65 research outputs found
Koronavirusi i 21. vek
Koronavirusi pripadaju RNK virusima, a naziv potiÄe od latinske reÄi ācoronaā usled sliÄ-
nosti sa vencem (koronom) sunÄevih zraka. Sve do poÄetka 21. veka, koronavirusi su povezi-
vani sa sezonskim prehladama i nisu bili prepoznati kao znaÄajni humani patogeni.
MeÄutim, 2002. godine u Kini je identifikovan uzroÄnik teÅ”kog akutnog respiratornog sin-
droma ā SARS (engl. Severe acute respiratory syndrome), pri Äemu su zabeleženi smrtni isho-
di, a virus je oznaÄen kao SARS-CoV. Deset godina kasnije, 2012. godine, u Saudijskoj Arabiji
identifikovan je MERS-CoV (engl. Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus), a krajem
2019. godine i novi koronavirus koji je kasnije oznaÄen kao SARS-CoV-2 usled sliÄnosti sa
SARS-CoV. Broj umrlih usled infekcije SARS-CoV-2 i razvoja bolesti COVID-19 (engl. coronavi-
rus disease 2019) procenjuje se do sada na oko 6 miliona ljudi globalno.
Usled brzog Ŕirenja SARS-CoV-2, Svetska Zdravstvena Organizacija objavila je 11. marta
2020. pandemiju, koja je joÅ” uvek na snazi. Pandemija je dovela do brzog odgovora na COVID-19
Å”to je za posledicu imalo velika finansijska ulaganja u razvoj bolniÄkih kapaciteta, novih tera-
pijskih opcija, a posebno na razvoj vakcina protiv COVID-19. MeÄutim, paralelno sa razvojem i
primenom vakcina doŔlo je do mutacija u genomu SARS-CoV-2 i pojave novih varijanti virusa Ŕto
je poslediÄno dovelo do manje efikasnosti vakcina i dostupnih terapijskih opcija.
U okviru izlaganja dat je uporedni pregled karakteristika virusa SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV i
SARS-CoV-2. Pažnja koju su privukli koronavirusi 21. veka i iskustva i znanja steÄena njiho-
vom pojavom, omoguÄi Äe bolji odgovor na potencijalno nove koronaviruse, kao i bolji odgo-
vor na epidemije ili pandemije uzrokovane drugim patogenima
About the HPV vaccine: how it works and who can get it
Human papilloma viruses (HPV) are small non-enveloped DNA viruses that posses
great affinity for epithelial tissue. So far, more than 200 genotypes of HPV have been
identified, of which around 40 types are associated with genital infections in man and
woman. HPV is the most sexually transmited virus in the world leading to the fact that
HPV infection is the major cause of cervical cancer. Besides, HPV is thought to be
responsible for more than 90% of anal cancer, 70% of vaginal and vulvar cancer, 70%
of oropharingeal cancer and 60% of penile cancer [1, 2]. HPV vaccinationn is the most
effective procedure in prevention of HPV-related cancers. Prophylactic 9-valent HPV
vaccine which targets high-risk HPV types is the most preferable one and is available
in many countries worlwide including Balkan region. The main goal of this presentation
is to improve awareness of great importance of HPV vaccination in target popullations.5th Congress of Pharmacists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Abstract book, āCompetencies of pharmacists ā from drug design to successful disease treatmentā, Sarajevo, November 9-12, 2023.Predavanje po poziv
Isolation, cultivation, and in vitro susceptibility testing of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato: A review
Lyme borreliosis is the most common vector-borne disease in the northern hemisphere. The agents of Lyme borreliosis are borrelia, bacteria of the family Spirochaetaceae, which are grouped in Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species complex. Borreliae are fastidious, slow-growing and biochemically inactive bacteria that need special attention and optimal conditions for cultivation. The isolation of Borrelia from clinical material and their cultivation is a time-consuming and demanding procedure. Cultivation lasts from 9 up to 12 weeks, which is much longer than is necessary to grow most other human bacterial pathogens. Although B. burgdorferi sensu lato is susceptible to a wide range of antimicrobial agents in vitro, up to now the susceptibility of individual Borrelia species to antibiotics is defined only partially. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175011
Functional characterization of the CmbT transporter responsible for multidrug resistance on structurally different substrates of the strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363
Lactococcus lactis pripada grupi bakterija mleÄne kiseline (BMK) i ima
dugotrajnu primenu u prehrambenoj industriji kao starter kultura, najviŔe u proizvodnji
tvrdih i polutvrdih sireva. Kako L. lactis ima kljuÄnu ulogu u formiranju ukusa i
teksture finalnog proizvoda, a doprinosi i produženju trajnosti namirnica, veliki
ekonomski i industrijski znaÄaj doveo je do toga da su laktokoke predmet stalnog
izuÄavanja. Iako se generalno smatraju bezbednim mikroorganizmima, mnogi
istraživaÄi ukazuju na Äinjenicu da laktokoke, kao i druge bakterije mleÄne kiseline
mogu biti rezervoar gena za rezistenciju. U cilju spreÄavanja Å”irenja ovakvih gena na
druge bakterije intestinalnog trakta ili patogene bakterije prisutne u hrani, od velikog
znaÄaja je izuÄavanje mehanizama rezistencije, posebno kod laktokoka namenjenih za
prehrambenu industriju.
Analizom genoma L. lactis detektovano je prisustvo 40 potencijalnih gena za
MDR (eng. multidrug resistance) transportere, od Äega su svega dva ABC transportera,
LmrA i LmrCD i jedan MFS transporter, LmrP funkcionalno okarakterisani.
Istraživanja prikazana u ovom radu su imala za cilj da se okarakteriŔe CmbT
(eng. Cysteine and Methionine Biosynthesis Transporter) protein, potencijalno novi
MDR transporter u soju L. lactis.
Gen cmbT identifikovan je po prvi put prilikom izuÄavanja regulacije
metabolizma sumpora u L. lactis. Primenom razliÄitih kompjuterskih programa,
pokazano je da cmbT kodira transmembranski integralni efluks protein (veliÄine 454
aminokiseline) koji pokazuje homologiju sa Älanovima 2.A.1.3.X supstrat/H+ antiporter-
2 subfamilije.
Prvi korak u funkcionalnoj karakterizaciji CmbT proteina bio je kloniranje i
ekspresija cmbT gena pomoÄu precizno regulisanog NICE (eng. NIsin Controlled gene Expression) sistema...Lactococcus lactis is a lactic acid bacterium (LAB) widely used as a constituent
of many industrial and artisanal starter cultures in dairy industry, especially for
fermentation of hard and semi hard cheeses. This organism plays a key role in the
formation of flavour and texture of cheese and its preservation and because of the great
industrial importance it has been the subject of numerous studies. Although they have
acquired the āGeneraly Regarded As Safeā (GRAS) status, many investigators have
speculated that lactococci as well as other LAB may act as reservoirs of antibiotic
resistance genes. The main threat associated with these bacteria is that they can transfer
resistance genes to intestinal microorganisms and food-associated pathogenic bacteria.
In order to prevent and reduce the spreading of the resistance genes, more studies of
multidrug resistance (MDR) transporters in lactococci intended for use in food systems
are needed.
The genome analysis of L. lactis indicated the presence of at least 40 putative
drug transporter genes, but only two ABC transporters, LmrA, and LmrCD, and one
MFS transporter, LmrP, have been studied in detail and all three have demonstrated
MDR activity experimentally.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate and characterize new MDR transporter
CmbT (Cysteine and Methionine Biosynthesis Transporter) in L. lactis.
The cmbT gene was originally identified from a random mutagenesis study of
cysteine and methionine biosynthesis regulation in L. lactis. This gene is predicted to
encode an integral membrane efflux protein (454 amino acids) with homology to
members of the 2.A.1.3.X drug/H+ antiporter-2 subfamily of the major facilitator
superfamily (MFS).
In order to follow the transport function of the CmbT protein, the cmbT gene
was cloned and over-expressed in L. lactis NZ9000 using the nisin controlled gene expression (NICE) system..
Evaluation of novel compounds as anti-bacterial or anti-virulence agents
Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat, leading to an alarming increase in the prevalence of bacterial infections that can no longer be treated with available antibiotics. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2050 up to 10 million deaths per year could be associated with antimicrobial resistance, which would equal the annual number of cancer deaths worldwide. To overcome this emerging crisis, novel anti-bacterial compounds are urgently needed. There are two possible approaches in the fight against bacterial infections: a) targeting structures within bacterial cells, similar to existing antibiotics; and/or b) targeting virulence factors rather than bacterial growth. Here, for the first time, we provide a comprehensive overview of the key steps in the evaluation of potential new anti-bacterial and/or anti-virulence compounds. The methods described in this review include: a) in silico methods for the evaluation of novel compounds; b) anti-bacterial assays (MIC, MBC, Time-kill); b) anti-virulence assays (anti-biofilm, anti-quorum sensing, anti-adhesion); and c) evaluation of safety aspects (cytotoxicity assay and Ames test). Overall, we provide a detailed description of the methods that are an essential tool for chemists, computational chemists, microbiologists, and toxicologists in the evaluation of potential novel antimicrobial compounds. These methods are cost-effective and have high predictive value. They are widely used in preclinical studies to identify new molecular candidates, for further investigation in animal and human trials
Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii from Serbia: Revision of CarO Classification
Carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii present a significant therapeutic challenge for the treatment of nosocomial infections in many European countries. Although it is known that the gradient of A. baumannii prevalence increases from northern to southern Europe, this study provides the first data from Serbia. Twenty-eight carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii clinical isolates were collected at a Serbian pediatric hospital during a 2-year period. The majority of isolates (67.68%) belonged to the sequence type Group 1, European clonal complex II. All isolates harbored intrinsic OXA-51 and AmpC cephalosporinase. OXA-23 was detected in 16 isolates (57.14%), OXA-24 in 23 isolates (82.14%) and OXA-58 in 11 isolates (39.29%). Six of the isolates (21.43%) harbored all of the analyzed oxacillinases, except OXA-143 and OXA-235 that were not detected in this study. Production of oxacillinases was detected in different pulsotypes indicating the presence of horizontal gene transfer. NDM-1, VIM and IMP were not detected in analyzed clinical A. baumannii isolates. ISAba1 insertion sequence was present upstream of OXA-51 in one isolate, upstream of AmpC in 13 isolates and upstream of OXA-23 in 10 isolates. In silico analysis of carO sequences from analyzed A. baumannii isolates revealed the existence of two out of six highly polymorphic CarO variants. The phylogenetic analysis of CarO protein among Acinetobacter species revised the previous classification CarO variants into three groups based on strong bootstraps scores in the tree analysis. Group I comprises four variants (I-IV) while Groups II and III contain only one variant each. One half of the Serbian clinical isolates belong to Group I variant I, while the other half belongs to Group I variant III
LraI from Lactococcus raffinolactis BGTRK10-1, an Isoschizomer of EcoRI, Exhibits Ion Concentration-Dependent Specific Star Activity
Restriction enzymes are the main defence system against foreign DNA, in charge of preserving genome integrity. Lactococcus raffinolactis BGTRK10-1 expresses LraI Type II restriction-modification enzyme, whose activity is similar to that shown for EcoRI; LraI methyltransferase protects DNA from EcoRI cleavage. The gene encoding LraI endonuclease was cloned and overexpressed in E. coli. Purified enzyme showed the highest specific activity at lower temperatures (between 13 degrees C and 37 degrees C) and was stable after storage at -20 degrees C in 50% glycerol. The concentration of monovalent ions in the reaction buffer required for optimal activity of LraI restriction enzyme was 100 mM or higher. The recognition and cleavage sequence for LraI restriction enzyme was determined as 5'-G/AATTC-3', indicating that LraI restriction enzyme is an isoschizomer of EcoRI. In the reaction buffer with a lower salt concentration, LraI exhibits star activity and specifically recognizes and cuts another alternative sequence 5'-A/AATTC-3', leaving the same sticky ends on fragments as EcoRI, which makes them clonable into a linearized vector. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence alignment pointed out the common origin of LraI restriction-modification system with previously described EcoRI-like restriction-modification systems
Virulence traits associated with Burkholderia cenocepacia ST856 epidemic strain isolated from cystic fibrosis patients
Background: Burkholderia cenocepacia is considered one of the most problematic cystic fibrosis (CF) pathogens. Colonization prevalence in the Serbian CF population is high and virtually exclusively limited to a single highly transmissible clone of B. cenocepacia ST856 which is positive for both the B. cepacia epidemic strain marker (BCESM) and cable pilin, and is closely related to the epidemic strain CZ1 (ST32). Methods: Biofilm formation for 182 isolates, and adhesion to components of the host extracellular matrix, proteolytic activity, mucoidy and motility of selected ST856 representatives, as well as B. cenocepacia ST858 and ST859, and B. stabilis ST857, novel STs isolated from Serbian CF patients, were investigated in this study. The presence of the cepI, cepR, fliG, llpE, wbiI, and bcscV genes was analyzed. Results: Biofilm-formation ability of analyzed strains was poor under standard laboratory conditions, but changed in stress conditions (cold stress) and conditions that mimic CF milieu (increased CO2). All strains expressed ability to bind to collagen and fibronectin albeit with different intensity. Representatives of ST856 exhibited gelatinase activity. ST858, ST859 and 9/11 of ST856 genotypes were positive for swimming and twitching motility whereas ST857 was non-motile. Mucoidy was demonstrated in all ST856 genotypes, ST857 was semi-mucoid, and ST858 and ST859 were non-mucoid. Molecular analysis for major virulence factors revealed that ST856 and ST857 carried the six analyzed genes, while ST858 and ST859 were negative for the llpE gene. Conclusion: Variations in virulence phenotypes in different genotypes of epidemic B. cenocepacia ST856 clone, in vitro, could be a consequence of diversification driven by pathoadaptation. Diversity of epidemic clone genotypes virulence, could be challenging for accurate diagnosis and treatment, as well as for infection control
Over-expressed CmbT multidrug resistance transporter improves the fitness of Lactococcus lactis
U ovom radu je izuÄavan uticaj poveÄane ekspresije cmbT gena, odgovornog za sintezu CmbT MDR transportera, na rast Lactococcus lactis. L. lactis pripada grupi bakterija mleÄne kiseline (BMK) i ima veliku primenu u prehrambenoj industriji kao starter kultura. CmbT transporter je nedavno okarakterisan MDR protein soja L. lactis, koji doprinosi rezistenciji na razliÄite toksiÄne agense kao i na neke kliniÄki znaÄajne antibiotike. U ovom radu je cmbT gen viÅ”estruko eksprimiran u soju L. lactis NZ9000 dodavanjem nizina kao inducera. PoveÄana ekspresija cmbT gena je praÄena metodom reverzne transkripcije (RT-PCR). Pokazano je da se nakon dodatka subinhibitornih koncentracija nizina u medijum za rast poveÄava koliÄina sintetisane informacione RNK specifiÄne za cmbT gen. Rast soja L. lactis NZ9000/pCT50, u kome je viÅ”estruko eksprimiran cmbT gen i L. lactis NZ9000 kontrolnog soja praÄen je u bogatom i hemijski definisanom medijumu u prisustvu samo metionina (0.084 mM) ili kombinacije metionina i cisteina (8.4 mM i 8.2 mM). PraÄene su krive rasta oba soja, a nakon izraÄunavanja odgovarajuÄih vremena generacije, rezultati su pokazali da L. lactis NZ9000/pCT50, brže raste u odnosu na kontrolni soj. UoÄena razlika je najverovatnije posledica aktivnosti CmbT transportera koji doprinosi izbacivanju toksiÄnih agenasa iz Äelije i na taj naÄin poboljÅ”ava adaptivne sposobnosti bakterije koja ga eksprimira i daje joj selektivnu prednost.The influence of the over-expression of CmbT multidrug resistance transporter on the growth rate of Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 was studied. L. lactis is a lactic acid bacteria (LAB) widely used as a starter culture in dairy industry. Recently characterized CmbT MDR transporter in L. lactis confers resistance to a wide variety of toxic compounds as well as to some clinically relevant antibiotics. In this study, the cmbT gene was over-expressed in the strain L. lactis NZ9000 in the presence of nisin inducer. Over-expression of the cmbT gene in L. lactis NZ9000 was followed by RT-PCR. The obtained results showed that the cmbT gene was successfully over-expressed by addition of sub-inhibitory amounts of nisin. Growth curves of L. lactis NZ9000/pCT50 over-expressing the cmbT gene and L. lactis NZ9000 control strain were followed in the rich medium as well as in the chemically defined medium in the presence solely of methionine (0.084 mM) or mix of methionine and cysteine (8.4 mM and 8.2 mM, respectively). Resulting doubling times revealed that L. lactis NZ9000/pCT50 had higher growth rate comparing to the control strain. This could be a consequence of the CmbT efflux activity, which improves the fitness of the host bacterium through the elimination of toxic compounds from the cell
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