3,726 research outputs found

    Enhanced photoluminescence emission from two-dimensional silicon photonic crystal nanocavities

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    We present a temperature dependent photoluminescence study of silicon optical nanocavities formed by introducing point defects into two-dimensional photonic crystals. In addition to the prominent TO phonon assisted transition from crystalline silicon at ~1.10 eV we observe a broad defect band luminescence from ~1.05-1.09 eV. Spatially resolved spectroscopy demonstrates that this defect band is present only in the region where air-holes have been etched during the fabrication process. Detectable emission from the cavity mode persists up to room-temperature, in strong contrast the background emission vanishes for T > 150 K. An Ahrrenius type analysis of the temperature dependence of the luminescence signal recorded either in-resonance with the cavity mode, or weakly detuned, suggests that the higher temperature stability may arise from an enhanced internal quantum efficiency due to the Purcell-effect

    Dephasing of quantum dot exciton polaritons in electrically tunable nanocavities

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    We experimentally and theoretically investigate dephasing of zero dimensional microcavity polaritons in electrically tunable single dot photonic crystal nanocavities. Such devices allow us to alter the dot-cavity detuning in-situ and to directly probe the influence on the emission spectrum of varying the incoherent excitation level and the lattice temperature. By comparing our results with theory we obtain the polariton dephasing rate and clarify its dependence on optical excitation power and lattice temperature. For low excitation levels we observe a linear temperature dependence, indicative of phonon mediated polariton dephasing. At higher excitation levels, excitation induced dephasing is observed due to coupling to the solid-state environment. The results provide new information on coherence properties of quantum dot microcavity polaritons.Comment: Figure 2, panel (b) changed to logarithmic + linear scal

    Component selection for livestock farms using linear programming

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    Also available online.Digitized 2007 AES MoU

    A Correlation between the Emission Intensity of Self-Assembled Germanium Islands and the Quality Factor of Silicon Photonic Crystal Nanocavities

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    We present a comparative micro-photoluminescence study of the emission intensity of self-assembled germanium islands coupled to the resonator mode of two-dimensional silicon photonic crystal defect nanocavities. The emission intensity is investigated for cavity modes of L3 and Hexapole cavities with different cavity quality factors. For each of these cavities many nominally identical samples are probed to obtain reliable statistics. As the quality factor increases we observe a clear decrease in the average mode emission intensity recorded under comparable optical pumping conditions. This clear experimentally observed trend is compared with simulations based on a dissipative master equation approach that describes a cavity weakly coupled to an ensemble of emitters. We obtain evidence that reabsorption of photons emitted into the cavity mode is responsible for the observed trend. In combination with the observation of cavity linewidth broadening in power dependent measurements, we conclude that free carrier absorption is the limiting effect for the cavity mediated light enhancement under conditions of strong pumping.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Mirizzi Syndrome Type I: A Case Presentation.

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    Mirizzi syndrome (MS) is a rare complication of chronic cholelithiasis. The syndrome describes gallstone obstruction of Hartmann\u27s pouch or the cystic duct that extrinsically compresses the common hepatic duct, causing obstructive jaundice. In advanced cases, the gallstones may erode into the biliary tree creating a fistula, requiring prompt diagnosis and careful surgical management. We present a case of an 82-year-old female who presented with upper abdominal pain and jaundice, later diagnosed with suspected MS type I, and managed surgically. We aim to highlight MS type I because of the potential progression and damage to the bile duct, creating complications that may affect overall patient outcome

    Effects of varying management levels of crops and livestock on optimal farm organizations

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    "Publication authorized July 17, 1964.

    Using Asymmetry to Your Advantage: Learning to Acquire and Accept External Assistance During Prolonged Split-belt Walking

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    People can learn to exploit external assistance during walking to reduce energetic cost. For example, walking on a split-belt treadmill affords the opportunity for people to redistribute the mechanical work performed by the legs to gain assistance from the difference in belts’ speed and reduce energetic cost. Though we know what people should do to acquire this assistance, this strategy is not observed during typical adaptation studies. We hypothesized that extending the time allotted for adaptation would result in participants adopting asymmetric step lengths to increase the assistance they can acquire from the treadmill. Here, participants walked on a split-belt treadmill for 45 min while we measured spatiotemporal gait variables, metabolic cost, and mechanical work. We show that when people are given sufficient time to adapt, they naturally learn to step further forward on the fast belt, acquire positive mechanical work from the treadmill, and reduce the positive work performed by the legs. We also show that spatiotemporal adaptation and energy optimization operate over different timescales: people continue to reduce energetic cost even after spatiotemporal changes have plateaued. Our findings support the idea that walking with symmetric step lengths, which is traditionally thought of as the endpoint of adaptation, is only a point in the process by which people learn to take advantage of the assistance provided by the treadmill. These results provide further evidence that reducing energetic cost is central in shaping adaptive locomotion, but this process occurs over more extended timescales than those used in typical studies

    Room temperature spin-orbit torque switching induced by a topological insulator

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    Recent studies on the magneto-transport properties of topological insulators (TI) have attracted great attention due to the rich spin-orbit physics and promising applications in spintronic devices. Particularly the strongly spin-moment coupled electronic states have been extensively pursued to realize efficient spin-orbit torque (SOT) switching. However, so far current-induced magnetic switching with TI has only been observed at cryogenic temperatures. It remains a controversial issue whether the topologically protected electronic states in TI could benefit spintronic applications at room temperature. In this work, we report full SOT switching in a TI/ferromagnet bilayer heterostructure with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at room temperature. The low switching current density provides a definitive proof on the high SOT efficiency from TI. The effective spin Hall angle of TI is determined to be several times larger than commonly used heavy metals. Our results demonstrate the robustness of TI as an SOT switching material and provide a direct avenue towards applicable TI-based spintronic devices
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