27 research outputs found

    Taphonomical observations on the pygmy hippopotamus site in Aghia Napa, Cyprus.

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    Στην εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα ταφονομικής ανάλυσης της Άνω πλειστοκαινικής θέσης της Αγίας Νάπας στην Κύπρο. Η πανίδα της απολιθωματοφόρου θέσης κυριαρχείται από σκελετικό υλικό νάνων ιπποπόταμων του είδους Phanourios minor, και εντοπίζεται κάτω από ένα φυσικό στέγαστρο εντός των ασβεστολιθικών σχηματισμών της περιοχής. Η εμφάνιση εκτείνεται σε μια περιοχή περίπου 72 τ.μ. από την οποία έχει συλλεχθεί ιδιαίτερα μεγάλος αριθμός ευρημάτων που υποδεικνύει την ύπαρξη περισσότερων από 160 ιπποπόταμων στη θέση. Στόχο της μελέτης αποτελεί και η απόδοση της αυξημένης συσσώρευσης του οστεολογικού υλικού σε συγκεκριμένους μηχανισμούς, εστιάζοντας στους παλαιοπεριβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες που πιθανά έχουν επηρεάσει και την επιβίωση του. Η ανάλυση στηρίζεται και σε παραμέτρους που μας πληροφορούν σχετικά με την αντιπροσώπευση και άρα την επιβίωση των διαφόρων σκελετικών στοιχείων. Η μελέτη του υλικού ανέδειξε την ύπαρξη λείανσης, κατακερματισμού και σημαντικής θραύσης, φαινόμενα που σχετίζονται με τον τύπο, το μέγεθος και το σχήμα των σκελετικών στοιχείων. Η συσσώρευση του υπό μελέτη υλικού ερμηνεύεται ως αποτέλεσμα φυσικής μεταφοράς τους στη θέση από την γύρω περιοχή, ενώ ο ρόλος του ανθρώπου σε αυτήν είναι ακόμη υπό διερεύνηση. In this paper data concerning the taphonomy of the Upper Pleistocene site Aghia Napa in Cyprus is presented. The site is dominated by skeletal material belonging to the pygmy Hippopotamus species Phanourios minor, and consists a littoral rockshelter. The fossiliferous assemblage is spread in a total area of about 72 m2 and a significantly large number of specimens were collected, indicating the presence of more than 160 individuals at the site. In this paper, we attempt to identify the causes or mechanisms that led to the accumulation of the endemic hippopotamus remains, focusing also on the palaeo-environmental parameters that might had affected the survivorship of the fossils. The taphonomical analysis is also based on parameters, which provide information concerning skeletal element representation and thus survivorship. The study of the skeletal material shows signs of abrasion, cracking and significant fragmentation which are related to the type, size and shape of the skeletal elements. The bone assemblage is interpreted as a result of transportation of the skeletal material from longer or shorter distances in the surrounding area while the impact of man concerning their accumulation is still under discussion

    Glioma Expansion in Collagen I Matrices: Analyzing Collagen Concentration-Dependent Growth and Motility Patterns

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    Kaufman, L. J., C. P. Brangwynne, K. E. Kasza, E. Filippidi, V. D. Gordon, T. S. Deisboeck, and D. A. Weitz. “Glioma Expansion in Collagen I Matrices: Analyzing Collagen Concentration-Dependent Growth and Motility Patterns.” Biophysical Journal 89, no. 1 (July 2005): 635–50. doi:10.1529/biophysj.105.061994. -- C. P. Brangwynne, K. E. Kasza, and E. Filippidi, are with the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts -- L. J. Kaufman, V. D. Gordon (currently with UT Austin), and D. A.Weitz are with the Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts -- T. S. Deisboeck is with the Molecular Neuro-Oncology Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts and {Complex Biosystems Modeling Laboratory, Harvard-MIT (HST) Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts -- L. J. Kaufman is with the Center for Imaging and Mesoscale Structures, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; andWe study the growth and invasion of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in three-dimensional collagen I matrices of varying collagen concentration. Phase-contrast microscopy studies of the entire GBM system show that invasiveness at early times is limited by available collagen fibers. At early times, high collagen concentration correlates with more effective invasion. Conversely, high collagen concentration correlates with inhibition in the growth of the central portion of GBM, the multicellular tumor spheroid. Analysis of confocal reflectance images of the collagen matrices quantifies how the collagen matrices differ as a function of concentration. Studying invasion on the length scale of individual invading cells with a combination of confocal and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy reveals that the invasive GBM cells rely heavily on cell-matrix interactions during invasion and remodeling.Chemistr

    Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water Formation During Sapropel S1 : A Reconstruction Using Geochemical Records Along a Bathymetric Transect in the Adriatic Outflow Region

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    Eastern Mediterranean thermohaline circulation is directly influenced by middle- and low-latitude climate systems. The dramatic paleoclimate changes during the last African Humid Period (~10–6 ka BP) were captured in Mediterranean sediments as the distinctly organic-rich unit sapropel S1. Here, deepwater formation variability during S1 deposition is reconstructed. We use geochemical records of three cores along a bathymetric transect (775-, 1,359-, and 1,908-m water depths), at the transition between the Adriatic DW- formation area and the Eastern Mediterranean. In all three cores, sedimentation rates are distinctly higher during S1, corresponding with enhanced runoff emanating from the Adriatic hinterland. Hence, major runoff did not only come from southern but also from northern borderlands in this period. During sapropel formation, enhanced levels of primary productivity occurred in the surface waters and oxygen-depleted conditions in the bottom waters for all sites. Conditions for sediment and bottom-water below ~1.4 km water depth were sulfidic throughout S1, but for intermediate depth (775 m) were anoxic only during the first part (S1a). Bottom-water oxygenation interrupted S1 formation at water depths down to ~1.4 km, during two brief episodes, at 8.2 and 7.4 cal. ka BP. From the 7.4 cal. ka BP ventilation onward, the transition to more oxygenated bottom-water conditions was more progressive for the intermediate water depth site (775 m) than for the deeper sites. Conditions remained fully oxic for all water depths following the S1-MarkerBed ventilation event. Possibly, the onset of continuously oxic conditions started slightly earlier at intermediate depth (775 m; 6.6 ± 0.3 cal. ka BP) than at greater depths (1,359 m, 1,908 m; 6.0 ± 0.3 cal. ka BP)

    Eastern-Mediterranean ventilation variability during sapropel S1 formation, evaluated at two sites influenced by deep-water formation from Adriatic and Aegean Seas

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    Present-day bottom-water ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean basin occurs through deep-water convection originating from the two marginal basins, i.e. Adriatic and Aegean Seas. In the paleo record, long periods of enhanced deep-water formation have been alternating with shorter periods of reduced deep-water formation. The latter is related mainly to low-latitude humid climate conditions and the enhanced deposition and preservation of organic-rich sediment units (sapropels). This study focuses on sedimentary archives of the most-recent sapropel S1, retrieved from two sites under the direct influence of the two deep-water formation areas. Restricted oxygen conditions have developed rapidly at the beginning of S1 deposition in the Adriatic site, but bottom-water conditions have not persistently remained anoxic during the full interval of sapropel deposition. In fact, the variability in intensity and persistence of sedimentary redox conditions at the two deep-water formation sites is shown to be related to brief episodes of climate cooling. In the Adriatic site, sapropel deposition appears to have been interrupted twice. The 8.2 ka event, only recovered at the Adria site, is characterized by gradually increasing suboxic to possibly intermittently oxic conditions and decreasing Corg fluxes, followed by an abrupt re-establishment of anoxic conditions. Another important event that disrupted sapropel S1 formation, has taken place at ca. 7.4 cal ka BP. The latter event has been recovered at both sites. In the Adriatic site it is followed by a period of sedimentary conditions that gradually change from suboxic to more permanently oxic, as deduced from the Mn/Al pattern. Using the same proxy for suboxic/oxic sedimentary redox conditions, we observe that conditions in the Aegean Sea site shift to more permanently oxic from the 7.4 ka event onwards. However, at both sites the accumulation and preservation of enhanced amounts of organic matter have continued under these suboxic to intermittently oxic sedimentary conditions. It seems thus, that after 7.4 cal ka BP sapropel-like surface or deep-chlorophyll-maximum conditions including enhanced productivity continued, whereas bottom-water conditions were at least intermittently oxic. The latter is related to decreasing precipitation, i.e. run-off, and thus a progressive development and deepening of deep-water formation. The shallower Aegean site, would be affected earlier by such deepening ventilation than the slightly deeper Adriatic site. Finally, termination of sapropel S1 formation as deduced from diminished organic matter contents and Ba/Al, appears to have occurred almost simultaneously in the two areas, namely at 6.6 ± 0.3 and 6.3 ± 0.5 cal ka BP in Adriatic and Aegean sites, respectively. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd

    Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water Formation During Sapropel S1: A Reconstruction Using Geochemical Records Along a Bathymetric Transect in the Adriatic Outflow Region

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    Eastern Mediterranean thermohaline circulation is directly influenced by middle- and low-latitude climate systems. The dramatic paleoclimate changes during the last African Humid Period (~10–6 ka BP) were captured in Mediterranean sediments as the distinctly organic-rich unit sapropel S1. Here, deepwater formation variability during S1 deposition is reconstructed. We use geochemical records of three cores along a bathymetric transect (775-, 1,359-, and 1,908-m water depths), at the transition between the Adriatic DW- formation area and the Eastern Mediterranean. In all three cores, sedimentation rates are distinctly higher during S1, corresponding with enhanced runoff emanating from the Adriatic hinterland. Hence, major runoff did not only come from southern but also from northern borderlands in this period. During sapropel formation, enhanced levels of primary productivity occurred in the surface waters and oxygen-depleted conditions in the bottom waters for all sites. Conditions for sediment and bottom-water below ~1.4 km water depth were sulfidic throughout S1, but for intermediate depth (775 m) were anoxic only during the first part (S1a). Bottom-water oxygenation interrupted S1 formation at water depths down to ~1.4 km, during two brief episodes, at 8.2 and 7.4 cal. ka BP. From the 7.4 cal. ka BP ventilation onward, the transition to more oxygenated bottom-water conditions was more progressive for the intermediate water depth site (775 m) than for the deeper sites. Conditions remained fully oxic for all water depths following the S1-MarkerBed ventilation event. Possibly, the onset of continuously oxic conditions started slightly earlier at intermediate depth (775 m; 6.6 ± 0.3 cal. ka BP) than at greater depths (1,359 m, 1,908 m; 6.0 ± 0.3 cal. ka BP)

    Eastern-Mediterranean ventilation variability during sapropel S1 formation, evaluated at two sites influenced by deep-water formation from Adriatic and Aegean Seas

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    Present-day bottom-water ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean basin occurs through deep-water convection originating from the two marginal basins, i.e. Adriatic and Aegean Seas. In the paleo record, long periods of enhanced deep-water formation have been alternating with shorter periods of reduced deep-water formation. The latter is related mainly to low-latitude humid climate conditions and the enhanced deposition and preservation of organic-rich sediment units (sapropels). This study focuses on sedimentary archives of the most-recent sapropel S1, retrieved from two sites under the direct influence of the two deep-water formation areas. Restricted oxygen conditions have developed rapidly at the beginning of S1 deposition in the Adriatic site, but bottom-water conditions have not persistently remained anoxic during the full interval of sapropel deposition. In fact, the variability in intensity and persistence of sedimentary redox conditions at the two deep-water formation sites is shown to be related to brief episodes of climate cooling. In the Adriatic site, sapropel deposition appears to have been interrupted twice. The 8.2 ka event, only recovered at the Adria site, is characterized by gradually increasing suboxic to possibly intermittently oxic conditions and decreasing Corg fluxes, followed by an abrupt re-establishment of anoxic conditions. Another important event that disrupted sapropel S1 formation, has taken place at ca. 7.4 cal ka BP. The latter event has been recovered at both sites. In the Adriatic site it is followed by a period of sedimentary conditions that gradually change from suboxic to more permanently oxic, as deduced from the Mn/Al pattern. Using the same proxy for suboxic/oxic sedimentary redox conditions, we observe that conditions in the Aegean Sea site shift to more permanently oxic from the 7.4 ka event onwards. However, at both sites the accumulation and preservation of enhanced amounts of organic matter have continued under these suboxic to intermittently oxic sedimentary conditions. It seems thus, that after 7.4 cal ka BP sapropel-like surface or deep-chlorophyll-maximum conditions including enhanced productivity continued, whereas bottom-water conditions were at least intermittently oxic. The latter is related to decreasing precipitation, i.e. run-off, and thus a progressive development and deepening of deep-water formation. The shallower Aegean site, would be affected earlier by such deepening ventilation than the slightly deeper Adriatic site. Finally, termination of sapropel S1 formation as deduced from diminished organic matter contents and Ba/Al, appears to have occurred almost simultaneously in the two areas, namely at 6.6 ± 0.3 and 6.3 ± 0.5 cal ka BP in Adriatic and Aegean sites, respectively


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    Abstract: We present the first results on the fossil mammalian fauna recovered during the first excavation season at the new site Pikermi Valley-1 (PV1). The fauna comprises two hipparionine species (C. cf. mediterraneum, H. cf. brachypus), a giraffid (Bohlinia cf. attica), five bovids (Palaeoreas lindermayeri, Protragelaphus skouzesi, Tragoportax cf. amalthea, Gazella sp., Bovidae indet.) and two carnivores (? Adcrocuta eximia, Felidae indet.). The composition of the fauna suggests a Turolian age

    The effect of maternal flora on Candida colonisation in the neonate

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    Colonisation may be the first step for the development of Candida infection. The source of neonatal colonisation is thought to be the hospital environment or the maternal vaginal tract. This study investigated to what extend Candida isolates in neonates are similar to isolates from their mother's vaginal tract. Vaginal samples were collected from 347 pregnant women within 48 h before delivery. Samples from oral and rectal mucosa of their neonates were collected within 24-72 h after delivery, were cultured and yeast species were identified. Antifungal susceptibility tests against six antifungal agents were performed. All paired isolates from mother and infant were genotyped by pulse field gel electrophoresis. A total of 82 mothers and of 16 infants were found colonised by Candida spp. C. albicans was the most common species in pregnant women (n = 68) followed by C. glabrata (n = 11). Only C. albicans was isolated from infants, mainly (14/16) from rectal site. All colonised neonates were born to mothers colonised by C. albicans. Candida genotyping revealed identical strains in all investigated neonate-mother pairs. All isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B. Our findings strongly suggest that vertical transmission has the principal role in the neonatal colonisation by C. albicans in the very first days of life. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH