21 research outputs found

    Proper twin-triangular Ga-actions on A^4 are translations

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    An additive group action on an affine 3 -space over a complex Dedekind domain A is said to be twin-triangular if it is generated by a locally nilpotent derivation of A[y,z,t] of the form rd/dy+p(y)d/dz + q(y)d/dt, where r belongs to A and p,q belong to A[y] . We show that these actions are translations if and only if they are proper. Our approach avoids the computation of rings of invariants and focuses more on the nature of geometric quotients for such actions

    On exotic affine 3-spheres

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    Every A1−\mathbb{A}^{1}-bundle over the complex affine plane punctured at the origin, is trivial in the differentiable category but there are infinitely many distinct isomorphy classes of algebraic bundles. Isomorphy types of total spaces of such algebraic bundles are considered; in particular, the complex affine 3-sphere admitts such a structure with an additional homogeneity property. Total spaces of nontrivial homogeneous A1\mathbb{A}^{1}-bundles over the punctured plane are classified up to Gm\mathbb{G}_{m}-equivariant algebraic isomorphism and a criterion for nonisomorphy is given. In fact the affine 3-sphere is not isomorphic as an abstract variety to the total space of any A1\mathbb{A}^{1}-bundle over the punctured plane of different homogeneous degree, which gives rise to the existence of exotic spheres, a phenomenon that first arises in dimension three. As a by product, an example is given of two biholomorphic but not algebraically isomorphic threefolds, both with a trivial Makar-Limanov invariant, and with isomorphic cylinders

    Factorial threefolds with Ga-actions

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    The affine cancellation problem, which asks whether complex affine varieties with isomorphic cylinders are themselves isomorphic, has a positive solution for two dimensional varieties whose coordinate rings are unique factorization domains, in particular for the affine plane, but counterexamples are found within normal surfaces Danielewski surfaces and factorial threefolds of logarithmic Kodaira dimension equal to 1. The latter are therefore remote from the affine three-space, the first unknown case where the base of one cylinder is an affine space. Locally trivial Ga-actions play a significant role in these examples. Threefolds admitting free Ga-actions are discussed, especially a class of varieties with negative logarithmic Kodaira dimension which are total spaces of nonisomorphic Ga-bundles. Some members of the class are shown to be isomorphic as abstract varieties, but it is unknown whether any members of the class constitute counterexamples to cancellation

    Additive group actions with finitely generated invariants

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    Local Triviality of Proper Ga Actions

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    AbstractRegular actions of the additive group of complex numbers on complex surfaces and on complex affine space are considered. A proper action on an affine surface admits a geometric quotient which is an affine curve. A proper action on a normal quasiaffine surface is equivariantly trivial. New criteria for local and “global” triviality of proper actions on a complex affine space of arbitrary dimension are presented