147 research outputs found

    SNP data reveals the complex and diverse evolutionary history of the blue-ringed octopus genus (Octopodidae: Hapalochlaena) in the Asia-Pacific

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    The blue-ringed octopus species complex (Hapalochlaena spp.), known to occur from Southern Australia to Japan, currently contains four formally described species (Hapalochlaena maculosa, Hapalochlaena fasciata, Hapalochlaena lunulata and Hapalochlaena nierstraszi). These species are distinguished based on morphological characters (iridescent blue rings and/or lines) along with reproductive strategies. However, the observation of greater morphological diversity than previously captured by the current taxonomic framework indicates that a revision is required. To examine species boundaries within the genus we used mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [COI], cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 [COIII] and cytochrome b [Cytb]) and genome-wide SNP data (DaRT seq) from specimens collected across its geographic range including variations in depth from 3 m to >100 m. This investigation indicates substantially greater species diversity present within the genus Hapalochlaena than is currently described. We identified 10,346 SNPs across all locations, which when analysed support a minimum of 11 distinct clades. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial COI gene on a more limited sample set dates the diversification of the genus to ∌30 mya and corroborates eight of the lineages indicated by the SNP analyses. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the diagnostic lined patterning of H. fasciata found in North Pacific waters and NSW, Australia is polyphyletic and therefore likely the result of convergent evolution. Several “deep water” (>100 m) lineages were also identified in this study with genetic convergence likely to be driven by external selective pressures. Examination of morphological traits, currently being undertaken in a parallel morphological study, is required to describe additional species within the complex

    Development of the first geldanamycin-based HSP90 degraders

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    Despite the early clinical promise, adverse events such as acquired resistance and dose-limiting toxicities have barred the widespread use of HSP90 inhibitors as anticancer drugs. A new approach involving proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs) to degrade the protein instead of inhibiting it may overcome these problems. In this work, we describe the design, synthesis, and evaluation of cereblon-recruiting geldanamycin-based HSP90 degraders based on the PROTAC technology. Our best degrader, 3a, effectively decreased HSP90α and HSP90ÎČ levels in cells utilizing the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway

    The Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (Cimbi) database

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    AbstractWe here describe a multimodality neuroimaging containing data from healthy volunteers and patients, acquired within the Lundbeck Foundation Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (Cimbi) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The data is of particular relevance for neurobiological research questions related to the serotonergic transmitter system with its normative data on the serotonergic subtype receptors 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT4 and the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT), but can easily serve other purposes.The Cimbi database and Cimbi biobank were formally established in 2008 with the purpose to store the wealth of Cimbi-acquired data in a highly structured and standardized manner in accordance with the regulations issued by the Danish Data Protection Agency as well as to provide a quality-controlled resource for future hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-driven studies.The Cimbi database currently comprises a total of 1100 PET and 1000 structural and functional MRI scans and it holds a multitude of additional data, such as genetic and biochemical data, and scores from 17 self-reported questionnaires and from 11 neuropsychological paper/computer tests. The database associated Cimbi biobank currently contains blood and in some instances saliva samples from about 500 healthy volunteers and 300 patients with e.g., major depression, dementia, substance abuse, obesity, and impulsive aggression. Data continue to be added to the Cimbi database and biobank

    The InterPro protein families database: the classification resource after 15 years

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    The InterPro database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) is a freely available resource that can be used to classify sequences into protein families and to predict the presence of important domains and sites. Central to the InterPro database are predictive models, known as signatures, from a range of different protein family databases that have different biological focuses and use different methodological approaches to classify protein families and domains. InterPro integrates these signatures, capitalizing on the respective strengths of the individual databases, to produce a powerful protein classification resource. Here, we report on the status of InterPro as it enters its 15th year of operation, and give an overview of new developments with the database and its associated Web interfaces and software. In particular, the new domain architecture search tool is described and the process of mapping of Gene Ontology terms to InterPro is outlined. We also discuss the challenges faced by the resource given the explosive growth in sequence data in recent years. InterPro (version 48.0) contains 36 766 member database signatures integrated into 26 238 InterPro entries, an increase of over 3993 entries (5081 signatures), since 201

    InterPro: the integrative protein signature database

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    The InterPro database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) integrates together predictive models or ‘signatures' representing protein domains, families and functional sites from multiple, diverse source databases: Gene3D, PANTHER, Pfam, PIRSF, PRINTS, ProDom, PROSITE, SMART, SUPERFAMILY and TIGRFAMs. Integration is performed manually and approximately half of the total ∌58 000 signatures available in the source databases belong to an InterPro entry. Recently, we have started to also display the remaining un-integrated signatures via our web interface. Other developments include the provision of non-signature data, such as structural data, in new XML files on our FTP site, as well as the inclusion of matchless UniProtKB proteins in the existing match XML files. The web interface has been extended and now links out to the ADAN predicted protein-protein interaction database and the SPICE and Dasty viewers. The latest public release (v18.0) covers 79.8% of UniProtKB (v14.1) and consists of 16 549 entries. InterPro data may be accessed either via the web address above, via web services, by downloading files by anonymous FTP or by using the InterProScan search software (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/InterProScan/

    Connectivity precedes function in the development of the visual word form area

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    What determines the cortical location at which a given functionally specific region will arise in development? We tested the hypothesis that functionally specific regions develop in their characteristic locations because of pre-existing differences in the extrinsic connectivity of that region to the rest of the brain. We exploited the visual word form area (VWFA) as a test case, scanning children with diffusion and functional imaging at age 5, before they learned to read, and at age 8, after they learned to read. We found the VWFA developed functionally in this interval and that its location in a particular child at age 8 could be predicted from that child's connectivity fingerprints (but not functional responses) at age 5. These results suggest that early connectivity instructs the functional development of the VWFA, possibly reflecting a general mechanism of cortical development.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant F32HD079169)Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.) (Grant F32HD079169)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01HD067312)Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.) (Grant R01HD067312

    New developments in the InterPro database

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    InterPro is an integrated resource for protein families, domains and functional sites, which integrates the following protein signature databases: PROSITE, PRINTS, ProDom, Pfam, SMART, TIGRFAMs, PIRSF, SUPERFAMILY, Gene3D and PANTHER. The latter two new member databases have been integrated since the last publication in this journal. There have been several new developments in InterPro, including an additional reading field, new database links, extensions to the web interface and additional match XML files. InterPro has always provided matches to UniProtKB proteins on the website and in the match XML file on the FTP site. Additional matches to proteins in UniParc (UniProt archive) are now available for download in the new match XML files only. The latest InterPro release (13.0) contains more than 13 000 entries, covering over 78% of all proteins in UniProtKB. The database is available for text- and sequence-based searches via a webserver (), and for download by anonymous FTP (). The InterProScan search tool is now also available via a web service at

    InterPro in 2017-beyond protein family and domain annotations

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    InterPro (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) is a freely available database used to classify protein sequences into families and to predict the presence of important domains and sites. InterProScan is the underlying software that allows both protein and nucleic acid sequences to be searched against InterPro's predictive models, which are provided by its member databases. Here, we report recent developments with InterPro and its associated software, including the addition of two new databases (SFLD and CDD), and the functionality to include residue-level annotation and prediction of intrinsic disorder. These developments enrich the annotations provided by InterPro, increase the overall number of residues annotated and allow more specific functional inferences

    InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database

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    InterPro (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) is a database that integrates diverse information about protein families, domains and functional sites, and makes it freely available to the public via Web-based interfaces and services. Central to the database are diagnostic models, known as signatures, against which protein sequences can be searched to determine their potential function. InterPro has utility in the large-scale analysis of whole genomes and meta-genomes, as well as in characterizing individual protein sequences. Herein we give an overview of new developments in the database and its associated software since 2009, including updates to database content, curation processes and Web and programmatic interface
