4 research outputs found

    Abordagem top-down (de cima para baixo) e bottom-up (de baixo para cima) para a implementação de gestão de competências : o caso de dois bancos centrais

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    The primary aim of this paper is to evaluate the contribution that competence based approaches to staff management can and ought to make to the overall effectiveness of organisations. The importance of competencies and their proper management is broadly acknowledged in the literature, and the first part of the paper is a literature review. This is followed with a comparison of the design and implementation of two competence management projects that were introduced in two central banks, one of a western European nation, and the other of a central European nation. There is a brief presentation of two fundamental approaches to competence management implementation in organization (top-down (directive) and bottom-up (participative)), and this is juxtaposed with the actual implementation of competence management model that took place in two central banks. What ensues from the comparison is the identification of potential threats to the implementation of competence management models in organizations, accompanied by suggestions on how to counteract them

    Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne – dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniem

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    Monografia Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne – dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniem jest jednym z głosów w prowadzonej od lat dyskusji na temat możliwości wykorzystania potencjału PPP w Polsce. Pomimo oficjalnych zapewnień o popieraniu tego rozwiązania, formuła PPP nie stała się popularna, jej stosowanie rodzi bowiem wiele trudności i wymaga wyspecjalizowanej wiedzy. Publikacja ta jest skierowana do szerokiego kręgu odbiorców, zarówno profesjonalnie zajmujących się problematyką współpracy podmiotów publicznych i prywatnych, rozwoju infrastruktury, zarządzania miastem i rewitalizacji, jak i najważniejszych interesariuszy tych procesów oraz mechanizmów rynku – użytkowników i odbiorców. Pomimo upływu wielu lat od rozpoczęcia implementacji szeroko pojętego PPP w Polsce wydaje się, że dla niektórych podmiotów to wciąż nowa instytucja, natomiast dla tych, którzy mają już doświadczenie na tym polu, zmieniające się rozwiązania prawne, a także czynniki społeczne, gospodarcze i środowiskowe kreują nowe warunki, które wymagają dalszych badań i analiz. Wiedza teoretyczna oraz płynąca zarówno z pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych doświadczeń stanowi niezbędny element upowszechniania wykorzystania formuły PPP

    Top-down and bottom-up approach to competence management implementation: A case of two central banks

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    The primary aim of this paper is to evaluate the contribution that competence based approaches to staff management can and ought to make to the overall effectiveness of organisations. The importance of competencies and their proper management is broadly acknowledged in the literature, and the first part of the paper is a literature review. This is followed with a comparison of the design and implementation of two competence management projects that were introduced in two central banks, one of a western European nation, and the other of a central European nation. There is a brief presentation of two fundamental approaches to competence management implementation in organization (top-down (directive) and bottom-up (participative)), and this is juxtaposed with the actual implementation of competence management model that took place in two central banks. What ensues from the comparison is the identification of potential threats to the implementation of competence management models in organizations, accompanied by suggestions on how to counteract them.O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar o contributo que as abordagens baseadas nas competências na gestão do pessoal pode e deve dar para a eficácia global das organizações. A primeira parte do artigo faz uma revisão da literatura, na qual a importância das competências e da sua correta gestão é amplamente reconhecida. Segue-se uma comparação entre o desenho e implementação de dois projetos de gestão de competências que foram introduzidas em dois bancos centrais, um de um país da Europa Ocidental e outro de um país da Europa Central. Há uma breve apresentação de duas abordagens fundamentais para a implementação da gestão de competências numa organização (top-down (diretiva) e bottom-up (participativa)), sendo isto justaposto com a implementação do modelo de gestão de competências que ocorreu em dois bancos centrais. O que resulta da comparação é a identificação de ameaças potenciais à implementação de modelos de gestão de competências nas organizações, acompanhada de sugestões sobre a forma de neutralizá-las