6,107 research outputs found

    New approaches for detecting thresholds of human nephrotoxicity using cadmium as an example.

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    Damage to the kidneys is one of the primary toxic actions of metals. Nephrotoxic substances not only cause renal disease directly, but they can also destroy renal reserve capacity, potentially placing those people with additional risk factors, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and genetic predispositions, at greater risk. To detect nephrotoxicity in people at a stage where intervention can be effective, sensitive methods are needed. One of the major advantages of using sensitive biomarkers of renal damage is that people who may be particularly susceptible to renal damage can be identified early, at a reversible stage of damage, and the progression to end-stage renal disease may be halted or delayed. Various categories of tests can be used to detect effects of nephrotoxic substances on the kidney. Through the use of biomarkers of damage to various parts of the nephron, U.S. and European studies have both shown a similar pattern of damage among men occupationally exposed to cadmium. These studies indicate various thresholds of renal effects, which researchers suggest represent a cascade of progressively severe damage to the kidney. Research into new biomarkers of damage caused by exposure to nephrotoxic substances centers around mechanisms of cell death, including necrosis and apoptosis; mechanisms of cell growth, regeneration, and proliferation, including factors that control cell cycle, influence gene expression, and modulate nucleic acid synthesis; and genetic factors that increase susceptibility to renal disease. Examples of types of candidate biomarkers include cytokines, lipid mediators, growth factors, transcription factors and protooncogenes, extracellular matrix components (collagen, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans), and cell adhesion molecules. Research into new categories of biomarkers may provide additional insights into the mechanisms of damage caused by nephrotoxins

    Problems with kinematic mean field electrodynamics at high magnetic Reynolds numbers

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    We discuss the applicability of the kinematic α\alpha-effect formalism at high magnetic Reynolds numbers. In this regime the underlying flow is likely to be a small-scale dynamo, leading to the exponential growth of fluctuations. Difficulties arise with both the actual calculation of the α\alpha coefficients and with its interpretation. We argue that although the former may be circumvented -- and we outline several procedures by which the the α\alpha coefficients can be computed in principle -- the interpretation of these quantities in terms of the evolution of the large-scale field may be fundamentally flawed.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Deconvolving the information from an imperfect spherical gravitational wave antenna

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    We have studied the effects of imperfections in spherical gravitational wave antenna on our ability to properly interpret the data it will produce. The results of a numerical simulation are reported that quantitatively describe the systematic errors resulting from imperfections in various components of the antenna. In addition, the results of measurements on a room-temperature prototype are presented that verify it is possible to accurately deconvolve the data in practice.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    The Evolution of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Practice in North America: 1954-1994

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    This paper traces the evolution of geotechnical earthquake engineering practice in North America from 1954 to 1994. The development of the state-of-the-art has been shaped strongly by four areas of practice: assessment of seismic hazard, estimation of liquefaction potential, seismic response analysis of earth structures and seismic safety evaluation and remediation of existing dams with potentially liquefiable zones. Evolution of practice in each of these areas will be traced and the current state-of-the-art evaluated. Present capabilities in practice will be illustrated by examples from the areas of seismic response of dams, liquefaction potential and seismic safety evaluation and remediation of potentially liquefiable embankment dams

    Binary inspiral, gravitational radiation, and cosmology

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    Observations of binary inspiral in a single interferometric gravitational wave detector can be cataloged according to signal-to-noise ratio ρ\rho and chirp mass M\cal M. The distribution of events in a catalog composed of observations with ρ\rho greater than a threshold ρ0\rho_0 depends on the Hubble expansion, deceleration parameter, and cosmological constant, as well as the distribution of component masses in binary systems and evolutionary effects. In this paper I find general expressions, valid in any homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model, for the distribution with ρ\rho and M\cal M of cataloged events; I also evaluate these distributions explicitly for relevant matter-dominated Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models and simple models of the neutron star mass distribution. In matter dominated Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological models advanced LIGO detectors will observe binary neutron star inspiral events with ρ>8\rho>8 from distances not exceeding approximately 2Gpc2\,\text{Gpc}, corresponding to redshifts of 0.480.48 (0.26) for h=0.8h=0.8 (0.50.5), at an estimated rate of 1 per week. As the binary system mass increases so does the distance it can be seen, up to a limit: in a matter dominated Einstein-deSitter cosmological model with h=0.8h=0.8 (0.50.5) that limit is approximately z=2.7z=2.7 (1.7) for binaries consisting of two 10M10\,\text{M}_\odot black holes. Cosmological tests based on catalogs of the kind discussed here depend on the distribution of cataloged events with ρ\rho and M\cal M. The distributions found here will play a pivotal role in testing cosmological models against our own universe and in constructing templates for the detection of cosmological inspiraling binary neutron stars and black holes.Comment: REVTeX, 38 pages, 9 (encapsulated) postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    Gravitational Waves from coalescing binaries: Estimation of parameters

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    The paper presents a statistical model which reproduces the results of Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the parameters of the gravitational wave signal from a coalesing binary system. The model however is quite general and would be useful in other parameter estimation problems.Comment: LaTeX with RevTeX macros, 4 figure

    Using coupled micropillar compression and micro-Laue diffraction to investigate deformation mechanisms in a complex metallic alloy Al13Co4

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    In this investigation, we have used in-situ micro-Laue diffraction combined with micropillar compression of focused ion beam milled Al13Co4 complex metallic alloy to study the evolution of deformation in Al13Co4. Streaking of the Laue spots showed that the onset of plastic flow occured at stresses as low as 0.8 GPa, although macroscopic yield only becomes apparent at 2 GPa. The measured misorientations, obtained from peak splitting, enabled the geometrically necessary dislocation density to be estimated as 1.1 x 1013 m-2

    Aperture synthesis for gravitational-wave data analysis: Deterministic Sources

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    Gravitational wave detectors now under construction are sensitive to the phase of the incident gravitational waves. Correspondingly, the signals from the different detectors can be combined, in the analysis, to simulate a single detector of greater amplitude and directional sensitivity: in short, aperture synthesis. Here we consider the problem of aperture synthesis in the special case of a search for a source whose waveform is known in detail: \textit{e.g.,} compact binary inspiral. We derive the likelihood function for joint output of several detectors as a function of the parameters that describe the signal and find the optimal matched filter for the detection of the known signal. Our results allow for the presence of noise that is correlated between the several detectors. While their derivation is specialized to the case of Gaussian noise we show that the results obtained are, in fact, appropriate in a well-defined, information-theoretic sense even when the noise is non-Gaussian in character. The analysis described here stands in distinction to ``coincidence analyses'', wherein the data from each of several detectors is studied in isolation to produce a list of candidate events, which are then compared to search for coincidences that might indicate common origin in a gravitational wave signal. We compare these two analyses --- optimal filtering and coincidence --- in a series of numerical examples, showing that the optimal filtering analysis always yields a greater detection efficiency for given false alarm rate, even when the detector noise is strongly non-Gaussian.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Overview of the BlockNormal Event Trigger Generator

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    In the search for unmodeled gravitational wave bursts, there are a variety of methods that have been proposed to generate candidate events from time series data. Block Normal is a method of identifying candidate events by searching for places in the data stream where the characteristic statistics of the data change. These change-points divide the data into blocks in which the characteristics of the block are stationary. Blocks in which these characteristics are inconsistent with the long term characteristic statistics are marked as Event-Triggers which can then be investigated by a more computationally demanding multi-detector analysis.Comment: GWDAW-8 proceedings, 6 pages, 2 figure

    The response of interferometric gravitational wave detectors

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    The derivation of the response function of an interferometric gravitational wave detector is a paradigmatic calculation in the field of gravitational wave detection. Surprisingly, the standard derivation of the response wave detectors makes several unjustifiable assumptions, both conceptual and quantitative, regarding the coordinate trajectory and coordinate velocity of the null geodesic the light travels along. These errors, which appear to have remained unrecognized for at least 35 years, render the "standard" derivation inadequate and misleading as an archetype calculation. Here we identify the flaws in the existing derivation and provide, in full detail, a correct derivation of the response of a single-bounce Michelson interferometer to gravitational waves, following a procedure that will always yield correct results; compare it to the "standard", but incorrect, derivation; show where the earlier mistakes were made; and identify the general conditions under which the "standard" derivation will yield correct results. By a fortuitous set of circumstances, not generally so, the final result is the same in the case of Minkowski background spacetime, synchronous coordinates, transverse-traceless gauge metric perturbations, and arm mirrors at coordinate rest.Comment: 10 pages, one figure, as accepted to PR