19 research outputs found

    Yb-171 optical frequency standards towards the redefinition of the second

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    Decomposed description of Ramsey spectra under atomic interactions

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    We introduce a description of Ramsey spectra under atomic interactions as a sum of decomposed components with differing dependence on interaction parameters. This description enables intuitive understanding of the loss of contrast and asymmetry of Ramsey spectra. We derive a quantitative relationship between the asymmetry and atomic interaction parameters, which enables their characterization without changing atom density. The model is confirmed through experiments with a Yb optical lattice clock

    Modeling light shifts in optical lattice clocks

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    We present an extended model for the lattice-induced light shifts of the clock frequency in optical lattice clocks, applicable to a wide range of operating conditions. The model extensions cover radial motional states with sufficient energies to invalidate the harmonic approximation of the confining potential. We reevaluate lattice-induced light shifts in our Yb optical lattice clock with an uncertainty of 6.1E-18 under typical clock operating conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Absolute frequency measurement of the 1S0 - 3P0 transition of 171Yb

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    We report the absolute frequency measurement of the unperturbed transition 1S0 - 3P0 at 578 nm in 171Yb realized in an optical lattice frequency standard. The absolute frequency is measured 518 295 836 590 863.55(28) Hz relative to a cryogenic caesium fountain with a fractional uncertainty of 5.4x10-16 . This value is in agreement with the ytterbium frequency recommended as a secondary representation of the second in the International System of Units.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication/published in Metrologia. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1681-7575/aa4e62. It is published under a CC BY licenc

    Absolute frequency measurement of the 1S0 – 3P0 transition of 171-Yb with a link to International Atomic Time

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    Dataset of the INRIM Yb clock measured respect to TAI collected between October 2018 to February 2019. YbvsSIm-viaEAL.dat: montly data with columns MJDstart: start date in MJD MJDstop: stop date in MJD MJDmed: mid point date in MJD MJDbaro: baricenter date in MJD Ybduty: Yb clock duty time y0=Yb/HM3: ratio between Yb clock and H Maser 03 u0: statistical uncertainty of y0 uB0: systematic uncertainty of y0 y1=extrap.: extrapolation over HM3 udead1: uncertainty of y1 from dead times udrift1: uncertainty of y1 from HM3 drift HM3drift/d: HM3 drift per day udrift/d: uncertainty of HM3 drift y2=HM3/UTCit: ratio between HM3 and UTC(IT) u2: uncertainty of y2 y3=UTCit/TAI: ratio between UTC(IT) and TAI u3: uncertainty of y3 y4=EALext.: extrapolation over EAL udead4: uncertainty of y4 from dead times udrift4: uncertainty of y4 from EAL drift y5=-d: ratio between TAI and the SI second from Circular T u5: uncertainty of y5 uA5: statistical uncertainty of y5 uB5: systematic uncertainty of y5 y=Yb/SI: final ratio beween the Yb clock and the Si second uA: not used uB: not used u: uncertainty of y YbvsTAId.dat: data every 5 days with columns: MJDstart: start date in MJD MJDstop: stop date in MJD MJDmed: mid point date in MJD MJDbaro: baricenter date in MJD Ybduty: Yb clock duty time y0=Yb/HM3: ratio between Yb clock and H Maser 03 u0: statistical uncertainty of y0 uB0: systematic uncertainty of y0 y1=extrap.: extrapolation over HM3 udead1: uncertainty of y1 from dead times udrift1: uncertainty of y1 from HM3 drift HM3drift/d: HM3 drift per day udrift/d: uncertainty of HM3 drift y2=HM3/UTCit: ratio between HM3 and UTC(IT) u2: uncertainty of y2 y3=UTCit/TAI: ratio between UTC(IT) and TAI u3: uncertainty of y3 y=Yb/TAI: final ratio beween the Yb clock and TAI uA: not used uB: not used u: uncertainty of yWe acknowledge funding from the European Metrology Program for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) project 15SIB03 OC18, from the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE) project Q-SENSE (Grant Agreement Number 691156), from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) funding DTF-Matera, from the EMPIR project 18SIB05 ROCIT. The EMPIR initiative is co-funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the EMPIR Participating States

    Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock

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    partially_open24openGrotti, Jacopo; Koller, Silvio; Vogt, Stefan; Häfner, Sebastian; Sterr, Uwe; Lisdat, Christian; Denker, Heiner; Voigt, Christian; Timmen, Ludger; Rolland, Antoine; Baynes, Fred N.; Margolis, Helen S.; Zampaolo, Michel; Thoumany, Pierre; Pizzocaro, Marco; Rauf, Benjamin; Bregolin, Filippo; Tampellini, Anna; Barbieri, Piero; Zucco, Massimo; Costanzo, Giovanni A.; Clivati, Cecilia; Levi, Filippo; Calonico, DavideGrotti, Jacopo; Koller, Silvio; Vogt, Stefan; Häfner, Sebastian; Sterr, Uwe; Lisdat, Christian; Denker, Heiner; Voigt, Christian; Timmen, Ludger; Rolland, Antoine; Baynes, Fred N.; Margolis, Helen S.; Zampaolo, Michel; Thoumany, Pierre; Pizzocaro, Marco; Rauf, Benjamin; Bregolin, Filippo; Tampellini, Anna; Barbieri, Piero; Zucco, Massimo; Costanzo, Giovanni A.; Clivati, Cecilia; Levi, Filippo; Calonico, David

    Multiple lasers stabilization on a single three color optical cavity

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    We designed and implemented a simple and robust optical system for the frequency stabilization of lasers at different wavelength, used for the cooling and trapping of atoms in a Yb optical lattice clock. We used a single ultra-stable cavity to lock the frequency of three different lasers at 399 nm, 556 nm and 759 nm exploiting the offset sideband locking technique, derived from the common Pound-Drever-Hall method. A linewidth of less than 300Hz is obtained at 556 nm with a fractional frequency stability of 3 × 10−14 at 1s. At 759 nm we measured a long term drift less than 20kHz per day, which is sufficient to keep the lattice light shift fractional uncertainty under 1 × 10−18. The system was tested by simultaneously locking the three lasers to the cavity and operating the clock without any significant reduction in number of atoms