836 research outputs found

    Analysing the Potential of Renewable Energy Use in the Textile Sector of Pakistan

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    Pakistan is an energy deficient country. The gap between energy supply and demand is growing continuously. Major factors behind its energy problems are: lack of infrastructure and planning; high dependence on imported fuels; chaotic law and order situation; and political instability. Pakistan's energy problems are resulting in lower economic and industrial growth. This research reviews the energy profile of Pakistan, and investigates the potential and viability of renewable energy options for the Pakistan's textile industry. The textile sector is the backbone of Pakistan's economy. Renewable energy options such as wind, photovoltaic (PV), and solar thermal were investigated for this report. The research concludes that solar PV system is a financially viable option for replacing diesel sourced power generation. Finally, the research proposes a policy framework for the effective application and dissemination of renewable energy in Pakistan

    Cuci Tangan Sebelum Makan Menurunkan Risiko Kejadian Hepatitis Akut Klinis

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    In the area of Hepatitis A outbreak, washing hand before handling food is very important, because most of the cases do not wash their hand before breakfast, lunch or dinner and they eat without spoon. This study is to find out relation between washing hand before handling food with clinical acute hepatitis cases in the area of Hepatitis A outbreak. This study used a case control design, analysing secondary data of Hepatitis A outbreak investigation from November 2001 to January 2002. The population is a the community which living in Calincing housing in Cogreg Village, Parungsub district of Bogor, aged between 15 to 55 years old. Sixty cases and 120 controls have been analysed. Result of this study found that there is a significant relation (p=0.000) between washing hand before handling food with clinical acute hepatitis case, OR=3.442 (95% CI: 1.638- 7.235). Education is a confounding variable to this relation

    Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 Pathway Due to Preeclampsia: A Review

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that is characterized mainly by hypertension in the mother. The exact pathogenesis of preeclampsia is unknown, although the disease is attributed to a number of factors such as angiogenic factor levels and endothelial dysfunction. Presently, the control program for the disease involves the delivery of the fetus and the placenta. There is a need to develop novel therapies that would control preeclampsia from the moment it is diagnosed to minimize the effects on the mother and child. VEGF is a protein involved in the pathogenesis of the condition. The defect in one of its receptors, VEGFR2, brings forwards many of the detrimental effects in preeclampsia such as endothelial dysfunction and prevention of vasodilation. This review paper summarizes ten studies over the recent years to illustrate where the current research is headed towards and what therapies are at work at the moment. Risk factors, mRNA expression, protein expression, biomarkers, current therapies, related diseases, and single polypeptide nucleotides of VEGF/VEGFR2 pathway in reference to preeclampsia are looked at to draw a pattern of commonalities and differences in this review as well

    Factors affecting the reactivity of granular iron in contact with chlorinated solvents

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    This study investigates, at various scales, the factors that affect the reactivity of granular iron (GI) toward chlorinated solvents and link these scale-specific processes with each other. The Kinetic Iron Model (KIM), provides a separate estimate for both the sorption and reaction processes of contaminant degradation, was used to determine the macro-scale kinetic and sorption parameters in all column experiments associated with this work. The intermediate scale corresponding to pore spaces was investigated by image analysis technique. This technique was used to examine the effects of diluting iron with sand on the availability of reactive iron surface. Two morphological parameters were measured in sections: i) grain perimeter, which reflects surface in contact with solution, and ii) total grain area in section. Morphological analysis showed grain areas exposed in section were highest for 100% iron packings and decreased with increasing sand content. However, the estimated iron grain perimeter length for 85% iron-by weight mixture was found to be the similar to that of 100% iron by weight. This study supported the use of 15% sand (by weight) in iron-sand mixture for the optimum performance of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB). Another pore scale issue examined was the effect of GI packing in column experiments. Among the tested packing variations- vertical packing with long axes preferentially along the flow showed higher reaction rates (2-4 times) compared to packings with long axes preferentially perpendicular to flow (horizontal packing) or randomly arranged (regular packing). The pore-scale differences in grain surface availability to solution through image analysis showed that grain surface availability partially accounted for reactivity differences between columns of different packings. It was suggested that micro-scale changes to the iron surfaces accounted for the remaining differences in reactivity. In order to examine the micro-scale changes that occur on the iron surface due to corrosion and to link these changes with macro-scale KIM parameters, long term column experiments were performed under dynamic flow conditions. Micro-scale grain characteristics were made by recovering single grains from sampling port along the length of columns, and examining them through time using Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Trichloroethylene (TCE) reduction kinetics showed considerable changes in both TCE sorption and reaction with time. Similarly, spectroscopic studies also indicated profound changes to the iron grain surfaces. It was found that over time, with exposure to TCE and water, iron tended to loose small number of sorption sites associated with highest reactivities (k) whereas large number of less reactive sorption sites increased in number. Raman spectra collected along the column showed the loss of hematite, and transition of intermediate phases to magnetite. Weakening of Raman signals for surface carbon correspond to declining k values and the non-reactive sorption parameter, suggesting that surface carbon serves as non-reactive sorption sites as well as a reactive one. Further the role of carbon present in GI during reductive dechlorination was assessed by comparing 2 iron types of GI in column experiments: Connelly Iron (GI)(~3% C) and Electrolytic Iron (EI) (¡Ü 0.01% C). Kinetic data suggested a shift in rate constant (k) and sorption parameters for both iron types with time. This work demonstrated the implication of carbon during the retardation (Rapp) of TCE i.e high Rapp for GI and low for EI

    Phytochemicals for treatment of diabetes

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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent metabolic disorders characterized by increased blood glucose levels and improper primary metabolism resulting from the defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. It is one of the most common health problems worldwide, and the prevalence of this disease is rapidly increasing, leading to microvascular (retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy) and macrovascular (heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease) complications (Umar et al., 2010). The number of individuals with diabetes is increasing due to population growth, aging, urbanization and increasing prevalence of obesity and physical inactivity. According to recent estimates, the greatest absolute increase in the number of patients with diabetes will be in India and the total number is projected to 79.4 million in 2030. It is expected that about 366 million are likely to be diabetic by the year 2030 (Rahman and Zaman, 1989). Medicinal plants are the main source of organic compounds such as polyphenols, tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, terpenoids, steroids and flavonoids. These organic compounds represent a source for the discovery and development of new types of antidiabetic molecules. Many compounds isolated from plant sources have been reported to show antidiabetic activity. The table summarizes some recent information in the field of antidiabetic phytochemicals (Table 1)

    Construction of shift invariant m-band tight framelet packets

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    Framelets and their promising features in applications have attracted a great deal of interest and effort in recent years. In this paper, we outline a method for constructing shift invariant M-band tight framelet packets by recursively decomposing the multiresolution space VJ for a fixed scale J to level 0 with any combined mask m = [m0, m1, . . . , mL] satisfying some mild conditions.Publisher's Versio