4 research outputs found

    Running as a form of active leisure - running paths as a substantial element of local society development strategies

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    The civilizational progress has brought many conveniences that allowed us to choose leisure and recreation as the preferred way of spending our free time. The interest in the advantages of open-air activities keeps growing, together with the number of needs emerging with the constant improvement of the economic status of our society. Meeting those needs has become the aim of many projects. The more fashionable running becomes, the higher amount of people get interested in it and start running. The dynamic development of tourism related to running is a challenge for the tourism market. The astonishing popularity of this form of sport is especially visible in the number of people taking part in official runs and the growing number of the runs themselves. Promoting the region through active tourism is more than desirable. The goal is to show the right direction in creating the local society development strategies in fields such as health and active leisure for local governments. This direction is the proposition to create more running paths. The way of creating them has been described on the example of Świdnica city in Lower Silesian region ofPoland. The project should perfectly match the development strategy of the city and become helpful for the municipality. Having the area of the city and the number of its inhabitants in mind one could apply the guidelines written above to other cities with similar conditions without hesitation

    Motives of physically active adults to participate in the 5 PKO Wroclaw Night Half Marathon

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    Introduction and aim: Running has become an integral part of social life around the world. It is the simplest and most natural form of movement, which is the basis of human existence. The popularity of this physical activity is increasing rapidly due to many sports and recreational events which are being more frequently organized. In Poland, long-distance running events are held, not only in big cities, but also in small towns and villages. Being by nature a “social animal”, people feel pressure from their environment to participate in such events. Thus, what motivates them to frequently make extreme physical effort?Materials and methods: The research group was comprised of 450 runners from all over Poland (331 men, 119 women). Diagnostic survey techniques and a questionnaire were used in the study.Results: Nearly one-third of the respondents declared their willingness to participate and complete another half marathon (29.11%). Only 28 people wanted to become champions in their age group, and another 23 subjects wanted a prize sponsored by an employer or other organization interested in their participation in a run. More than half of the respondents replied that participation in the half marathon was the result of many months of leading a healthy lifestyle.Conclusions: Participation in a half marathon allows competitors to fight their weaknesses. Runners want to participate in sports events because of the atmosphere and opportunity to spend time with their loved ones

    Files format converter that are used by Pegaz system for importing/exporting tests

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    Platformy zdalnego nauczania stają się coraz bardziej popularne. W związku z pandemią wirusa SARS-CoV-2 konieczne było wykorzystanie edukacji zdalnej i testowanie wiedzy uczestników kursów na odległość. Platforma Pegaz wykorzystywana na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim pozwala na tworzenie bazy pytań oraz ich importowanie i eksportowanie. W związku z chęcią wykorzystania pytań utworzonych przed nauką zdalną i zapisanych w formacie używanym przez promotora, powstał konwerter plików, którego implementacja jest tematem tej pracy. Przedstawiono istniejące już rozwiązania i powody, dla których zdecydowano się na stworzenie wspomnianej aplikacji. Opisano rozwiązania, których użyto w implementacji oraz komponenty, które współtworzą aplikację. Konwerter został napisany w języku Java i wykorzystuje przede wszystkim biblioteki StAX oraz Swing. Konwersja bazuje na pytaniach zapisanych w formacie Moodle XML.Learning management systems are becoming more and more popular. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, it was necessary to use distance education and remotely test students' knowledge. The Pegaz platform used at the Jagiellonian University allows to create questions as well as import and export them. Due to the desire to use the questions created before distance learning and saved in the format used by the supervisor, a file converter was created, the implementation of which is the topic of this thesis. There were presented already existing solutions and reasons for the decision to create the mentioned application. The solutions used in the implementation and the components that make up the application are described. The converter was written in Java and uses the StAX and Swing libraries. The conversion is based on questions written in the Moodle XML format