418 research outputs found

    Determination of some Amino Acids in the Central Nervous System by Thin-layer Chromatography

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    Free amino acids (glutamic acid, y-amino-butyric add and glycine) from the central nervous system of albtno mice have been indentified and determined quantitatively. This method i8 convenient for determtnation of certain amino acids iln 1small samples of nervous tissue (50-1000 mg). The procedure ios simrpLe, economical and rapid. Separation on the chromatogram is good and reproduciible, due to a specific saturation of the chromatographic-tank atmospheĀ·re

    Dermatoglyphics as a possible morphological biomarker in myopia: analysis of finger ridge counts and fluctuating asymmetry

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    Background: The aim of this study is to provide the first analysis of finger ridge counts and fluctuating asymmetry in myopia, in order to evaluate dermatoglyphic role as a morphological biomarker. Materials and methods: Study sample consisted of 102 participants recruited from freshman studentsā€™ population of the University of PriÅ”tina-Kosovska Mitro- vica. Prints were taken by standard ink and paper method. Differences in mean ridge counts between examined groups were analysed by ANOVA analysis of variance. Fluctuating asymmetry assessment was performed by using correlation method (p < 0.05).Ā  Results: Analysis has identified myopic males as the group with the most pro- minent differences of examined dermatoglyphic parameters. Myopic males, compared to controls, have significantly higher ridge counts for left and right ring and little finger, as well as total ridge count. Also, this group has recorded significant difference in fluctuating asymmetry correlation score for middle finger, and borderline significance for thumb and ring finger.Ā  Conclusions: Overall findings of this study have indicated that dermatoglyphics might serve as a morphological biomarker, especially in myopic males, selecting them as the group with dermatoglyphic differences that might be suggestive of higher developmental instability. Although promising, the present results should be considered as preliminary until future investigations replicate them in a larger sample.

    The ATLAS-SPT Radio Survey of Cluster Galaxies

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    Using a high-performance computing cluster to mosaic 4,787 pointings, we have imaged the 100 sq. deg. South Pole Telescope (SPT) deep-field at 2.1 GHz using the Australian Telescope Compact Array to an rms of 80 Ī¼\muJy and a resolution of 8". Our goal is to generate an independent sample of radio-selected galaxy clusters to study how the radio properties compare with cluster properties at other wavelengths, over a wide range of redshifts in order to construct a timeline of their evolution out to zāˆ¼1.3z \sim 1.3. A preliminary analysis of the source catalogue suggests there is no spatial correlation between the clusters identified in the SPT-SZ catalogue and our wide-angle tail galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Proceedings of Science for "The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges", Bologna, Italy 20-23 October 2015 (EXTRA-RADSUR2015

    Vinča-Belo Brdo, a late neolithic site in Serbia consideration of the macro-botanical remains as indicators of dietary habits

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    The analysis of macro-botanical remains from the late Neolithic site of Vinča-Belo Brdo has provided first information on the range of crops and wild plants present at the site, and revealed their potential role as foodstuffs. The abundance and distribution of certain plant taxa across different archaeological deposits suggests to what extent they were used within the settlement. The analyzed plant remains also offer insight into the types of food consumed by Vinča residents and serve as a basis for inferring the seasonality and method of food provision/production and activities related to plant use. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177012: Society, spiritual and material culture and communications in prehistory and early history of the Balkans

    Mesiodens in a 14-Month-Old Child

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    Meziodens je prekobrojni zub smjeÅ”ten između gornjih srediÅ”njih inciziva. Njegova je čestoća u trajnoj denticiji između 0,5-2%, ameziodens mliečne denticije izrazito je rijetka pojava. Prikazan je slučaj meziodensa u četrnaestmjesečne djevojčice.Mesiodens is supernumerary tooth between maxillary central incisors. The prevalence of mesiodens in permanent dentition is 0.5 2% and in primary dentition even more rare. The case of mesiodens in a 14-month-old female child is shown

    The Spatial Correlation of Bent-Tail Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters

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    We have completed a deep radio continuum survey covering 86 square degrees of the Spitzer-South Pole Telescope deep field to test whether bent-tail galaxies are associated with galaxy clusters. We present a new catalogue of 22 bent-tail galaxies and a further 24 candidate bent-tail galaxies. Surprisingly, of the 8 bent-tail galaxies with photometric redshifts, only two are associated with known clusters. While the absence of bent-tail sources in known clusters may be explained by effects such as sensitivity, the absence of known clusters associated with most bent-tail galaxies casts doubt upon current models of bent-tail galaxies.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    20 cm VLA Radio-Continuum Study of M31 - Images and Point Source Catalogues

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    We present a series of new high-sensitivity and high-resolution radio-continuum images of M31 at \lambda=20 cm (\nu=1.4 GHz). These new images were produced by merging archived 20 cm radio-continuum observations from the Very Large Array (VLA) telescope. Images presented here are sensitive to rms=60 \mu Jy and feature high angular resolution (<10"). A complete sample of discrete radio sources have been catalogued and analysed across 17 individual VLA projects. We identified a total of 864 unique discrete radio sources across the field of M31. One of the most prominent regions in M31 is the ring feature for which we estimated total integrated flux of 706 mJy at \lambda=20 cm. We compare here, detected sources to those listed in Gelfand et al. (2004) at \lambda=92 cm and find 118 sources in common to both surveys. The majority (61%) of these sources exhibit a spectral index of \alpha <-0.6 indicating that their emission is predominantly non-thermal in nature. That is more typical for background objects.Comment: 28 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in the Serbian Astronomical Journa
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