8 research outputs found

    Processo para produção de microcápsulas dotadas de propriedades magnéticas, produto obtido e método para a liberação controlada de substâncias ativas

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    Em 07/10/2015: Anuidade de pedido de patente de invenção no prazo ordinário.DepositadaA presente invenção descreve um processo de produção de microcápsulas contendo nanopartículas magnéticas para liberação controlada de substâncias ativas, bem como produtos relacionados a esse processo e métodos de liberação controlada de substâncias ativas a partir da aplicação de campo magnético oscilante. Em uma concretização preferencial, a síntese das nanopartículas é realizada in situ, na presença de alginato e quitosana, incorporando as propriedades magnéticas às microcápsulas. A liberação controlada de substâncias ativas como, por exemplo, a insulina, se dá por aplicação de campo magnético oscilante

    Immunobiologic and Antiinflammatory Properties of a Bark Extract from Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke

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    Ampelozizyphus amazonicus is used in the treatment and prevention of malaria. The effect of an aqueous extract from this plant (SART) on the immune response was investigated by measuring immunoglobulin production induced by immunization with the antigen TNP-Ficoll in Plasmodium chabaudi-infected mice. SART treatment increased antigen-specific IgM and IgG levels in TNPFicoll-immunized mice. The B cell response during malarial infection was also modified by SART. There was an increase in total serum IgM and IgG and a decrease in the percentage of splenic plasma cells (CD138+ cells) in P. chabaudi-infected, SART-treated animals. SART (1, 3 or 10 mg/kg, p.o.) and the reference drug dexamethasone (5 mg/kg) were also tested in carrageenan-induced leukocyte migration to the subcutaneous air pouch (SAP). All SART doses significantly reduced leukocyte migration into the SAP. The protein concentration resulting from extravasation into the peritoneum was also significantly reduced. Our data indicate that SART possesses immunomodulatory properties, inducing an in vivo modification of the B lymphocyte response and antiinflammatory properties, which are partly due to a reduction in cell migration and are most likely due to an inhibition of the production of inflammatory mediators. Preliminary HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of SART shows a complex saponin profile with deprotonated molecule [M-H] − ions in the range of m/z 800-1000

    Nanostructured magnetic alginate composites for biomedical applications

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    Abstract This is a study of the preparation and characterization of polymeric-magnetic nanoparticles. The nanoparticles used were magnetite (Fe3O4) and the chosen polymers were alginate and chitosan. Two types of samples were prepared: uncoated magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated in polymeric matrix. The samples were analyzed by XRD, light scattering techniques, TEM, and magnetic SQUID. The XRD patterns identified magnetite (Fe3O4) as the only crystalline phase. TEM analyses showed particle sizes between 10 and 20nm for magnetite, and 15 and 30nm for the encapsulated magnetite. The values of magnetization ranged from 75 to 100emu/g for magnetite nanoparticles, and 8 to 12emu/g for coated with chitosan, at different temperatures of 20K and 300K. The saturation of both samples was in the range of 49 to 50KOe. Variations of results between the two kinds of samples were attributed to the encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles by the polymers

    Linhaça marrom e dourada: propriedades químicas e funcionais das sementes e dos óleos prensados a frio

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    O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a composição química e a capacidade antioxidante das sementes e dos óleos de linhaça marrom e dourada, e avaliar a estabilidade oxidativa dos óleos. Nas sementes, foram determinados: composição centesimal, capacidade antioxidante total e compostos fenólicos totais. Nos óleos, foram determinados: índice de acidez e peróxido, matéria insaponificável, composição em ácidos graxos, tocoferóis, capacidade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e estabilidade oxidativa em quatro condições de estocagem por até um ano. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os tipos de sementes quanto às variáveis investigadas, e ainda entre os óleos quanto ao rendimento da prensagem, composição em ácidos graxos insaturados, índice de acidez, teores de insaponificáveis e compostos fenólicos totais. Apesar do declínio da estabilidade oxidativa de ambos os óleos durante o armazenamento, o óleo de linhaça marrom e os óleos estocados sob refrigeração apresentaram-se mais estáveis. O índice de peróxido foi maior no óleo de linhaça dourada. O teor de tocoferol total e capacidade antioxidante total foram maiores no óleo de linhaça marrom. Contudo, observou-se uma igualdade entre as sementes de ambas as variedades de linhaça e uma superioridade do óleo de linhaça marrom

    Nanostructured magnetic alginate composites for biomedical applications

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    <div><p>Abstract This is a study of the preparation and characterization of polymeric-magnetic nanoparticles. The nanoparticles used were magnetite (Fe3O4) and the chosen polymers were alginate and chitosan. Two types of samples were prepared: uncoated magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated in polymeric matrix. The samples were analyzed by XRD, light scattering techniques, TEM, and magnetic SQUID. The XRD patterns identified magnetite (Fe3O4) as the only crystalline phase. TEM analyses showed particle sizes between 10 and 20nm for magnetite, and 15 and 30nm for the encapsulated magnetite. The values of magnetization ranged from 75 to 100emu/g for magnetite nanoparticles, and 8 to 12emu/g for coated with chitosan, at different temperatures of 20K and 300K. The saturation of both samples was in the range of 49 to 50KOe. Variations of results between the two kinds of samples were attributed to the encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles by the polymers.</p></div

    Treatment with Bixin-Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles Prevents Cigarette Smoke-Induced Acute Lung Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Mice

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    The use of annatto pigments has been evaluated as a therapeutic strategy in animal models of several health disorders. Beneficial effects were generally attributed to the inhibition of oxidative stress. Bixin is the main pigment present in annatto seeds and has emerged as an important scavenger of reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS). However, this carotenoid is highly hydrophobic, affecting its therapeutic applicability. Therefore, bixin represents an attractive target for nanotechnology to improve its pharmacokinetic parameters. In this study, we prepared bixin nanoparticles (npBX) and evaluated if they could prevent pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress induced by cigarette smoke (CS). C57BL/6 mice were exposed to CS and treated daily (by gavage) with different concentrations of npBX (6, 12 and 18%) or blank nanoparticles (npBL, 18%). The negative control group was sham smoked and received 18% npBL. On day 6, the animals were euthanized, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), as well as lungs, were collected for analysis. CS exposure led to an increase in ROS and nitrite production, which was absent in animals treated with npBX. In addition, npBX treatment significantly reduced leukocyte numbers and TNF-&alpha; levels in the BALF of CS-exposed mice, and it strongly inhibited CS-induced increases in MDA and PNK in lung homogenates. Interestingly, npBX protective effects against oxidative stress seemed not to act via Nrf2 activation in the CS + npBX 18% group. In conclusion, npBX prevented oxidative stress and acute lung inflammation in a murine model of CS-induced acute lung inflammation

    Immunobiologic and Antiinflammatory Properties of a Bark Extract from Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke

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    Ampelozizyphus amazonicus is used in the treatment and prevention of malaria. The effect of an aqueous extract from this plant (SART) on the immune response was investigated by measuring immunoglobulin production induced by immunization with the antigen TNP-Ficoll in Plasmodium chabaudi-infected mice. SART treatment increased antigen-specific IgM and IgG levels in TNP-Ficoll-immunized mice. The B cell response during malarial infection was also modified by SART. There was an increase in total serum IgM and IgG and a decrease in the percentage of splenic plasma cells (CD138+ cells) in P. chabaudi-infected, SART-treated animals. SART (1, 3 or 10 mg/kg, p.o.) and the reference drug dexamethasone (5 mg/kg) were also tested in carrageenan-induced leukocyte migration to the subcutaneous air pouch (SAP). All SART doses significantly reduced leukocyte migration into the SAP. The protein concentration resulting from extravasation into the peritoneum was also significantly reduced. Our data indicate that SART possesses immunomodulatory properties, inducing an in vivo modification of the B lymphocyte response and anti-inflammatory properties, which are partly due to a reduction in cell migration and are most likely due to an inhibition of the production of inflammatory mediators. Preliminary HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of SART shows a complex saponin profile with deprotonated molecule [M-H]− ions in the range of m/z 800–1000