment of the potential of the nuclei. In order to account for the full multipole expansion of this potential, we express eigenfunctions of the two-center Hamiltonian in terms of well-known solutions of the "monopole" problem that employs solely the spherically-symmetric part of the interaction. When combined with the coupled-channel method, such a wavefunction-expansion technique allows for an accurate description of the electron dynamics in the field of moving ions for a wide range of internuclear distances. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach, the probabilities of the K- as well as L- shell ionization of hydrogen-like ions in the course of nuclear alpha-decay and slow ion-ion collisions have been calculated

    Dynamical symmetry of isobaric analog 0+ states in medium mass nuclei

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    An algebraic sp(4) shell model is introduced to achieve a deeper understanding and interpretation of the properties of pairing-governed 0+ states in medium mass atomic nuclei. The theory, which embodies the simplicity of a dynamical symmetry approach to nuclear structure, is shown to reproduce the excitation spectra and fine structure effects driven by proton-neutron interactions and isovector pairing correlations across a broad range of nuclei.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of the Hyperfine Structure and Isotope Shifts of the 3s23p2 3P2 to 3s3p3 3Do3 Transition in Silicon

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    The hyperfine structure and isotope shifts of the 3s23p2 3P2 to 3s3p3 3Do3 transition in silicon have been measured. The transition at 221.7 nm was studied by laser induced fluorescence in an atomic Si beam. For 29Si, the hyperfine A constant for the 3s23p2 3P2 level was determined to be -160.1+-1.3 MHz (1 sigma error), and the A constant for the 3s3p3 3Do3 level is -532.9+-0.6 MHz. This is the first time that these constants were measured. The isotope shifts (relative to the abundant isotope 28Si) of the transition were determined to be 1753.3+-1.1 MHz for 29Si and 3359.9+-0.6 MHz for 30Si. This is an improvement by about two orders of magnitude over a previous measurement. From these results we are able to predict the hyperfine structure and isotope shift of the radioactive 31Si atom, which is of interest in building a scalable quantum computer

    Isospin symmetry breaking in an algebraic pairing Sp(4) model

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    An exactly solvable sp(4) algebraic approach extends beyond the traditional isospin conserving nuclear interaction to bring forward effects of isospin symmetry breaking and isospin mixing resulting from a two-body nuclear interaction that includes proton-neutron (pn) and like-particle isovector pairing correlations plus significant isoscalar pn interactions. The model yields an estimate for the extent to which isobaric analog 0+ states in light and medium mass nuclei may mix with one another and reveals possible, but still extremely weak, non-analog beta-decay transitions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Coupling transport and biodegradation of VOCs in surface and subsurface soils.

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    Volatile organic chemicals present at Superfund sites preferentially partition into the soil gas and may be available for microbial degradation. A simple mass transfer model for biodegradation for volatile substrates has been developed for the aerobic decomposition of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. The mass transfer analysis calculates diffusive fluxes from soil gas through water and membrane films and into the cell. This model predicts an extreme sensitivity of potential biodegradation rates to the air-water partition coefficients of the compounds. Aromatic hydrocarbons are removed rapidly while the aliphatic hydrocarbons are much slower by orders of magnitude. Furthermore, oxygen transfer is likely to limit aromatic hydrocarbon degradation rates. The model presents results that cast doubt on the practicality of using methane or propane for the co-metabolic destruction of trichloroethylene in a gas phase bioreactor. Toluene as a primary substrate has better mass transfer characteristics to achieve more efficient trichloroethylene degradation. Hence, in sites where these contaminants coexist, bioremediation could be improved

    A structural evaluation of the tungsten isotopes via thermal neutron capture

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    Total radiative thermal neutron-capture Îł\gamma-ray cross sections for the 182,183,184,186^{182,183,184,186}W isotopes were measured using guided neutron beams from the Budapest Research Reactor to induce prompt and delayed Îł\gamma rays from elemental and isotopically-enriched tungsten targets. These cross sections were determined from the sum of measured Îł\gamma-ray cross sections feeding the ground state from low-lying levels below a cutoff energy, Ecrit_{\rm crit}, where the level scheme is completely known, and continuum Îł\gamma rays from levels above Ecrit_{\rm crit}, calculated using the Monte Carlo statistical-decay code DICEBOX. The new cross sections determined in this work for the tungsten nuclides are: σ0(182W)=20.5(14)\sigma_{0}(^{182}{\rm W}) = 20.5(14) b and σ11/2+(183Wm,5.2s)=0.177(18)\sigma_{11/2^{+}}(^{183}{\rm W}^{m}, 5.2 {\rm s}) = 0.177(18) b; σ0(183W)=9.37(38)\sigma_{0}(^{183}{\rm W}) = 9.37(38) b and σ5−(184Wm,8.33ÎŒs)=0.0247(55)\sigma_{5^{-}}(^{184}{\rm W}^{m}, 8.33 \mu{\rm s}) = 0.0247(55) b; σ0(184W)=1.43(10)\sigma_{0}(^{184}{\rm W}) = 1.43(10) b and σ11/2+(185Wm,1.67min)=0.0062(16)\sigma_{11/2^{+}}(^{185}{\rm W}^{m}, 1.67 {\rm min}) = 0.0062(16) b; and, σ0(186W)=33.33(62)\sigma_{0}(^{186}{\rm W}) = 33.33(62) b and σ9/2+(187Wm,1.38ÎŒs)=0.400(16)\sigma_{9/2^{+}}(^{187}{\rm W}^{m}, 1.38 \mu{\rm s}) = 0.400(16) b. These results are consistent with earlier measurements in the literature. The 186^{186}W cross section was also independently confirmed from an activation measurement, following the decay of 187^{187}W, yielding values for σ0(186W)\sigma_{0}(^{186}{\rm W}) that are consistent with our prompt Îł\gamma-ray measurement. The cross-section measurements were found to be insensitive to choice of level density or photon strength model, and only weakly dependent on Ecrit_{\rm crit}. Total radiative-capture widths calculated with DICEBOX showed much greater model dependence, however, the recommended values could be reproduced with selected model choices. The decay schemes for all tungsten isotopes were improved in these analyses.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 15 table

    Heavy Superheated Droplet Detectors as a Probe of Spin-independent WIMP Dark Matter Existence

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    At present, application of Superheated Droplet Detectors (SDDs) in WIMP dark matter searches has been limited to the spin-dependent sector, owing to the general use of fluorinated refrigerants which have high spin sensitivity. Given their recent demonstration of a significant constraint capability with relatively small exposures and the relative economy of the technique, we consider the potential impact of heavy versions of such devices on the spin-independent sector. Limits obtainable from a CF3I\mathrm{CF_{3}I}-loaded SDD are estimated on the basis of the radiopurity levels and backgrounds already achieved by the SIMPLE and PICASSO experiments. With 34 kgd exposure, equivalent to the current CDMS, such a device may already probe to below 10−6^{-6} pb in the spin-independent cross section.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted Phys. Rev.

    Phenomenological description of the states 0+0^+ and 2+2^+ in some even-even nuclei

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    A sixth-order quadrupole boson Hamiltonian is used to describe the states 0+0^+ and 2+2^+ identified in several nuclei by various types of experiments. Two alternative descriptions of energy levels are proposed. One corresponds to a semi-classical approach of the model Hamiltonian while the other one provides the exact eigenvalues. Both procedures yield close formulas for energies. The first procedure involves four parameters, while the second involves a compact formula with five parameters. In each case the parameters are fixed by a least-square fit procedure. Applications are performed for eight even-even nuclei. Both methods yield results which are in a surprisingly good agreement with the experimental data. We give also our predicted reduced transition probabilities within the two approaches, although the corresponding experimental data are not yet available.Comment: 27pages, 18 figure

    Internal conversion coefficients for superheavy elements

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    The internal conversion coefficients (ICC) were calculated for all atomic subshells of the elements with 104<=Z<=126, the E1...E4, M1...M4 multipolarities and the transition energies between 10 and 1000 keV. The atomic screening was treated in the relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater model. The Tables comprising almost 90000 subshell and total ICC were recently deposited at LANL preprint server.Comment: 6 pages including 3 figures, needs files myown.sty and epsfig.sty (both included
