4,758 research outputs found

    Combinatorial approach to Modularity

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    Communities are clusters of nodes with a higher than average density of internal connections. Their detection is of great relevance to better understand the structure and hierarchies present in a network. Modularity has become a standard tool in the area of community detection, providing at the same time a way to evaluate partitions and, by maximizing it, a method to find communities. In this work, we study the modularity from a combinatorial point of view. Our analysis (as the modularity definition) relies on the use of the configurational model, a technique that given a graph produces a series of randomized copies keeping the degree sequence invariant. We develop an approach that enumerates the null model partitions and can be used to calculate the probability distribution function of the modularity. Our theory allows for a deep inquiry of several interesting features characterizing modularity such as its resolution limit and the statistics of the partitions that maximize it. Additionally, the study of the probability of extremes of the modularity in the random graph partitions opens the way for a definition of the statistical significance of network partitions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of the Blackbody Radiation Shift of the 133Cs Hyperfine Transition in an Atomic Fountain

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    We used a Cs atomic fountain frequency standard to measure the Stark shift on the ground state hyperfine transiton frequency in cesium (9.2 GHz) due to the electric field generated by the blackbody radiation. The measures relative shift at 300 K is -1.43(11)e-14 and agrees with our theoretical evaluation -1.49(07)e-14. This value differs from the currently accepted one -1.69(04)e-14. The difference has a significant implication on the accuracy of frequency standards, in clocks comparison, and in a variety of high precision physics tests such as the time stability of fundamental constants.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Statistical significance of communities in networks

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    Nodes in real-world networks are usually organized in local modules. These groups, called communities, are intuitively defined as sub-graphs with a larger density of internal connections than of external links. In this work, we introduce a new measure aimed at quantifying the statistical significance of single communities. Extreme and Order Statistics are used to predict the statistics associated with individual clusters in random graphs. These distributions allows us to define one community significance as the probability that a generic clustering algorithm finds such a group in a random graph. The method is successfully applied in the case of real-world networks for the evaluation of the significance of their communities.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. The software to calculate the C-score can be found at http://filrad.homelinux.org/cscor

    Lexical evolution rates by automated stability measure

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    Phylogenetic trees can be reconstructed from the matrix which contains the distances between all pairs of languages in a family. Recently, we proposed a new method which uses normalized Levenshtein distances among words with same meaning and averages on all the items of a given list. Decisions about the number of items in the input lists for language comparison have been debated since the beginning of glottochronology. The point is that words associated to some of the meanings have a rapid lexical evolution. Therefore, a large vocabulary comparison is only apparently more accurate then a smaller one since many of the words do not carry any useful information. In principle, one should find the optimal length of the input lists studying the stability of the different items. In this paper we tackle the problem with an automated methodology only based on our normalized Levenshtein distance. With this approach, the program of an automated reconstruction of languages relationships is completed

    Impact of Row Spacing, Sowing Density and Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Quality Traits of Chia (\u3cem\u3eSalvia Hispanica\u3c/em\u3e L.) Cultivated in Southwestern Germany

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    To obtain high chia seed yields and seed qualities, a suitable crop management system needs to be developed for the given growing conditions in southwestern Germany. Field experiments were conducted at the experimental station Ihinger Hof in two consecutive years (2016, 2017). The study aimed to evaluate yield and quality traits of chia depending on different (i) row spacing (35, 50 and 75 cm), (ii) sowing densities (1, 1.5 and 2 kg ha−1) and, (iii) N-fertilization rates (0, 20 and 40 kg N ha−1). It consisted of three independent, completely randomized field experiments with three replications. Results showed that chia seed yields ranged from 618.39 to 1171.33 kg ha−1 and that a thousand seed mass of 1.14 to 1.24 g could be obtained. Crude protein-, crude oil- and mucilage contents varied from 18.11–23.91%, 32.16–33.78% and 10.00–13.74%, respectively. Results indicated that the year of cultivation and the accompanied environmental conditions, like precipitation or temperature, influenced the determined traits more than the applied agronomic practices. As average seed yields exceeded those obtained in the countries of origin (Mexico, Guatemala) while having comparable quality characteristics, chia holds great potential as an alternative crop for farmers in southwestern Germany

    Oral glucose tolerance test and continuous glucose monitoring for gestational diabetes diagnosis: a survey study of women and health care professionals

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    Aims: The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), used for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) diagnosis for over 65 years, has poor acceptability and tolerability. Continuous glucose monitoring is being considered as potential alternative. The aim of our study was to formally assess women’s and health care professionals’ perception of both tests as diagnostic tools for GDM. Methods: Participants in a pilot study on continuous glucose monitoring for GDM diagnosis were invited to fill two questionnaires, each of 6 Likert-scale and one optional open-ended question. A range of healthcare practitioners were also invited to fill a questionnaire of 13 Likert-scale and 7 optional open-ended questions. Results: Sixty women completed the OGTT and 70 the continuous glucose monitoring questionnaire. OGTT was reported as poorly acceptable. Continuous glucose monitoring was described as significantly more tolerable (81% vs 27% 5/5 general acceptability rate, p < 0.001); ninety-three percent of the participants would recommend it for GDM diagnosis. Thirty health care professionals completed the survey. Most of them (73%) had confidence in OGTT as a diagnostic test for GDM with 66% raising some concerns. Doubts on continuous glucose monitoring were raised in terms of costs, accessibility and accuracy for GDM diagnosis due to “lack of evidence”. Conclusions: Continuous glucose monitoring was substantially better tolerated for women than OGTT. Current lack of evidence for diagnostic accuracy for GDM underlines the need for studies on correlation between continuous glucose monitoring parameters and pregnancy outcomes to strengthen evidence for its use as diagnostic test for GDM

    Fetal abdominal wall defects in an Australian tertiary setting: contemporary characteristics, ultrasound accuracy, and outcome

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    Purpose: In this study, we aimed to comprehensively evaluate risk factors, ultrasound estimation of fetal weight, prenatal management, and pregnancy outcomes of gastroschisis and omphalocele at a metropolitan Australian hospital. Material and methods: This was a retrospective single-center cohort study from 2006 to 2014 at a tertiary hospital with colocated neonatal surgical facilities. Demographic, pregnancy, ultrasound, birth and neonatal data were compared between gastroschisis and omphalocele. Correlation between routine (Hadlock 1 &2) and specific (Siemer) estimated fetal weight (EFW) estimation formulae with birth weight (BW) was made for those 50 gastroschisis cases with ≄2 third trimester scans and last scan ≀2 weeks prior to birth. Results: There were 126 abdominal wall defects: 83 gastroschisis and 43 omphalocele. Consistent with international literature, the average maternal age was lower for gastroschisis and rates of smoking higher, while there were more intrauterine deaths and pregnancy terminations in omphalocele. Gastroschisis mothers were more likely living outside Sydney, had more infections in pregnancy and were followed with a larger number of antenatal visits, with a shorter period from the last visit to birth. In omphalocele pregnancies, amniocentesis was more likely performed, with more abnormal results than in gastroschisis fetuses. All EFW formulae had a good correlation between Z score for the last US and actual BW (ICC 0.693–0.815), with Hadlock 2 being the best. Siemer formula had the best correlation from first to the last scan. Gastroschisis newborns were born earlier (36.8 versus 38.2 wks p =.001), with smaller birthweight (2.52 versus 3.03 kg, p <.001), a longer request of intensive care (central line, parenteral nutrition, intubation) and second surgery, along with more multisystem complications (average 1.5 versus 0.7, p =.004) and a longer hospital stay (58.8 versus 36.8 d, p <.001). Conclusion: Demographic, antenatal, and pregnancy outcome data for abdominal wall defects correlated well with the international literature. Hadlock 1–2 gave the most consistent EFW estimate, with all formulae showing good correlation

    A reservoir for inverse power law decoherence of a qubit

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    The exact dynamics of a Jaynes-Cummings model for a qubit interacting with a continuous distribution of bosons, characterized by a special form of the spectral density, is evaluated analytically. The special reservoir is designed to induce anomalous decoherence, resulting in an inverse power law relaxation, of power 3/2, over an evaluated long time scale. If compared to the exponential-like relaxation obtained from the original Jaynes-Cummings model for Lorentzian-type spectral density functions, decoherence is strongly suppressed. The special reservoir exhibits an upper band edge frequency coinciding with the qubit transition frequency. Known theoretical models of photonic band gap media suitable for the realization of the designed reservoir are proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Growth, Yield Performance and Quality Parameters of Three Early Flowering Chia (\u3cem\u3eSalvia hispanica\u3c/em\u3e L.) Genotypes Cultivated in Southwestern Germany

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    The combination of consumer’s ongoing demand for chia (Salvia hispanica L.) alongside the increased demand for regionally produced food products provided the impetus for this study. Its aim was to test if a regional cultivation of new chia genotypes, which were adapted to day lengths greater than 12 h, is feasible under Central European conditions. Therefore, three early flowering chia genotypes (Sahi Alba 914, W13.1, G8) were cultivated in a randomized block design at two experimental stations in Southwestern Germany (Ihinger Hof, Eckartsweier) over the course of two years (2015, 2016). Mean yields ranged from 100 to 1290 kg ha−1. Mucilage content ranged from 9.5% to 12.2%, while the crude protein content ranged from 17.2% to 25.0%. Crude oil content fell in the range of 30.9–33.7% and the PUFA:SAT ratio ranged from 4.0 to 9.4, whereas the omega6:omega3 ratio varied from 0.27 to 0.5. As chia seed yields surpassed yield levels obtained by their countries of origin and as quality parameters obtained, were in line with the genotypes cultivated in their countries of origin, it can be assumed that a regional chia production in Southwestern Germany offers great potential, being ecologically and economically profitable
