608 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Tugas Dan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan Klas II a Pekanbaru Dalam Rangka Pencapaian Tujuan Pemidanaan Tindak Pidana Narkotika

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    Along with the times today, more and more phenomena that we face in everyday life of the community. Among these phenomena as phenomena in the economic, social and cultural sectors, politics, and law. This type of research can be classified sociological law research. This study explains that: First, the duties and functions of correctional Hall Class II A Pekanbaru in the achievement of the objective of sentencing narcotic crime. Secondly, efforts should be made by the Central Penitentiary Class II A Pekanbaru in the achievement of the objective of sentencing narcotic crime. From the research results can be concluded that the Correctional Centres Whereas Class II A Pekanbaru already perform the duties and functions optimally, but there are constraints faced by the Central Penitentiary Class II A Pekanbaru in guiding inmates. This is evident from a report in 2016 which showed that there were inmates who return to crime (recidivism), especially in narcotic crime. The efforts made by the Central Penitentiary Class II A Pekanbaru in carrying out the duties and function of conducting individual counseling and group counseling. Where in the guidance of the inmates were given skills training in order to provide supplies to inmates. So that when inmates were out of BAPAS, inmates have the ability or skill and can work according to skills possessed. To meet the needs of the convict life and can be re-active in the development of society

    Deteksi Benih Varietas Padi Menggunakan Gelombang Near Infrared Dan Model Jaringan Saraf Tiruan

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    Seed is an important input component in rice production. Of the many varieties that had been release, the distinction among varieties is not always clear. Among a large number of varieties error may happen in seed processing, storage and distribution, because of the similarity of their physical shape and size, and the seed appearances are difficult to be distinguished. An alternative to distinguish rice seed varieties is using near infrared (NIR) as sensors and using artificial neural network (ANN) as data processor. This research was aimed to study the accuracy of NIR spectroscopy and ANN for detecting rice seed varieties. NIR reflectances (1000-2500 nm) of seeds of 12 varieties were given pretreatment data such as first derivative, second derivative, normalization and standard normal variates. The pretreatment data were used as input in ANN models. Each variety consisted of 12 samples, each sample was 40 grams. ANN model used backpropagation multilayer perceptron with three layers as input, hiden, and output. Network weights were estimated using gradient descent algorithm. The wave form of NIR spectra was similar among varieties, but had different absorptions in intensities, so they could be used for determining the rice seed varieties. The best model was an ANN with standard normal variate pretreatment as input data. The accuracy of varieties prediction was 100% for training, 99.1% for testing and 98.1% for validation. Results showed that the NIR spectra and ANN model can be used as detection methods in rice varieties

    The Construction a Model of the Community Empowerment to Prevention, Preparedness and Response Disaster Emergency

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    There are various methods or models of community empowerment, both in theory and in practice, policies and programs, in reality, none of them are really effective in overcoming various problems in the community, including in terms of prevention and preparedness for disaster emergencies. The aims of this study was to analyze and explain the development of community empowerment methods or models in disaster prevention and preparedness and disaster emergency response. The type of research was descriptive qualitative, with a case study design, phenomenology, exploratory-explanative, analytic-comparative, evaluative. The research location was in Bili-Bili Village, Bonto Marannu District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The sample was 125 families with purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are library research, documentation, observation, questionnaires, interviews and FGDs. The data were analyzed with a qualitative approach. Results and conclusions, community empowerment is not optimal due to the presence of internal and external factors both in society and the government as well as the weakness of the empowerment method used. The construction of the community empowerment method or model developed includes four domains, namely the core domain includes awareness, capacity building, empowerment, and civilizing, the second domain includes the involvement of formal institutions and non-formal institutions, the third domain includes potentials, constraints, disadvantages and advantages, and the domain The fourth includes assessment subvariables and indicators. Implication: without the application of the model, it is difficult to achieve empowerment goals and targets it. Keywords: model, empowerment, prevention, disaster preparedness

    Pengaruh Pola Penggunaan Otomotif Angkutan Umum Perkotaan terhadap Hilangnya Kapasitas Baterai Berbahan Lead Acid secara Prematur

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    – Baterai berbahan Lead Acid (BLA) digunakan pada hampir semua kendaraan termasuk angkutan umum beroda empat. Kecepatan penuaan pada proses penuan BLA sangat dipengaruhi oleh cara penggunaan BLA. Pengisian yang berlebihan, akan mengakibatkan korosi dan mempercepat penguapan air. Bertambahannya siklus pembebanan dalam (depth of discharge), degradasi massa postifif akan terakselerasi. Beberapa kerusakan Selain itu pembebanan yang berlebihan juga akan mengakibatkan lepasnya masa positif dari grid karena proses pembebanan BLA yang melebihi seharusnya. Keawetan BLA pada Angkutan umum perkotaan sangat ditentukan pola penggunaannya. Karakteristik operasional yang sering menuntut kendaraan berhenti akan memiliki pengaruh jenis kerusakan tertentu pada komponen BLA Penelitian ini akan mengeksplorasi karakterristikoperasional angkutan perkotaan. Dengan diketahuinya karakteristik operasionalnya maka dapat disiapkan langkah antisipatif dan prediktif dalam hal perawatan dan penggunaan BLA sehingga masa servis BLA akan lebih panjang serta meningkatkan efisiensi biaya para pemilik angkutan perkotaan. Keywords – BLA (Lead Acid Battery), transportasi perkotaan, masa servis BL

    Identifikasi Pengaruh Pembangunan Jembatan Mahulu terhadap Kegiatan Perdagangan di Kecamatan Loa Janan Ilir Kota Samarinda

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    Pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi sejatinya dapat dijadikan salah satu pendorong utama pengembangan suatu wilayah. Pembangunan Jembatan Mahulu yang berada di Kecamatan Loa Janan Ilir ini seharusnya dapat memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap pengembangan wilayah, terutama terhadap sektor perdagangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi apakah ada dampak positif yang ditimbulkan Jembatan Mahulu terhadap kegiatan perdagangan di Kecamatan Loa Janan Ilir. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Data primer didapatkan dari hasil wawancara terhadap informan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yaitu dapat diketahui bahwa Jembatan Mahulu kurang mampu mengangkat kegiatan perdagangan di Kecamatan Loa Janan Ilir menjadi lebih baik. Pedagang kecil yang menjadi responden utama tidak merasakan Perubahan terhadap pendapatan mereka. Kecamatan Loa Janan Ilir sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan karena direncanakan sebagai kawasan Perumahan kepadatan tinggi sesuai RTRW Kota Samarinda Tahun 2014-2034. Kecamatan ini merupakan pintu gerbang utama dari dan menuju Kota Samarinda. Pembuatan rest area yang berisi pedagang sekitar menjadi sangat potensial dikembangkan dengan tujuan meningkatkan pendapatan pedagang sekaligus sebagai langkah awal pengembangan kecamatan ini menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya

    Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Front Office di Koh Tien Ming (Ktm) Resort Batam Kepulauan Riau

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    This research is about work motivation of front office employee in Hotel KTM Resort Batam. This study aims to (1) to know the driving factors from outside the front office employees' self in Koh Tien Ming (KTM) Resort Batam Riau Islands.(2) to know the motivation from inside the front office employees at Koh Tien Ming (KTM) Resort Batam Kepulauan Riau.The sample in this study amounted to 6 people using the census sampling technique.This research uses quantitative descriptive method to categorize the data then compiled by using frequency. And for data collection techniques in this study using interviews and questionnaires. By using Likert scale as a measuring tool.Based on the results of research obtained on work motivation of front office employees in Koh Tien Ming (KTM) Resort Batam is high. This is proved by the total total score of intrinsic and extrinsic actors is 209 points

    Risk Factors for Incidence of Measles in the Hamlet Wandu Salubomba Village Work Area Health Center Donggala

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    Measles in Health Center Donggala increase from year 2014 - 2015 ie from 3 cases to 31 cases precisely in Hamlet Village Wandu Salubomba with incidence rate of 27.6%. Measles immunization coverage per year is not the UCI (<85%) and there are still many people who do not understand about balanced nutrition in the family as well as 35% of the villagers Salubomba children are in the age group 0-15 years were estimated susceptible to measles. These conditions allow a risk factor for the incidence of measles in the hamlet village Wandu Salubomba ie age, immunization status and nutritional status. This study aims to determine risk factors for incidence of measles in the hamlet Wandu Salubomba Village Health Center Donggala. Research is a kind of case control analytic approach that is by comparing the case group and the control group. The sample in this study is total cases: 31 patients and 31 children as controls. The results showed that age, immunization status and nutritional status is a risk factor incidence of measles with OR = 2.07 (CI = 0.17 to 24.0), OR 3.38 (CI = 1.18 to 9.7) and OR = 3.81 (CI = 1.33 - 10.9). This study suggested that Health Center should conduct more thorough counseling and continuing the Hamlet Village Wandu Salubomba particular and the whole society in Puskesmas Donggala in general in order to increase knowledge about measle

    Analysis of the Differences in Length of Stay of Covid-19 Patients with a History of Comorbids and Without a History of Comorbids on the Impact of Hospital Financing in Central Sulawesi Province in 2023

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    Case is a health problem experienced throughout the world. The increasing spread of the Covid virus in Indonesia has resulted in hospitals designated by the Ministry of Health being unable to accommodate patients infected with Covid. Analysis of the differences in treatment duration for Covid-19 patients with comorbidities and without comorbidities is important to know so that the prognosis of patients with comorbidities can be predicted, so that Covid-19 patients with comorbidities can receive more optimal special health services so that the death rate due to Covid-19 can be maximally prevented. and can reduce costs for treating Covid-19 patients. The aim of this research is to analyze the difference in length of stay for Covid-19 patients with and without a history of comorbidities in Central Sulawesi Province in 2023. This research uses a cross sectional type of research . The population in this study was 9 6 samples. The sampling technique used was Accidental Sampling, data analysis used was bivariate analysis with the Mann Whitney test. The results of the study showed that the highest length of stay was for Covid patients who underwent short-term treatment with a proportion of 88.5% and those with a history of comorbidities had the most comorbidities with a proportion of 63.5%. The results of the Mann Whitnay statistical test show that there is no difference in the average frequency of length of stay for Covid-19 patients with a history of comorbidities and without comorbidities. with the value ρ Value 0.512. The advice in this research is that it is hoped that the hospital, especially the Health Promotion section, will always disseminate health education about the factors that influence the length of stay and treatment of Covid-19 patients with and without comorbidities. Covid cases accompanied by comorbidities are mostly age. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide education on Covid prevention through leaflets and Covid pocket books at Posyandu for the elderl