12 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of flexible polyvinylchloride-copper composite films

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    Flexible PVC films are statically charged due to their low electrical conductivity. This creates fire threat during its handling. Conductive materials are added to films to prevent this. In the present study it was aimed to prepare PVC- copper composite films by sol gel technique and characterize the prepared films. It was aimed to increase the electrical conductivity of the films by adding copper powder. However, the copper particles settled down to bottom instead of forming a conductive network that covers the whole cross section. Thus at the film crosssection a plastic upper phase and a copper rich lower phase were present. The film did not conduct electricity due to this uneven distribution. The minimum volumetric and surface resistivities of the films were at the order of 109 ohm-cm and 1010 ohm square respectively

    Essential oil analysis and antimicrobial activites of some galium (Rubiaceae) species

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    Bu çalışmada, Rubiaceae familyasına ait olan Galium cinsinin Galium incanum, Galium dieckii ve Galium aladaghense türlerinin uçucu yağ bileşenleri ve antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri belirlenmiştir. Yapılan bu tez çalışması kapsamında, bitki örneklerinin uçucu yağ izolasyonları tamamlandıktan sonra uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi GC/MS yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, bu bitkilere ait toplam 61 adet bileşiğin yapısı aydınlatılmıştır. Bileşiklerin yapısı incelendiğinde beş bileşiğin monoterpen (%8.2), dokuz bileşiğin monoterpenoid (% 14,75) ve dokuz bileşiğin seskiterpen (%14,75) yapısında oldukları belirlenmiştir. Antimikrobiyal aktivite testleri sonucunda Galium aladaghense bitkisine ait uçucu yağın, Galium incanum ve Galium dieckii bitkilerinin uçucu yağlarına göre her iki mikroorganizmaya karşı daha güçlü antimikrobiyal aktivite gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Her üç bitkinin uçucu yağının da Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 mikroorganizmasına, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 mikroorganizmasına göre daha yüksek antimikrobiyal aktivite gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Galium incanum bitkisine ait uçucu yağ S. aureus mikroorganizmasına karşı zayıf aktivite gösterirken E. coli mikroorganizmasına karşı daha güçlü antimikrobiyal aktivite gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Galium dieckii bitkisine ait uçucu yağ hem S. aureus hem de E. coli mikroorganizmasına karşı yakın bir antimikrobiyal aktivite sergilemiştir. Galium aladaghense bitkisine ait uçucu yağ ise E. coli mikroorganizmasına karşı S. aureus mikroorganizmasından daha güçlü aktivite gösterdiği saptanmıştır.This thesis study was made for aiming the investigation of chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Galium incanum, Galium dieckii and Galium aladaghense. In this respect, determination of essential oil contents were made by GC-MS after complete essential oil isolataion of plant samples. A total of 61 compound structures which belongs to these plants were identified after analysis. When analyzed the structures of compounds were identified as five compounds were monoterpen (8.2 %), nine compounds were monoterpenoid (14.75 %), and nine compounds were seskiterpen (14.75 %). According to antimicrobial tests it is observed that the essential oil of Galium aladaghense plant showed a stronger antimicrobial activity against both microorganisms than the essential oils of Galium incanum and Galium dieckii plants. All three essential oils of the plants showed stronger antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 microorganism than against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 microorganism. It is determined that the essential oil of Galium dieckii plant showed a weak activity against S. aureus while showed a stronger activity against E. coli microorganism. The essential oil of Galium dieckii plant showed similiar antimicrobial activities both against the microorganisms of E. coli and S. aureus. The essential oil of Galium aladaghense plant showed stronger antimicrobial activity against the microorganism of E. coli than the microorganism S. aureus

    Determination of Essential Oils Components of Maclura pomifera (Osage Orange) Fruit from Turkey

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    This study was conducted to determine the essential oil components in Macrura pomifera, a North American plant. The essential oil components were determined by GC / MS method after the essential oil isolation of the fruit sample was completed. The relative abundances of the chromatograms obtained as a result of the analyses were compared with the similarity indices of the probable results in the library of the GC / MS for the highest peaks and retention index calculations were made from the retention time. As a result of the analyzes, the structure of 28 essential oil components in the fruit was clarified. When the components were examined, dodecanal (9.05%), Eugenol (8.36%) and ?-humulene (7.84%) emerged as the first three major components. Other compounds are less common than these three compounds.This study was conducted to determine the essential oil components in Macrura pomifera, a North American plant. The essential oil components were determined by GC / MS method after the essential oil isolation of the fruit sample was completed. The relative abundances of the chromatograms obtained as a result of the analyses were compared with the similarity indices of the probable results in the library of the GC / MS for the highest peaks and retention index calculations were made from the retention time. As a result of the analyzes, the structure of 28 essential oil components in the fruit was clarified. When the components were examined, dodecanal (9.05%), Eugenol (8.36%) and ?-humulene (7.84%) emerged as the first three major components. Other compounds are less common than these three compounds

    Antibacterial Activity and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils from Some Galium (Rubiaceae) Species Against Pathogenic Bacteria

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    In this work, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Galium incanum, Galium dieckii ve Galium aladaghense were firstly reported. The essential oils were obtained from the all parts of the plant by hydrodistillation and analyzed by using GC-MS. Antimicrobial activity of synthezied essential oils was carried out against 5 pathogen bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) ATCC 25923, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (P. syringae) DC300, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhmurium (S. typhmurium) SL 1344 and Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) ATCC 25175. According to the results, it was determined that isolated essential oils comprised of 61 compounds. Compounds of essential oils included that structure monoterpene (8.2%), monoterpenoid (14.75%) and sesquiterpene (14.75%). Unclassified compounds have been identified as other compounds. From the antimicrobial activity was observed that the isolated essential oil from Galium incanum, Galium dieckii ve Galium aladaghense exhibited a potent inhibitory effect against all gram negative and gram positive bacteria with diameter of inhibition zones ranging from 4.3 to 12.3 mm. Essential oil of Galium aladaghense indicated that high antimicrobial activity on all bacteria than Galium incanum and Galium dieckii

    Antibacterial Activity and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils from Some Galium (Rubiaceae) Species Against Pathogenic Bacteria

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    In this work, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Galium incanum, Galium dieckii ve Galium aladaghense were firstly reported. The essential oils were obtained from the all parts of the plant by hydrodistillation and analyzed by using GC-MS. Antimicrobial activity of synthezied essential oils was carried out against 5 pathogen bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) ATCC 25923, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (P. syringae) DC300, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhmurium (S. typhmurium) SL 1344 and Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) ATCC 25175. According to the results, it was determined that isolated essential oils comprised of 61 compounds. Compounds of essential oils included that structure monoterpene (8.2%), monoterpenoid (14.75%) and sesquiterpene (14.75%). Unclassified compounds have been identified as other compounds. From the antimicrobial activity was observed that the isolated essential oil from Galium incanum, Galium dieckii ve Galium aladaghense exhibited a potent inhibitory effect against all gram negative and gram positive bacteria with diameter of inhibition zones ranging from 4.3 to 12.3 mm. Essential oil of Galium aladaghense indicated that high antimicrobial activity on all bacteria than Galium incanum and Galium dieckii.In this work, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Galium incanum, Galium dieckii ve Galium aladaghense were firstly reported. The essential oils were obtained from the all parts of the plant by hydrodistillation and analyzed by using GC-MS. Antimicrobial activity of synthezied essential oils was carried out against 5 pathogen bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) ATCC 25923, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (P. syringae) DC300, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhmurium (S. typhmurium) SL 1344 and Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) ATCC 25175. According to the results, it was determined that isolated essential oils comprised of 61 compounds. Compounds of essential oils included that structure monoterpene (8.2%), monoterpenoid (14.75%) and sesquiterpene (14.75%). Unclassified compounds have been identified as other compounds. From the antimicrobial activity was observed that the isolated essential oil from Galium incanum, Galium dieckii ve Galium aladaghense exhibited a potent inhibitory effect against all gram negative and gram positive bacteria with diameter of inhibition zones ranging from 4.3 to 12.3 mm. Essential oil of Galium aladaghense indicated that high antimicrobial activity on all bacteria than Galium incanum and Galium dieckii

    Preparation and characterization of flexible polyvinylchloride-copper composite films

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    Flexible PVC films are statically charged due to their low electrical conductivity. This creates fire threat during its handling. Conductive materials are added to films to prevent this. In the present study it was aimed to prepare PVC- copper composite films by sol gel technique and characterize the prepared films. It was aimed to increase the electrical conductivity of the films by adding copper powder. However, the copper particles settled down to bottom instead of forming a conductive network that covers the whole cross section. Thus at the film crosssection a plastic upper phase and a copper rich lower phase were present. The film did not conduct electricity due to this uneven distribution. The minimum volumetric and surface resistivities of the films were at the order of 109 ohm-cm and 1010 ohm square respectively

    Turkish inappropriate medication use in the elderly (TIME) criteria to improve prescribing in older adults: TIME-to-STOP/TIME-to-START

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    Key summary pointsAim To meet the current need in different European countries for improving prescribing in older adults, we aimed to create an update screening tool getting origin from the two user friendly criterion sets: the STOPP/STARTv2 criteria and CRIME criteria. Findings Based on thorough literature review, 55 criteria were added, 17 criteria were removed, and 60 criteria were modified. As a result, 153 TIME criteria composed of 112 TIME-to-STOP and 41 TIME-to-START criteria were introduced. Message TIME criterion set is an update screening tool reported from Eastern Europe that included experts from geriatrics and other specialties frequently giving care to older adults and some additional practical explanations for clinical use. Purpose To improve prescribing in older adults, criterion sets have been introduced from different countries. While current criterion sets are useful to some extent, they do not meet the need in some European countries. Turkish inappropriate medication use in the elderly (TIME) criteria was planned to meet this need. Methods In phase 1, the user friendly sets: STOPP/START version2 and CRIME criteria were combined. National experts composed of geriatricians and non-geriatricians were invited to review and comment. In phase 2, thorough literature review was performed and reference-based revisions, omissions, and additions were made. Explanatory additions were added to some criteria to improve application in practice. In phase 3, all working group members reviewed the criteria/explanations and agreed on the final content. Results Phase 1 was performed by 49 expert academicians between May and October 2016. Phase 2 was performed by 23 working group academicians between October 2016 and November 2018 and included face-to-face interviews between at least two geriatrician members and one criterion-related specialist. Phase 3 was completed between November 2018-March 2019 with review and approval of all criteria by working group academicians. As a result, 55 criteria were added, 17 criteria were removed, and 60 criteria were modified from the first draft. A total of 153 TIME criteria composed of 112 TIME-to-STOP and 41 TIME-to-START criteria were introduced. Conclusion TIME criteria is an update screening tool that differs from the current useful tools by the interactive study of experts from geriatrics and non-geriatrics, inclusion of practical explanations for some criteria and by its eastern European origin. TIME study respectfully acknowledges its roots from STOPP/START and CRIME criteria. Studies are needed whether it would lead improvements in older adults' health