42 research outputs found

    Influence of additive from sugar beet on white bread quality

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    The additive of acceptable sensory, physical and chemical and microbiological characteristics was made from cossettes. Great water binding capacity related to microcrystals of cellulose qualifies this additive as a desired one in bread making process. Bread was baked in the laboratory and patent flour was used. The additive with particles smaller than 95 (m was supplemented in the quantities of 2, 5 and 10%. The data related to the influence of the quantity of additive on white bread quality point that parallel to increasing the amount of the additive in the dough, yield of dough and bread were also increased. Negative effects are detected as volume depression and inferior bread crumb quality and altered crumb color. The decrease in bread quality is small if 2% of additive was applied, but significant with 5 and 10%. The bread freshness was highly graded 48 hours after baking due to the ability of the additive to retain water. On the whole, bread of superior quality supplemented by 5 and 10% of the additive from sugar beet fiber can be easily made by fortifying flour with gluten and by adding appropriate dough conditioner

    Determination of essential and toxic elements in products of milling wheat

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    The bread wheat bran is used as a raw material rich in dietary fiber in the production. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the content of essential and toxic elements in the flour and bran. This paper investigates essential (Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn) and toxic (Pb, Cd, Hg and As) elements in products of milling wheat grown in the whole territory of Banat, the region in Serbia. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used for analysis. The mean contents of the following elements Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Fe, Mn and Zn in wheat kernels were 0.143, 0.007, 0.017, 35.7643, 50.865 and 21.174 mg/kg, respectively. Cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to discriminate and to group the different samples, according to element content. Quality results show that the first two principal components, accounting for 80.17% of the total variance, can be considered sufficient for data representation and the first two principal components of toxic elements and essential microelements. Cd (15.28%), Zn (17.91%), Cu (17.08), Fe (16.91%) and Mn (17.54%), have been found the most influential for the first factor coordinate calculation, while the contribution of Pb (27.93%) and Hg (61.86%) has been the most important variable for the second factor coordinate calculation

    Determination of essential and toxic elements in products of milling wheat

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    The bread wheat bran is used as a raw material rich in dietary fiber in the production. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the content of essential and toxic elements in the flour and bran. This paper investigates essential (Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn) and toxic (Pb, Cd, Hg and As) elements in products of milling wheat grown in the whole territory of Banat, the region in Serbia. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used for analysis. The mean contents of the following elements Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Fe, Mn and Zn in wheat kernels were 0.143, 0.007, 0.017, 35.7643, 50.865 and 21.174 mg/kg, respectively. Cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to discriminate and to group the different samples, according to element content. Quality results show that the first two principal components, accounting for 80.17% of the total variance, can be considered sufficient for data representation and the first two principal components of toxic elements and essential microelements. Cd (15.28%), Zn (17.91%), Cu (17.08), Fe (16.91%) and Mn (17.54%), have been found the most influential for the first factor coordinate calculation, while the contribution of Pb (27.93%) and Hg (61.86%) has been the most important variable for the second factor coordinate calculation

    Accurate Diagnostics of Ataxia-Telangiectasia Cellular Phenotype By Employing in Vitro Lymphocyte Radiosensitivity Testing

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    In this paper we present the data of lymphocyte radiosensitivity testing used for characterization of radiosensitive cellular phenotype and diagnostics of ataxia-telangiectasia disease. We point out the advantage of lymphocyte micronucleus test (CBMN) over other cellular tests for assessment of radiosensitivity: the first advantage of CBMN is that primary patient cells are used (less than 1 ml), the second one is that the results of testing are obtained within 3 days and there is no need for establishing a patient-derived cell line, which requires additional time and application of more expensive methods. The third advantage of CBMN method is that it gives information about proliferative ability of cells, which can recognize dysfunctional ataxia-telangiectasia mutated protein. The results are fast and accurate in diagnostics of ataxia-telagiectasia diseases

    Morphological and structural characterization of spinel MgAl2O4

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    Magnesium aluminate has spinel structure and very good mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties. Owing to these properties, it has a wide range of applications including refractory ceramics, optically transparent ceramic windows and armors. Its low dielectric permeability and low loss tangent enable its using for integrated electronic devices, as well. Furthermore, as a porous ceramic, magnesium aluminate has important application as humidity sensor, catalyst and filter for waste water purification. In this paper, synthesis and characterization of MgAl2O4 was performed. Stochiometric ratio of MgO and Al2O3powders was mixed and calcined within the temperatures range 1500-1800 oC to produce pure spinel phase. Thereafter pellets were crushed and treated in planetary ball mill for 60 minutes to obtained fine grain. All powders, calcined and milled, were examined for phase composition, crystal structure, and morphology. The obtained results showed that by increasing the temperature denser samples but more fragile have been synthesized. Milling for 1 hour leads to crumble of bigger particles and getting finer, single phase powders. XRPD and Raman spectroscopy showed disorder in crystal structure after milling

    Monitoring the progressive increase of the longest episode of spontaneous movements in Guinea pig fetus

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    The aim of this work was to determine the changes in the duration of spontaneous movements in the guinea pig fetus after the appearance of its first movements. Every day from the 25th to the 35th gestation day, one fetus from each of twenty pregnant animals was examined by ultrasound. Fetal movements were observed for 5 min. The episode with the longest period of movement was taken into consideration and was recorded as: 3 s. Days 25 and 26 were characterized by episodes lasting 3 s (χ2 = 140.51 p <0.05). Tracking the dynamics of progressive increases in the longest episode of spontaneous movement could be a useful factor in estimating the maturity and condition of a fetus.Projekat ministarstva br. 175006/201

    Synthesis, structures and electronic properties of Co(III) complexes with 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde thio- and selenosemicarbazone: A combined experimental and theoretical study

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    Cobalt(III) complexes derived from thio-and selenosemicarbazone ligands have been studied to elucidate the nature and consequences of S to Se substitution on their possible biological activity. Solid state structures of cobalt(III) complexes with bis-tridentate coordinated 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde thio-and selenosemicarbazone were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The complexes were also characterized by spectroscopic methods and cyclic voltammetry. Electronic properties of the complexes were studied using DFT and TD-DFT methods. Finally, evident in vitro antioxidant activity of the complexes was demonstrated

    Noncovalent interactions of metal complexes and aromatic molecules

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    Наше истраживање се заснива на анализи података у кристалним структурама из Кембичке базе структурних података (CSD) и на квантнo хемијским прорачунима. Анализа података из CSD-а омогућава да се препознају интеракције у кристалним структурама и да се опишу геометрије ових интеракција, док помоћу квантно-хемијских прорачуна можемо проценити интеракционе енергије и пронаћи најстабилније геометрије интеракција. Користећи ову методологију успели смо да препознамо и опишемо неколико нових типова интеракција. Наше проучавање интеракција планарних метал-хелатних прстенова показало је могућност стекинг интеракција са органским ароматичним прстеновима и интеракције између два хелатна прстена. Израчунате енергије указују на јаке стекинг интеракције метал-хелатних прстенова; стекинг метал-хелатних прстенова је јачи од стекинга између два молекула бензена. Испитивања интеракција координираних молекула воде и амонијака указују на јаче водоничне везе и јаче ОH/π и NH/π интеракције координираних у односу на некоординоване молекуле воде и амонијака. Прорачуни ОH/М интеракција између металног јона у квадратнo планарним комплексима и молекулa воде указују да су ове интеракције међу најјачим водоничним везама у било ком молекулском систему. Студије о ароматичним молекулима указују на стекинг интеракције са великим хоризонталним померањима између два ароматична молекула са значајно јаким интеракцијама, енергија је 70% најјаче стекинг интеракције. Наши подаци такође указују на то да су интеракције алифатичних прстенова са ароматичним прстеном јаче од интеракција између два ароматична молекула, док су алифатично/ароматичне интеракције веома честе у протеинским структурама.Our research is based on analyzing data in crystal structures from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) and on quantum chemical calculations. The analysis of the data from the CSD enable to recognize interactions in crystal structures and to describe the geometries of these interactions, while by quantum chemical calculations we can evaluate interaction energies and find the most stable interaction geometries. Using this methodology we were able to recognize and describe several new types of noncovalent interactions. Our study of planar metal-chelate rings interactions showed possibility of chelate ring stacking interactions with organic aromatic rings, and stacking interactions between two chelate rings. The calculated energies indicate strong stacking interactions of metalchelate rings; the stacking of metal-chelate rings is stronger than stacking between two benzene molecules. Studies of interactions of coordinated water and ammonia indicate stronger hydrogen bonds and stronger OH/π and NH/π interactions of coordinated in comparison to noncoordianted water and ammonia. The calculations on OH/M interactions between metal ion in square-planar complexes and water molecule indicate that these interactions are among the strongest hydrogen bonds in any molecular system. The studies on aromatic molecules indicate stacking interactions at large horizontal dispacements between two aromatic molecules with significantly strong interacitons, the energy is 70% of the strongest stacking geometry. Our data also indicate that stacking interactions of an aliphatic rings with an aromatic ring are stonger than interactions between two aromatic molecules, while aliphatic/aromatic interactions are very frequent in protein structures

    Study of noncovalent interactions using crystal structure data in the Cambridge Structural Database

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    In the recent review it was point out that the crystal structures in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), collected, have contributeto various fields of chemical research such as geometries of molecules, noncovalent interactions of molecules, and large assemblies ofmolecules. The CSD also contributed to the study and the design of biologically active molecules and the study of gas storage anddelivery [1].In our group we use analysis of the crystal structures in the CSD to recognize and characterize new types of noncovalent interactionsand to study already known noncovalent interactions. Based on the data from the CSD we can determine existence of the interactions,frequency of the interactions, and preferred geometries of the interactions in the crystal structures. In addition, we perform quantumchemical calculations to evaluate the energies of the interactions. Based on the calculated potential energy surfaces for theinteractions, we can determine the most stable geometries, as well as stability of various geometries. We also can determine theinteraction energies for the preferred geometries in the crystal structures. In the cases where the most preferred geometries in thecrystal structures are not the most stable geometries at the potential energy surface, one can find significant influence of thesupramolecular structures in the crystals.Using this methodology our group recognized stacking interactions of planar metal-chelate rings; stacking interactions with organicaromatic rings and stacking interactions between two chelate rings. The calculated energies indicate strong stacking interactions ofmetal-chelate rings; the stacking of metal-chelate rings is stronger than stacking between two benzene molecules [2]. The data indicateinfluence of the metal and ligand type in the metal chelate ring on the strength of the interactions. Our results also indicate strongstacking interactions of coordinated aromatic rings [3]. Studies of interactions of coordinated water indicate stronger hydrogen bondsand stronger OH/π interactions of coordinated in comparison to noncoordianted water molecule [4,5]. The calculations on OH/Minteractions between metal ion in square-planar complexes and water molecule indicate that these interactions are among the strongesthydrogen bonds in any molecular system [6].The studies on stacking interactions of benzene molecules in the crystal structures in the CSD show preference for interactions at largehorizontal displacements, while high level quantum chemical calculations indicate significantly strong interactions at large offsets; theenergy is 70% of the strongest stacking geometry [7]

    Study of noncovalent interactions using crystal strucutre data and quantum chemical calculations

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    The analysis of the crystal structures in the CSD was used to recognize and characterize new types of noncovalent interactions. It was also used to study already known noncovalent interactions. Based on the data from the CSD we can determine existence of the interactions, frequency of the interactions, and preferred geometries of the interactions in the crystal structures [1,2]. The quantum chemical calculations were performed to evaluate the energies of the interactions. For the preferred geometries in the crystal structures we can calculate the interaction energies. By calculating potential energy surfaces for the interactions, we can determine the most stable geometries, as well as stability of various geometries [1,2]. Using this methodology our group recognized stacking interactions of planar metal-chelate rings; stacking interactions with organic aromatic rings, and stacking interactions between two chelate rings. The calculated energies showed that the stacking of metal-chelate rings is stronger than stacking between two benzene molecules. Studies of interactions of coordinated ligands indicate stronger noncovalent interactions that interactions of noncoordinated molecules [2]. REFERENCES [1] Ninković, D. B., Blagojević Filipović, J. P., Hall, M. B., Brothers, E. N., Zarić, S. D. (2020) ACS Central Science, 6, 420. [2] Malenov, D. P., Zarić, S. D. (2020) Cood. Chem. Rev. 419, 213338