2,044 research outputs found

    Secure self-calibrating quantum random bit generator

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    Random bit generators (RBGs) are key components of a variety of information processing applications ranging from simulations to cryptography. In particular, cryptographic systems require "strong" RBGs that produce high-entropy bit sequences, but traditional software pseudo-RBGs have very low entropy content and therefore are relatively weak for cryptography. Hardware RBGs yield entropy from chaotic or quantum physical systems and therefore are expected to exhibit high entropy, but in current implementations their exact entropy content is unknown. Here we report a quantum random bit generator (QRBG) that harvests entropy by measuring single-photon and entangled two-photon polarization states. We introduce and implement a quantum tomographic method to measure a lower bound on the "min-entropy" of the system, and we employ this value to distill a truly random bit sequence. This approach is secure: even if an attacker takes control of the source of optical states, a secure random sequence can be distilled.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Blue Straggler masses from pulsation properties. I. The case of NGC6541

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    We used high-spatial resolution images acquired with the WFC3 on board HST to probe the population of variable blue straggler stars in the central region of the poorly studied Galactic globular cluster NGC 6541. The time sampling of the acquired multi wavelength (F390W, F555W and F814W) data allowed us to discover three WUma stars and nine SX Phoenicis. Periods, mean magnitudes and pulsation modes have been derived for the nine SX Phoenicis and their masses have been estimated by using pulsation equations obtained from linear non adiabatic models. We found masses in the range 1.0-1.1Mo, with an average value of 1.06+-0.09 Mo (sigma = 0.04), significantly in excess of the cluster Main Sequence Turn Off mass (~ 0.75Mo). A mild trend between mass and luminosity seems also to be present. The computed pulsation masses turn out to be in very good agreement with the predictions of evolutionary tracks for single stars, indicating values in the range ~ 1.0-1.2 Mo for most of the BSS population, in agreement with what discussed in a number of previous studies.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, ApJ, accepte

    Theoretical derivation of the index flood

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    International audienceThe expected value of the annual flood is always needed for attaining reliable estimates of the return period of floods. In particular, the accuracy of its estimate is crucial for ungauged basins, where regional analysis is to be invoked. The main goal of this research was to search for an index flood formula suitable to explicate the influence of basin characteristics such as geomorphology, vegetation, soil and climate. This formula, due to unavoidable overparameterization, more than being suggested for technical use, allows sensitivity analyses of simpler formulae to basin features. This study was mainly based on the theoretical distribution of floods developed by Iacobellis and Fiorentino (2000). In particular, the relationship that they derived for the first order moment was analyzed and simplified by assuming the Gumbel distribution as a first order approximation for the distributions of floods and rainfall intensities. The results were validated with regard to data recorded in some basins located in Southern Italy, in a climatically end geologically heterogeneous territory

    "Magic" numbers in Smale's 7th problem

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    Smale's 7-th problem concerns N-point configurations on the 2-dim sphere which minimize the logarithmic pair-energy V_0(r) = -ln r averaged over the pairs in a configuration; here, r is the chordal distance between the points forming a pair. More generally, V_0(r) may be replaced by the standardized Riesz pair-energy V_s(r)= (r^{-s} -1)/s, which becomes - ln r in the limit s to 0, and the sphere may be replaced by other compact manifolds. This paper inquires into the concavity of the map from the integers N>1 into the minimal average standardized Riesz pair-energies v_s(N) of the N-point configurations on the 2-sphere for various real s. It is known that v_s(N) is strictly increasing for each real s, and for s<2 also bounded above, hence "overall concave." It is (easily) proved that v_{-2}(N) is even locally strictly concave, and that so is v_s(2n) for s<-2. By analyzing computer-experimental data of putatively minimal average Riesz pair-energies v_s^x(N) for s in {-1,0,1,2,3} and N in {2,...,200}, it is found that {v}_{-1}^x(N) is locally strictly concave, while v_s^x(N) is not always locally strictly concave for s in {0,1,2,3}: concavity defects occur whenever N in C^{x}_+(s) (an s-specific empirical set of integers). It is found that the empirical map C^{x}_+(s), with s in {-2,-1,0,1,2,3}, is set-theoretically increasing; moreover, the percentage of odd numbers in C^{x}_+(s), s in {0,1,2,3}, is found to increase with s. The integers in C^{x}_+(0) are few and far between, forming a curious sequence of numbers, reminiscent of the "magic numbers" in nuclear physics. It is conjectured that the "magic numbers" in Smale's 7-th problem are associated with optimally symmetric optimal-energy configurations.Comment: 109 pages, of which 30 are numerical data tables. Thoroughly revised version, to appear in J. Stat. Phys. under the different title: `Optimal N point configurations on the sphere: "Magic" numbers and Smale's 7th problem

    Metronomic Chemotherapy with Vinorelbine Produces Clinical Benefit and Low Toxicity in Frail Elderly Patients Affected by Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. The treatment choice for advanced stage of lung cancer may depend on histotype, performance status (PS), age, and comorbidities. In the present study, we focused on the effect of metronomic vinorelbine treatment in elderly patients with advanced unresectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods. From January 2016 to December 2016, 44 patients affected by non-small cell lung cancer referred to our oncology day hospital were progressively analyzed. The patients were treated with oral vinorelbine 30 mg x 3/wk or 40 mg x 3/wk meaning one day on and one day off. The patients were older than 60, stage IIIB or IV, ECOG PS ≥ 1, and have at least one important comorbidity (renal, hepatic, or cardiovascular disease). The schedule was based on ECOG-PS and comorbidities. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). PFS was used to compare patients based on different scheduled dosage (30 or 40 mg x3/weekly) and age (more or less than 75 years old) as exploratory analysis. We also evaluated as secondary endpoint toxicity according to Common Toxicity Criteria Version 2.0. Results. Vinorelbine showed a good safety profile at different doses taken orally and was effective in controlling cancer progression. The median overall survival (OS) was 12 months. The disease control rate (DCR) achieved 63%. The median PFS was 9 months. A significant difference in PFS was detected comparing patients aged below with those over 75, and the HR value was 0.72 (p<0.05). Not significant was the difference between groups with different schedules. Conclusions. This study confirmed the safety profile of metronomic vinorelbine and its applicability for patients unfit for standard chemotherapies and adds the possibility of considering this type of schedule not only for very elderly patients

    Variable stars in Terzan 5: additional evidence of multi-age and multi-iron stellar populations

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    Terzan 5 is a complex stellar system in the Galactic bulge, harboring stellar populations with very different iron content ({\Delta}[Fe/H] ~1 dex) and with ages differing by several Gyrs. Here we present an investigation of its variable stars. We report on the discovery and characterization of three RR Lyrae stars. For these newly discovered RR Lyrae and for six Miras of known periods we provide radial velocity and chemical abundances from spectra acquired with X-SHOOTER at the VLT. We find that the three RR Lyrae and the three short period Miras (P<300 d) have radial velocity consistent with being Terzan 5 members. They have sub-solar iron abundances and enhanced [{\alpha}/Fe], well matching the age and abundance patterns of the 12 Gyr metal-poor stellar populations of Terzan 5. Only one, out of the three long period (P>300 d) Miras analyzed in this study, has a radial velocity consistent with being Terzan 5 member. Its super-solar iron abundance and solar-scaled [{\alpha}/Fe] nicely match the chemical properties of the metal rich stellar population of Terzan 5 and its derived mass nicely agrees with being several Gyrs younger than the short period Miras. This young variable is an additional proof of the surprising young sub-population discovered in Terzan 5.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, in press on the Ap

    Blue straggler masses from pulsation properties. II. Topology of the Instability Strip

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    We present a new set of nonlinear, convective radial pulsation models for main sequence stars computed assuming three metallicities: Z=0.0001, 0.001 and 0.008. These chemical compositions bracket the metallicity of stellar systems hosting SX Phoenicis stars (SXPs or pulsating Blue Stragglers), namely Galactic globular clusters and nearby dwarf spheroidals. Stellar masses and luminosities of the pulsation models are based on alpha--enhanced evolutionary tracks from the BASTI website. We are able to define the topology of the instability strip (IS), and in turn the pulsation relations for the first four pulsation modes. We found that third overtones approach a stable nonlinear limit cycle. Predicted and empirical IS agree quite well in the case of 49 SXPs belonging to omega Cen. We used theoretical Period-Luminosity relations in B,V bands to identify their pulsation mode. We assumed Z=0.001 and Z=0.008 as mean metallicities of SXPs in omega Cen. We found respectively 13-15 fundamental, 22-6 first and 9-4 second overtone modes. Five are unstable in the third overtone mode only for Z=0.001. Using the above mode identification and applying the proper mass-dependent Period-Luminosity relations we found masses ranging from ~1.0 to 1.2 Mo (=1.12, sigma=0.04 Mo) and from ~1.2 to 1.5 Mo (=1.33, sigma=0.03 Mo) for Z=0.001 and 0.008 respectively. Our investigation supports the use of evolutionary tracks to estimate of SXP masses. We will extend our analysis to higher Helium content that may have an impact in our understanding of the BSS formation scenario.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 7 tables, ApJ accepte

    Ultra Long Period Cepheids: a primary standard candle out to the Hubble flow

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    The cosmological distance ladder crucially depends on classical Cepheids (with P=3-80 days), which are primary distance indicators up to 33 Mpc. Within this volume, very few SNe Ia have been calibrated through classical Cepheids, with uncertainty related to the non-linearity and the metallicity dependence of their period-luminosity (PL) relation. Although a general consensus on these effects is still not achieved, classical Cepheids remain the most used primary distance indicators. A possible extension of these standard candles to further distances would be important. In this context, a very promising new tool is represented by the ultra-long period (ULP) Cepheids (P \geq 80 days), recently identified in star-forming galaxies. Only a small number of ULP Cepheids have been discovered so far. Here we present and analyse the properties of an updated sample of 37 ULP Cepheids observed in galaxies within a very large metallicity range of 12+log(O/H) from ~7.2 to 9.2 dex. We find that their location in the colour(V-I)-magnitude diagram as well as their Wesenheit (V-I) index-period (WP) relation suggests that they are the counterparts at high luminosity of the shorter-period (P \leq 80 days) classical Cepheids. However, a complete pulsation and evolutionary theoretical scenario is needed to properly interpret the true nature of these objects. We do not confirm the flattening in the studied WP relation suggested by Bird et al. (2009). Using the whole sample, we find that ULP Cepheids lie around a relation similar to that of the LMC, although with a large spread (~0.4 mag).Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc
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