42 research outputs found

    Drip watering implementation in vine school

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    Drip watering is the most efficient solution for the irrigation of vegetables culture in greenhouses, solars and for plains, flowers, vine and fruit trees, being suitable for any type of soil, on multiple level and sloping lands, insuring the exact dosage of the quantity of necessary water in different development stages of the plants, removing this way the losses. This paper presents aspects of drip watering implementation in a vine school, cultivated in ridges covered with dark skin and located on a land with a medium slope of 15%. In the vine schools, the stage of grape cuttings development is very important in establishing the watering norm and the interval between watering. Therefore, on a poorly re-graded soil type cambic baticalcaric chernozem, at the beginning of the vegetation period, when the grape cuttings do not have a well developed radicular system, a watering norm of 5 liters/linear meter at an interval of 4-5 days is needed. After the development of the radicular system, the watering norm has to be applied at a longer interval of time, eliminating water losses by the descendent and lateral wetting front advance

    The 21st edition of the national conference on soil science "The Historical Banat: soil, agriculture, traditions", 23-28 august 2015, Timisoara

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    The United Nations decided 2015 to be the International year of soils in order to raise awareness and promote a more sustainable usage of these critical resources worldwide. Healthy soils represent the key support for obtaining agroalimentary products, fuel, fibres, and medical products, as they play an essential role in the ecosystems. The 21st edition of the National Conference on Soil Science with international participation was organized in Timisoara on 23 - 28 August 2015, under the care of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science. The conference represented a good opportunity to analyse and debate the current soil issues, in their various aspects in order to establish viable agricultural strategies and policies. Since 1961, when the first National Conference on Soil Science was organized in Timisoara, coordinated by the founding members of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science, until today there have been organized 20 editions. Among the latest events organized by the territorial organizations of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science we can mention the ones organized in Timisoara (2003, 2015); Cluj – Napoca (2006); Iasi (2000, 2009); Craiova (2012). Banat represents the historical region situated between the rivers Mures (North) and Tisa (West) the Danube river (South) and The Carpathians, between the narrow pass from Zam and Cerna river springs (East). The total surface of the historical Banat is of 28,526 Km2, being currently situated on the territory of three states: Romania – Romanian Banat with the surface of18, 966 Km2 (66.5%); Serbia – Serbian Banat with the surface of 9,276 Km2 (32.5%) and Hungary with the surface of 284 Km2 (1.0 %). During the 21st edition of the National Conference on Soil Science organized in Timisoara there have been analysed and discussed the current aspects related to the use of soil resources, with practical on field applications in the following counties Timis, Arad, Caras – Severin (Romania); Csongrad (Hungary) and Pancevo (Serbia)

    Polyethylene mulching effects on soil properties and physiological traits in tomato under ecological crop technology

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    The aim of this study is to assess the influence of covering with black polyethylene mulch on soil properties and also over plant physiological behavior. Analyzed gas-exchange parameters were: soil net CO2 exchange rate (NCER), soil respiration (Ce) and water humidity (W flux) as soil indicators and photosynthetic rate, transpiration, and stomatal conductance and also sugars leaf content as plant physiological indicators.Plant material was Prekos tomato variety cultivated in protected organic system at The Vegetable research and Development Station Bacau (SCDL Bacău). Our analysis showed that black plastic mulch on the soil surface favored soil compaction especially on the space between tomato plant rows. The strong soil compactness state was reflected by the high bulk density values and other indicators as smooth soil surface and the cracks networks. In variant with no black plastic cover, soil gas-exchange showed that net CO2 exchange rate of was 7.94 µmol m-2 s -1 and soil CO2 flux as soil respiration was 77.4 µmol m-2 s -1 both higher in comparison with black polyethylene covering variant. In variant with black plastic cover because of higher soil moisture under polyethylene the water flux between air and soil are increased. Photosynthesis registered a slight increase, having the value of 10 µmol m-2 s -1 in flowering phenophase (June) and about 11 µmol m-2 s -1 in ripening phenophase (July) in uncovered with polyethylene variant. During the studied period, the variant uncovered with black plastic (polyethylene) registered a small variation of the photosynthesis rate but a higher mean value than covered variant. Covered variant registered a higher value in the flowering phenophase and a smaller value in ripening stage

    Land suitability of Comarna cathement basin for cherries trees

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    The land suitability for cherries orchard represent the extent to which soil satisfy requirements of Cherry trees, on the local climatically conditions and within the framework of a management adapted to adapted to this species. Land with optimal suitability for cherry plantations are located in areas with average annual temperatures of 20 years, 8 ÷ 11°C, the average temperature of May are between 14 and 16°C, the absolute minimum annual air temperature does not drop abruptly as -20°C), and if it decreases gradually does not fall below (-28°C). In Romania, cherry trees grow well on a wide range of soil types such as Chromic Luvisols, Phaeozems, Eutric Cambisols, Chernozems and even Kastanozems. The stagnic, gleyic and stagni-gleyic soils are unsuitible for cherry plantations due to poor drainage. Another optimal soil characteristics for cherry orchard are: pH values between 5,5-7,2, aeration porozity of 16-22%, calcium carbonate content lower than 7%. The hyposalic, hyposodic and vertic soils are excluded from the establishment of orchards. We intend to present a case study of Comarna catchment area. The land of this watershed has good suitability for cherries orchard due to local microclimate, good external and internal drainage, ensured by middle slope and middle soil texture. The specific local microclimate is reflected by an earlier ripening cherry, about two weeks compared to neighboring basins located on the same altitude. Some of the lands are degraded by landslides and have severe restrictions for the establishment of orchards. The soil are more colder due to high content of clay, high water capacity and land shaded exhibition

    Issues related to the use of land on which drying-drainage systems are built

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    The draining-drainage systems carried out for eliminating the excessive humidity on agricultural lands were designed with respect to the exploitation of surfaces on the draining sectors. Since upon the construction and reconstruction of property rights the orientation of the absorbent drainage lines and drying network was not considered, the plots of land are either perpendicular on, or parallel to, or even form an acute angle with these absorbent drains and/or drying canals. The different soil works performed on each individual plot has led, in time, to the formation of ridged strips of variable widths, level differences and transverse slopes, depending on the width of the plots, on the manner in which they are used and on the machinery employed for the agricultural works conducted. The land shaping in ridge straps and their different orientation of to the drain lines and the channel network leads to a non uniform elimination of the water excess on the drained land. On the arable drained land surfaces with individual parcels orientated along the level curves, the land shaping in ridge straps produced water stagnation on drains and the accentuation of excessive humidity especially in spring and raining seasons which lead to the gradual passing of the parcel to a lower category of use, that is grasslands. Non-ridged plots enjoy better excessive water removal, which enables farmers to perform adequate and timely spring works and thus have better agricultural productions. The draining-drainage systems carried out for eliminating the excessive humidity on agricultural lands were designed with respect to the exploitation of surfaces on the draining sectors

    Remarks on plants indicating soil characteristics

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    Soil formation is a process of biological nature, because humus, the specific and fundamental soil component, is organic. Soil mapping required the knowledge of soil classification, climate, rock relief and plant species from canopy, which determined the soil formation and evolution. The flower habitat is the most important element from the point of view of soil mapping, because it allows getting practical and synthesis deductions of zonal, interzonal and azonal soil distribution. Frequently, in soil mapping, they specify only the genus of dominant plants (for instance, Festuca sp.and Carex sp.), without the species. For the classification of plants from the spontaneous flora, it is necessary to specify both the species of plants found in the studied habitat and their abundance and dominance. The paper presents only a few plant species belonging to the same genus, which developed on certain soil types with different characteristics

    Examining the influence of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants processed by Euphore installations on the quantity and quality of rapeseed and soybean production

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    Sludge management is a complex issue due to the environmental standards. It is required that the wastewater treatment activity be in close connection with the controlled recovery and stor age of sludge. Thus, by using sludge in agriculture, nutrients essential for plant development can be recycled and some soil properties can be improved. The purpose of this paper was to present some results on the influence of municipal sludge treated and processed in a Euphore plant on the quan tity and quality of rapeseed and soybean production. This technology allows for the recovery of the constituents of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc, and copper. Our experimental data revealed that the obtained yield of Pioneer PT225 rapeseed hybrid was 5200 kg/ha in the variant treated with the Euphore process compared to that of the control variant at only 2356 kg/ha. For the Condor variety soybean crop, the highest average number of pods obtained per plant was 195.3 compared 88 pods per plant in the control variant. Thus, the sludge obtained from urban wastewater treatment plants processed using the Euphore method is a good source of macro and micronutrients in agriculture, without having a negative impact on the environment

    Considerations on some polytunnels soil characteristics that favor the non-parasitic disorder blossom-end rot on tomatoes

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    Blossom-End Rot is a non-parasitic physiological disorder found in tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and some melons. It occurs due to a low level of calcium in soil and high fluctuation of available water .Thus, a calcium deficiency occurs during fruit maturation, which lead to lesions. The affected area can cover up to half fruit. This disorder can also occur when there is an excess of calcium in the soil. Most of the water is lost by evapotranspiration and the calcium accumulates into the leaves. Fruits do not transpirate as much as leaves, so less calcium is stored in the fruit, resulting in a calcium deficiency in fruit. Another favorable factor is over-fertilization with some nutrients. One of the objectives of the paper is the soils characterization on which have been identified plants affected by Blossom-End Rot. It were studied greenhouses and polytunnels soils from several locations (Barlad, Spataresti-Falticeni, Bacau) in North-Eastern Romania. Following the investigations, it was found that the symptoms on tomatoes were not due to a parasite action. In the areas where Blossom-End Rot was identified, soil profiles were developed and analyzed. In the laboratory were determined some properties of soil samples taken. The analytical data obtained in the laboratory reveals that this disorder occurs on soils with a coarse texture, sand and loamy sand soils, moderate acidic, with a very low acidification buffering capacity, located in the marginal areas of the polytunnels. The correct identification and differentiation of Blossom-End Rot from gray rot caused by the pathogen Botrytis cinerea, presents a particular practical importance in order to establish prevention measures and cultural recommendation

    Contributions to the sizing of sanitary protection areas for groundwater catchments

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    Following adequate hydro-geological conditions, water supply from local groundwater resources represents a viable solution for farms located far away from surface-water sources or from areal water supply systems, providing major economical and social advantages. To exploit these resources safely care in order groundwater contamination with elements, substances, products and / or pathogenic microorganisms character, especially when abstraction is required to provide drinking water to be taken even in the design of water cachment, specific technical measures, one of the most important areas consisting of correct size of the protection perimeters with a strict diet and restriction diet. This paper improves the analytical models of sizing the sanitary protection areas for water catchments through perfect wells or drains from unconfined aquifers, aiming at finding numerical solutions with a higher degree of accuracy. The mathematical sizing models are differentiated according to the main characteristics of the aquifer and water catchment, such as container rock’s type (with interstitial porosity or with cracks and/or cavities); aquifer’s type (unconfined or confined) and feeding method (with or without initial dynamics); tapping with different wells and drains according to the water bed’s opening (perfect/imperfect). For a better understanding of the mathematical models mentioned above, and the technique for numerically solving, two examples there are presented in which all details items are considered in the sizing of sanitary protection zones with strict diet regime and with restrictions regim

    Plant tolerance to soil salinity in the conception of the Iaşi School of Soil Science

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    The paper represents a synthesis of the research carried out by the Soil Science Department within the Agronomical University of Iasi concerning the tolerance of cultivated plants to soil salinity in non-irrigated agriculture. Salt tolerance was established by analysing the decrease in crop yield for each kind of plants, with the increase of soil salinity in layer roots. The experiments were conducted on 22 grass species and numerous hybrids, 28 grape cultivars and seven fruit-tree species. In each case, the following tolerance coefficients were established: 1. The sensitivity threshold for an excess of soluble salts, Cl-, SO4 2-, pH level; 2. The plant-drying threshold; 3. The tolerance interval; 4. The relative agronomical tolerance; 5. The yield decrease (in %) for a total salt increase unit (10 mg ss). Finally, the species were grouped in four categories depending on the coefficients of tolerance to soil salinity, as follows: a) tolerant; b) moderately tolerant; c) moderately sensitive and d) very sensitive (table 2 and 4)